#hockey writing


21 | thomas bordeleau

word count: 2.1k

a/n: yall i sobbed while writing this (i never cry) so enjoy!!

tw: drinking

inspired by 21 — gracie abrams

It was simple, but it was them. They laid in bed while they listen to the chaos outside. It was soft, light, comforting skin-to-skin contact. Thomas’ arm around your waist, his forehead on your shoulder, occasionally pressing kisses against it. His hair tickling your neck, your warm body pressed against his.

“I feel like I’m on fire,” Thomas mumbles.

Your eyes flutter open at his words, you turn around and face him. “What?” You ask confused.

He softly looks at you, his gaze examining your every feature, looking at you like you’re a goddess from another planet. “Touching you makes me feel like I’m on fire,” He repeats.

You don’t say anything, you don’t know what to say. You simply look back at him, your hand caressing his cheek.

“What’s your favorite thing in the entire world?” He asks.

You look back at him, “Why?” You giggle softly at his random question.

He shrugs, “Just want to talk,” He whispers.

You smile, your fingers coiling around his baby curls. “I don’t know,” You answer. There were an infinite amount of things in this world, you couldn’t choose your favorite, and that would be impossible.

Thomas hummed at your answer, he knew his answer. It was you. No hesitation, no thinking needed, he could live with you for the rest of his life. Just like this—in bed, nothing bothering them, the sun quietly creeping into their room. It was perfect, and that was his favorite thing in the world. You. You were the love of his life.

You watch his face, his expression as he zones out on your face. It was pure awe like you hung the stars yourself like it was you who created life and everything perfect in the world. It made you bite your tongue—the way he looked at you, it was so much awe.

“What’s your favorite thing in the entire world?” You ask back.

He looked at you with all of that awe and lied, “I don’t know either,” He shrugged.

And it was silent for a while. Thomas thought about how much he loved you, how every single thing you did was lovable, and how you were the perfect person for you.

You were thinking about how black and white the world was, how time moves and you sit there blurry-eyed. You thought about how much Thomas meant to you, how much you missed him, how you wish it could work.

Brendan and Matty came stumbling into your room, resuming everything back to normal. The three boys bickering about something, not noticing how quiet you were.

You couldn’t stay forever. You thought he would see it coming, but he never did.


Your phone rings, at the same time every night, every day. You watch it ring. You laying in your bed, your phone ringing. The newfound dark and depressing atmosphere of your room. The quiet of nothing—no feelings, no emotions, no thoughts, no happiness. You numbly lay there and watch the call go through. The tears in your eyes after every night remind you that you’re a real human, and you can feel still.

After a couple of minutes of staring at your phone, you pick it up. You press the voicemail box and listen to what he said.

“Hey,” He sighs, the stress and emotion evident in his voice. “It’s me again. Calling again,” It was silent for a second as he held his breath. He felt the tears collecting again, and he didn’t want you to hear it, so he didn’t talk. “Y/N, please,” He whispered desperately, his voice being overcome with emotion. “Why are you doing this? Why? Was I not enough for you? Did I not treat you right?” He sniffled, after 2 weeks of calling you every night, he said the same thing every time. He told you about his day, he doubted what went wrong, he tried to make up excuses for your feelings, he bargained for something, anything.

He shakily sighed, “I’m in San Jose now, the guys have been welcoming to me. It’s weird not seeing you or the guys every day. I don’t really like it, but people grow up I guess.” He shrugged, picking at the bottom of the workout shorts he was wearing. “I just want my old life back,” He cried. “I want you back.”

You shut off your phone, staring at the wall in front of you. The calm before the storm. You slid your hands to cover your face as your body violently shook. Tears flow out of your eyes. Thomas’ broken voice repeats in your head, reminding you what you did, what you did to yourself. What you made him go through, you wished he blamed you instead of himself. You wished he hated you, to make things easier. To ensure that you did the right thing because he doesn’t actually love you. You’ll be the love of his life in his head, and that’s what you believed. It couldn’t be real, nobody could actually love you as he said.

And every night you went to sleep with dreams plagued with him. Your night terrorized with memories of him—beautiful, beautiful, loving memories that made you want to tear your heart out because it wasn’t real. And it would never be real again. You stayed awake some nights, you couldn’t sleep without replaying you breaking his heart. And you deserved it all.


It’s been three months since you guys broke up. He didn’t call you anymore, you couldn’t tell if it was good or bad. You didn’t have to break your heart every night by listening to him. But now you had nothing from him anymore. No connections or ties that you could pull on to bring him back. Not that you thought he would come back. Now if you spent the night crying it was your own fault, not his. You couldn’t scapegoat him anymore, you were your own destructor now.

You noticed a difference now. He wasn’t there to bring you coffee at the library anymore, you didn’t have a study buddy, and there was nobody to bother you in class anymore. You sat in class and stared at the place that Thomas would be, you stared at the right side of your bed that he always slept on. It wasn’t the same and you didn’t it ever could be.

None of the hockey boys came up and talked to you anymore. The ones still left at the campus just looked at you. Some of them glared at you, some of them saw how you were doing just as bad and left you be. It was so lonely, you and Thomas dated for 2 years. You didn’t really have friends outside of him, he was your first friend at Umich so you didn’t have anybody else.

Jade didn’t text you anymore, you were stupid if you thought she was, but she was like your own little sister and her disappearance was noticeable.

You met a group of girls at the local coffee shop and you started to hang out with them. It was dull, you missed the chaos. You missed jumping onto Briss’ back, you missed Matty yelling at you to get down, you missed Turcs trying to jump on Tommy’s back but enormously failing. You often zoned out thinking of those times. Time went by as you sat there blurry-eyed and numb. 

You just stared at things now, you could barely go anywhere because it reminded you of Thomas. The class you met in, the coffee shop where you met most of the time, the sidewalk he would walk you home on, you could barely look at your phone anymore. Your entire social media was filled with his friends, seeing him smiling and playing hockey in San Jose, seeing him hang out with people that you had no clue who they were. Your lock screen was plain white because it didn’t feel right to have him after you broke his heart.

You couldn’t go three minutes without looking at something on campus and thinking of him. Every place had heart-crushingly beautiful memories with him. Even you’re family asked how he was, when you told them that you broke up with him, they didn’t ask how you were feeling. They asked: Why? Why would you break up with him? He was perfect, you’re so stupid. They were right because now the past colorful world turned into a harsh reality of black and white.


