#hockey imagine



note: the win. i think i’m still on a high and they aren’t even a team i’m actively rooting for. also, this fic is part of the “matthew the family man” series, so check out this masterlist for more.

pair:matthew tkachuk x reader

summary: pre win and post win.

warnings: alcohol consumption, mild cursing

word count: 741 words

matthew was getting ready in the bathroom when jamie walked in, wearing his own little suit, “what’re you getting dressed up for?”

“going with you, daddy.” jamie answered.

matthew smiled, picking up max and setting him on the counter, and helping him tie his tie. you walked into the bathroom, wearing your special red playoff jean jacket.

“what happened to your speical jersey?” you asked.

“didn’t want to.” jamie shrugged, “wanted to match with daddy,” he smiled.

“oh.” you nodded, brushing his hair.

“i need help.” olivia announced, joining you in the bathroom.

“me too.” max, ever the mama’s boy, ran in after olivia and ran right into your legs.

“oof.” you grunted, “what do you need help with?”

“i can’t tie my shoes,” he admitted shyly.

“come on, let’s get shoes on you.” you smiled, picking him up and carrying him back out to his room.

“what do you need help with?” matthew asked, bending down to olivia’s height.

“mommy said she would help me with my hair.” olivia smiled.

“sadly, i can’t help you with that.”

the entire tkachuk family had flown in to see matthew play, whether that was at home or in dallas. it made life easier knowing that at any given point, all three tkachuk kids were either with their aunt, uncle or grandparents.

olivia was standing up close to the glass, trying to spot matthew. jamie was sitting in between chantel and keith while max was with you and taryn. brady was off somewhere being a menace.

“daddy!” olivia cheered, slapping her hands on the glass. that caught both max and jamie’s attention and they both shot up, eyes immediately glued on the ice.

matthew skated over, a few pucks in hand and he tossed three over the glass for your three kids, then tossed a few more to a few kids around you.

he turned his attention back to the three kids in front of him and waved. he blew them all kisses and told him he loved them. he blew you a kiss and sent you a wink, then skated back, blowing kisses to the rest of his family.

the stars were up by one but you were hopeful because it was only the second period. the puck went down into flames’ zone, then jacob hit it over to johnny who skated towards the net then passed it over to matthew who took his shot and made it.

the horn sounded and the crowd went wild. you were sure, out of everyone in the entire arena, that the tkachuk family was cheering the loudest.

by the end of the game, max was asleep. olivia and jamie were wide awake though, due to the giant soda uncle brady had given them halfway into the second period.

you waited for matthew to finish up media in the tunnel, “can we go find daddy?” olivia asked.

“daddy’s doing interviews,” you told her.

“where’s that?” jamie asked.

“over there.” you pointed. they looked over, then looked back over at you, silently asking to go in.

you thought about it, “i’ll take them.” chantel volunteered.

“don’t cause too much trouble,” you told them, and they instantly smiled, linking hands with their grandma and making their way into the media room.

matthew was mid-question when he heard them walk in. he instantly brightened up and motioned for them to come over. they looked over at chantel, who nodded, and they ran over, hugging their dad.

“hey, what’re you guys doing here?” he laughed, kissing their heads and letting them climb into his lap.

“are you almost done?” olivia asked, causing everyone else in the room to laugh.

“yeah liv. almost done.” he pressed another kiss to her head and got back to the interview.

“and one last question for olivia and jamie, are you guys excited that your dad made it to round one?”

“yeah.” they both nodded.

“thanks, guys.” matthew nodded, and let the kids hop off his lap and made his way out to the tunnel. he spotted the tkachuk clan almost as soon as he stepped out of the media room and made a beeline over to you, each hand linked with a child.

“there’s my superstar.” you grinned, leaning over the sleeping child and kissing him.

“you did great, dude.” brady patted him on the back.

“can we get ice cream?” jamie asked.

“maybe tomorrow. you’re a little past your bedtime.” olivia and jamie pouted.


my taglist: @mitch-slap@joelsfarabees@tysonjost-taylorsversion@rosesvioletshardy@laurenairay@kidlnthedark@bowen-power@nhlrbs@lam-ila@puckinrightschicagoo@stars-canucks@iwantahockeyhimbo@2manytabsopen@lady-laura-speaks@owenpowersglasses@calermakar08@hamilton160@pierrelucduboiis@thescooby-gang@huggybearmylove43@sammysworldddd@mista-svech@paintlavillered@hockeyboysarehot

add yourself to my taglist!

― andrei svechnikov

NOTE:here is my contribution to the met gala world. the outfit inspo is from this year’s theme (gilded glamour), so that’s the year we’re using (2022’s met gala). here is y/n’s outfitandthe hair. and here’s andrei’s (imagine the tie as the same color as the dress).

PAIR:andrei svechnikov x reader

SUMMARY: andrei goes to his first met gala.

WARNINGS:none really

WORD COUNT: 1142 words

(gif not mine)

With the amount of fake hair in your head, you felt like you were gonna fall over if the wind blew too hard, “If I fall over…”

“I’ll catch you.” Andrei laughed.

