#but i also will draw

It’s Small Business Saturday so I wanted to remind you that includes your favorite fandom’s fanartisIt’s Small Business Saturday so I wanted to remind you that includes your favorite fandom’s fanartisIt’s Small Business Saturday so I wanted to remind you that includes your favorite fandom’s fanartis

It’sSmall Business Saturday so I wanted to remind you that includes your favorite fandom’s fanartists! You can support us by commissioning, buying prints and other merchandise, and becoming patrons on platforms like Patreon, and even just by reblogging our artwork to help us gain exposure. Please consider giving your favorite artists some business today and in the coming weeks! 

If I’m one of the artists you choose to support, you can do so by heading over to my Patreon. You’ll find several monthly support tiers starting as low as $3, which can get you:

-access to extra new artwork, including tender and filth and everything in between (the images previewed above are close crops of Patreon exclusive artwork!)
-the ability to commission me (I’m not currently taking commissions otherwise)
-special commission discounts (lifetime pledge applied towards total commission cost)
-the ability to submit and vote on prompts for me to draw each month ($9+ tiers, both SFW and NSFW options)
-free random 5x7 print ($9 tier one-time, $18+ monthly) 
-special merchandise ($18+ tiers, received after 3 months of patronage)

(If you subscribe now, there’s still time to submit a prompt for my monthly drawing!)

Thank you for supporting your local business today and for helping small businesses stay afloat in these hard times!

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