#c library of lensa




slavic forests are actually located in another dimension

if you’ve ever been in one of the great forests in a slavic country you’ll know that there’s a point where the trees grow so densely packed that the air is completely still and it’s so silent you could hear a pin drop a mile away and you suddenly become uncomfortably aware of the sound of your own heartbeat and the knowledge that the trees surrounding you are alive and just as aware of your presence as you are of theirs, and that’s when you know you’ve crossed into a different realm



Clementine Von Radics, from In A Dream You Saw A Way To Survive; “Angie”

transcript: “drenched in you, chanting your name.”


simply. so much happened during last night’s session.

copy and pasted from discord messages:

we started w dream sequences. frankie learned her parents are alive and in the feywild. nox saw theo and learned that she’s a hexblood and her parents have locked her away in her room. kai met two gods in his dream and wanted to fight them abd cried on them. bo talked to lensa who told him to become a cleric of wren. nettle was introduced and she met lensa (a god) in her dreams.

then frankie confronted her uncles bc they knew her parents had entered the feywild but had assumed they died. everybody else was listening in. then they had breakfast together and they had Solo scenes. nox rolled a 30 investigation check to track down all the artifacts bc fuck me i guess, and they learned some Info about where wren’s late husband was from. frankie also did some research and learned more about eladrin elves and their pilgrimages to the feywild. bo talked to wren about becoming a cleric of her, and she gave him a family heirloom to be his holy symbol. then kai talked to his roommate c (theo’s younger sibling) about gods and shit. and then they discussed c’s sex life w the DA’s wife and they discussed kai’s crush on tuck

simply. so much happened during last night’s session.

II. Rose by The Oh Hellos

Tea turned into wine that night, not that Lensa was complaining. Lady Thalia had been the one to suggest, and had even brought her own bottle of cherry wine, so they wouldn’t have to bother the servants. She had been the one to suggest they send them out of the room as well, stating, “Well we aren’t helpless are we? We can do things for ourselves.”

Lensa drained the rest of her glass as Thalia said, “You know my family name used to be Thornwood.”

“Really?” Lensa asked.

Thalia hummed in assuredness. “Your parents were the ones to change it, when we aligned ourselves so closely with them.”

“Oh,” Lensa said. “I had no idea.”

“If it’s alright for me to say, they don’t trust you with much,” Thalia tilted her head back and eyed her curiously. “Which is ridiculous.”

“Well, I’m not supposed to rule so,” she shrugged. “Why tell me things like that?”

“Because you’re smart!” Thalia leaned forward now, over the table. “Much smarter than your brother! You see things as they should be, not as they are.”

No one had ever told Lensa she was smart, or praised her desire to make things better. She was just a spoiled idealist. “Lhoras thinks that my idealism is a flaw.” 

“Well I don’t think so,” Thalia said. “I think it’s wonderful.”

“You know I think my brother might’ve been right about you. About why it’s so important to have you as a ward.”

“Really what did he say about me?” Thalia smiled as she took a sip from her glass. 

“That you’re dangerous. You make moves to better improve the lives of those who are a lower status than you, and aren’t afraid to make difficult decisions.”

A look of pride crossed over the other woman’s face, then her brow furrowed. “Do youthink that makes me dangerous?”

“No,” Lensa mentally scolded herself for how excited she sounded, leaning forward. “I find you fascinating. I’ve never met anyone like you.”

“Then you are awfully sheltered,” Thalia smiled and said. “But I’m going to show you how to branch out. We’re going to be good friends…Lensa.” Thalia took her hand. “I can feel it.”

“Maybe my brother was right. You are dangerous. Just not in the way he meant.”

Thalia ducked her head and blushed, then looked up, her eyes looked mischievous under her eyelashes, “I sure hope so.”


the first scene from my lady thalia (wren)/lensa backstory <3

I. Slow Burn by Kacey Musgraves

Lensa was almost positive that Lady Thalia, her brother’s new ward, did not like her. Maybe it was the side glances, or the eye rolls when Lensa did something that some may classify as childish. But Lensa was the princess. She couldn’t be expected to be mature all the time. 

She could only take it for so long, before she cornered the apothecarist one day in the hallway, “I thought we were getting along. After tea and the letters we had been sharing?”

Lady Thalia looked at her shocked for a second, and then blinked. “We have been getting along?”

“You’ve been avoiding me. And rolling your eyes at me. And keep shooting me side glances when you think I’m not paying attention.”

The wood elven woman that Lensa had cornered blushed. “I did not want to bring too much attention to you being friends with me.” She drops her voice low, “I know how your brother feels about me and I would not want to get you into trouble.” 

Lensa paused, and internalized that. Her brother was a bit of a classist asshole. And as a high elf he didn’t always treat those who weren’t with. The utmost kindness. “I’m sorry,” Lensa found herself saying. She was sorry for her brother’s behavior. “But the other things,” she couldn’t just not mention them.

Lady Thalia’s blush deepened, “I find you funny.” She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, finally making eye contact with Lensa again. “I roll my eyes because if I don’t I’ll laugh. And I glance at you because I- I like looking at you.”

“Oh,” Lensa paused. It was her turn to blush. “I like to look at you too.” She furrowed her brow. “Have we both been beating around this bush since you got here?”

Lensa was surprised to hear Lady Thalia laugh, and then she realized how they were standing. Despite her shorter height she had backed Thalia up against the wall. Her blush deepened as she looked up at Thalia tilting her head back to laugh. She looked down at Lensa then, smiling. “I believe we have Your Highness.”

“Would you want to have tea with me? Again?” 

“Are you asking with a different intent this time, Your Highness?” The look on Lady Thalia’s face had gone from nervous, worried to coy. She smiled confidently. Lensa had spent her entire life in this castle, and no one ever pursued her due to fear of her brother’s reaction. In seconds, the Lady’s reaction had gone from scared to the one pursuing. 

“Please, just Lensa,” she could try her hand at this as well. “And yes, I am.”

Thalia stepped away from the wall and got into Lensa’s space, “Then I’ll be there.” She walked up the hallway, never glancing back, leaving Lensa there to catch her breath. 


not to liveblog the current lensa session but. leo and bea are fucking killing me
