

I don’t remember doing this and I want to because old fandoms never die I guess anyway jrwi characters with who they most align to in sander sides:

Gillion - Remus & Roman. All with romans prince-ness with the absolute chaos and bloodlust of Remus! (lesser side: Patton, cause he’s extremely selfless! WAY to selfless actually, literally more selfless than Patton tbh it’s SUPER concerning ^_^)

Jay - Logan and Janus. Mostly the vibe. She doesn’t care to follow her own rules rather than go with others (yknow the whole going away from the navy thing!) so that kinda vibes with Janus. Logan specifically because of the tinkering that she did recently! Also didn’t she have a book she read or smth? Girl is the smartest out of the three in general- which like (no offense) still isn’t SUPER smart but uh.. it’s there ^_^ girl has at least one brain cell!! We love her 4 that

Chip: Janus & Remus. He’s a bastard, Janus and Remus are pretty big bastards. Also the crimes Also I’ll never get rid of that one quote where chip said that jay would want to fuck him which is definitely a Remus thing to say- god I hate him <3 (lesser side: Patton. Man has so much love and ALSO is trapped in the past!! LOL FUN ^_^_^_^_^_^)

William: Logan & virgil. Logan cause he’s the only brain cell guy. Also he’s a nerd. Virgil because anxiety kinda I guess and also like i feel like Virgil is a gamer and William is a gamer so like yeah.

Vincent: literally no fuckin clue?? Who is this man?? What the fuck even. Congrats Vincent ur so complex u don’t fit into a specific side!! Ur thomas himself- I guess! But not even ur way weirder. Ily Vincent <3

Dakota: Roman. Super loving and cool and hyper and also uh heroic!! Also hahah roman and Dakota are red they match ^_^

Taxi: I’m so sorry but ur Virgil.. he’s he’s so awkward and says the wrong shit and has no faith in himself. Taxi I’m so sorry that VIRGIL is the only example of anxiety we have that’s so unfair to you ily so much u deserve better so sorry </3 l

Velrisa: uh.. idk? vel ur also above being a side I suppose <3

Br’aad: Roman & Remus. Chaotic good my beloved- stupid little bitch too

Sylnan: Janus but like stupid LMAO (lesser side: Patton cause he’s religious. Girlfriend goddess counts as being religious also it’s funny to say this OKAY?)

Mountain: Remus but not sexual just angry also an alcoholic now. We love him <3



having recognized that the superbowl is today, and learning moments ago that it’s the Cincinnati Bengals playing the LA Rams, which team are the various members of Team Improvise rooting for? Who is just here for the food? The commercials? The puppybowl? The bad lip-reading videos?


I agree with all of these @rai-knightshade​ and @not-your-housekeeper98​ thanks for playing! Not adding much of anything new, but I do have some pretty pictures! (CW: domestic violence)

Bozer is all about making those superbowl snacks. He’s been testing various dip, wings, and other appetizer recipes all season and he knows the fan favorites. Everybody is getting something they love. He’s also here for the superbowl commercials, and he will be writing and directing one someday. Plus he and Jack howl with laughter making up their own sideline conversations between the players and coaches

In general, Mac’s not super interested in football. He had an extremely short-lived football career, in which he showed up for try-outs because Bozer begged and Mac couldn’t let his best friend down. Donnie saw it as the perfect opportunity to land a hit and not get into trouble for it.


But Mac will hang out in the living room on a lazy sunday afternoon listening to Jack and Riley insult the ref’s visual acuity, while he tinkers and tastes the treats Bozer leaves next to him. More entertaining than any game is how dramatic (and competitive) his friends get. Somehow it always turns out that Riley and Matty just happen to be cheering for the rivals of whoever Jack is rooting for. And then, of course, there are boisterous discussions of the merits of American football vs. “real football”/soccer or rugby.

Mac has gifted Jack Cowboys tickets for various holidays and anniversaries and we saved the world celebrations and will happily join him in the stands but it’s more about the company than the game.

You can’t grow up in Texas and not play football.