“It’s not funny. Do you know how much fake hair is in my head right now?” You told him.

“I’ll be right there.” He reassured, kissing your hand in fear of messing up the accessories adorning your head.

As you pulled up in front of the Met, your started wringing your hands nervously. Andrei noticed and reached over, putting his hand on top of yours.

“You’re gonna do great.” He kissed your hand again.

The door opened and Andrei got out first so he could help you out. An assistant who was with Celine, the brand that designed your dress, helped you as you got out of the limo, making sure the dress didn’t get caught in anything.

You smiled and waved to the cameras as they snapped at a rapid pace. You slowly made your way up the stairs and into the main eye of all the cameras.

Andrei stood by your side, arm around your waist as he smiled and posed for pictures. This wasn’t his first red carpet event, but it was his first Met Gala, and you knew he was secretly freaking out inside.

“You’re doing great, just a little bit longer, then we can go.” You reassured, running a hand up his back.

He smiled, kissing your head. He made his way up the stairs and stood at the top, waiting for you, out of the camera’s way. You posed for a few more pictures, before following Andrei and walking up the stairs.

He helped you up and you were led over to where Emma Chamberlin was stationed. You gasped when you saw her hair, “Look at you.”

“Look at you.” She gasped.

“Your hair.”

“I know. 7 hours.”

“I think if I dyed my hair again, it would fall out.” She laughed.

“Speaking of hair…”


“How much of it is fake?”

“More than half.” You laughed, “No, but really. I was just telling Drei in the car, if I fall over, because it’s so heavy, if I fall over, you better catch me.”

“Is it really that heavy?”

“It’s like having a checked piece of luggage on your head.”

“I could never.”

“This is definitely the first and last time.”

“This isn’t your first Met is it?”

“This is my second, and honestly, I feel so out of place.” You laughed.

“Oh, me too.” She nodded immediately.

“Like, I saw Blake Lively arrive in the hotel and a few minutes before I got here, I heard Kacey Musgraves was here.”

“Um, I’m starstruck seeing you here.”

“I’m Starstruck standing next to you.”

“Oh, stop it.” She laughed, “So, tell me, who is this?”

“This is custom Celine. I was looking up pictures on Pinterest, because I’m a Pinterest girly, and I was showing the designer, Francois LeFleur my ideas, but he cut me off very quickly and showed me a few designs he drew when he first heard I was working with them.”

“What is this inspired by?”

“Well, I’m getting married this year.” You beamed proudly, “So, it was wedding-dress inspired. And I’m a big fan of My Fair Lady, so Francois sort of took that has inspired and ran with it.”

“And now, the fiancé is here.” You stepped aside so Andrei could stand next to you, “You look quite snazzy.”

“Thank you, you look beautiful too.” Andrei complimented.

“Thank you. So, tell me a bit more about this outfit.”

“This is also custom Celine.”

“Ooh, matchy.” She joked.

“Yeah, and I didn’t want anything too flashy because I’m not the star of the show here and I didn’t want to outshine Y/N, so we took inspiration from men in the gilded age.”

“Well, you guys look amazing, as always, and I can’t wait for the wedding.”

“Thank you.” You smiled, giving her a quick hug, “I’ll definitely find you in there.”

“Oh, me too.” She nodded, waving as you were led off into the museum. She turned back to the camera and stared, wide-eyed, “I didn’t want to outshine her.” She fanned herself, “I want that.”


“My next guest is taking the acting world by storm as Emelia LaRue in season 2 of Bridgerton, please welcome Y/N Y/L/N.” Drew Barrymore announced.

You walked out from behind the stage, waving to the crowd. When you saw Drew, you hugged her, “Oh, it’s so nice to finally meet you.”

“I know!” You squealed, sitting down in the chair across from you, “I think this is one of the first in-person interviews I’ve done since before the world crashed.”

“Really? Well, I’m honored.” You smiled, “This isn’t your first in-person fancy event though, is it?”

“No.” You shook your head.

“You went to the Met just a few weeks ago.”


“And can I just say, you looked amazing?”

“Thank you, thank you.” You smiled.

“And I watched the interview you did with Vouge, My Fair Lady?”

“My parents showed it to me at a young age, and since then, Audrey Hepburn has been one of my icons, both in fashion and in acting.”

“Love.” She nodded.

“So, I just knew I had to pay homage to that somehow.”

“You looked absolutely gorgeous.”

“Thank you.”

“Can I ask about the wedding?”

“Yes.” You smiled shyly, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear nervously.

“Do you guys have a date yet?”

“Sometime during hockey off-season.”

“Right, hockey.” She nodded.

“So, sometime in June or July?”

“And has planning started yet?”

“Honestly, I’m so scrambled with hockey and I have some upcoming projects, so I hired a wedding planner, and honestly, best decision I’ve ever made.”

“And one more quick thing before we go to break, can we talk about hockey?”

“Of course.” You nodded.

“Your fiancé, Andrei, his team is currently in the playoffs, right?”

“Yeah, the Canes are in the playoffs. Whoo!” You laughed.

“Go Canes!” Drew cheered.

“And I actually have a gift from the Canes for you.”

