#but its actually going pretty great


Hey followers! Yup, I’m still alive. I actually never left Tumblr. My personal blog has always been active, I just lost motivation with this one. I know the Sherlock fandom isn’t very active anymore, what with all the salt after season 4, but I still wanted to make this post for those of you who may still be out there.

In case you haven’t heard, Tumblr is doing a purge of NSFW content starting December 17th. You can read details here. Apparently the Tumblr app was removed from Apple’s app store because of all the porn, so now the site runners are panicking and going all nun on us.

I’m honestly not sure what’s going to happen with this blog. I read the new guidelines and they only mentioned images, so I think we might actually be safe since all the NSFW content on this blog is just the language used. Irene Adler might give me some trouble, but hopefully not since she’s hiding her “female presenting nipples.”

I realize that all this might not even matter since this blog has been inactive for so long, but I honestly was planning on reviving it if we ever get a season 5. Yes, I’ve been busy with real life, and yes, post engagement went way down after season 4, but the big struggle was running out of material to work with. I’d really like to get this up and running again if Mofftiss ever bless us with another season, but obviously I can’t do that if Tumblr won’t let me.

So, what’s the backup plan? Well, I did also set up a BBC Sherlock Pick-Up Lines Twitter. I never finished copying all the Tumblr posts over to the Twitter account, but I still have all the images saved on my computer, so none of the pick-up lines will be lost even if this Tumblr gets shut down. I intend to keep the Tumblr if possible, but if not possible, I’ll resume work on the Twitter.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns, or if you just want to chat. Like I said, I never left Tumblr, and I probably won’t leave even after the purge. (I’m really pissed off about the purge, but there are still lots of other stuff on here I like besides the NSFW stuff.) I miss the hell out of you guys.

~ Froggy, your admin
