#but in the end






*slaps gatorade out of a computer nerds hands* you didn’t earn those electrolytes

That be the last thing they get to slap or see. I wish a fool would do that and hit my computer.
I pay for my own gatorade and do with it how ever the hell I like!


that passage near the very end of the land of spices where anna just looks at her friend and suddenly sees all the beauty of humanity within her……

the other end of the spectrum



At a certain point, political microlabeling like “ecosocialist solarpunk anarchist” is escapist LARPing. The proclamation of such specific, niche designations implies the left has enough control for differentiation to matter. The sad reality is that for most people, the specifics of your political beliefs never have ramifications outside your Tumblr bio, particularly the more obscure you get. It matters as much as calling yourself a “sci-fi nerd.”

like ten years ago someone on LF once posted “arguing about what kind of leftist you are is like calling shotgun on the starship enterprise” and it permanently changed my ideas about political and ideological praxis