“For me?” She gasped.

“Yes.” You laughed. A backstage runner ran out and handed you the bag with the gift inside. You handed it to her and watched her open it.

She pulled back the tissue paper and passed out on the couch. She pulled the customized Barrymore Canes jersey out of the bag and gaped.

“Look at this.”

“Now you can fully support the Canes.”

“Thank you for this.” She hugged you, “I’ll wear this every game.” She looked at the red and black jersey in her hands, “I think we need to take a break. I’m not done losing my mind.” You laughed.

“All right, when we get back, we have a surprise of our own for Y/N. So, stay tuned.”


my taglist:@mitch-slap@joelsfarabees@ashleymarine@tysonjost-taylorsversion@laurenairay@kidlnthedark@bowen-power@lam-ila@juliasahoshughes@catahshart@stars-canucks@drei-mrssvechii@iwantahockeyhimbo@2manytabsopen@owenpowersglasses@calermakar08@hamilton160@pierrelucduboiis@thescooby-gang@sammysworldddd@mista-svech@paintlavillered

add yourself to my taglist!


what Alexandar Georgiev is like in bed:

- he’s a very gentle lover

- Alexandar is really sweet, in the bedroom and outside of it

- very attentive to your needs and wants to make sure you’re having fun

- big fan of oral

- giving and receiving…. giving while receiving

- he’s always really vocal as long as his mouth isn’t occupied

- lots of moans and cut off swears

- will attempt to muffle his noises but he just sounds so sweet

- loves kissing so so much  

- doesn’t leave a lot of love bites

- even though his mouth is on you nearly the entire time

- prefers positions where he can look at you and just take it all in

- small but useful toy collection

- this man is 100% for your pleasure

- Alexandar knows that a vibrator isn’t his enemy… it’s his teammate

- he’s not too picky when it comes to where he comes, on you, in you, literally just near you…

- he’s just happy you want to help him come 

- loves to cuddle afterwards after you’re cleaned up

- he just needs the skin contact and closeness to come down after sex

his dick:

- his dick is big but not scarily so

- like you can take him but there’s some prep involved and he keeps lube handy just in case

the experience:



- despite popular belief Mikey and Nate are not attached at the hip

- they are attached at the hands

- but it’s okay because Mikey has two hands, one for Nater and one for you

- so as long as you’re fine with being jokingly told you’re a home wrecker everything is fine

- the boys love you, they just like to tease

- Mikey would get really offended on your behalf even if you’re okay with the jokes

- he just really wants you to know you’re his number one

- the guys spend a lot of time together but he tries and makes sure to spend just as much time with you

- he loves loves loves to cuddle

- definitely the little spoon

- he just likes feeling a little small and protected sometimes

- unless you like specifically ask him to be the big spoon

- can be clingy but it’s just not in his nature to be alone for too long

- whenever he’s with Nate you get “your boyfriend misses you” snaps of him looking grumpy

- whenever he’s with you Nate gets “your boyfriend misses you” snaps of him looking grumpy

- he has the softest hoodies but complains when you steal them

- mostly because you never give them back so he has to regularly raid your stuff to steal them back

- but when he gets them back he really likes to just wear them when you can’t hang out for a while because they smell like you and he can pretend you’re there with him

- even after not dating for long he’d make room at his place for your things just so you can leave things there and not have to bring anything over when you’re staying at his

- not the best cook but he has a few things he can make

- very proud when he cooks for you

- he’s the worst gift giver so it’s his little way of spoiling you

- but he’s also good at ordering take out so that’s always an alternative

- otherwise the guys try to help steer him in the right direction with dating things when it looks like he needs a little help

- you can never go wrong with some flowers even if they’re from the supermarket

- needs a grocery lists when it’s his turn to do the shopping but he adds a ton of treats just because

- has your favorites memorized

- very much down for a relaxing facemasks and romcoms night in

- not a big fan of the blackmail worthy pics but at the end of the day they’re just showing that he is the best boyfriend ever because he likes spending time with you even if it gets a little funny at time

- Mikey tries to think of a few exciting date from time to time but he also just likes staying home and spending time together

- relaxing on the couch with some takeout is just his favorite thing 

- he will 100% use you as a pillow

- not really the kind of guy to buy you stuff with his name and number on it (be it jewelry or merch) but he absolutely loves it when you steal his things with his numbers on it

- because that would mean you chose that yourself and not just because he asked you to 

- so many small and innocent kisses that turn dirty real fast

- mans as never met a cute lil peck that didn’t turn into a filthy make out sesh

- overall Mikey is just a really soft boyfriend that loves being with you


Words: 987

Warning: None

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

She sat in one of the chairs in front of the counter in Seth’s kitchen. Seth was at the sink washing vegetables with his back turned to her as she watched his superior backside move as he tossed greens in a strainer. She was happy that she currently didn’t have any sharp object in her hand before getting up out of her seat and walked over to stand next to Seth.

“So are you going to criticize the way I wash vegetables?” He playfully asked.

“More like tell you that it’s rude to have your back turned to someone.” She fired back.

