#but yeah totally fact check me if im wrong



Also. I love this screenshot

Keep reading

Oh yeah I completely for about that! Honestly, I’ve been super rusty on lore bits haha so I’m happy that I’ve got you to fact check me. But yes, I’m 99% sure Lumine said that Dain was cursed with immortality. I think it would be pretty cool if Khaenri'ah had something similar to Mona’s hydro magic and they could peer into Teyvat or the “above world” and that’s how Dainsleif knew so much about the Genshin cast. What a creeper hehe.

I have not done any of the character story quests up to Childe. Because I care about my immersion and having my characters stand in the ingame world but this is interesting. I might look up Zhongli’s quest for those lore bits.


YO. YOUR BRAIN CONTUINES TO SURPRISE ME BECAUSE HOW IS THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD CARRYING IT??? I NEVER EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT RAGNAROK. That’s actually so fucking smart??? Why are all my friends so smart?? I know there is some lore about Dragonspine but I have no idea where to find it or if I have to rewatch all of Albedo’s story quest to find out. Which I will do because holy fuck Albedo is pretty.

But that is true. Genshin takes a lot of cultural references, maybe it’s even about the story of atlantis (both the mythical and historical versions) but I highly doubt that..possibly…i mean..they do have the world abyss in them…I’m just saying.
