


Hammer time

When Bucky returns from his latest mission, it’s to the sight of Thor taking over the kitchen.

“Hammer cake-pops? Really?”

His boyfriend grins and reels him in for a kiss.

“Yep. We can have these for dessert. Then I have another hammer for you for second-dessert.”

Bucky tries very hard to look disapproving.

“That was terrible. I never should’ve introduced you to that movie. And don’t think I didn’t notice you getting flour all over my pants.”

“All the more reason to take them off.”

“You are incorrigible!”

“That’s not a no.”

He grins and kisses Thor back. It’s not.

Also on AO3

@justapinchzine - team 4: cake pops | Thor
@buckybarnesbingo - C5: cooking together