There was a knock on the front door interrupting what she was going to say next, “I’ll get that.” He said putting the bowl in the sink, his heavy footsteps against the hardwood almost sounded like her heart rate rising.

Once Seth opened the door it was like there was a small crowd of people. There were several guys who all had brown to dark brown hair and one guy was blonde as well as a short woman with dark brown hair who was hanging off the arm of the oldest looking guy in the group.

All of the guys looked athletic, as athletic as Seth.

Once everyone was inside they were all giving her a thorough up and down look, but not in a judgmental way.

“Guys this is Y/N,” Seth said before moving to stand next to her.

The woman in the group was the first one to move over to talk to her, she dressed like any other woman who was in her late 20’s, flowing pastel pink skirt and a floral print top that wasn’t an outrageous pattern with nude open toe heels.

She had introduced herself, she was Nick’s wife Janelle. It was kind of strange because she had introduced herself as his wife like she didn’t have a job, she was just a Hockey wife, strange.

Then it went down the line of Seth’s Teammates, there was Zack who was Seth’s D-partner (not that she knew what that was.), Cam the only blonde in the group, Boone and Josh who were kind of attached at the hip and as the night went on she could tell were the closest to Seth, and then Nick who was their team’s captain.

As they sat down to eat, and Seth cooked as the night went on. She had started the evening sitting next to Seth and ended up sitting next to Boone by the time the night was coming to an end at the round dining room table.

“So, Y/N What do you do?” Here we go with the third degree.

“I’m a corporate lawyer at Baker & Hostetler, I’ve been there for about two years.” The mention of her job caused the room to go silent for a moment before Boone moved to put his arm around her chair looking into her eyes.

“So if I’m ever in any kind of trouble I can always count on Seth to give me your number to get me out of a jam.” He said with a flirtatious tone to his voice before feeling his fingers against her shoulder.

She could feel that people were looking at her, she wasn’t sure who so she just looked at Boone before getting up out of her chair and taking her wine glass with her.

“Look here pretty boy, I’m a lot of things but easy isn’t on that list.” She fired at Boone, she widened her own eyes getting up from her chair.

“I’ll be back.” She said with utter panic in her voice. She looked up to see Seth looking at her, his face looked tense as if he were uncomfortable. She turned away from the group making her way to the kitchen that looked out onto the living room. She heard footsteps behind her before reaching for an open bottle of wine.

“Tough crowd,” A voice said.Y/N turned around to see Seth standing there. She let out a deep breath before reaching for the open bottle of wine.

“I’m sorry, I should just go home.” She said setting it down ready to make her escape.

“You don’t need to leave, Boone’s just giving you a hard time. It’s kinda what he does,” Seth said with a shrug to his shoulders.

“And the fact that umm, Josh? Is it, keeps staring at me every time I turn to talk to you.” She said, looking into his amber eyes.

Seth turned out away from the kitchen slightly as she brought up Josh.

“Yeah, umm. Josh and I have been friends since I got here. He’s just looking out for me.” He said.

“Look, I’ll talk to them, tell them to lighten up. I mean the only people who knew you were going to be here were Nick and his wife.” Seth let slip out. That was all he could get out before her mind started going out of control.

“So you just invited me without telling any of your other teammates.” She didn’t make a move to leave but she did look at him. It was one thing for Boone to make her feel uncomfortable in a room of people that she didn’t really know but she could tell that she wasn’t reacting to all of this well.

Seth walked closer to her lightly pushing her up against the counter, pushing himself into her space not caring what it would lead to. He slotted his nose with hers before feeling her breath against his lips.

Part of her wanted to lean in and press her lips to his so much so that she could hear her heart beating in her ears. She just didn’t want to push him into anything, and Seth just stood there. He didn’t move in any closer. He just let his eyes close pressing his forehead against hers.

Part 7

A/N: Sorry for the super long wait, I haven’t had much inspiration for this story since I’ve been in school and the whole COVID things has kind of messed with my writing mojo. Please take this long chapter as an apology!


Words: 504

Warning: None

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

Why had she agreed to this? Going to dinner with some guy she didn’t know and showing up early like the overachiever that others at her law firm called her.

When she ran into Seth at the market it was a bit of a shock, she thought she wouldn’t see him again. Columbus wasn’t small by any means but just being in downtown made it seem like it was a small world.

He invited her to dinner with his friends, he must really know how to turn on the charm for girls. Maybe life has some unknown plan for her, yeah her ass-hole of an ex can sure go shove it at this point.

There were more important things than this dinner, like the case files sitting on her kitchen counter. But she couldn’t avoid human interaction just to take more responsibility at work. Money sure wasn’t everything, but that didn’t mean it was worthless as well.

Yet here she was sitting outside of Seth’s apartment building 45 minutes early, he was going to think that she was crazy. 

She took in a breath before getting out of the car taking her bag and the bottle of wine, she bought with her. As she walked closer to the front door of the building it was like she couldn’t breathe.

She walked into the building up to the front desk, there was a man sitting there in a black suit with a white dress shirt underneath.

“Can I help you miss?” The guy asked.

“Yes, I’m a friend of Seth Jones’ I’m supposed to be visiting him.”

