#but outside the us the choice is a lot more stark









My high school experience was weird looking back because my friend group met at a christian homeschool co-op and none of us had sex or did drugs but there was someone who had watched the human centipede

come to think of it, tumblr gives y'all the wrong impression of how cool™ and worldly people who drink and do drugs actually are. My real life friends that drink and do drugs get their memes from instagram and their idea of a good time is watching a show for 3 hours

When I was 15 “a good time” was dressing in matching unicorn onesies, piling 7 people into a car with 5 seatbelts at 1:30 am, tearing off down the road at like 80 mph swerving and slamming on the brakes unpredictably while blasting the most obnoxious, explicit pop song we could find, and just standing around in a steak and shake to weird people out. For my 16th birthday we went to walmart, bought a watermelon, and took photos with it like the watermelon was a baby. like they were maternity photos or something. I can’t remember why we did the things we did to hang out or how we thought of them.

if I remember right that was the same birthday party where one of the gifts I got was the shortest french fry they could find (from Rally’s) and the longest french fry they could find (from McDonald’s) and they wrapped both of the french fries individually in wrapping paper

Definitely, for sure. And to be clear i think adults can do as they please with their bodies. i think my friends are cool also please don’t take this as negative toward them

This post is not about kids who are dealing with addiction from a young age, it’s about people who are adults and think “partying” and trying weed in high school makes you cultured and interesting. And also the experience of being Extremely Sheltered until later in life when you’re surrounded with people who had a “normal” high school experience and then realizing that the “sheltered kid” experience you had was just something…Else. Yeah. Very else.

Like I think messing around with alcohol and weed as a teenager is pretty common, not like being an alcoholic or doing heroin or something but like, idk stealing wine coolers from your parents or something to feel cool, as is dating and having sex as a teenager. And it’s super weird when people are adults and they still feel superior to those socially deficient uncool weirdos that didn’t have this experience, not gonna lie.

also like…being a Sheltered Kid has a weird way of exposing you to stuff that’s not better but very, very different than the stuff most kids are exposed to. The fucked up things in Sheltered Kid social circles are just a different breed.

my observation is that weed has no impact on a person’s overall coolness level, level of Knowing Things About The World, or level of being normal. Devastating news to the people on Tumblr who have a superiority complex over people with picrew icons

As for what the “normal” high school experience is, rural or small-town sheltered kid experiences and Christian homeschool experiences just lie on a different axis from “normal.” there’s no partying, most of you are not even allowed to date, and you’re bored all the time because there’s nothing to do except like, go to walmart, unless you get creative. Half of you don’t know basic facts about sex. Half of you are debilitatingly addicted to the internet and have seen horrors.

As your friends approach 17-18 you watch a lot of them explode immediately into their rebellious phase, except instead of doing drugs they start listening to music with lyrics like “WRUUFSGGGGFDAAAAAAAAA FUCK ME WITH A RUSTY KNIFE” or planning spontaneously to move to Alaska, and some of them just vanish off the face of the earth and you have no idea what happened with them. A lot of them end up in horrible toxic relationships with Good Christian Boyfriends that turn out to be more screwed up than thought possible, or end up in relationships that their parents don’t fully approve of and get no support because of it. Like you’re 18 suddenly and you barely know what sex is but you want to try dating, but if you don’t want your parents and religious community to dictate your entire life, you have to throw away their support and try to learn the hard way about relationships. There’s no good way to win it.

The fun thing about homeschool communities is that they’re generally small enough that cliques are always heterogenous in bizarre ways. The girl that’s not allowed to watch disney movies and the girl that watched the human centipede are in the same clique and may in fact be “sheltered” the same amount