And you can’t be in the vicinity of the Dalton Ranch and not be a Cowboys fan. Jack is extremely disappointed his beloved Cowboys didn’t make it this year. It always takes him a while to pick a team. Until he decides on the Bengals so that Riley can have her LA pride because tigers are way cooler than rams, Riley has to pretend that she is also going into the game teamless.

The first time Jack turned on a football game in the Davis home, Riley scattered. Heart hammering, palms slick. Elwood had a habit of high-stakes betting on long-shot teams and growing increasingly agitated and drunk as those teams inevitably lost. She wasn’t about to let that kind of violence or anger into their home or her mom’s life again. Gathering her courage and her anger, she sidled into the living room intending to annoy Jack enough to get him to snap, convince her mom that he wasn’t the good guy she claimed he was.

But instead of getting irritated at her questions and purposeful mistakes, Jack slid into the role of patient teacher, explaining the game, teaching the rules and finally smirking when he realized she was trying to mess with him. 

It took a few weeks and a few awkward invitations, but eventually about a month after she joined the Phoenix, Riley showed up at Mac’s house with a bag of chips and a store bought dip (much to Bozer’s great offense) on a Sunday afternoon, eventually making her way into the living room. 

Jack always threatens teases Mac that he’s gonna give Riley the extra ticket to the Cowboys game

Desi is way more interested in soccer (and hockey)

Cage is only here for the Puppy or Kitten Bowl. Jill is surprisingly competitive, and knows her football.

Russ also likes to annoy Jack, but Jack doesn’t find it nearly as amusing.

After Matty sends them off on a mission before the game is finished, Jack spends the whole next day trying to avoid learning who won. He’s unsuccessful.

I…am actually so sad. I waited years just for Celia. My best friend literally had Celia as her one and only interest from Fictif. And to hear that it’s given unfair treatment and a way too early ending? You’re actually joking.


A fun thing I’ve noticed about the Horizon-Fandom-On-Tumblr is that pretty much everyone, of course, adores Aloy. Why wouldn’t you. She’s great.

But then everyone ALSO has that one minor character out of the Cast Of Many that we looked at for about ten minutes (if that) of the game(s), and we just went…

“…you. You’re coming home with me.”














I can back this up. It isn’t only their shelters.

I have a family friend who worked at our local Salvation Army headquarters as a a secretary. This particular office took all the Christmas donations for children in need, put them in a warehouse, and on a designated day the staff and their friends picked through them all, taking whatever they wanted. She saw people hauling away bikes donated for specific families. Some local children had hundreds of dollars of gifts donated in their name, and on Christmas they received three cheap things, items likely not even from the person who sponsored them.

My friend quit, and I’ve not given them a dime of my money since then.

Do not give to the Salvation Army.

Do Not. Give. To. Salvation. Army

My turn.

I’m a wildfire and disaster logistics specialist.

I deal with a lot of agencies who provide disaster relief.

I used to say the Salvation Army’s disaster services were the one (literally the ONE) good thing they did.

They would come in, set up a canteen trailer, make and pass out hot coffee and donated food in a disaster, usually being one of the first agencies to get there and the last to leave.

Then I found out.

Every time they did this, regardless of if they were actually invited or deployed by the agency in charge (usually FEMA, sometimes others) they would SELF-DEPLOY. Meanjng they would just show up. Ok. That’s not TOO bad, sometimes agencies have to take initiative and get there before the red tape is sorted out. BUT. They, after they left at the end of the incident, they would send FEMA or the host agency a BILL. They used one or two paid employees (usually the driver of the truck and a supervisor); and many VOLUNTEERS, but they would bill for EVERYONE’s Labor at standard federal rates. They would bill for the food they distributed even though it was all donated by another agency or private parties. They would bill for the coffee they made and the supplies. Except they would use electricity from the shelter location, water from donations or from the shelter, and in many cases, they would get the coffee and industrial filters DONATED, but bill for them at retail prices.

Don’tFUCKING give to the Salvation Army.

The Salvation Army is also ass to the workers. A good number of people join it, naively thinking that it’s doing good, and end up leaving cynical and beaten down. The management is hostile, if not outright abusive, and demand some ridiculous hours of it lower to mid-level staff. Don’t support these people.

