#butch is beautiful


Types of Butches and Masc WLW as Outerwear

Varsity / Letterman Jacket: Probably a Himbo. Was on some sort of sports team in school. Idolizes Adora from She-ra. Acts tough but is really easily flustered. Switch energy, or a bottom that refuses to admit they’re a bottom. Obsessed with cool-looking shoes. Hangs out with boys more often. WIll treat you like a queen but is dumb as a brick sometimes.

Denim Jacket: Easily flustered. Probably a really good cook, and has all kinds of family recipes. Has to look up slang on Urban Dictionary and it makes them feel old. Secret Top energy. Always looking for new enamel pins and patches, and really likes embroidery and fabric paint. Finger guns. Makes their own vines and memes. Really likes good looking boots. Likes Cryptids.

Leather Jacket: Classic. Wants to be a greaser. Internally screaming 90% of the time. Had a crush on all the cartoon goth girls as a kid. Probably has an undercut. Passive Aggressive and very sassy. Turns really soft around their gf though. Probably really likes rings. Also dissociates a lot. Drinks too much soda or monster. Has dyed their hair at some point.

Bomber Jacket: Probably likes Captain America. Handyman or U-haul Lesbian. The one who will kill the spider for you. Really wants someone to sit on their lap. Love language is probably Acts of Service. Likes to make things and do the work for their partner. High wisdom but low intelligence, they can give advice but nearly get themself killed 5 times a day. Takes after the men in their family.

Sweater: Probably obsessed with an aesthetic movement like cottagecore or gremlincore. Wants a different sweater for every mood and interest. Would definitely be that geeky professor who coordinates their outfits with each lesson. Softest butch ever. Probably kinda chubby and we love that for them. Idolizes Hobbits. The kind of butch who does a cute little happy dance when they get good news. Adorable.

Peacoat: Definitely had a Dark Academia phase. Watches period dramas and Dead Poets Society religiously. Thinks that the 1800s to 1900s is when men’s fashion peaked. Insists on paying for your meal. Men’s Suits feel like armor to them. Knew they were a Butch ever since they tried on a waistcoat for the first time. Wants a pocket watch. The most dapper of any butch.

Hoodie: Probably has a lot of Dysphoria. Bottom energy. Sits in the very back of class. Quiet but loves listening to their girl. Thinks infodumping is a love language (it is). Thinks a Thumbs Up is an appropriate response to any question. Constantly questioning and overthinking their identity. Likes beanies.

Cloak: Idolizes Lotr Men too much. Had a crush on Eowyn or Arwen as a kid. Probably really into artistic hobbies like sewing or drawing. Watches Rachel Maksy for outfit inspiration. Listens to Hoziera lot. Really likes D&D and other fantasy media. Doesn’t mind being cold. Wants a sword.

Armor: Has a sword. Likes The Witcher a little too much. Probably has really cool jewelry. Saved pictures on their phone for outfit inspiration. Really unkempt hair. Wants to save a pretty girl, fairy-tale style. Idolizes Shieldmaidens like Eowyn and Astrid. Always looking for new adventures and hobbies. Their anthem is ‘Work Song’ by Hozier.