“Yes, Mr. Jones told me that he would be having a few guests over today. Can I get your name?”

“Y/N Y/L/N,” she replied.

“I’ll call Mr. Jones and then let you right up.” The guy said after checking a piece of paper.

She watched as the guy put the phone up to his ear talking into the receiver.

“First elevator on the right, floor 12.” He said.

“Thank you,” She said.

Walking to the elevator was a short journey, too short, but the ride up to Seth’s apartment seemed that it went on forever.

She got out of the elevator, god even a courtroom wasn’t this stressful, compared to this it was calming.

She got off the elevator to see him standing in the doorway of his apartment, he gave her a smile before saying, “So is there some reason that you’re here early?” causing her to lose her train of thought.

“I just wanted to make sure that you didn’t burn down your kitchen.” Again, with the banter, although this is way more fun than swapping jabs with another lawyer.

“Since when are you concerned about my safety.” He said as he stood in the doorway of his apartment.

“I’m more concerned about your kitchen cabinets, I’ve heard most athletes can’t cook well.”

“Well, let’s hope I can prove you wrong,” he said, extending his hand out silently telling her to come in.

Part 6

A/N: So a bit of a shorter chapter this time, I already have the next two finished up, I just need to get a beta reader to check them over. I appreciate you all being patient with me as I write this story. 


Words: 707

Warning: None

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Seth’s P.O.V.

Pre-season team dinner was something that wasn’t really a big thing for their team. A few guys and their SO’s would show up, but since most of the guys weren’t in town since training camp didn’t start for another two weeks. It looked like it would just be Fligs and his wife, Josh, Boone who he had become pretty good friends with since coming to Columbus, Z, and Cam.

Inviting Y/N was a spur of the moment decision, ever since their conversation at the bar he had wanted to see her again. He was so used to women throwing themselves at him, in-person and online. It was nice to finally meet a woman who wasn’t with him because of who he was in his career. It was one of the things that pulled her to him, pulled him in. From the way she spoke to how she was always ready to challenge him with words, it was almost as if everything about her was calling to him.

The sound of his phone ringing pulled him from his thoughts. He looked down at the screen to see the word Captain on the screen. He clicked the answer button before putting the phone up to his ear.

“Hey, Fligs, what’s up?” He said into the phone.

“Hey Seth,” Nick’s wife Janelle said. “I was just calling to make sure that Nick got the right time, 7;30 right?” She asked.

“Yeah, 7:30.”

“Wait, hold on, let me put you on speaker.” She said.

“Hey, Jonesy. Should we bring anything?” Fligs’ said.

“Not really, unless. I didn’t get any dessert stuff since the season is starting soon.”

“I’m sure we can find something that the trainers won’t kill you for eating,” Janelle said.

“Well I mean it’s not like we’re gonna get a cake and eat all of it. There is gonna be like 7 of us.” Nick said.

“There are gonna be 8 of us. I’m bringing a date.” He said.

“Jonsey, you’re bringing a date to your own dinner party. Since when does the host need to bring a date to a dinner party?” He heard Nick say over the phone half talking to him half talking to his wife.

“What’s wrong with that? Inviting a woman over to dinner,” He asked.

“You dating her?”

“No, but I want to see where it goes.”

“You’re inviting her over to dinner with your teammates, not just a few friends, man.”

“It’s not like my mom’s gonna be there or anything.” He let slip out before thinking.

“If you’re thinking about her meeting your mom it must be serious.” At this point, Seth could tell that Nick was just giving him shit as his Captain. Giving him a hard time was in his nature, making sure the younger guys on the team were taken care of and didn’t get in trouble.

And then the thought set in about Y/N meeting his mom, it was way too soon, they had hung out once at a bar and just bumped into each other at the market and let’s not forget that he had just invited her to dinner with his teammates.

God, what was he doing? Where was this even going? He knew he liked her, she was a fucking smoke show as well, so beautiful and had this air around her. There was something hidden under the surface that just kept pulling him in, it was almost like the energy after a big win. 

It didn’t have anything to do with him not wanting Y/N to meet his mom, it was that growing up his mom was the one always encouraging him to pursue hockey, being there for games, and getting him pumped up before practice.  He even wrote her a note when he was eight or nine telling her that he was going to make it in the NHL one day. However, meeting the girlfriend or potential girlfriend was way too fast.

“Don’t worry Fligs, we’re not together yet.” He said into the phone.

“Alright man, well I’m gonna let you go. You better cook up one hell of a meal.”

“I got you covered Cap.” He said before pulling his phone away from his ear.

Part 5

A/N: YES!! I finally got this posted, I intended to have it up last Friday but I got carried away with a paper I was working on for class. Please leave all your thoughts in my ask box. I love hearing how much you all enjoy reading my work. I’ll hopefully have the next one up soon!


Words: 504

Warnings: None

Part 1  Part 2

It was a cold day in Columbus. Y/N was at North Market, the closest market to her apartment picking up some things for the next week. Milk, fresh fish, thyme and more rice since she had run out on Tuesday.