Unsettling update

Find better local charities and shelters and give to them instead!

Also just for even more horrific context on the original twitter thread?

Salvation Army reached out to Milknmuffins and asked what shelter she’s at with the promise to address the abuse in it. She…ended up saying where she was. She was thrown out onto the street. It’s also all on Twitter.

They invited her to a personal talk so she could explain the situation in person.

And then they threatened her with a screenshot of a rape-threat made supposedly by her:

And then threw her out into the street while claiming she broke house rules that

So yeah, the Salvation Army is a bunch of entitled assholes that will treat the most vulnerable like shit if they dare try to do anything that makes them look bad

The “Fuck Salvation Army” posts are making the rounds again, so conisder this your reminder:

Do. Not. Give. These. Assholes. A. Single. Fucking. Penny.

Do not support them in any way, shape, or form.

‘Tis the season to say FUCK the Salvation Army.

I’m a social worker. You will not believe the amount of times the salvation army has tried to screw over our clients, in particular ones with disabilities. We’ve had multiple instances of clients not being allowed in because they have service animals, which is a violation of the Americans with disabilities act.

Oh look you guys a topic I am extremely familiar with.

When I was first out of college I worked at a Salvation Army domestic violence shelter for three years. There were so many problems I could probably write a Lord of the rings length novel. Instead I’ll focus on the topics mentioned in this post.

First of all — Unfortunately, some of these problems are not exclusive to the Salvation Army and are actually part of the shelter system as a whole. Nonprofits pay extremely poorly and shelters pay the bottom of the barrel a lot of the time. A lot of shelters have positions called advocate or program assistant and those people typically have very limited professional experience in this space and sometimes come with lived experience of homelessness or related trauma. If that person has not processed that trauma, they may end up projecting their own expectations on every single person they serve. I’ve seen that in every shelter I’ve worked at, and it’s always extremely tacky and inappropriate.

The Christmas Angels bit in this post was interesting. From my own experience I didn’t see any staff remove items, but who knows. I will say that Christmas Angels was not a direct sponsorship program and it only served children up to twelve. I’m guessing a lot of the names on the trees you see in malls and department stores are fake to elicit specific donations commonly requested by different age groups. Maybe in small towns it’s actual individual adoptions, but in major cities the infrastructure to pull that off would be impossible. It was always a crazy spectacle when we had Angel distribution day.

Executive staff at Salvation Army locations are ordained pastors through the Salvation Army. That means sometimes you got someone qualified and sometimes you didn’t. They moved our Executive Director to another location a month or so before I left Salvation Army and his replacement was a horrible person with literally no understanding of abuse or homelessness. It was so bad that when I started at my current employer in 2015, I was so traumatized that my new boss (a smart but completely unemotional woman) treated me like a fearful deer and would go out of her to way to preface every meeting we had.

Executive staff at Salvation Army would make demeaning comments on people’s outfits (essentially implying they were slutty. they weren’t. at all.) I once went to HR about the Executive screaming at me and they more or less said she could do that because she was the supervisor. A huge culture problem at the Salvation Army is that executive’s adult children often work there, too, which creates a frankly inappropriate work environment and means issues are not properly managed because everyone is enmeshed in one another’s lives and have incentive not to address concerns. Also, the job paid ass. I went to grad school while working at the Salvation Army and when I finished I asked for a raise and they gave me a raise to $14.00. My friend was the counselor there and had a masters in social work. She was salaried at $29,000 (in 2014), which is criminal.

RE: “We wouldn’t kick anyone out for speaking up.”

Yes, they would. Most shelters are at fault for this, if I’m being honest. It is absolutely not a Salvation Army exclusive problem. If a shelter can frame a situation as abusive towards staff they can justify terminating someone’s stay. I cannot tell you how much my colleagues at Salvation Army did not like me because I would almost always vote against exiting a family. And this has nothing to do with the Salvation Army and everything to do with broke folks trying to reclaim their power by exerting it over others because you were burnt out. We once had a caseworker who got her feelings hurt by a client calling out her fuck up who decided not extend to extend the client’s stay (clients had to apply for an additional month every month) and then celebrated it by saying ‘happy early graduation gift to me.’ I was then put in the position of trying to find a new shelter for a mom with eleven kids. Yes, 11.