You sat in your room, biting your knuckles as you stared at his open contact. He doesn’t want to hear from you. It was his night, you didn’t need to ruin it. You didn’t want to ruin it for everybody. Everybody went to San Jose for Thomas’ 21st birthday, he didn’t need a call from you ruining the mood.

You shut your eyes painfully at your thoughts. He’s out having fun don’t call him. A call from you would ruin his night. He’s moved on from you, he probably has somebody else in his life. He’s found somebody better than you, somebody that will make him happy and appreciate him. That’s not you, you won’t be the one taking pictures with him anymore, you wouldn’t be the one to celebrate with him anymore, he doesn’t want to hear from you again.

You slid down your dorm room and cried in a ball in the corner. It was all true. You would miss his 21st birthday. He was moved on without you. He doesn’t want you anymore. He’s happy without you, probably even happier.

You imagine him getting shitfaced with all of the guys who are already legal. He’s happy, he has all of his friends back, and it’s been a good season for him at SJ. He’s happy.

And that was true. He’s been happily sitting with all of his friends—his Umich ones and the ones he’s made on the Sharks team. They went to a club and partied. They’ve all had a little bit too much to drink. Thomas was drunkenly belting out every song they played. He was so happy to have a slim glimpse of his past. But the one noticeable difference to him was nobody was by his side. He couldn’t look to his right and see you smiling at him. He couldn’t drunkenly belt out a song with you. That was never happening again.


“Hey Y/N,” Audrey softly greets you on the phone.

“Hey, Aud,” You greet back.

You and Audrey had remained ‘friends’ you didn’t talk that much, but she kept up with you and asked if you were okay occasionally. She was a nice person and she knew that you were doing good, so obviously she could just leave you.

“What’s up?” You ask her.

“Just wondering how you are,” She vaguely replies.

“I’m fine,” You respond suspiciously. She never called you, she always texted you. You knew something was wrong.

“Are you telling me the truth?”

You chuckle, “Yeah, Audrey I’m fine,” You kind of lie to her.

“Okay,” She sighs sounding stressed.

“Seriously Aud, what’s wrong? Just tell me.”

She was silent for a second, “He’s got a girlfriend.”

You swallow thickly, “Good for him,” You chirp trying to keep a good composure until she hangs up.

“Y/N,” She sighs.

You quickly wipe the tears escaping from your eyes, “No, that’s good. Good for him.”

“I know you’re not okay, Y/N.”

“I’m fine, Audrey,” You snap. You choke on the sobs coming up from your throat. “I’m sorry,” You sniffle, harsh breaths escaping your body. “I didn’t mean to snap.”

“I know, I know,” She softly says.

“I’m fine,” You assure her.

“Okay, okay. Call me later when you want somebody to talk to,” She says.

“Yep, I will,” I quickly say before hanging up.

You sit for a second. Blankly staring at the wall, feeling deja vu in every way possible. You start hysterically laughing as you can’t believe that this is happening. It’s over, this is the final for you two. There are no second chances, nothing left for your relationship. You don’t hysterically sob, you just sit there and let the tears drip down your face. You let no emotion show as your feel your heart being cut out.

“I’m sorry.”

You apologize for everything, you say you’re sorry for every second that Thomas hurt because of you. You whisper it to yourself every second because you can be nothing but sorry. You did this to yourself. You couldn’t stay forever, and now you wish you could’ve. Nobody did this to you but yourself. Because I was always under.

birthday surprises | connor mcdavid


word count: 1k

You wake up to somebody playing with your hair and soft kisses being pressed to your face and shoulders. You smile as you crack your eyes open and see your boyfriend. “Hi,” You whisper to him.

He smiles at you and leans in for a kiss, “Happy Birthday, my love,” He breaths onto your lips.

You wrap your arms around his torso, trying to pull him down to cuddle. He chuckles and pulls himself back up next to the bed. You flip around on your stomach, groaning.

“I’m sorry, babe, but we don’t have time to lay around today,” He says.

You turn your head to the side, so you could look at him. You quirk your eyebrow, gesturing for him to continue.

“I have a surprise for you,” He vaguely says.

A blush and smile creeps up onto your face. Even after being with Connor for 4 years, you still haven’t gotten used to his presents and surprises. “What is it?”

“I can’t tell you that yet, but it’s for later tonight.”

You keep your face neutral, but you were wondering how late he was thinking in your head.

“I can already tell what you’re thinking,” He laughs. “You can still watch the game tonight.”

Your blush darkens as you were caught red-handed. “You know me so well,” You giggle, grabbing his face and pulling him into a kiss. Maybe it was a problem that you had to schedule everything around your hockey games, but you had been surrounded by hockey since you were a baby and that wasn’t changing. Luckily, you found Connor, who understood 100% and every time it happened fell more in love with you and your dedication to hockey.

It was later that night when the couple was walking in downtown Toronto. It was late May, the Oilers didn’t make it to the playoffs, so the couple had already gone to their off-season home in Toronto. Connor was being very suspicious about where you guys were going. But you were starting to get nervous as the Leafs game was starting in 20 minutes, and there was no way to watch it.

“Babe, just tell me what we are doing,” You groan.

He shook his head, stubbornly. “Nope, we’re almost there,” He kisses your temple. “Relax.”

You exasperatedly exhale at his secretiveness. He smiles at you, and you instantly relax at his comforting smile. You move on and decide to enjoy your birthday night with the love of your life.

10 minutes later Connor stops at your holy grail, Scotiabank Arena, your eyebrows furrow in confusion when you two stopped there. “What are we doing here?” You yell to Connor, over the loud noise of people surrounding you.

He just smiles.

“Connor, what the fuck is happening?” You question him as he pulls you towards the entrance of the arena.

He reaches for something stuffed under his hoodie. Your confusion grows as he pulls out your favorite jersey. He hands it to you and gestures to the arena and your jersey. “Happy Birthday!”

You bite your lip, trying to contain your huge smile. You went to Leafs’ games all the time, but Connor never went with you. It was almost a rule with him, but now here he was. “Really?” You ask him in disbelief.

He shyly shrugs, “It’s your birthday and I knew how much this would mean to you so,” He blushes.

You quickly put on your Morgan Rielly jersey then jump onto him with an excited hug. Connor laughs, wrapping his arms around your waist.

“Thank you so much,” You kiss his neck from where your head was situated.

He lets you go, “You haven’t even seen the best part yet,” He smirks and reaches to pull up his hoodie.

Your eyebrows shoot up as you think he’s going to take off his shirt…you wouldn’t mind that, but you felt the hundreds of people surrounding you would.