She walked up to the fresh seafood section looking for salmon, “Can I get about 8 tenners?” A familiar voice said as she watched a muscular back flex as they leaned against the counter.

She watched as the guy behind the counter took two big cuts of salmon before cutting them into four pieces each, weighing them and then wrapped them up.

“Thanks, man.” The familiar voice said before turning in her direction almost knocking right into her.

“Y/N,” He said, his eyes slightly wide before his smile set in. He didn’t say anything else just her name, she liked the way her name sounded coming from his lips.

“Seth, right?” She said, looking up at him questioningly.

“Yeah, Seth.” He says with a smile.

“So, you feeding an army with all that fish?” She motioned towards his cart with food in it.

“No, I have some friends coming over since the season just started.”His tone suggested that it was just a few people, some of his guy friends probably.

“Well, I hope you can sear fish really well.” Putting her hand on the display case.

“Why don’t you come over and make sure that I’m doing it right?” Wait, what? Like come over to his place and help him cook for his friends. Who is this guy? Come on Y/N think of a quick rebuttal.

 “How would you know I’m any good in the kitchen?” She quickly replies. He almost smirks at her, like he knows she’s flustered by his question.

“Just a guess.” He says, “I wouldn’t want to impose on guys’ night or anything.” She said, pulling away.

“You’re not imposing, trust me,” He said, she could tell that he was really trying to have her come over. But it wasn’t like he was being pushy about it.

“Okay, ” She said.

“Let me give you my number,” He said, pulling his phone from his back pocket. He clicked around on his phone before she heard her phone buzz in her purse.

He most likely just went into his contact and clicked on share contact so she could get his number. She accepted his contact before opening her texts to send him just a string of random emojis.

He let out a loud chuckle, “Okay, I see how it is.” He said.

“I should let you get back to shopping.” She said, trying to get around him.

“Don’t you want to help me pick out things to go with the fish?”

“I think you can handle it. But I’ll see you at your place at…?” She questioned, slightly squinting her eyes.

“7:30,” he said, “Don’t be late.”

She watched him walk away, seeing his tall athletic physic move away before he disappeared from her line of sight.

Part 4

Can you maybe please do #10 with Christian Thomas from the Hershey bears?

10. “I have never done anything wrong, ever, in my life.”//“Mmm … ”//“You’re supposed to say ‘I know this, and I love you.’”//“Well, I do love you.”

It was cold, late and the sky was darkening rapidly. Your foot tapped nervously against the pavement as you hugged your arms tighter around yourself to gain what little respite you could from the cold. Your shift had finished almost a solid hour ago, all of your co-workers having now departed, leaving you alone in the empty carpark. You huffed, half impatient and half anxious as you pulled out your phone to check the time. Your lockscreen was still painfully blank, no notifications, no ‘on my way!’ message. 

You were now regretting not taking a ride from your boss, not feeling particularly safe all alone. Your car was at the shop, and one of your brother’s friends had agreed to pick you up. You definitely could have found a ride elsewhere that was more convenient (and more punctual), but the truth was that you were never going to turn down a chance to spend time with Christian. A fatal flaw of yours, it felt like. It wasn’t your fault, it was hard not to fall for his smile. 

The sound of footsteps jerked you out of your thoughts and you glanced around nervously, peering into the darkness from the lone streetlight you sheltered under. You couldn’t make out any movement which only put you further on edge. Slowly, you reached into your pocket clutching your keys, shifting them between your fingers. The wind whipped at your coat, stinging at your cheek and seeping into your bones.

You jumped at the sound of the voice directly behind you, whipping around to find it was only Christian. You clutched your chest, breathing out a sigh of relief.

“Sorry,” he chuckled, a pink flush colouring his pale nose and cheeks from the cold as he smiled warmly in your direction. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He held two takeaway coffee mugs in gloved hands and held out one in offering. You took it suspiciously, following him as he led you back toward his car. “Sorry I’m late. Training ran over.” he said by way of explanation, unlocking the car with a click before opening the passengers side door for you. You climbed inside, grateful for the warmth as you cradled the coffee cup in your hands. He smiled warmly at the sight as he slid effortlessly into the drivers side. “and also because I wanted to get you something to warm you up.” He added. You tried not to let your smile show, still doing your best to be mad at him.

“You scared the life out of me! I thought you were a murderer or something!” You huffed. 

He glanced over, pouting playfully at you. “Why would you think that? I’ve never done anything wrong, ever, in my life.”

You snorted at that, humming in mock agreement. “Mhmm..”

He frowned at you. “You’re supposed to say, I know this and I love you.” He whined as he started the car.

