#but money gives you alot of power



Well, they really went the sasaeng/antifan route huh? But they said, let’s make her rich, which is only creepier.


Ew ew ew ew creepy go awaaaaaayyyyy


Poor dude. Someone get security!

So, to recap, this woman really wanted to be his sugar mommy (because we all agree that was what it was, right?) and Taesung refused lol so she decided to be his anti and be remembered by him in a very unpleasant manner instead. (Someone needs to tell me Taesung is going to therapy already… wasn’t there a warning of super high levels of stress in like ep 3?).


But this is… really something else. In a way it’s even childish but of course no kid’s tantrum is as expensive nor it leaves such an unsettling feeling. She really said I’m gonna giveaway a bunch of this so you know they mean nothing and you’re no special in any way. Yikes. But what crazy ahjumma fails to see is that it’s not the necklace itself, but the meaning behind it and who gave it to her (and freaking put it on her!!!) are what make the gift unique and that’s something she will neverhave. As disgusted and enraged as I was by this scene, I’m consoled by that. 

Anyway, this is when I truly felt this is the same director as FMIYM because it’d seem this sense of creepiness is their specialty lol Now I’m wondering if we have changed genres and are now in thriller territory (because that went dark real fast in FMIYM). I hope not. I need more laughs from this show. Pretty please.
