#but tbf fenrir has probably heard worst



[TWs for a food mention, a sex allusion and I guess a description of some light cannibalism]

“We’ll find them,” she said. “We’ll storm Asgard’s gate if we have to.”

Loki nodded, tapping the flat of their knife against their palm.

“Actually, the last place I remember Odin bringing me to was just outside the Aesir’s wall,” they said. “We’ll start there. Fenrir and Jormungandr, you hang back here.”

The bark of a laugh from Fenrir felt almost involuntary. Loki glared up at him.

“You two may be several stories tall now, but I’m still your father,” they said. “You’re staying put.”

“I don’t want our family separated again,” Fenrir said.

Loki’s eyes narrowed as they wagged their knife at him.

“Really, pup?” they asked. “Because last time I saw you, you seemed very keen on running off from your family.”

Fenrir released a low growl from his throat.

“That’s only because you -!”

“Do you two have to do this now?”

Angrboda glared at them as she twirled one of her axes in her hands. Sigyn came up beside her and wrapped an arm around her weapon-strapped waist.

“Don’t worry, bet you both of them just have low blood sugar,” she said, then gave Loki and Fenrir a horribly pitying smile. “Would it make it better if we took you two out for barbecue after this?”

Fenrir huffed and fell back onto his haunches. Loki muttered something under their breath as they resheathed their knife.

“What was that?” Sigyn asked.

“I said I’ll just take your awful tongue and fry it with some rosemary if I’m hungry,” they snapped.

Sigyn smirked as she leaned into Angrboda.

“Please, Loki,” she said. “You love my tongue too much to do that.”