You took a tentative sip from your coffee cup. “Well I do love you.” His eyes widened a little at that and you choked, realising what you had just said. “I mean-” you spluttered loudly, trying and failing to cover your slip up. You fell into silence, realising there was no reasonable explanation for your confession. Chris was silent too, like he didn’t know exactly what to say, so you made the drive in suffocating silence. Thank god it wasn’t a long way to your house. You could hardly make eye contact when he pulled up in your drive, only managing to muster a weak ‘thanks’ as you scrambled hastily from the car. You couldn’t get to the front door fast enough, desperate just to get inside and be alone. You swore, your shaking hands struggling with the lock of your front door. Large hands engulfed yours, steadying your shaking. You had been so distressed you hadn’t heard him get out of the car. You looked up, your watery eyes meeting his deep brown ones and your heart stilled in your chest. In fact, in that moment it felt like time stilled. All you could hear was your own unsteady breaths. He was so close, and the space between you felt suffocating and heavy. Your eyes fluttered closed as you felt his breath graze your lips. He kissed you with more gentleness than you’d expected. Soft, slightly chapped lips moved carefully against your own. You could feel your heart soaring in your chest as his arms snaked around your waist pulling you closer, pressing your body against his own. When he pulled away, slightly short of breath, and gently pressed his forehead to yours, you melted.

“I love you too.” He murmured quietly, his thumb moved to caress your cheek gently. “I always have.”


okay so I’m in a lil kick to write so send some requests/ideas to get me goin (ignore my bio im redoing everything)

dreamer (just like you) - andré burakovsky

summary: on midsommar, if you put seven flowers under your pillow while you sleep you’re supposed to dream of the person going to marry (or; demi writes yet another summer friends-to-lovers fic)

word count: 2,334

note:set Midsommar 2021 on account of the Avs making it to the Finals this year. its just ticked over to the 25th here in Australia so have fun! thanks to @danglesnipecellyand@matthewtkachuk as always

For a whole week the only thing on the forecast had been rain. Pathetic rain, too. The kind that’s just enough to make hair go frizzy but not enough to just wet it completely.

Nova didn’t want to think about any sort of symbolism associated with the sun coming out the hour André’s plane landed. Especially when the flight had been delayed by so long that the planets aligned just so he could arrive when there was a break in the clouds.

There was still uncertainty around whether he’d come visit her that day. His movements changed every year, dependent on a number of things that Nova had never figured out—sometimes he went straight to his parents and didn’t leave for 24 hours, other times he went straight to whichever house he’d booked for the summer. And then there were the times he had headed straight to her parents’ house right away.

No matter where he ended up, the sun would stay out the entire day, Nova was sure of it, and it would bring much hope for the people religiously watching the forecast for Midsommar.

Early the next morning, Nova was woken by her phone buzzing against her mattress. She reached for it, panicked that she’d forgotten about a meeting or that she was about to be told some horrible news because there was no other reason for somebody to be calling her before nine.

“Rise and shine!” André shouted, causing Nova to rip her phone from her ear and cringe away from it. “Entertain me!”

Nova managed to mumble out, “Find anyone else in Malmo to entertain you.”

“I’m walking over now. Get out of bed.”

Nova groaned but relented and hung up on him immediately so she could at least shower before she saw him. André had seen her in various less than presentable states, so she didn’t care if he saw her when she’d just woken up. She did care if anybody saw her after she’d gone three days without showering because she’d been trying to get through a job.

Her shower and skin care routine were much shorter than normal, though it was clear that her body appreciated any sort of attention it was getting. Even still, André was already sitting on her bed, having hastily and haphazardly folded the duvet at the end of the mattress, when she walked into the bedroom in her terrycloth robe.

“I don’t think this room has changed since high school,” he said, reaching out to the candle on her bedside table. He made a pleased sound as he smelt it.

“You can talk to my parents about that; I only come back for four weeks a year.”

“It’s like a shrine.”

Nova rolled her eyes and opened her chest of drawers. As she stared inside them, she said, “A shrine to the me they wanted and not the one they got.”

André hummed, nobody who knew Nova would disagree with that statement.

Nova dressed with him in the room, slipping her underwear on underneath her robe followed by a pair of shorts. She had no shame in removing the robe, then, and pulling a shirt on.

“Are you buying me breakfast?”

He smiled at her when she turned around, even as he huffed and made a big deal about always being the one to buy them anything when they went out.

The weather had, as Nova predicted, remained perfect for Midsommar.

Nova woke to sun breaking through her poorly shut curtains and the weather app said it would reach twenty degrees, so it was perfect.

They were headed to the Burakovsky’s property, like usual; everyone in Malmö was a creature of habit so plans rarely changed from year to year.

Nova put on a white dress that would undoubtedly become see-through as the day progressed and the kid found water guns, so she’d also put on her nude-coloured underwear because over the years she’d learnt that her white underwear would also go see-through.

Before doing anything else when they arrived, Nova and her mother made a beeline for the kitchen where she knew Pernilla was sure to be slaving away over food despite the fact that there was a well-organised spreadsheet of what everyone was supposed to bring—like everything else, it rarely changed.

“Älskling,” Pernilla said, sweeping the dish from Nova’s hands and all but pushing her out of the kitchen, “I’m nearly done here. Go out the back and I’ll be out in just a minute.”

“Promise?” Nova asked, her expression sceptical.


Nova was shooed out with no room allowed for an argument, especially when her own mother joined in the shooing.

André was nowhere to be found amongst the crowd gathered in the backyard, he was probably going to be late like he always was, so Nova made her way to a group of their friends from high school.

Yet another thing that hadn’t changed, was the realisation that Nova was the only one of her high school friends not married. Her friends in Stockholm didn’t result in the same thoughts running through her mind.

