#reblog on main



sometimes in lore you meet a skeleton horse for the first time and accidentally insulting your beloved frenemy/resident skeleton


It’s my birthday!

have this dancing cat :)

Happy birthday Cae!!







Good luck Baal and Kujo Lovers!!


But um…sara..if you wanna come home (´。_。`) that’d be really nice

But good luck to everyone rolling for them!!

Also sorry for being dead for 11 days. I’ve been working on commissions for my other blogs so this one got pushed to the side. Inbox will be open soon.

Good luck to everyone rolling and good luck to you as well Pengu! I can’t wait to hear you scream or cry today ♪(´▽`)

OKAY. OKAY. YOU DON’T NEED TO CUT ME THAT DEEP. But we need to get everyone in so we can create a virtual summoning circle. Everyone rolls at the same time, boom. All gold stars and I’ll laugh if I’m the only one that wins the coin toss

We need to wait until 2 or 3 for someone right? I think we will have more than 9 people if everyone is online at the same time. But it would be a shame if you were the only one to lose the coin toss. I heard you love Jean ♪(´▽`)

Yes we do. I think latest is at 3 but let’s hope they get on early. I have a weak impulse control. Also, more than 9 people is okay, more sacrifices I say.

Also don’t you fucking dare. I know where you live, I’ll find you and I’ll kill you if you curse me. Actually, @fulltimeventisimp IS IT TIME TO BRING OUT THE SUMMONING CIRCLE???

Am I now known as the one with the summoning circles? I’m okay with that

Your saviour has arrived

AND THE MVP HAS RETURNED WITH THE SUMMONING CIRCLES. I’m not joking when I say that I switch my wallpaper to your summoning circles every time I roll. What do you even call someone that draws the summoning circle? There has to be a name for it right?

This isn’t the best screenshot since uhh I have a lot of junk and school stuff on my desktop but trust me when I say, yes this is my wallpaper rn



Request:Hii, could I get some HC of Xiao? It can be about anything^^ Thanks! 

Semi Part 2: Falling in love

Semi Part 3: Cuddles

Semi Part 4: Protective

Semi Part 5: Affection 

Semi Part 6: Jealously 

Semi Part 7: First Kiss

Semi Part 8: Opposites Attract 

Semi Part 9:  String of Fate [Soulmate] HCs

Semi Part 10:  [ Fainting ]

  • Xiao is aloof and rarely makes an appearance in front of humans. How you came to see and even develop something similar to a friendship with this adepti is still a mystery, even to you. 
  • Even though you’re considered his one and only human friend, he never coddles you unless you’re seriously upset or hurt. He’s not the best at comfort since he’s spent most of his very long life fighting. You have to tell him that not all problems require picking a spear up and beating it into submission. 
  • If you ask nicely and Xiao is feeling generous that day, he’ll tell you stories of his wars against the dark forces that were powerful enough to devour Liyue. If you make a comment saying you’d like to see him fight one day but he quickly shuts that down. His attacks cause a lot of colleterial damage and you’ll probably end up dead even if he wasn’t trying to attack you. At least he somewhat cares about your safety? Kind of. 
  • When you found out that his favorite food was almond tofu you pleaded with the chef to teach you how to make it. Your first attempts were…a bit of a mess and the tofu would end up splitting and turning into a sweet soup. Xiao was unimpressed during your first offerings but he never turned them away, always taking at least one bite before very honestly telling you how bad it was. 

“Xiao!” you called out as you ran to the top of the inn carrying your newest attempt. You had a good feeling about this and even the chef said this was probably your best work. Though to be honest, he might have been lying and just trying to keep you from using up all the kitchen’s ingredients. You pop your head around the corner to see him sitting on the wooden railing beside the two rock’s connected together. 

“I think you’re going to be really impressed with me today. I’ve finally nailed it” you beam as you present him the plate. He leans over looking over the plate with his amber eyes before looking up to your hopeful ones. 

“It does look better from your last attempts. It has a shape for once” he comments, taking the plate from you as you mock gasp. He’s definitely said worse to you during your first creations but you’ve never taken them as a legitimate insult. If Xiao really hated it he wouldn’t have tried it even as you try to take the plate away. You watch in anticipation as he takes one bite…

“Hm…it’s good,” he praises as he watched you light up, “You’ve done well” 

“Ahh, I’m glad I finally got it right,” you sigh in joy finally letting your body relax, “I was so scared I’d have to go back and ask to use the kitchen again. The chef there seems so scary but I heard he’s actually afraid of ghosts.”.  