Your jaw drops as he reveals a Toronto Maple Leafs’ shirt. “What the fuck.”

“I love you very much,” He kisses you on the cheek while you still looked at him in shock.

“Is that my brothers?” You ask him, laughing. He nods, laughing too.

“I wanted this to be a special birthday for you,” He admits.

You smile at him and peck his cheek. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Now, come on or we will miss the game,” He pulls you into a security line.

Throughout the game, nobody has recognized him. He wore his cap especially low on his face, and nobody expected Connor McDavid to be at a Leafs game, so he was in the clear. Until the intermission cameras.

Connor nudged you as a message came up on the Jumbotron. “Happy Birthday to Y/N! From the Toronto Maple Leafs Organization!” The camera came in your direction, you smiled and waved at the camera as you came up on the large screen.

It was the mistake that Connor accidentally moved towards you when the cameraman got a peek under his cap.

The camera instantly was glued to his face, and everybody around us was taking pictures. You shoved your face into Connor’s side as you giggled uncontrollably. You felt him laughing too occasionally.

“Glad you’re enjoying this,” He eventually said when everything had calmed down, and the game went back on.

You smile at him widely. “I am, thank you!” You say sarcastically. “Thank you for everything, Con. Best birthday ever.”

Your phone buzzes at a new notification from Instagram. You pick it up curiously and start burst out laughing at what’s on your phone. Connor curiously looks over your shoulder and groans at what you’re looking at.

“I will be hearing about this for the rest of my life,” He groans and sinks down into his seat.

NHL posted!

NHL Connor McDavid and his girlfriend at a Toronto Maple Leafs game. Never thought you’d see Connor in a Leafs shirt eh?


yourusername HAHAHAHAH oh this is good

edmontonoilers connor how could you

mcdavid97 oh god

torontomapleleafs glad he’s come to his senses
  — yourusername me too


austonmatthews never thought i would see this


nathan mckinnion:


cale makar:


andrei svechnikov:

mini fan

mitch marner:

waiting room

brendan brisson: 


thomas bordeleau:


connor mcdavid:

birthday surprises

more writing:

wattpad — my hockey fics

waiting room | mitch marner


work count: 3.1k

a/n: i did take this down and redo it, so if it sounds familiar to you that’s because it probably is :))

inspired by waiting room — phoebe bridgers

No matter how much it hurt, it was always for the better.

Your entire life there had been one constant, Mitchell Marner. He was your best friend, your crush, your right-hand man, your rock, the only person that made you, you. He was everything to you, but who were you to ask for more?

It started when you were little.

“But Mommy Mitch is playing! I have to go!” Five-year-old you whined.

Your mother sadly shook her head, “I am sorry Y/N we can’t go.”

Tears welled up in your eyes at the thought of missing your best friend’s game. “Why not?” You sniffled.

“Mommy has to go to the doctor, you are staying with the neighbors for a little bit.”

“You could drop me off at the rink and I could stay with Mitch as long as you need me to,” You fight.

Your mother shook her head, “I said no Y/N,” She said sternly. Tears welled up in your eyes. Your mom softened at the sight of them. “I am sorry baby it’s just one game.”

You sniffled and sadly nodded your head, walking away.

The next day at school you felt guilty. Mitch had gotten a goal, he didn’t know you weren’t going to be there. He said he looked everywhere for you and you were nowhere to be found. You started crying because of the guilt.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there Mitchy,” You cried.

Mitch sat there and watched you cry. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t understand why you cared so much. But nonetheless, he wrapped you in a hug and repeated, “It’s okay.”

In the next minute, you two were running around laughing because he said it was okay. Everything would be okay if Mitch thought it was.

You two did everything together. You couldn’t disappoint him again, seeing that sad face of his was carved into your brain. You couldn’t live through seeing it again. Mitch started to realize that you were his rock, he couldn’t play hockey without your hype speech. Every time he talked he looked at you to see if you thought he was funny, it was the little things that connected you two. It was enough to bond you thicker than metal. But eventually metal starts to rust, and it breaks down.

That’s when it really started. The dependency, the attachment, the heartbreak. Things were changing, and you had a hard time accepting that.

It was high school that made every day a challenge. He was popular, you were not. He had lots of friends, you didn’t. You followed him around like a lost puppy dog waiting for an ounce of his attention. He said you were his most important friend, but that wasn’t enough for you. He was your most important person, he was your earth, and you were just his pluto.

He talked to you about girls, about how much girls liked how he played hockey. He got a girlfriend. She didn’t like you, she knew how you felt about him, and she didn’t want you around him. So he wasn’t.

You came home, sat on your couch, and just cried. You didn’t move, you didn’t make a sound. The tears just dripped down. The easiest thing to do was cry. You had gotten so good at it. So much heartbreak and overthinking in your life that the only thing you were good at is getting hurt.

Your dad came home, you didn’t even notice him until he sat down next to you.

“What’s wrong sweetheart?” He asked you.

Nothing but tears continuously dropping.

“He doesn’t need me,” You hoarsely said.

Your father sighed sadly, he knew this day would come. He saw how you looked at Mitch. He saw how you did everything with the thought of Mitch in the back of your head. “It’s going to be okay, sweetheart,” He laid his cheek on the top of your head and smoothed your hair down as you cried.

He didn’t know that. He couldn’t tell the future because it definitely wouldn’t be okay.

You started to drift off from Mitch. You didn’t want to follow him around anymore. You didn’t want to hear the laughs of people as you followed him. You accepted that things change and he didn’t want you anymore. It was for the better.

Mitch didn’t even notice you starting to drift away. He was bathing in the popularity and people wanting to be around him. He didn’t even notice that you were gone. Not until the small moments. You weren’t next to him every class, he couldn’t make eye contact with you when that one kid talked. You didn’t go to his games, he couldn’t hear you screaming every time he scored. His parents asked questions about you and he realized he didn’t know how you were doing.

He was aware of you now. He saw you walking in the halls, right past him not even looking at him. He saw you walking on the sidewalk past his house, not even looking at his house. Like they hadn’t been best friends since basically birth. Like they hadn’t been each other’s lifeline for 15 years.

It made him sad, so he followed you one night when you walked past his house. He had no idea where you were going until you turned a familiar turn, and it could only be the location you were headed towards.

When you were kids you guys went to the same location every Saturday night. There was a bench right on the river in Markham. You could see everything perfectly: the stars, the river, the beautiful night sky reflecting off of the water. The two of you would ‘sneak’ from your houses and walk to the river and your bench. You sit there for hours, either talking or in complete silence. It was just for them to be together.

