#buku gambar laknat


Some random Spiderman sketches

*curse words*

“What was that?”

“Your daddy.”


Petualangan Sherina (2000)

(It’s hard to translate because it’s a song from the movie Sherina’s Adventure hahaha. It basically a song about two opposing parties who in the end becomes friend)

Happy 1-year anniversary (but I only watched them when all of the 5 episodes are concluded tho. Thus, a spike on number of jared doodles in June hahaha)

Thanks for the photo reference @litttlesilkworm

Jaskier bleeding doodles

Trying a new coloring style

In Balinese, a proper translation for THICC is “moleh”

But “moleh” could be used for a pun of degrading term “mokoh lengeh”, which translates to DUMMY THICC

What a language.

Jaskier singing doodles
