#but the juxtaposition here is so perfect




Sundays too my father got up early

and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,

then with cracked hands that ached

from labor in the weekday weather made

banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.

I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking.

When the rooms were warm, he’d call,

and slowly I would rise and dress,

fearing the chronic angers of that house,

Speaking indifferently to him,

who had driven out the cold

and polished my good shoes as well.

What did I know, what did I know

of love’s austere and lonely offices?

Those Winter Sundays - Robert Hayden

(Credit where credit is due: it was @deathdaydungeon who first made me into a Tobias Snape apologist and @sneverussape who sealed the deal)


mate, first of all, this is BEAUTIFUL and i was actually just thinking of this piece the other day because you had posted a draft before and i was like, i wonder how snapescapades is getting on with that piece, im so curious about it, and voila!there it is on my dash!

i LOVE your tobias design with his wavy hair and in his undershirt! that’s a look for him i’ve not seen before and it suits him so well. sev is EXQUISITE, i love his lil smile, his sideward glance, your perfect shading! and the juxtaposition with tobias…the colors, the lighting. how they’re light and dark but also of the same hue and how they share shades between each other. and the bottles??? i never realized that is an element they have in common (potions vs liquor).

(ofc this is all my personal reading, it’s possible you had a different intention but… *flails*)

that poem…that poem is PERFECT because exactly. EXACTLY. that’s how i imagined the two of them to be. none of the snapes had easy lives and they all had to deal with their personal demons, but also chose to deal with them alone rather than together (as opposed to another 3-member unit, the malfoys, who are the polar opposite of everything the snapes were…maybe that’s what attracted sev to them too?). im not denying the likely possibility that tobias had abused his wife and son, but in the same way we always defend severus with “it’s an explanation, not an excuse”, i wager tobias had a LOT of skeletons as well in his closet due to circumstances beyond his control. and i can relate with that. the snapes are so, sohuman.

i also love your idea that the father (eventually) took after the son like, PLEASE give me an older tobias with an adult sev with both trying to work their shit out.

beautiful work, absolute chefs kiss, and i’m so chuffed to be have been mentioned alongside DDD! @deathdaydungeon also further deepened my being a tobias snape apologist and i will forever be grateful! love and light, my friends! you all are so talented. ✨✨✨