“It’s us forever Mitchy,” 10-year-old you said.

A wide smile spread across Mitch’s face. He held his pinky out for you to link it to him. “Forever,” He repeated. “You’re going to be with me when I retire from the NHL as the greatest player of all time. I’m going to be there when you get thousands of awards for curing cancer.”

You smiled at his statement, “I don’t think your part is true, but mine is,” You teased him.

He frowned and shoved your shoulder, “Mean,” He grumbled.

You pushed his shoulder back, making him do the same that started a 20-minute play fight between you two.

It brought a sad smile to his face as the memories of this place came back. Coming here was the best part of his life but now those times were no longer.

He carefully sat next to you, trying not to scare you. You didn’t even acknowledge his presence. You heard him trailing after you a while ago so it didn’t surprise you.

It was silent between you two. A comforting but painful silence. Mitch didn’t know what to say, and you didn’t want to say anything to him.

There was so much history, so much love, and memories between you two that it was impossible to comprehend. Impossible to comprehend how much he meant to you and how much he could heal you will one smile. It was unhealthy and you knew it, but you would wait in his waiting room even if there was a chance he would see you.

“We’ve changed,” He broke the silence.

You didn’t do anything.

“I didn’t want us to change,” He sniffled.

You finally looked at him. He was looking at the water. His beautiful blue eyes filled with tears and the moonlight reflection. His beautiful beautiful face filled with sadness and pain. Your body is consumed by pain because you would rather die than cause Mitch sadness and pain.

“It’s for the better,” You whisper.

Mitch’s mouth open to protest, to beg for you to be friends with him again. But nothing came out, nothing at all. Just more painful silence as this was the goodbye for this soul combination.

He desperately turned to face you. You turned to him confused.

“This isn’t our end,” He whispered before grabbing your face and pulling it close to his. Your breaths caressing each other’s face. Your eyes wide as he looks between you and your lips. His bottom lip and yours barely touching as you two pant in anticipation. And his lips connect with yours.

Your lips move together in synchronization, under the moonlight. It was so perfect, so so perfect. That amazing, euphoric, longing emotion you were feeling, was exactly why it was wrong. The overwhelming feeling of satisfaction because you were finally kissing Mitch, after years of secretly loving him. The years of being reminded that you were just his best friend was carved in your mind. That’s why it was so terrible because it wasn’t real.

It was under the moonlight when you pull back painfully, and your heart broke. You laid your head on his chest and cried. He does the same because he knows what he just did. He was so desperate to make you stay with him that he did the one thing he knew you wanted. His love, his romantic love. By that one action, he knew he lost you forever.

“You can’t do this to me, Mitch,” You cry.

“I’m sorry,” He whispered.

“You can’t fucking do that to me,” You sob.

“I’m sorry,” He cried too. “I can’t do this without you, Y/N.”

“Don’t play with my feelings to get me to stay.”

“I can’t do this without you,” He repeated.

“You don’t like me. Why would you do that? Why would you play with my feelings like that, Mitch?” You sobbed in his chest, his arm coming around your body, to comfort you.

And you two sat like that for an hour. Both of you crying in each other’s embrace. Crying in each other’s mistakes because nobody can heal you and comfort you more than the person that hurt you.

Eventually, You both stopped crying. You just sat there, still in each other’s embrace when he whispered. “I’m leaving.”

You pulled yourself up and looked him in the eyes, “What?” You croaked.

“Next month I am playing for the London Knights.”

And just like that, your eyes started to welled up again. He was moving on without you. He accomplished his dream without you, just like your worst nightmare. No matter what you knew that whatever happened to you, he would be just fine, maybe even better. That’s something you had accepted during your 'break,’ he would still flourish without you. The same couldn’t be said in the opposite way though.

You reached up and placed your hand on his cheek, smiling sadly at him. “You’re making your dreams come true, Mitch.” You said as a tear dripped down your face. “I’ll always be supporting you, even when you can’t see me.”

He nodded while wiping his face from any leftover tears. “Same for me, Y/N.” He tucked loose hair behind your ear and stared into your eyes. “I’ll always be there for you.”

And that was true. They supported each other from a distance. He called you when the Knights won the M-Cup. You called him when you got accepted to your dream school. He called you when he got the call from the Leafs. You called him when you got accepted to med school. They supported each other from a distance, and that was for the better.

They saw each other for the first time in 5 years when you got an invitation in the mail.

You came home, to your empty sad home, checked the mail, and broke down then you saw the last piece of mail in the pile. The one thing you spent the last 5 years dreading. The thing that you had spent your entire life worrying about.

You never had a significant other, you could never move past the blue eyes boy from the past. Nobody could be as good as him because he was your everything. Even after all of these years.

You accepted the invitation. More to get closure, to see what his life was like, to see how much better he was without you.

And you did that. You wore a pretty dress, but not an over-the-top dress, one that fits right with your personality. You did your makeup, multiple times due to how much you cried. You needed to do this for yourself.

You sat towards the back of the reception. You recognized people you saw on his Instagram, you tried to figure out how they fit into his life. Because you would never truely know what anybody meant to him anymore. Your invitation could have been a mistake, and he secretly hated you all this time, but you didn’t know. Because you didn’t know him anymore, and whatever happened to you, you knew he would be fine anyway.

He seemed like the same person. You watched him from afar, too scared to actually go and talk to him. He looked at his bride just like he looked at you on that day by the river. He interacted with people the same way. There were his favorite snacks at the wedding, you smiled as you saw them. You could barely even look at them without gagging. You ate so much of those because of him.

You were smiling at the countless memories when you heard something behind you.

“Y/N,” Mitch breathed out.

You turned around with a smile on your face. And there he was, Mitchell Marner.

“Hey Mitch,” You smiled at him and wrapped your arms around him. He did the same to you.

You pulled back from him.

“It’s good to see you,” You said.

“Yeah, yeah you too,” He stammered. “I didn’t think you would come.”

“I’m always here for you,” You smiled.

“Yeah,” He whispered while looking at you.

Another person comes up behind Mitch and an arm is wrapped around his waist. He looks back and sees his wife. He smiles at her but his chest hurts a little bit.

“Hi,” She softly says to him.

“Hey,” He says back.

She looks at you and realized that you were talking to Mitch. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t notice you were talking.” She says.

You laugh and wave your hand. “You’re fine. I wanted to meet the person stuck with this guy over here,” You joke, gesturing to Mitch. You hear him make a sound of offense.

She smiles and holds out her hand, “Hi, I’m Steph,” She says nicely.

