#but this one was good



It started with @thenicecheese wanting to update her pic on AO3, which led us to talking about livejournal (because AO3 icons are 100x100. Remember that, kids??), which led me to logging onto my LJ account for the first time in NINE YEARS, which led me to checking the journals of the people I followed back then. (Dead. The journals, not the people. As far as I know.) Which led me to Passion & Perfection, or P&P to its regulars. There’s been a few tumblr posts going around lately about the good ol’ days of fan fiction and how it’s a whole new generation of readers who don’t even know what those days were like. So please, check out this blast from the past (though to be fair, she STILL updates!). At the time, 10 years ago, it was one of the few fan sites that collected femslash fic. (You couldn’t always trust ff.net to not remove your F/F fic without telling you.) Great site. Great memories!

