#cale makar blurb


unexpected | cale makar


word count: 2.1k (kind of unnecessarily long)

a/n: my ej favoritism really showed in this one

tw: tattoos & piercings

Cale had made mistakes in his life, he’s made lots of mistakes, but one of his biggest was texting you in the locker room.

“Caler, who you texting there making you so red eh?” EJ teasingly asked the young defenseman.

“Uh-what-uh-nobody-why do you ask?” He stumbles on his words as he quickly puts his phone under his bag next to him. His cheeks getting even more impossibly red now.

Everybody’s eyes light up as they sense Cale hiding something from them. Every pair of eyes floats over to him as he starts moving uncomfortably under the pressure of all of their stares.

Gabe looks around the room and back at the very uncomfortable Cale. “Okay, guys stop if he wanted to tell us he would,” He scolds.

Cale shoots an appreciative look at Gabe.

Naz slowly reaches under Cale’s bag and grabs his phone. He makes eye contact with Burky, who can see everything he is doing, and smirks at him.

“Who’s Y/N?” Naz asks.

Cale moves his eyes to Naz, more specifically his phone in Naz’s hands. He drops his face into his hands and curses silently for every question about to come his way.

“Y/N,” EJ wiggles his eyebrows with a toothy grin. (lol i’m funny)

“It’s my friend?” Cale tries to weakly save himself.

“Uhhh I don’t know this heart next to her name doesn’t look very friendly,” Naz said.

Cale picks up his head to glare at Naz before dramatically placing it back.

“Open your phone,” Naz shoves his phone in Cale’s face. “I want to see what she said.”

Cale scoffs before snatching his phone out of Naz’s grip. “Drop it,” He snaps before picking up his stuff and walking out of the locker room.

EJ ooohs Cale as he walks out. “We’re not letting this go right?” He asked as soon as Cale left.

Mikko rapidly shook his head, a wide grin on his face as he accepted the challenge of finding out what Cale was hiding. “No way.”

Gabe sighed and shook his head. He was already saying sorry for the future days of Cale.


Cale walked into the locker room for morning skate with a jersey under his arm. It was barely noticeable, but after yesterday all of the guys were watching Cale’s every move.

“Cale, why do you have a women’s jersey?” Val asked cluelessly.

Cale quickly closed his eyes in frustration, letting out a exaggerated breath. He thought he was being sly, he didn’t think anybody would see it.

Mikko quickly grabs the jersey from under his arm. He turns the jersey around and it reveals exactly what everybody wanted to see. MAKAR, 8

“Got your girl your jersey, Caley?” JT teases Cale while poking his shoulder.

Cale ducks his head to hide his blush and smile from the guys.

“Is she going to be at the game?” Gabe asked him.

Cale shook his head, “No, I just wanted to give it to her,” He mumbles and shrugs.

“Aww such a sweet and caring boyfriend,” EJ faux swoons.

“Such a romantic,” Mikko joins in.

“We aren’t dating,” Cale mumbles, shoving the jersey into his bag, thinking that it being out of sight would help the situation.

“Yet…” Naz finished for Cale, nudging him teasingly.

Cale simply shrugged leaving his teammates to interpret his answer themselves. But the blush on his cheeks and the smile he was failing to hide was an answer enough.


“Cale,” EJ exclaimed, stomping over to Cale’s cubby in the locker room.

Cale sighed and massaged his temple for what was coming. “Yes,” He tiredly answered. They had just finished a game and apparently, EJ just found out some news.

“Was your girlfriend at the game?” He asked, placing his hands on his hips. Cale had to hold in laughter because EJ looked like a mother questioning her suspicious child.

Cale nodded. Everybody gasped.

“Did she sit with the girls?” Gabe asked curiously. He knew that if Cale’s girlfriend sat in the box with Mel she would tell him everything about his girlfriend.

Cale shook his head, “No, I didn’t want to pressure her into doing that so early.”

“So we’re still not meeting her?” EJ said looking annoyed.

“I met her,” Burky piped up. “She was very nice.”

Cale groaned. Andre promised Cale that he wouldn’t tell anybody, and now here he was. Telling everybody. Cale knew that once one person met her everybody would want to. He knew you were nervous about meeting the guys, they were the most important people in his life, and of course, you would be nervous.

Everybody looked at Andre offended, “Why does he get to meet her and we don’t?” Devon asked, gesturing to Burky. Devon thought that if anybody would meet his girlfriend it would be him first.

“He met her on accident. She’s nervous to meet you guys, so wait a little bit then you all can meet her.”

“Have her sit with the girls next time. I know they will welcome her with open arms, it might help her ease into it,” Gabe suggested.

Cale thought about Gabe’s suggestion. You were only nervous to meet the guys because you were a quiet person, and meeting a whole group of big tall people was a lot for you. You admitted the other night that you were scared to go up to Cale because you thought he was intimidating. Cale almost spat out his water when you told him that. So easing into the process by meeting the WAGS first seemed like a perfect plan to him.

“I’ll check when she’s available, but yeah that sounds good.”

And he did just that.


It was a random Tuesday to most people, but to you, it was the day you were meeting your boyfriend’s teammate’s wives. You had to make a good impression, Cale spent most of his time with his teammates which meant that you probably will too. If they didn’t like you that would be terrible, it would be uncomfortable and awkward around them.