“Hi I’m-,” You start but she cuts you off.

“Y/N, yeah I know. Every single baby picture of Mitch has you in it too, so I know who you are,” She laughs.

You’re cheeks heat up at that. “Oh, sorry about that,” You sheepishly say.

She laughs, “It’s fine, you were a very cute baby.”

You laugh with her.

Another person approaches us and you recognize him as the best man.

“What’s going on over here?” Auston asks as he heard laughter coming from the area.

Mitch puts his arm over Auston’s shoulder, “Matts, this is Y/N my childhood best friend,” He says.

Your smile dims at the use of childhood best friend. But nonetheless, keep the act up and hand out your hand for him to shake.

His smile lifts, “So you’re Y/N? I’ve heard a lot about you in the past years. Great to finally meet you!”

“You too,” I say nicely, even though Mitch has never mentioned him.

“You’re a doctor eh?” Auston asks you.

You nod with a smile.

“Yeah, buddy boy over here,” He slapped Mitch on the back. “Has a subscription to Doctor Weekly to keep up with all of your accomplishments.”

You laugh at Mitch’s red face when all you wanted to do was cry in the corner. It’s too late, it’s too late, you continuously remind yourself. He’s moved on from you and all of your issues. He doesn’t want you back, Y/N.

“I could make a list if you wanted, Mitch. You got a poster board? I need the space,” You joke.

Auston and Steph burst out laughing at your attempt at a joke.

Auston nudges Mitch, “Why’d you keep this one hidden from us?”

Mitch looks at you dead in the eyes and says, “Nobody deserves her.”

It’s for the better. It’s for the better. It’s for the better.

Mitch was sitting at the bench after his retirement announcement.

“Well, I retired. Don’t know if I retired as greatest of all time, but maybe closest,” He sadly joked.

He closed his eyes as the tears trickled down his face. Time flew by and it flew by in the worst way possible.

You were changing history and doing your life’s dream when you found out that you had cancer. The thing you were dedicating your life to getting rid of, you got. The world was in mourn when the revolutionary Y/N Y/L/N died from cancer at the age of 48.

Mitch’s hands caressed the markings of your names on the bench. The first night you two found the bench you decided to mark it as your bench. Leaving the past memory of happiness and childhood love to the future memory of heartbreak and wrong timing.

Your headstone is right next to the bench on the river. Where the happiest part of your life occurred. You had two headstones, one in D.C where you did your life’s work, and one here by the river.

Distance noise started to get close and Mitch looked up and smiled. Little footsteps coming at a fast pace towards her dad. She launched herself into his lap and laid her head on his chest.

“Hi daddy,” She happily greeted her father.

“Hi Y/N,” He kissed his daughter’s head, closed his eyes, and enjoyed hugging his daughter.

They both looked at the headstone of the person that meant a lot to them.

One who she was named after, and heard amazing stories about every day.

And the other looking at the headstone of the love of his life.

He was in her waiting room now. Waiting for whatever chance he could see her again.

unexpected | cale makar


word count: 2.1k (kind of unnecessarily long)

a/n: my ej favoritism really showed in this one

tw: tattoos & piercings

Cale had made mistakes in his life, he’s made lots of mistakes, but one of his biggest was texting you in the locker room.

“Caler, who you texting there making you so red eh?” EJ teasingly asked the young defenseman.

“Uh-what-uh-nobody-why do you ask?” He stumbles on his words as he quickly puts his phone under his bag next to him. His cheeks getting even more impossibly red now.

Everybody’s eyes light up as they sense Cale hiding something from them. Every pair of eyes floats over to him as he starts moving uncomfortably under the pressure of all of their stares.

Gabe looks around the room and back at the very uncomfortable Cale. “Okay, guys stop if he wanted to tell us he would,” He scolds.

Cale shoots an appreciative look at Gabe.

Naz slowly reaches under Cale’s bag and grabs his phone. He makes eye contact with Burky, who can see everything he is doing, and smirks at him.

“Who’s Y/N?” Naz asks.

Cale moves his eyes to Naz, more specifically his phone in Naz’s hands. He drops his face into his hands and curses silently for every question about to come his way.

“Y/N,” EJ wiggles his eyebrows with a toothy grin. (lol i’m funny)

“It’s my friend?” Cale tries to weakly save himself.

“Uhhh I don’t know this heart next to her name doesn’t look very friendly,” Naz said.

Cale picks up his head to glare at Naz before dramatically placing it back.

“Open your phone,” Naz shoves his phone in Cale’s face. “I want to see what she said.”

Cale scoffs before snatching his phone out of Naz’s grip. “Drop it,” He snaps before picking up his stuff and walking out of the locker room.

EJ ooohs Cale as he walks out. “We’re not letting this go right?” He asked as soon as Cale left.

Mikko rapidly shook his head, a wide grin on his face as he accepted the challenge of finding out what Cale was hiding. “No way.”

Gabe sighed and shook his head. He was already saying sorry for the future days of Cale.


Cale walked into the locker room for morning skate with a jersey under his arm. It was barely noticeable, but after yesterday all of the guys were watching Cale’s every move.

“Cale, why do you have a women’s jersey?” Val asked cluelessly.

Cale quickly closed his eyes in frustration, letting out a exaggerated breath. He thought he was being sly, he didn’t think anybody would see it.

Mikko quickly grabs the jersey from under his arm. He turns the jersey around and it reveals exactly what everybody wanted to see. MAKAR, 8

“Got your girl your jersey, Caley?” JT teases Cale while poking his shoulder.

Cale ducks his head to hide his blush and smile from the guys.

“Is she going to be at the game?” Gabe asked him.

Cale shook his head, “No, I just wanted to give it to her,” He mumbles and shrugs.

“Aww such a sweet and caring boyfriend,” EJ faux swoons.

“Such a romantic,” Mikko joins in.

“We aren’t dating,” Cale mumbles, shoving the jersey into his bag, thinking that it being out of sight would help the situation.

“Yet…” Naz finished for Cale, nudging him teasingly.

Cale simply shrugged leaving his teammates to interpret his answer themselves. But the blush on his cheeks and the smile he was failing to hide was an answer enough.


“Cale,” EJ exclaimed, stomping over to Cale’s cubby in the locker room.

Cale sighed and massaged his temple for what was coming. “Yes,” He tiredly answered. They had just finished a game and apparently, EJ just found out some news.

“Was your girlfriend at the game?” He asked, placing his hands on his hips. Cale had to hold in laughter because EJ looked like a mother questioning her suspicious child.

