#but dang change is just a smack in the face how it ends



Word find tag (Mistake, Forgot/forget, Sorry, Change)

@adie-dee tagged me to search my WIP for Mistake,Forgot/forget,Sorry, and Change.


Gillen pauses and sits back, scrubbing his hands over his face and drinking some coffee. “To answer your first question, there’s always a pattern in the switches. There’s no such thing as randomness, not really. And yes, I can just ‘run it through a program or something’. That’s a science. But there’s an art to this too, and sometimes people see things machines won’t pick up on. Machines see systems. People see mistakes.”


Something in the back of my mind, in the place where my skull rests against the rough wall, shimmers with precious detail and for a moment, for just long enough, I forgetwhere I am and who he is and a sharp stab of regret twists in my chest.


And I freeze from the inside out, ice cracking through tendons. And him, pulling me close and holding me tight, hands cold at the back of my neck as I bury my face in the structure of his shoulder, teeth against bone, and confess, “No. I’m sorry.”


One more deep breath to sharpen my focus and the air in the room changes. It’s a sound you can’t really hear, a sensation you can’t really feel, and it’s about to break him wide open

Tagging@pertinax–loculos,@diphthongsfordays,@thegreatobsessoand@drabbleitout. If you’d like to do it, your words are happy,sad,angryandscared.