It’s because of my experiences there that I’m so adamant in my role at the shelter I work at now that we only terminate a stay for the most extreme situations and even in those situations to still treat the families with dignity and try to find them alternative accommodations. Luckily my teammates are really compassionate and I don’t feel like I’m trudging uphill alone anymore.

Oh, just read the rest of that Twitter thread and boy did I call that lmao.

Honestly, working at the Salvation Army was trash. The pay sucked, there was constant turnover, the resources were poorly used. It was just a huge mess. We didn’t even have full size toiletries to give to clients. We had Kirkland shampoo and conditioner we’d squirt into paper cups every day. How fucking dehumanizing. To be as rich as the Salvation Army was and to do that is unfathomable. They’d only let us give clients five diapers at a time. There was no training, no guidance, and staff concerns were always mishandled and swept under the rug. Our Program Manager went cuckoo during my third year (a major bummer because I liked her) and sent the whole team an email about never going to HR because they didn’t have our interests at heart. And like yeah, that was predatory as fuck and completely inappropriate, but it was also… true.

Post link


This is like, my first really in depth post so excuse any rambling or weirdness here. With that being said, Leela Yadav would have been the school’s valedictorian and here’s why:

To start, Leela displayed a ton of school spirit, even more than Izzy. While Izzy was in many clubs and contributed to the school website, Leela brought in many wins for Waverly’s sports programs. Also in comparison to Izzy, Leela was her equal in terms of popularity, but she didn’t have the catty meanness that Izzy had. Despite the fact that no one put an end to the bullying that both Corrine and Rachel (which yeah, Rachel/Kim was bullied too even if she didn’t let it change her attitude towards her peers) went through, I’m sure at least some teachers noticed Izzy’s overall distaste for her classmates which wouldn’t have helped her to become valedictorian. Leela, while not friends with everyone, seemed to at least have a level of diplomacy that Izzy lacked.

Academically, Leela was the most deserving of being valedictorian. She didn’t use Nancy to do her school work, nor did she send Nancy on a wild chore list of things that needed to get done. She did want to play Air Hockey and Scram with Nancy, but that hardly compares to a valedictorian candidate using Nancy to do their homework (looking at you, Izzy, Corrine, and Rachel/Kim). It doesn’t make sense for Rachel/Kim to have needed Nancy’s help anyways. SIDE RANT. Why the hell didn’t one twin stay in the room to do the homework while the other went out to take pictures? It’s not like their classmates would have known since they have the FUCKING ROOM TO THEMSELVES. Okay, rant over, back to the point. Leela really just wanted someone to hang with her for a bit and then fuck off again, which was a welcomed break for me after dealing with everyone else’s problems. 

There wasn’t any drama surrounding Leela, aside from her boyfriend leaving her for Izzy. The school wouldn’t have looked at that, unlike Izzy’s semester work being wiped from her computer, Mel’s plagiarism scandal, Rachel/Kim impersonating each other so they wouldn’t be separated, and Corrine being the Black Cat. Megan also didn’t have any drama surrounding her, but she was home for several weeks recovering from her allergic reaction which would have put her way behind the other candidates even if she was working on her school work at home. That leaves Leela as the most likely valedictorian.

With all that being said, and I probably forgot some stuff because it’s 1:30 a.m. and I haven’t played WAC in a while, Leela remains to be the best girl (besides Draculaura wanna-be Mel) so I think she would have been Waverly Academy’s valedictorian, especially after Corrine’s reign of terror as the Black Cat. 

