

Even more interesting is that Jenny was sent to Sunnydale as soon as Angel revealed himself to Buffy and they started getting too close. At this point, her Kalderash backstory wasn’t even written, but the show got the greatest gift of the ultimate timing coincidence. There’s also the coincidence that Calendar has a vague similarity to Kalderash. Jenny arrived just then after being told that Angel’s pain was lessening and to separate him from the Slayer. Her infiltration one episode later from an in-canon perspective is not a coincidence.

At the time of Mutant Enemy finally deciding on Angelus as season 2’s Big Bad after Whedon’s underestimation of David Boreanaz’s ability to carry the role and the Anointed One as season 2’s originally-intended Big Bad not working out at all, the original intent was actually for Angelus to kill the new character of Oz. However, the popularity of Seth Green and the potential for the Willoz ‘ship eventually settled on Jenny being on the chopping block. It also was a greater emotional hit, as Angel had more of a connection to Jenny (saving her life), whereas he didn’t really know Oz at all. The audience also hadn’t known Oz for that long. There’s also the fact that Angel had saved Giles’ life (not to mention Xander and Willow’s) and a much more profound connection to him, even if Angel was also becoming fairly close to Willow before all that was snatched away.

It also gave Giles the most emotional storyline he ever had, on top of the extra cruelty was the fact that Giles actually liked Angel a lot prior to the Angelus arc, which Giles never forgave Angel for. It was Giles who originally told Xander that Jesse was no longer his friend, but rather the thing that killed him, but it becomes Giles who can’t make that separation between Angel and Angelus. And of course, Xander hated Angel long before Angelus ever showed up, as can be seen by his numerous jealous comments well before the reveal in 1x07.

They kept doing research together and Angel was one of the few other “adults” Giles could interact with. Giles was even fascinated by the maudlin romance of a vampire in love with a Slayer. He’s not against the relationship at all.

One of the non-canon tie-in novels even had Angel spending the entire summer saving Sunnydale with Giles and Jenny as Buffy’s replacement while she was at Hank’s house in L.A. That book tells us the probable context of how Angelus got that off-screen invite into Giles’ house.

After Angelus, Giles gave Angel some begrudging credit for having the mature foresight needed to leave Buffy, which was his criticism of Spike in Lies My Parents Told Me, but that is quickly dashed when it is Giles on the phone who Angel is begging for help to save Fred’s life, only to be utterly rejected and insulted with visits by Andrew. As much as I’m loathe to consider the comics canon, one of the few good calls was to have everything that came out of Andrew’s mouth be more lies that never came from Buffy, but unfortunately that doesn’t excuse Giles being on the phone call refusing to help Fred only because it’s Angel who made the call.

Again, as much as I’m loathe to acknowledge the comics, one of the only bright spots, despite the utter character-assassinating clusterfuck of how it got there (including Twilight!Angel killing Giles), was Angel saving Giles from having sold his soul to Eyghon, which also calls back to Angel (or, more accurately, Angelus) saving Jenny from Eyghon.

In later seasons, it’s interesting to go back to these early pre-Angelus interactions with Giles and Angel where they actually had a lot in common (two nerdy, well-educated bookworms, not unlike the relationship that developed between Angel and Wesley) and often had similar perspectives on what would be best for Buffy and Angel’s own impossible situation. Angel broadcast all his misgivings about the relationship in 1x07 and repeated all the reasons standing between them numerous times, so it really wasn’t just hearing it from Joyce (much is made of her having a better relationship with Spike and never getting past Angel taking her daughter’s virginity, despite the fact that they actually have more interests in common, most especially art and collecting, and were in complete agreement that the relationship was never a good idea) and the Mayor (a fellow immortal who lived out the same tragedy) that led to The Prom. It is Giles whom Angel tells concerning why he’s been so absent in Out of Mind, Out of Sight.

Angelus didn’t just destroy any future for Angel having a relationship with Buffy, but also destroyed most of the budding relationships he had in Sunnydale. Angel, Wesley and Cordy were thus the only characters at the end of season 3 who had nothing left to lose by leaving.

When Buffy couldn’t go to Giles for advice or use Willow as a kind sounding board (without Xander’s judgment), it was always Angel whom she ran to. Angel was whom Buffy ran to whenever what worried her was about her parents’ divorce, wanting to be a normal girl, not getting to live long enough to have a future (or the children Angel can’t have) or why they fight. Gingerbread has the philosophical precursor to the Epiphany speech. Buffy has an interesting history of replacement father figures (Giles being the most prominent) and Angel’s paternal tendencies are a huge part of his arc. He’s a Prodigal Son with another Prodigal Son, after all, not to mention his own often-paternal protector/provider relationship with his team at Angel Investigations. So, when Angel was taken from Buffy (blaming herself for killing the person she loved most, thus the connection of her to James Stanley), she also lost one of her biggest confidants. The whole season is having her relationships and reasons to stay in Sunnydale stripped from her.