Cale nodded. Everybody gasped.

“Did she sit with the girls?” Gabe asked curiously. He knew that if Cale’s girlfriend sat in the box with Mel she would tell him everything about his girlfriend.

Cale shook his head, “No, I didn’t want to pressure her into doing that so early.”

“So we’re still not meeting her?” EJ said looking annoyed.

“I met her,” Burky piped up. “She was very nice.”

Cale groaned. Andre promised Cale that he wouldn’t tell anybody, and now here he was. Telling everybody. Cale knew that once one person met her everybody would want to. He knew you were nervous about meeting the guys, they were the most important people in his life, and of course, you would be nervous.

Everybody looked at Andre offended, “Why does he get to meet her and we don’t?” Devon asked, gesturing to Burky. Devon thought that if anybody would meet his girlfriend it would be him first.

“He met her on accident. She’s nervous to meet you guys, so wait a little bit then you all can meet her.”

“Have her sit with the girls next time. I know they will welcome her with open arms, it might help her ease into it,” Gabe suggested.

Cale thought about Gabe’s suggestion. You were only nervous to meet the guys because you were a quiet person, and meeting a whole group of big tall people was a lot for you. You admitted the other night that you were scared to go up to Cale because you thought he was intimidating. Cale almost spat out his water when you told him that. So easing into the process by meeting the WAGS first seemed like a perfect plan to him.

“I’ll check when she’s available, but yeah that sounds good.”

And he did just that.


It was a random Tuesday to most people, but to you, it was the day you were meeting your boyfriend’s teammate’s wives. You had to make a good impression, Cale spent most of his time with his teammates which meant that you probably will too. If they didn’t like you that would be terrible, it would be uncomfortable and awkward around them.

“I can see you overthinking,” Cale breaks your rushing thoughts. His hand squeezes your thigh while his thumb goes back and forth on your skin. “It’s going to be fine.”

“I know,” You nod at him, obviously lying.

He rolls his eyes because he can immediately tell you’re lying to him. “They’re going to love you. Relax.”

You nod at his words. You were a nice person, you knew enough about hockey that you wouldn’t look like an idiot. You were going to be fine.

“Cale, I can’t do this,” You panic as he goes to open the door to the friends and family box.

He kisses your forehead, “Babe, calm down. You are the nicest person known to man-kind, you’re going to be fine.”

You smile and melt at your boyfriend’s sweet words. You take a deep breath and prepare yourself for the potential disaster.

You walk into the room silently trailing after Cale.

“Hey, guys!” Cale greets as some of them notice him walk in. He steps aside and pulls you in front of him. You shot him a slight glare for bringing you forward. He smiles at you and places his hand on your back. “This is my girlfriend, Y/N.”

Some of the girls are shell-shocked, they stood frozen in place. You were absolutely beautiful…but not at all what they were expecting when they heard Cale had a girlfriend.

A girl with blonde hair and a warm smile was the first to step up to you. “Hi! I’m Melanie, but call me Mel, I’m Gabe’s wife,” She smiles at you.

You smile back at her, “Hi! I’m Y/N, as he just said,” You laughed.

Some of the girls broke out of their trance when they realized they were being rude. Of course neither you nor Cale noticed their shock at your appearance. They all came up to greet you and tell you who they are dating or married to.

You were conversing when you felt an arm being wrapped around your waist. “I told you,” Cale whispered into your ear. “They all love you, just like I said.”

You laughed softly at his words, “I know, I can’t help but overthink sometimes,” You shrug.

“I know sweetheart,” He kissed your temple. He checks his watch, “I have to go now.”

You turn around and give him a peck on the cheek, “Go ahead, don’t want to make you late. I’ll be fine,” You smile at him.

“I know you will,” He pecks you on the lips and steps out of the room, going to the locker room.

You smile at his retreating figure before turning back to the girls. They were all looking at you with small smiles on their face. Your cheeks heat up, “What?”

Ashley, Naz’s wife, shakes her head with a smile on her face. “You two are cute together,” She compliments.

Your cheeks heat up even more, “Thank you,” You shyly mutter.

Mel giggles, “I can tell you’re going to be around for a while,” She wraps her arm around your shoulders, giving you a side hug and squeeze.

You try and hide your smile by looking at the ground, but completely fail because you were accepted by them.


The cycle repeats when Cale and you were in the car again. This time going to Gabe’s house for a team barbecue. Mel invited you last week, and here you were…in the same exact situation.

“They’re not going to like me,” You stress your thoughts.

Cale groans beside you, “Y/N, that will not happen. I promise you, their wives all told them about you and now they can wait to meet you.”

“They could, it’s possible,” You say, still after his comforting words.

“Then we will find out soon,” He pulls up in front of a nice house with a lot of cars in front of it.

Your eyes widen at the number of cars in front of the house. You take a deep breath in and out, putting on a fake smile. “Okay, come on,” You hold out your hand for him. “Let’s go.”

He chuckles at your quick changing mood, “Okay, let’s go,” He kisses your hand quickly before opening the car door. You reach back into the backseat for the mac and cheese you made. Cale practically begged you to make it, it was your famous mac and cheese, but you only made it on special occasions. Cale quickly manipulated this event as an excuse for you to make your famous dish.

Cale walked up to the door, opening it, not even knocking. “Cale,” You gasped. He looked at you, not even knowing why you gasped. “You didn’t knock.”

He chuckles, shaking his head. “I’ve been to this house more than my own at this point.”

You frown, “Still, it’s rude,” You mumble.

He laughs at your genuine shock that he didn’t knock, “I’m sorry, I’ll knock next time,” He kisses your forehead. You nod, satisfied at his answer.

Cale guides you towards the loud voices in the house. “Hey guys, we’re here,” He calls out, walking into the living room where everybody was sitting.

You hear a couple of ‘Hey Cale!’ but you distinctly hear, “Where is she?”

You move to the side of Cale, showing yourself to the crowd.

Again to your obliviousness, there was a shock that went over the guys in the group. Some of the guy’s eyes were wide open and slightly parted lips. Some shared glances of, 'That’s who Cale’s dating? How did Cale pull that?’

EJ is the one who breaks the silence, “Do you think I could pull that off?” He asks you, gesturing to your septum piercing.

You laugh, “Yeah, for sure,” You joke.

“You think I could pull that off?” JT asks, gesturing to your tattoo sleeves.

Gabe scoffs, “No, to both of your questions,” He rolls his eyes at his teammate’s dumb reactions. He walks up to you with a smile and wide open arms, “Nice to meet you, Y/N,” He hugs you.