  • He smiles gently as you begin to ramble even as dark thoughts start to creep onto him. He knows he’ll outlive you unless something dire happens to him and he’ll return to his solitude life. 
  • It makes him feel nervous, a feeling he isn’t usually accustomed to. Adepti don’t usually socialize with humans except for maybe one day of the year and he doesn’t know that if he will ever step out of his comfort zone again.
  • As he finishes his dessert he hears you ask if he has other food he likes and if he’d let you, you would like to make them for him tomorrow. He can’t think of anything off the top of his head.  

“How about soybean pudding? It’s similar so maybe you would like that?” 

“Okay, I’ll make it for you tomorrow then!” 

  • He’ll be okay. He’ll continue living in this peaceful space you’ve both created above the inn, beside the two rocks connected together, protecting Liyue, even when you’re gone.  

Just finished the whole series, Loved every piece of this experience. His resembling a cat was hilarious and lovable. Can’t forget when he hissed at Childe. Never.

Ahhh tyty for your kind words! You’re gonna make me cry tho ;-;

But istg, until the day I die, everyone will remind me of that Xiao hiss haha. But I do wanna say that this series isn’t over, I just suck at writing lol.




watching my friends and mutuals slowly get into the darkside…. i mean, tokyo revengers tumblr, hehe.

Don’t you know I love to cry :)

we GOTTA talk about it on dms omg, i need to scream to more people about [redacted]

Already typing ♪(´▽`) and I swear it won’t take me a month to reply


watching my friends and mutuals slowly get into the darkside…. i mean, tokyo revengers tumblr, hehe.

Don’t you know I love to cry :)


Spider’s Thread [Reverse AU]

Possessive Red Xiao x Reader

Word Count:2.5k

Commissioned for:@profoundwitchsalad

Art Credit:@ruoyeahs

Warning: Unhealthy relationships.


“You’ve ruined my life because I have a warped idea of what love is and I can’t live without you. But now you’re trying to leave me and I won’t allow that. You left me alive. You have a duty to live for me and by me. I’m not letting you go.”

Xiao Semi Series

[Friendship ] [ Falling in Love ] [ Cuddles ] [ Protective ] [ Affection ] [ Jealously ] [ Opposites Attract][ String Of Fate (Soulmate) ][Fainting]

Link to original posts:  [Red! Xiao.] [Reverse AU]


Keep reading

Phew, all finished. I didn’t want to ruin the mood so I’m reblogging this but thank you once again for commissioning me and allowing me the creative freedom to write what I wanted ♪(´▽`)

Wasn’t sure if the red and black lines were overkill or not but we’re experimenting I guess. But holy shit I have not written in months and my first fic back is when an Obsessive Xiao. I kind of wanted to hold off on this because I wanted to practice writing again before I dropped this but this fic has been delayed so much. By far the most self-indulgent thing I’ve written in my entire career. An entire call out post about how much of a touch-starved maniac I am. I do have plans for a part 2 but I’ll write it if someone wants to commission it. I hinted at it but I just really want to write a psychopaths in love and the traveler/reader having an actual Hero complex.

I have more commission ideas that’s are somewhat related to this unhealthy dynamic but I’m gonna take a break haha. I’ll probably post it in the future with the tags #commission if anyone is interested.

I also just want to thank @fulltimeventisimp for being my constant pillar of support and for @profoundwitchsalad for being the most patient being on this Earth. This took a long time to write haha. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a tokyo revengers episode to cry about :)

This fic never happened, I’m wiping my sins from my mind. Also, next fic is either more Xiao fluff in the snow or Single Dad Zhongli AU.


i’ve never been so thankful that i studied ancient history in high school bc now i can put what i know into genshin lore

@mrpenguinpants get ready for an essay ;)

I find it both incredibly funny and sad that the only time I’ll ever use history is to find lore bits in games I like. I’ve never looked up my own culture this much until searching for translations for voice lines.



Also. I love this screenshot

Keep reading

Oh yeah I completely for about that! Honestly, I’ve been super rusty on lore bits haha so I’m happy that I’ve got you to fact check me. But yes, I’m 99% sure Lumine said that Dain was cursed with immortality. I think it would be pretty cool if Khaenri'ah had something similar to Mona’s hydro magic and they could peer into Teyvat or the “above world” and that’s how Dainsleif knew so much about the Genshin cast. What a creeper hehe.

