#hp artwork

I can’t believe Harry Potter came out more than 20 years ago, and my friends and I are still arguing

I can’t believe Harry Potter came out more than 20 years ago, and my friends and I are still arguing about which house we’re all in.

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serosvit: Severus and Lily in CokeworthThis piece is inspired by a fanfiction A dealer, not a Death


Severus and Lily in Cokeworth

This piece is inspired by a fanfiction A dealer, not a Death Eater by amazing @deathdaydungeon.  I love it so much and think about it every day.

So, I know for a fact that Tumblr is lying to me when it says it’s showing me ‘most recent’ from the Severus Snape tag - because I am about six posts down and, er, this has been my phone background for the last couple of years.

But I love it today just as much as I loved it the first time I saw it, so I am definitely reblogging it again. I’m never sure if I’m more fond of Sev’s awful shorts, Lily’s stance, or the fact I can almost feel Cokeworth in the background.

So we definitely swapped, fam - you think about Dealer, and I think about your art of Dealer.

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Sundays too my father got up early

and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,

then with cracked hands that ached

from labor in the weekday weather made

banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.

I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking.

When the rooms were warm, he’d call,

and slowly I would rise and dress,

fearing the chronic angers of that house,

Speaking indifferently to him,

who had driven out the cold

and polished my good shoes as well.

What did I know, what did I know

of love’s austere and lonely offices?

Those Winter Sundays - Robert Hayden

(Credit where credit is due: it was @deathdaydungeon who first made me into a Tobias Snape apologist and @sneverussape who sealed the deal)


mate, first of all, this is BEAUTIFUL and i was actually just thinking of this piece the other day because you had posted a draft before and i was like, i wonder how snapescapades is getting on with that piece, im so curious about it, and voila!there it is on my dash!

i LOVE your tobias design with his wavy hair and in his undershirt! that’s a look for him i’ve not seen before and it suits him so well. sev is EXQUISITE, i love his lil smile, his sideward glance, your perfect shading! and the juxtaposition with tobias…the colors, the lighting. how they’re light and dark but also of the same hue and how they share shades between each other. and the bottles??? i never realized that is an element they have in common (potions vs liquor).

(ofc this is all my personal reading, it’s possible you had a different intention but… *flails*)

that poem…that poem is PERFECT because exactly. EXACTLY. that’s how i imagined the two of them to be. none of the snapes had easy lives and they all had to deal with their personal demons, but also chose to deal with them alone rather than together (as opposed to another 3-member unit, the malfoys, who are the polar opposite of everything the snapes were…maybe that’s what attracted sev to them too?). im not denying the likely possibility that tobias had abused his wife and son, but in the same way we always defend severus with “it’s an explanation, not an excuse”, i wager tobias had a LOT of skeletons as well in his closet due to circumstances beyond his control. and i can relate with that. the snapes are so, sohuman.

i also love your idea that the father (eventually) took after the son like, PLEASE give me an older tobias with an adult sev with both trying to work their shit out.

beautiful work, absolute chefs kiss, and i’m so chuffed to be have been mentioned alongside DDD! @deathdaydungeon also further deepened my being a tobias snape apologist and i will forever be grateful! love and light, my friends! you all are so talented. ✨✨✨

snonions-and-cream:You can’t tell me these two didn’t get into trouble every other week.snonions-and-cream:You can’t tell me these two didn’t get into trouble every other week.snonions-and-cream:You can’t tell me these two didn’t get into trouble every other week.snonions-and-cream:You can’t tell me these two didn’t get into trouble every other week.snonions-and-cream:You can’t tell me these two didn’t get into trouble every other week.


You can’t tell me these two didn’t get into trouble every other week.

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quick sketch of a middle-aged sev and lily who remained friends after sev quit the wizarding world altogether after the werewolf prank, and then went on to become one of the greatest muggle scientists the world had ever known. lily often went to his lectures despite declaring that she had no idea what they all meant, and always stayed til the end. they would eat curry takeaway afterwards, and then argue about the cheque when it came. whoever lost would pay for the coffee or wine that inevitably came after. voldemort had been killed ages ago, when lucius malfoy turned upon learning that the dark lord had his sights set on lucius’ own son for the prophecy. the death eaters had disbanded before they had even been fully formed, unable to handle dissent from its most powerful and most influential member. many were sent to azkaban, peter included.

all was well.

Inktober day 20 - Sprout

Spread the love for Neville Longbottom! I love to think that he developed a good relationship with Professor Sprout

Artist’s Magic

Hello there! I’m Yui / Marie of House Hufflepuff. Pleased to meet you!

Round gold-rimmed glasses for HPU me. Yes, my coloring style changed at the start of September and this is my second drawing of this new style. UwU



“What comes after all the fighting, arguing, and hurt feelings, Ron? I get to kiss you anytime I want.”

Sweet Home Otteryby@cheesyficwriter

I really loved this fic and every time there was an update I started singing “Sweet Home Ottery” in the melody of “Sweet Home Alabama” lol

THIS IS GORGEOUS!!! I am so honored! Thank you @am2c Romione kissing in the rain will forever be one of my favorite HC’s ❤


We love Bjorn’s take on Romione at Bill and Fleur’s wedding!


Artist: bjornthorsson20

Selected trope: DH Missing Moment (Dancing at Bill’s wedding)

Brief Summary: Ron and Hermione are dancing, and Ron notices Krum watching them from afar, as Ron proceeds to smirk at him triumphantly.

Beautiful art of one of my favorite canon Romione moments

“I wish we had more moments

like this.” Hermione mumbled with a smile,

“You’re so pretty, you know. I’ve always

thought so.”

“You’re drunk.” Draco muttered, nonetheless

subconsciously leaning into her hand.

The Inquisitors, Chapter 11


Commission к фф

Я научу тебя летать

от StilleWasser


Commission к заключительной главе фф Свежий ветер дует Чёрного озера

Она задумчиво наблюдала за тем, как одна за одной в воздухе загораются свечи. Машинально достала очередной фолиант из стопки и расположила на коленях, открыла титульный лист, принялась бездумно перелистывать страницы. Никакой внешний свет не может заставить отступить тени, поселившиеся в душе.

Art commission

Hogwarts: A Home

Chapter 34 by @coralcollective

“A roar pierced his ears, his body beginning to tremble instinctively. It startled him from his dance with death, dragging him forcibly from one state of shock to the next. In an instant, his vision sharpened, his hearing tuned back in, his body reignited with every ounce of pain from his injuries.

And there in front of him, on a pedestal of rock protruding from the ocean was…

Holy fuck.

Best friend is a bloody dragon.”

«Рев пронзил его уши, и его тело начало инстинктивно дрожать. Это вывело его из танца со смертью, насильно перетащив из одного состояния шока в другое. В одно мгновение его зрение обострилось, слух восстановился, тело вновь запульсировало от боли.

И вот перед ним, на пьедестале скалы, выступающей из океана, стоял…

Черт возьми.

Лучший друг - чертов дракон.»

Art commission к фф

«Тактическое сближение»

от ChatskyN

Арт к моему др)

Антонин Долохов и я

Art commission к фф «Нулевой меридиан»

от etozhe_k

Art commission к фф

“Любовь с французским акцентом”

от Luce_Wol