You smile, “Nice to meet you guys too.”

Mel comes in behind her husband and gives you a hug too, “So glad you could come.”

“Thank you for inviting me, Mel.”

Somebody pulls your hug apart, “Okay Mel, let the rest of us get to know her,” EJ jokes…well people assume he’s joking.

It all was unexpected when Cale showed up with a girl that looked 100 times cooler than him. But a girl with 6 piercings in her face, 78 tattoos all over her body, and an amazing personality they all loved her in a second. And they could absolutely tell that this relationship would last based on how Cale looked at you.

memories | nathan mackinnon


word count: 1.2k

tw: swearing

inspired by memories — conan gray

Time was a good thing for you. It had been a couple of months since you and Nate broke up, you didn’t sob uncontrollably, you didn’t watch his games and just start crying anymore. You could actually function as a human being without him now. Time had been a healthy thing for you.

You could look through your camera roll now, seeing all the memories with him. You even smiled when you looked at them—remembering all of the good times between you two. A picture of you two laughing with each other at your one-year anniversary dinner. Nate took you to one of your favorite restaurants that night and JT happened to be there too. He took a picture of you two and sent it to Nate to scare him. You two were in your own world of love and happiness, with no other thoughts but each other. A month ago, you couldn’t look at it—you couldn’t bear to see how he used to look at you, so lovingly. It hurt so much because it was a reminder of how he didn’t look at you like that anymore. Now, you look at it as a reminder that you had good times with him, but it needed to end.

A knock at your door made you exit your mind. It was pouring rain outside and you didn’t expect anybody. You peeked out of the window next to your door, but you don’t see anything. You open the door and suddenly time hadn’t been good to you. Nothing had healed and you felt like crying all over again when you saw those familiar blue eyes.

“Can we talk?” He whispers.

You were sure that he didn’t just say that, that you were dreaming about him being here. But you’re not dreaming, he’s standing there, soaking wet, looking sad and defeated because he crawled his way back to your house.

“Yeah,” You whisper so quietly that you’re not sure you even said anything. It’s when he starts to walk forward that you realize you did actually say yes to him. But what was new about that, you could never say no to him, especially when he was standing on your porch looking like a wet dog.

He walked into your house, something you never thought you would see again. Something you promised yourself that you would never see again. But here you were, letting him walk right in because you were so enamored by him.

Please don’t ruin this for me. Please don’t make this harder than it already is. I’m trying to get over this, the rational part of yourself thought as you watched him walk in like he still was welcome here.

“What are you doing here, Nate?” You whispered, wrapping your arms around your body.

“What happened between us?” He slurred.

“Are you drunk, Nate?” You asked him in disbelief.

He ignored your question, “Answer my question,” He demanded.

You closed your eyes, you knew exactly how this night was going to go. Just like it did every time, history repeats itself over and over.

“What happened, Y/N?” He asked, but a little bit sharper in tone.

Your jaw clenched, history repeated itself over and over. “Why are you doing this?”

“I just want you to explain why you think I did something wrong?”

You sighed, why was he doing this, you repeated in your mind. “Move on, Nathan, there’s no point in going back into the past,” You spoke equally as sharp as him.

“Just explain to me why you blamed us breaking up on me? How was it my fault?” He victimized himself.

You rubbed your forehead with your hands, tears starting to prickle in your eyes. You wanted him to leave, you wanted to go back to the couch and go through the happier times of your relationship. You wanted Nathan to stay in your memories, to stay in the past.

“God just fucking tell me Y/N!” He yelled at you, making you flinch.

“This,” You finally snapped at him. “This is why we fucking broke up, Nathan. This is how our nights always ended, you fucking yelling at me. You traumatized me, Nathan, don’t even try to victimize yourself,” You yelled back at him. “I want to move on, I want you to stay in the past, but you keep coming back and hurting me.”

The hockey player sat in silence, he didn’t yell back at you, he didn’t say anything back to you.

“I wish you would stay in my memories. To stay in the past where we can both move on.” You calmed down after a couple of moments of silence. “We can’t keep doing this,” You sighed, finally letting your frustrated tears escape. You bury your head in your hands while you silently cry. “I can’t keep doing this.”

Nathan stumbles over to where you were sitting and wraps his arms around you. You turn around and bury your face into his chest. “I’m sorry, I don’t deserve you,” He thickly whispered, guiding you over to the couch and cuddling up against you.

“But here we are,” You bitterly chuckle. Here you were, the same end result every time. Him comforting you after he was the one who hurt you. After all, he was the only person who could comfort you, even if he was the one who hurt you.

You fall asleep with dried tears on your face, he falls asleep with the one person he loves more than anything, but can’t stop hurting. History repeats itself over and over. The same thing every single time—he yells and hurts you, you cry, he comforts you, you two break up, then two months later you welcome him back into your life and heart. It was hard to see an end when the beginning kept coming up.

No matter how hard you try not to make him mad, as hard as he tries to learn how to love you, the ending never changes. It will always end in heartbreak and destruction, but you keep letting him come back. And each time he came back, you would welcome him for as long as he wanted. Because you two could never let go of each other, no matter what you did to each other.

As long as he came back, you let him put his coat down and get comfortable. You let him infest himself back into your space, heart, and mind. The cologne that he bought when you were fighting makes its way back into your sheets. The memories burn your brain, making you regret every decision you make about him. But it was just another reminder of how you let him back each and every time.

You knew in the future you would be back on the floor, sobbing crying, because he took his frustrations out on you. You knew in the future that he would wrap his arms around you and apologize. You knew in the future you would be blankly staring at the wall, dried tears on your face and a hoarse voice.

And all you could say was, “I wish that you would stay in my memories.”

what did you just do to me? | luke hughes


i saw this tiktok and i needed to do it with luke :))) lolz this is bad but idc

word count:1.4k

‘Hurry up’ You texted Luke as you, Thomas, and Brendan were sitting in the car waiting for him. Everybody was hanging out, so you guys all volunteered to get food. You were shifting through your purse when you came across your Too Faced Lip Injection Extreme. You watched Luke walk out of the house with a smirk.

While you were putting on the lip gloss, Luke got into the car. “Sorry, I was getting everybody’s orders,” He mumbled, putting his phone into his pocket.

“’S cool,” You murmured, concentrating on putting a thick layer of the gloss, so it transfers easily to his lips.

He glared at you, you just sent him a text saying hurry up and now 'it’s cool.’

You noticed his glare and pouted. You reached over the center console to give him a kiss.