“I can see you overthinking,” Cale breaks your rushing thoughts. His hand squeezes your thigh while his thumb goes back and forth on your skin. “It’s going to be fine.”

“I know,” You nod at him, obviously lying.

He rolls his eyes because he can immediately tell you’re lying to him. “They’re going to love you. Relax.”

You nod at his words. You were a nice person, you knew enough about hockey that you wouldn’t look like an idiot. You were going to be fine.

“Cale, I can’t do this,” You panic as he goes to open the door to the friends and family box.

He kisses your forehead, “Babe, calm down. You are the nicest person known to man-kind, you’re going to be fine.”

You smile and melt at your boyfriend’s sweet words. You take a deep breath and prepare yourself for the potential disaster.

You walk into the room silently trailing after Cale.

“Hey, guys!” Cale greets as some of them notice him walk in. He steps aside and pulls you in front of him. You shot him a slight glare for bringing you forward. He smiles at you and places his hand on your back. “This is my girlfriend, Y/N.”

Some of the girls are shell-shocked, they stood frozen in place. You were absolutely beautiful…but not at all what they were expecting when they heard Cale had a girlfriend.

A girl with blonde hair and a warm smile was the first to step up to you. “Hi! I’m Melanie, but call me Mel, I’m Gabe’s wife,” She smiles at you.

You smile back at her, “Hi! I’m Y/N, as he just said,” You laughed.

Some of the girls broke out of their trance when they realized they were being rude. Of course neither you nor Cale noticed their shock at your appearance. They all came up to greet you and tell you who they are dating or married to.

You were conversing when you felt an arm being wrapped around your waist. “I told you,” Cale whispered into your ear. “They all love you, just like I said.”

You laughed softly at his words, “I know, I can’t help but overthink sometimes,” You shrug.

“I know sweetheart,” He kissed your temple. He checks his watch, “I have to go now.”

You turn around and give him a peck on the cheek, “Go ahead, don’t want to make you late. I’ll be fine,” You smile at him.

“I know you will,” He pecks you on the lips and steps out of the room, going to the locker room.

You smile at his retreating figure before turning back to the girls. They were all looking at you with small smiles on their face. Your cheeks heat up, “What?”

Ashley, Naz’s wife, shakes her head with a smile on her face. “You two are cute together,” She compliments.

Your cheeks heat up even more, “Thank you,” You shyly mutter.

Mel giggles, “I can tell you’re going to be around for a while,” She wraps her arm around your shoulders, giving you a side hug and squeeze.

You try and hide your smile by looking at the ground, but completely fail because you were accepted by them.


The cycle repeats when Cale and you were in the car again. This time going to Gabe’s house for a team barbecue. Mel invited you last week, and here you were…in the same exact situation.

“They’re not going to like me,” You stress your thoughts.

Cale groans beside you, “Y/N, that will not happen. I promise you, their wives all told them about you and now they can wait to meet you.”

“They could, it’s possible,” You say, still after his comforting words.

“Then we will find out soon,” He pulls up in front of a nice house with a lot of cars in front of it.

Your eyes widen at the number of cars in front of the house. You take a deep breath in and out, putting on a fake smile. “Okay, come on,” You hold out your hand for him. “Let’s go.”

He chuckles at your quick changing mood, “Okay, let’s go,” He kisses your hand quickly before opening the car door. You reach back into the backseat for the mac and cheese you made. Cale practically begged you to make it, it was your famous mac and cheese, but you only made it on special occasions. Cale quickly manipulated this event as an excuse for you to make your famous dish.

Cale walked up to the door, opening it, not even knocking. “Cale,” You gasped. He looked at you, not even knowing why you gasped. “You didn’t knock.”

He chuckles, shaking his head. “I’ve been to this house more than my own at this point.”

You frown, “Still, it’s rude,” You mumble.

He laughs at your genuine shock that he didn’t knock, “I’m sorry, I’ll knock next time,” He kisses your forehead. You nod, satisfied at his answer.

Cale guides you towards the loud voices in the house. “Hey guys, we’re here,” He calls out, walking into the living room where everybody was sitting.

You hear a couple of ‘Hey Cale!’ but you distinctly hear, “Where is she?”

You move to the side of Cale, showing yourself to the crowd.

Again to your obliviousness, there was a shock that went over the guys in the group. Some of the guy’s eyes were wide open and slightly parted lips. Some shared glances of, 'That’s who Cale’s dating? How did Cale pull that?’

EJ is the one who breaks the silence, “Do you think I could pull that off?” He asks you, gesturing to your septum piercing.

You laugh, “Yeah, for sure,” You joke.

“You think I could pull that off?” JT asks, gesturing to your tattoo sleeves.

Gabe scoffs, “No, to both of your questions,” He rolls his eyes at his teammate’s dumb reactions. He walks up to you with a smile and wide open arms, “Nice to meet you, Y/N,” He hugs you.

You smile, “Nice to meet you guys too.”

Mel comes in behind her husband and gives you a hug too, “So glad you could come.”

“Thank you for inviting me, Mel.”

Somebody pulls your hug apart, “Okay Mel, let the rest of us get to know her,” EJ jokes…well people assume he’s joking.

It all was unexpected when Cale showed up with a girl that looked 100 times cooler than him. But a girl with 6 piercings in her face, 78 tattoos all over her body, and an amazing personality they all loved her in a second. And they could absolutely tell that this relationship would last based on how Cale looked at you.
