#caius volturi x reader


description: Hey! First of all, I simply love your blog and second of all, I was wondering if I could request an imagine with Caius where the reader and him spend some quality time with each other, cuddling near the fireplace (bonus points if they’re one of the oldest married couples in Volterra) and they reminisce all of their years together? Ups and downs? Basically, good old tooth rotting, old married power couple fluff. I understand if you are not able to do this, but I just had the idea. Merry Christmas

requested by: anon




The heat from the fire was warm against your skin, its orange embers casting a subtle glow on your face. The coolness of your husband’s body nearly canceled out the heat, leaving you feeling perfectly content.

The two of you were stretched out across the sofa in your rooms, the only sound being the crackling of wood as it burned. Caius was perfectly still beside you, his arm wrapped tightly around your waist. 

Snow was falling outside of your window, its light color brightening the darkness outside. It was peaceful and one of the first quiet nights you and Caius had had in a long time.

Your mind wandered as you stared into the flames and you smiled softly, thinking back to a time when your mate wasn’t so busy. “You remember when we actually got to vacation at Christmas time? I wish we could do that again.”

Caius hummed beside you, his hand reached up to smooth back your hair. He pressed a kiss on your neck. “We can always start doing that again.”

“Yeah right.” You murmured. “You are too busy with Aro and Marcus and the trials.”

“We could find the time.” He answered back. You merely raised a brow, remembering a similar conversation from years ago. Back when the Volturi were gaining their power, Caius always seemed to make promises that he fell short on.

“I mean it.” He spoke, almost like he had read your mind, “I’m due for a break and the other two are as well. I’ll speak to Aro and we can start planning a trip for next Christmas. Anywhere you want.”

“Anywhere?” You turned to him, grinning widely. “I’ll have to start planning.”

He leaned forward, pressing his nose to yours. “Our time in Switzerland during Christmas was enjoyable.”

“It was.” You agreed. “However, that was our last trip and we only went a few years ago.”

Caius scoffed. “Try 15 years ago.”

“Still, we need to pick somewhere else.” You rolled your eyes and leaned away from him. “You worry about getting time off and I’ll worry about our destination.”

“Deal.” Caius smiled softly at you, his normally harsh personality completely gone. “I’ll speak with Aro and Marcus tomorrow.”

“Fantastic.” You pressed a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. “If you don’t, I’m ripping one of your arms off.”

Caius only laughed before kissing you once again.