He pulled back from you, “You’ve got lipstick on, I don’t want that,” He gestured t your lips.

You shook your head, “It’s not lipstick, it’s chapstick.”

He cringed, he didn’t want that on his lips either. But you were giving him a sad face, so he had to.

He spared a glance at Bren and Thom in the back, he leaned in when he saw they were in their own worlds.

You pressed your lips against his, making sure to move your lips a little bit so the gloss could really get on his lips. He pulled back with a weird look on his face, he could feel you moving your lips weirdly.

“Babe, your lips are so dry, you need this,” You make up the quick excuse and gesture to him for another kiss.

He rubs his lips together, trying to see if you were right. Agreeing with you, he leans back in for another kiss, letting you transfer the 'chapstick’ to his lips.

Brendan glances up from his phone when he noticed you two being unusually quiet. He groans and covers his and Thomas’ eyes from the sight of you two kissing, “Really guys? We just want food.”

You two pulled apart, “Sorry, Luke needed chapstick,” You tell them shrugging, trying to keep your cool and not laugh.

Brendan shook his head, disappointedly. “Can’t even put on his own chapstick,” He sighed.

“She offered,” Luke mumbled, defending himself.

He scrunched his face up in a weird way, he started to rub his lips together. He saw you trying not to laugh from the corner of his eyes, he looked at you with an accusatory gaze.

“What did you do?” He questioned you. He shouldn’t be surprised, you always loved playing with people.

“What do you mean?” You ask innocently.

“What did you do to me?” He asked, pulling down the car mirror as his lips felt weird. He looked closer at his lips and they looked pink and glossy. “You said this was chapstick! This is lipstick, Y/N!”

“It’s chapstick, you’re just being dramatic,” You wave him off.

“Y/N, what did you do? My lips are tingling,” He whined. “It’s all over my lips,” He cringed looking in the mirror, the skin surrounding his lips was growing pink and tingly too.

“Do your lips usually tingle with chapstick?” You ask him, gaslighting the shit out of him.

“No, they don’t. What did you do to me?”

Your body silently shakes with laughter as he freaks out about his lips. “I didn’t do anything,” You practically wheeze.

He looks at you with a petrified expression that makes you laugh harder. “My lips are tingling,” He emphasizes every word. “What are you putting on? The tickalator 3000?!” He says making you burst out laughing, not being able to control it anymore.

Thomas and Brendan watch this whole interaction from the back of the car, their eyes silently moving between you two. You laughing to the point of tears and Luke freaking out about to cry.

“What the hell did you put on my lips!” Luke exclaimed, staring at the mirror again watching his lips. He quickly wiped it off when his lips started to turn red. “What is this?”

“I just had lipgloss on!” You tell him.

His head snapped towards you, “Lipgloss!? I thought you said it was chapstick! I don’t want lipgloss!”

Again you start cracking up when he starts feverishly wiping his lips with his hoodie sleeve. “You’re lips aren’t going to fall off, Luke! Calm down!”

“I don’t know that, I don’t know what you did to me! My lips could fall off!”

You reach into the side holder where you put the lipgloss and hold it out for him. He snatches it out of your hand and looks at it. He squints his eyes to read the label, but his face drops when he reads all of it.

“Lip Injection!” He exclaims. “Extreme!” He slowly looks up at you with a horrified facial expression. He looks at you, praying that you didn’t just put lip injections on his lips, praying that you’re just joking and that it was chapstick.

“What did you do to me?” He whispered, holding up his hand to touch his red lips. You don’t even look at him because you’re laughing so much.

“Oh god,” He touches his lips and realizes they are much bigger than they usually feel. He quickly opens the door of the car and practically flies out of the car. “I am not getting big lips,” He yells as he’s running.

You, Brendan, and Thomas all burst out into deeper laughter as you guys watch Luke sprint into the house.

Luke busts open the door and sprints into the kitchen. He grabs the sponge sitting next to the sink and violently starts scrubbing his lips.

Everybody in the house walks to the kitchen at the sudden noise. They all stop at the sight of Luke practically scrubbing his entire face off.

“Luke? What are you doing?” Nick questions him.

Luke looks at them, but doesn’t stop scrubbing, “Y/N…bad lipgloss…” Was all they could make out. They all stare at him blankly, all in absolute confusion because they didn’t know what the fuck was going on.

Five minutes later, Nick comes out of the house and gets into the car. You all look at him confused, he wasn’t supposed to come with you guys.

He sighs as he sees your questionable gaze, “Luke refused to come back out,” He said.

You snort but settle back into your seat as Nick starts pulling out of the driveway.

“Hey Nick,” Brendan pipes up. “Can you hand me something?”

Nick nods, looking at Brendan through the rearview mirror. “What?” He asks Brendan.

Brendan awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, “You’re probably sitting on it.”

Nick’s eyebrows furrowed, but he picks his body up to reach under him. He pulls out the small plastic tube of lipgloss. “Is this what you wanted?” He asked Brendan.

Brendan nods excitedly and grabs the lipgloss out of Nick’s hand.

He opens the gloss and reluctantly starts putting it on his lips. You and Thomas looking at him, questionably and in anticipation, for his reaction. He applies the gloss and simply sits there while waiting for anything to happen. Thomas curiously takes the gloss out of Bren’s hand and looks at it. He looks at Bren, who was not having a reaction so far, and opens the tube up and puts some on.

“Hm, smells weird,” Thomas mumbles.

“Well, yeah it’s chemicals,” You say.

Brendan scoffs, “That’s a nice thing to say after we both put it on.”

In surrender, you hold your hands up, “You saw what it did to Luke.”

“No, we didn’t. He was flailing around everywhere so we couldn’t see anything.”

“Oh, it’s starting to tingle,” Brendan gasps.

“Yeah, feels weird,” Thomas rubs his lips together.

“Oh god, it’s really tingling,” Brendan starts to fan his lips. You snicker at their facial expressions. You put this on all the time, so you were used to it, but watching them was funny.

“It feels I’m having surgery on my lips…but from the inside,” Thom says.

“Makes 100% sense, Thom,” You sarcastically say.

Whenever you guys pulled into the McDonald’s parking lot Nick snatched the lipgloss out of Thomas’ hand. “You guys made me curious,” He said before applying the product too.

Later, all of you walked back into the house with big, red lips. Luke, on the couch, shakes his head. His lips still red, not from the lipgloss, but from his excessive scrubbing after.

“I don’t care what you guys think, I look good,” Brendan puckers out his lips and poses with a hand on his hip and a peace sign.