I think that bandits should be able to rob Arthur

As a treat

i love periodically finding new things to blame my lack of fic writing on. the current excuse: that shitty thing my friend did to me in july !!!!! yeah that has to be it

The Leaf Store is [CLOSED]Inventory list: • Leaf’s Gaster Bros. Comic Collection • The Gaster Bros. The Leaf Store is [CLOSED]Inventory list: • Leaf’s Gaster Bros. Comic Collection • The Gaster Bros. The Leaf Store is [CLOSED]Inventory list: • Leaf’s Gaster Bros. Comic Collection • The Gaster Bros. The Leaf Store is [CLOSED]Inventory list: • Leaf’s Gaster Bros. Comic Collection • The Gaster Bros. The Leaf Store is [CLOSED]Inventory list: • Leaf’s Gaster Bros. Comic Collection • The Gaster Bros.

The Leaf Store is [CLOSED]

Inventory list:

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Annoying Helpful Dog (Stickers) NEW!

Get to the store HERE!

Once again, thank you to anyone who shares or places an order! You really are the best.

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mkay so i watched heartstopper and it was amazing and i v much enjoyed it but god idk what it is about middle-aged sad queer people that gets me so much deeper than young queer people


Izzy Hands is Kylo Ren: Or, An Informal Exploration of Fandom’s Proclivity Towards Minimizing and Sympathizing with White Male Violence

i brought this undertaking upon myself by putting this thought out there (and getting cursed with the knowledge that this take makes izzy/ed reylo) without my full intent to write the post. my being cursed is my own fault, my own cross to bear, my own self made misery. however, i’m going to make this analysis EVERYONE’S problem now because jokes on all of us, i wrote the post.

notes for readers: this meta is just under 6500 words. i have tried to divide it into thematic sections determined by bolded lines. sometimes i will reiterate previous points with expanded discussion because i always have more to say. big thanks to @dragonzair@plotdesignerand@twelvemonkeyswere

so to get the ground work settled: obviously izzy hands is not identical to kylo ren, given that he is not the fallen son of heroes, nor directly a key figure of a fascist empire. however, in the context of our flag means death and its fandom, particularly the portion that favors izzy and takes him at his word without examining the underlying context of his scenes and dynamics with other characters, there is a LOT of similarity between the ways that the two characters enact violence, and in the way the fandom response is geared towards sympathizing with these two characters for said violence while also and minimizing their responsibility for it.

Keep reading


Currently thinking about how Father said that cull the herd was “the only wish he’s been able to wish in his entire life” and yet we see him as a child first and foremost wondering WHY the gods just watch human suffering, when they bear a human face and hands and eyes.


(grabs you by the shoulders)

Yato is the antithesis of Heaven’s callousness and carelessness with human lives.


His internal drive has always to been to make people happy, he MOURNED the unnecessary deaths of people, he is not an embodiment of Father’s superficial desire for destruction but a god who truly cares for humanity and their sorrows, exactly the kind of god that a young Father would have wanted to see!!!!!!


+ bonus:

guess who’s the new neo taking over my life? T_T


Main cover of Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories #1 via Dark Horse Comics

Dark Horse Comics has announced Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories, a new anthology comic book series that will feature stories in every Star Wars era. 

Issue #1 of Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories features a tale from writer Amanda Deibert and artist Lucas Marangon. “When the members of a Republic mission led by Senator Padmé Amidala are abducted by the ruthless Separatist General Grievous™, Anakin Skywalker™ and Obi-Wan Kenobi™ jump to the rescue. But the operation quickly goes awry, and the Jedi™ find themselves cut off and surrounded by an army of battle droids!” (Dark Horse Comics)

Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories #1 (of 12) goes on sale on August 10, 2022.

(Image via Dark Horse Comics - Cover of Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories #1)


just here to announce its cluedo not clue✋

yes this is a direct post towards @parker-holland-osterfield


its always so funny seeing discord screenshots and seeing the whack names people give themselves so i propose a Game. what is your username (without the number tag) and nickname in your most active server

I think the actors doing their characters were just brave. There were so many lovers here. Toxic relationships through the road to certainty. My most favorite lovers here were Sol and Ji-Wan. They’re problematic as well yet cute. I love how the butterflies were associated to the man’s character and how the leading lady got the name Na-Bi. Pretty genius. Nevertheless, this drama is too weak. I didn’t feel any emotions. It’s realistic and unrealistic at the same time hmmm.

Nevertheless (2021)