Wesley, of course, was written entirely as Giles’ mirror when first introduced. He’s there to make Giles look cool and hip by comparison. He was even more of a bookworm than Giles ever was and had much faster recall, more readily having information without all-night research. The only character who challenges Angel for the character with the biggest eidetic memory database concerning history, languages and demonology is Wesley. It’s often Angel who has all the answers in the first season and a half that Giles often doesn’t (the Hellmouth, the Harvest, the Master, the Pergamum Codex, what the Anointed and his followers are up to, Spike, Drusilla, the Judge, etc…). Witch not only lies about Giles’ spell casting history, but it turns out Giles’ entire tweedy persona is a big lie and that he’s actually more street smart than book smart. Wesley is the exact opposite initially, though ends up so brutal that he gives Angel a run for his head-over-heart, big-picture-thinking tendencies. Wesley and Angel end up mirroring each other as well, and you can see the start of it as early as Wesley’s willingness to sacrifice Willow to stop the Mayor.


@likeawesternwind​ said: you’re so right and also the way you phrased this makes me wonder… if btvs just popped into existence in its entirety, right now, instead of developing over 7 years + having people talk about it for 20 years more, would more people come to this kind of conclusion? like what would be the fandom perception of jenny/calendiles with fresh eyes in the 2020’s

see i am torn! a lot of the jenny/giles dialogue really was happening before we got stuff like buffy/spike and willow/tara and on some level also faith/buffy. i feel like those three relationships are the ones that have the most staying power in fandom, and they’re the ones that have the most rich dialogue surrounding them. most of the time giles/jenny get the short end of the stick by simply being located in a season where there’s not enough spike/buffy interaction to hold the interest of fandom at large, and tara isn’t even There Yet, so their entire deal is just written off as existing before the show Really Starts in most people’s hearts. so i do kind of think that if btvs was coming out in the 2020s (disregarding how ill-received i think it would be now for a lot of reasons), we would actually get some solid excitable jenny/giles conversations before the show transitioned into spike/buffy and they were phased out of existence.



literally every single part of the world inside and out of canon says that giles and jenny don’t matter and yet the One Thing that we know giles wants in canon, that he CHOSE to want in canon, that was never shoved in his direction or forced upon him? jenny. 

jenny is the center of giles’s heart and this is not important. jenny is the love of giles’s life and this is not important. jenny is the little rimshot, the punchline of the joke – the librarian has a crush! – and there’s no need to look at it any further. jenny’s gone. jenny’s hardly a person. jenny’s the one time we see giles smiling and unabashedly happy and overflowing with a kind of nervous joy, because he has never had anything good in his life like this before. nothing uncomplicated. and even when it iscomplicated between them, it isn’t, really. it’s semantics. it’s complicated because they’re similar and they don’t know how to trust each other. it’s complicated because anyone who can stay in step with giles has to be pretty fucked up and complicated too. it’s complicated because if this is the love of giles’s life, she is going to be someone with a big heart and a hard time verbalizing emotions – he makes his feelings quiet and shelves them with the rare books, she twists her feelings into a sharp little insult because she likes that she can draw blood. she likes knowing that he’s soft for justher. all of this information is compressed into a footnote in giles’s life that will never make it into a single watchers’ diary. all of this is tangled in giles’s heart.


i am really in a calendiles mood today especially. this literally was never jenny and giles’s story. they were never going to be anything and yet every single second of their time together is both of them throwing their documented multitude of responsibilities to the wind to be with each other. and i think it hits differently than buffy & angel specifically because buffy and angel are portrayed by the show as a more deliberately teenage romance – sort of growing into these oppressive destinies and fighting against them. the fact that giles and jenny are both so hesitant to let go of their own generational expectations, even as it’s clear that neither of them actually Believe In what they’re supposed to be doing, really emphasizes that they both lost the fight that buffy and angel have only just joined. giles and jenny are both forced into these roles that whittle them down into nothingness, and they never truly escape them, and yet they are so positively hungry for and in love with each other that they will spend their on-the-clock work hours kissing on school property & flirting in hallways & cuddling in full view of teenagers. neither of them actually HAS the time for a serious and committed relationship, BOTH of them are badly attempting to hide skeletons in their closet that are always on the verge of tumbling out, and they are both acerbic, sarcastic, vaguely misanthropic individuals who don’t really seem to have any interest in people Not Worth Their Time – but they fucking MELT around each other. they lock eyes and share a special smile (giles does not smile at anyone like he smiles at jenny! jenny does not smile at anyone AT ALL outside of giles!) and it is transparently obvious that they have forgotten anyone exists but their darling. and there is something so goddamn romantic about that when considering the fact that these are two sensible people who have spent DECADES being pushed and pushed and pushed by external forces to give up absolutely all of their personhood. the connection between them is so strong that it trumps absolutely all of that.


also as ever rlly have to remind everyone that giles and jenny were absolutely THE love at first sight situation of season one. no one else compares, and this is specifically because their joint response to meeting a person who made them feel one single human emotion was to Try And Attack It. their love language is spirited debate and you cannot convince me that they both weren’t having the time of their lives in their Workplace Nemeses era
