#bucky x reader arranged marriage


A Beautiful, Terrible Thing 5

A/N:I warned yall for this chapter, but anyways I hope you like it, and as alwaysFeedback is always appreciated if you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.


Warnings:Angst, Brock, um Bucky and reader fighting, Smut,None con, tell me if I missed anything

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James came into the chambers to find Y/n asleep on the bed, he sat on his side, he combed his fingers though her soft h/c colored hair, he let out a harsh sigh his crystal blue eyes shined with sadness, with just the visit of prince Brock tearing him and his wife apart, it was almost like they could physically feel the pulling away of both of them, it felt like how you would imagen paper feels like when it gets tone in half, a pit of sadness grew in his chest.

He got himself ready to bed but sleep was not kind to him that night and he was not granted its sweet relief so he stayed awake the whole night, his wife beside him thought reeling he could not be at dinner that night with Y/n and Brock, knowing he would only ruin the thin shred that was left of the peace treaty between Hydrana and the North and possibly the South.

The bright morning sun shone through the curtains of the balcony, Y/n rolled over facing the King, he looked at her as her e/c eyes opened. “James?”

“It’s alright.” He cupped her cheek.

She pulled away from him, not wanting to be touched because of her anger because of him being so distant from her. “No, why are you being like this, so distant from me you’ve built mountains between us and you expect me to be all right with you touching me, I’m mad why dose one person have to do with change anything between us.”

“Because you don’t understand how horrible the war was blood of thousands of men was shed and you expect me to be fine when that bastard comes into my kingdom-”

Y/n cut off the man. “Our kingdom, and I expect you my husband to act like an adult your older than me yet you’re acting as though you’re a child.”

“Y/n!” He roared like a lion. “I am the king-”

“I am your wife, the queen, and you aren’t being responsible you’re going to go be a king and you will talk to that prince because he will not show me respect, and I’m going to need you, we need to keep the peace we ask king and queen of the North, will show that we can keep peace and we will keep it.” Y/n spoke what she was thinking, she walked out of the room door slamming in anger as she left, she passed Steve who was station outside the door. “Tell him that I don’t want to speak to him until I get an apology.” She walked in the direction of the library. Lady Peggy walked past the angry queen and up to Steve.

“Is her highness alright?” She asked her lover.

Steve frowned. “She and King James are fighting.”  He huffed.

Y/n spent the day cooped up in the library, reading books and hiding away from James, Wanda came in during the later hours of the morning. “Caption Steven said you’d be in here, you got to get dressed.” Y/n just shook her head at her friend

“Leave me.” Y/n said passively, Snow came running in jumping on to the sofa, lying next to her owner, Y/n combed her fingers through the soft fur, the wolf looked like it was scared then the black wolf that was owned by James came running in growling. “Even our wolfs knows something is wrong Wand, Night go.” She commanded; the wolf bared its teeth at Y/n then Snow stood on all fours protecting her owner, she bared her teeth and started to growl then she let out a rough deep bark to warn the other wolf. The door opened wider James stepped through the thresh hold, Y/n hid behind Snow.

“Night!” James’s voice was a deeper command towards his wolf who immediately backed off the wolf walked towards his owner; Snow still stood in an attack stance; Y/n just ignored her husband as he walked around grabbing books from different shelfs to help with research, he and Steve were doing on Hydrana. Wanda stood awkwardly in the middle of the standoff of sorts between the King and Queen. As the King was about to leave, he turned to the lady in waiting. “Tell the Queen that I’m not the one who needs to apologize.” Y/n rolled her eyes at the man, who was taking so many steps back from when they first met.

The day moved on slow James’s jaw had been clenched as whispers when around about the disrespect his wife got the night prior at dinner, and he warned her, he never said she needed to do a dinner for the asshole of a prince. That night James walked to his chambers yet again finding his wife, but this time she was awake, he got into his night wear he glanced at Y/n. “I heard what Brock did.” He broke the silence Y/n hummed uninterested not wanting to look nor speak to the man James walked up to the bed, and took the book that she was reading out of her hands. “What makes you think that I’m alright with you ignoring me, I’ve been kind, and all you’ve been doing is disrespecting your Ling and Husband.”

“I’ll stop when you learn how to respect me again.” She hissed at the man, Snow and Night sat on the fur carpet on the floor at the end of the bed when they both jumped up to defend their owners. “Snow Down.” Snow backed off; James gave a similar command to Night who did the same thing as Snow.

James walked up to his Queen. “You will respect me one way or another.” He flipped Y/n onto her stomach on the edge of the bed, she tried to flip herself around but James was too strong holding her down.

“Get off of me James I’m serious.” Her voice was deep and commanding trying to get James away from her, James pulled his cock out, and inched into Y/n’s cunt she held back her tears refusing to be the one who loses this fight of power, James’ right hand held her hands together and kept her pinned down onto the bed, his left hand came to in front and wrapped around her taught he fucked her fast and without care, even as the door opened behind them Steve walked in James turned his head towards the captain. “What?” James hissed.

“Um well I-I just wanted to tell you that Sitwell wanted to speak with you.” Steve said averting his eyes from the two of them, he was trying to not listen to the cries coming from the queen.

