#calgary flames blurbs



note: the win. i think i’m still on a high and they aren’t even a team i’m actively rooting for. also, this fic is part of the “matthew the family man” series, so check out this masterlist for more.

pair:matthew tkachuk x reader

summary: pre win and post win.

warnings: alcohol consumption, mild cursing

word count: 741 words

matthew was getting ready in the bathroom when jamie walked in, wearing his own little suit, “what’re you getting dressed up for?”

“going with you, daddy.” jamie answered.

matthew smiled, picking up max and setting him on the counter, and helping him tie his tie. you walked into the bathroom, wearing your special red playoff jean jacket.

“what happened to your speical jersey?” you asked.

“didn’t want to.” jamie shrugged, “wanted to match with daddy,” he smiled.

“oh.” you nodded, brushing his hair.

“i need help.” olivia announced, joining you in the bathroom.

“me too.” max, ever the mama’s boy, ran in after olivia and ran right into your legs.

“oof.” you grunted, “what do you need help with?”

“i can’t tie my shoes,” he admitted shyly.

“come on, let’s get shoes on you.” you smiled, picking him up and carrying him back out to his room.

“what do you need help with?” matthew asked, bending down to olivia’s height.

“mommy said she would help me with my hair.” olivia smiled.

“sadly, i can’t help you with that.”

the entire tkachuk family had flown in to see matthew play, whether that was at home or in dallas. it made life easier knowing that at any given point, all three tkachuk kids were either with their aunt, uncle or grandparents.

olivia was standing up close to the glass, trying to spot matthew. jamie was sitting in between chantel and keith while max was with you and taryn. brady was off somewhere being a menace.

“daddy!” olivia cheered, slapping her hands on the glass. that caught both max and jamie’s attention and they both shot up, eyes immediately glued on the ice.

matthew skated over, a few pucks in hand and he tossed three over the glass for your three kids, then tossed a few more to a few kids around you.

he turned his attention back to the three kids in front of him and waved. he blew them all kisses and told him he loved them. he blew you a kiss and sent you a wink, then skated back, blowing kisses to the rest of his family.

the stars were up by one but you were hopeful because it was only the second period. the puck went down into flames’ zone, then jacob hit it over to johnny who skated towards the net then passed it over to matthew who took his shot and made it.

the horn sounded and the crowd went wild. you were sure, out of everyone in the entire arena, that the tkachuk family was cheering the loudest.

by the end of the game, max was asleep. olivia and jamie were wide awake though, due to the giant soda uncle brady had given them halfway into the second period.

you waited for matthew to finish up media in the tunnel, “can we go find daddy?” olivia asked.

“daddy’s doing interviews,” you told her.

“where’s that?” jamie asked.

“over there.” you pointed. they looked over, then looked back over at you, silently asking to go in.

you thought about it, “i’ll take them.” chantel volunteered.

“don’t cause too much trouble,” you told them, and they instantly smiled, linking hands with their grandma and making their way into the media room.

matthew was mid-question when he heard them walk in. he instantly brightened up and motioned for them to come over. they looked over at chantel, who nodded, and they ran over, hugging their dad.

“hey, what’re you guys doing here?” he laughed, kissing their heads and letting them climb into his lap.

“are you almost done?” olivia asked, causing everyone else in the room to laugh.

“yeah liv. almost done.” he pressed another kiss to her head and got back to the interview.

“and one last question for olivia and jamie, are you guys excited that your dad made it to round one?”

“yeah.” they both nodded.

“thanks, guys.” matthew nodded, and let the kids hop off his lap and made his way out to the tunnel. he spotted the tkachuk clan almost as soon as he stepped out of the media room and made a beeline over to you, each hand linked with a child.

“there’s my superstar.” you grinned, leaning over the sleeping child and kissing him.

“you did great, dude.” brady patted him on the back.

“can we get ice cream?” jamie asked.

“maybe tomorrow. you’re a little past your bedtime.” olivia and jamie pouted.


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add yourself to my taglist!
