#but i want my own opinion dangit






I’m considering becoming a rabid defender of The Show not because I think it’ll be good, but because there are so many posts trying to guilt trip me into hating it

will it be good? unlikely. will it match our entrenched fanon? I doubt it. is amazon ethical? of course not. do you get to tell me how to feel about any of this? no!!

Yes. This. Don’t demand I have a certain emotional reaction to anything, much less a stupid streaming show! Demanding everyone feel exactly as you do and if not they’re eeeeeevil is so manipulative and has zero effect on the things you say you’re upset about. Although it’s a great way to virtue signal!

God. I might not even watch more than one episode - I never watched battle of five armies after all. And yet just saying ‘let’s see what happens’ means I’m a rabid Show fan apparently.

It probably helps to view it like the stages of grief. Part of the fandom is currently going through Anger (hence the venting) or just moving into Bargaining (hence the attempts to convince others). It will take some time until Acceptance is reached…