“Tell him I’ll speak with him tomorrow.” James told the Captain, Steve left hurriedly.

Y/n’s whole body was filled with embarrassment hot with humiliation, after one of the many people who needed to respect her, found her bet over the edge of the bed being fucked by her husband, hot tears released from in her eyes, her breathing sped up with what she could tell was anger or anxiousness. Once James pulled out of her, she covered herself in one of the fur blankets, Snow stood, Y/n looked at James in disappointment. “Good to know your just like Brock.” She briskly walked out of the chambers, as she walked tears fell from her eyes Snow followed her as she walked to the library, she curled up and fell asleep on the couch.

Throughout the night James’s anger grew, the fact that Y/n could even compare him to a man like Brock. The next morning James went to his office, where his royal advisor waited for him. “Your highness.” The man bowed.

“Sitwell this better not make my morning any worse than it already is.” James hissed.

Jasper sighed. “I wish, but this is about the Queen.” James’s browse furrowed why would his royal advisor have anything to say about Y/n. “Um well as you know the walls talk, and I’ve heard that the Queen has been showing a lot more disrespect, and it’s not looking to good.”
“That is nonsense.” James scoffed.

“If you don’t mind my advising but to be honest your majesty it makes you look week.” Jasper almost flinched as his words came out. “I would also suggest to actually, be at a dinner with your guest we wouldn’t want to have a misunderstanding.”

James huffed. “Leave me.”

Jasper did as his king wished but as the man left, he smirked to himself the seed of poison had been planted and now it was time to watch it grow and become wiled. Once Y/n was sure James would not be in their chambers, she headed back to them but not without bumping into one of the last people she wants to see, Brock. “Shouldn’t a little doe as yourself need someone to accompany her on her walk.”

Her irritation grew, calling her a weak animal such as a deer only made her angrier. “No, and I suggest you learn some respect before I cut out your tongue myself.” She brushed past him.

Wanda had gotten Y/n dressed to go riding for the morning as the Queen requested, she wore dark leather shirt and pants, along with a white under shirt, and lastly a black fur cloak. Y/n and Wanda, road on their horses, Y/n’s being a large black mare named moon, and Wandas being a tan and black spotted mare named Rose. They road in silence, but eventually Wanda spoke up. “What’s been going on with you and the king?”

“I would rather cut out my own eyes than speak of him right now.” Y/n said and Wanda could see the underlying truth of it.

“Graphic, what did he do?” The read head pushed, Y/n just huffed and urged her horse to go faster and deeper into the woods, both women road for hours, the snow falling harder than usual, but they did not mind, they road back towards the castle when they saw a large brown horse, and a man mounted upon it road toward them, Y/n knew it was not James he had an all-white horse so who was this man, his horse was fast as it galloped and as he came into view it was Brock, Y/n rolled her eyes.

“Your grace it seems that the king has been looking for you.” The man said to the Queen.

“For what reason is he looking for me Prince Brock.” She spat out at him.

Brock looked Wanda up and down then licked his lips. “For you to join us at dinner.” Y/n road Moon towards the castle as Brock followed once the three were off their horses Brock gave Y/n a look of almost disgust. “You’re wearing pants.”

“Aye I’m glad you noticed.” She said marching in.

Then Brock walked up to be next to Y/n. “Women should not wear pants.

“When did I ask for your opinion.” She snapped.

Brock looked between the two women. “Oh, I see why you’re so hostile, well Queen Y/n it’s usually the kings with whores but you and this chamber made seem to be closed, I assume you wouldn’t mind if I took her for a ride after dinner.” Wanda shied away at the words Brock was saying.

“Do not speak about my friend in such away I will have you killed if you try anything.” Y/n snapped the dinner was going to be a long one and she was not excited.

Wanda and The Queen walked back to Y/n’s chambers. “Thank you.” It was so quiet Y/n almost did not hear it.

Y/n turned to look at her friend. “Wand you don’t need to thank me, He was wrong and he needs to know his place.” Y/n’s eyes were soft as she said it to her friend, once they entered the chambers Wanda dressed Y/n in a maroon dress. After being dressed Y/n headed to the dinner hall. She found James at the head and Brock down once seat to the left, Y/n headed to the table and sat as far away from the men she sat at the end closes to the door, she could tell James was already drunk she rolled her eyes not in the mood to deal with him. She stayed silent for the meal and picked at her food in front of her when James cleared his through calling for her attention, she looked up e/c meeting bule. “Hmm.” Irritation rolled off from the single sound, the fire place crackling in the back ground.

“I heard that you snapped at our guest here.” He slurred out.

Y/n scoffed. “Was telling him how to be a basic human being and trying to teach him so basic respect.”

Brock laughed at Y/n. “Excuses.”

“If all you two want to do is patronize me as if I’m a child, then I’ll take my leave.” She stood up to leave.

“Sit.” James’s voice was similar to the one he had the night before.

“I’m not some bitch you can tell what to do and for you to use.” She walked towards the door, leaving the room, she found Wanda on her way out of the room. “Follow me.” Y/n said her voice quietly.