I have not done any of the character story quests up to Childe. Because I care about my immersion and having my characters stand in the ingame world but this is interesting. I might look up Zhongli’s quest for those lore bits.


YO. YOUR BRAIN CONTUINES TO SURPRISE ME BECAUSE HOW IS THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD CARRYING IT??? I NEVER EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT RAGNAROK. That’s actually so fucking smart??? Why are all my friends so smart?? I know there is some lore about Dragonspine but I have no idea where to find it or if I have to rewatch all of Albedo’s story quest to find out. Which I will do because holy fuck Albedo is pretty.

But that is true. Genshin takes a lot of cultural references, maybe it’s even about the story of atlantis (both the mythical and historical versions) but I highly doubt that..possibly…i mean..they do have the world abyss in them…I’m just saying.



Ummm byee

So I kind of hate that Putin is trying to restrict the flow of information into Russia so that he can control the narrative, so for my Russian friends, here is my guide on

How to get around internet censorship and maintain internet privacy

This will be an extremely long post


  • Download the Tor Browser
  • This will hopefully help you access the internet regardless of Russian government bans. It’s a little slow, but better than nothing. It hides your IP address from the internet, so it’s kind of like using a VPN. A very basic summary of how Tor works: your internet traffic is routed through several “nodes”. The Entry Node, can see your IP address but has no idea what data you’re sending, and this goes through several middle nodes, until it reaches the Exit Node. The Exit Node can see what data you’re sending, but it can’t see your IP address so it doesn’t know WHO sent it. That’s why it’s a good idea to do nothing identifying when using the Tor Browser, like writing personal information. Here’s a blog post with more detailed information about the Tor Browser.
  • Get a VPN
    • VPNs are often used to get around government internet restrictions. Russia will probably not be able to do much about it. However, not all VPNs are created equal. Nearly all of the free VPNs are a scam that turn around and sell your data, so free VPNs are not secure. The only exception to this is ProtonVPN which has a free tier, but it’s very slow. Basically the only good VPN is one you pay for. When choosing a VPN, be aware of where the company is based, because if a VPN company is based in the USA, it will have to comply USA privacy laws. So choose a VPN based in a country that has good privacy laws. A great one is Mullvad VPN, which is based in Sweden. But for the purposes of Russia, just making sure your VPN is not Russian or in a country sympathetic to Russia is probably good enough.

Alternative Front-Ends
A frontend is the the part of a website which the user interacts with directly. To browse the contents of websites, you usually have to visit them. However, many people have made alternative privacy-respecting frontends to popular websites that allow you to see the site’s content without actually visiting the website. This helps avoid tracking, data-collection, and even countries’ attempts to ban websites. Twitter is banned in Russia right now, but using all an alternative frontend to Twitter works (according to my Russian friend).

Google Translate









YouTube Music

If anyone knows of one of these for Tumblr please let me know. I found this site called Tumgir but it looks sketchy and unlike the rest of the ones I listed, it’s not open-source. So visit with caution, but I’m mentioning it because it might be better than nothing.

There are also these browser extensions that automatically redirect site links to the available alternatives:

Mozilla Firefox

  • LibRedirect - Redirects YouTube, YT Music, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Imgur, Reddit, Wikipedia, Medium, etc.

Google Chrome

  • Privacy Redirect - Redirects Google Maps, Google Search, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Youtube.

iPhone (iOS 15+) Safari

  • Privacy Redirect - Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, Instagram, Google Translate, Google maps, Google Search, Medium


  • UntrackMe - Google Maps, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube

Messaging / Communication

Matrix is a federated and decentralized End-to-End Encrypted (E2EE) messaging with many platforms, the most popular of which is Element. It’s like Discord, but worse. It’s getting better over time though! You can even use a a throwaway email to sign-up.

If you’re Russian you likely already know about Telegram, but MAKE SURE you’re aware that only Secret Chats are End-to-End Encrypted. So don’t say anything that would get you in trouble outside of a Secret Chat.

End Notes

China is way better at internet censorship. They’ve had years to build the infrastructure to control the flow of information online. And yet, the Chinese people still manage to “climb the wall” and find ways around this. Russia is new to this game and doesn’t have the resources China does. So I really doubt it’ll be that hard to get around their attempts to block websites. Have faith! And feel free to DM me for more info cause this post just scratches the surface for things you can do tbh.