“This year will be the year, Nova,” Emilie said, her hand cradling her heavily pregnant stomach. Nova didn’t know whether it was intentional or habit. “We’ll get you married before the year is out.”

“Yeah? You’re going to magic a man out of thin air for me?”

“No need, the perfect catch has just walked in.”

Nova huffed, her mouth pursed, and she stared at Emilie for long enough to express her displeasure before she’d even turned around. When she did turn around, she wish she’d stared longer.

André Burakovsky had walked into the backyard, his head held high as he greeted everyone.

Nova lost her voice, no matter how much she wanted to snap back at Emilie, because all she could think about was André. He looked ridiculous with an unsuccessful beard, a SnapBack and being loud enough to command everyone’s attention.

He saw the group of them, threw his hands into the air and started shouting enthusiastically. Nova raised her hand in an almost imperceptible wave and then turned to glare at Emilie.

“What are we talking about over here?” André asked, his arm dropping over her shoulders with a casualness that felt all too familiar.

“Nothing,” Nova said hastily, though it didn’t matter.

“Before next summer we’re going to get Nova a husband,” Emilie answered.

“If you think Nova will marry someone she’s known less than twelve months, you don’t know her that well,” André said, rustling Nova gently. “Besides, she’s gotta get to America so she can marry Chris Evans.”

“Oh, shut up, André.”

“Okej, okej.”

He left, the weight of his arm lifting off her shoulders was not as comfortable as she’d expected, and she took a deep breath so she wouldn’t pull him back.

The conversation continued around her, still about her love life but the jokes about André ceased. Everyone was due for one joke about André at Nova’s expense before moving on and the conversation that followed was always about her life in general because she lived away from them all.

With the sun high in the sky and stomachs filled with home cooked meals, Nova joined the younger girls who had started the process of making flower crowns. They’d already done the hard work of gathering suitable flowers, had been searching for a day or two judging from the size of the pile, so Nova’s self-appointed job was to make sure they knew what they were doing.

“Want to make one for me?” André asked, sitting down on the ground beside Nova.

“You should learn this year,” Nova said, pushing a pile of flowers in front of him.

André rifled through the flowers, clearly having no idea what he was supposed to be looking for. Nova took pity on him almost immediately, picking up the wire. She pushed up onto her knees with the wire and a pair of scissors and moved closer to him.

She told him to stay still as she meticulously measured his head with the wire. There was nothing untoward about it, except that André’s warm breath was brushing across her clavicle despite her being beside him because she’d told him to hold still as he was facing her.

“They look so hard.”

“Hockey is hard. Flower crowns are not.”

As it turned out, flower crowns were harder for André than Nova expected, his fingers not quite nimble enough to put the stems where he wanted them and his patience not quite thick as once thought.

Noticing that he was very much struggling and that his frustration was resulting in a very painful looking tension in his face and shoulders, Nova held her flower crown out to him and gestured for him to hand his over.

“That bad?” he asked, a self-deprecating laugh escaping him.

“I don’t want to be here all day.”

He conceded without protest. She ignored the gentle brush of their fingers for her own sanity.

By the time the sun set, and the drinks were gone, people were getting ready to leave. Nova’s parents had long since left, so Emilie was driving Nova home. Emilie was also driving André home because he was staying so near and insisted he could walk from Nova’s.

He walked Nova to her front door, both wrong hands over their mouths to stifle their drunken laughter. Nova was swaying in the door frame, struggling with her keys, when André tapped her on the shoulder.

“For your pillow,” André said, holding out a small bouquet of flowers.

Nova wasn’t sure if it counted if the kids had picked the flowers instead of her, though she wasn’t particularly sure it mattered. She was all about Midsommar traditions, believing in the magical and spiritual properties they all contained; it was just getting exhausting following them so meticulously when they weren’t bringing her any benefit.

“Thank you, André.”

Barely an hour had passed between Nova waking up and André being in her parents’ house. It was amazing to her that, even after nearly a decade since they should have reasonably expected him to show up without notice, they seemed to just accept that he was there.

She could hear their chatter in the kitchen, could hear her father extending an invitation to join them on their walk and André’s polite decline.

He wouldn’t come in to wake her, Nova knew that, so she allowed herself some extra time to mull over yet another Midsommar dream featuring André Burakovsky.

Throughout the year Nova didn’t dream with any regularity and, if she did, it was never about anybody but herself. Whether she had forgotten an assignment, or if the brakes in her car had suddenly stopped working, there was no dream as consistent as the dream-life she’d built with Midsommar-Night’s-Dream-André.

The coffee machine spluttered to life and Nova to it as her queue to get out of bed. She pulled on a shirt as she was walking out her door and mumbled a greeting to André when she reached the kitchen.

He smiled at her over his shoulder, though his attention hardly left the coffee machine until two cups were made and one was placed down onto the table where Nova was sitting.

“Who’d you dream about? Was it Chris Evans again?”

Nova laughed, coffee spluttering out of her mouth. She failed to catch it in her hand, so she was left staring up at André with scalding coffee down her chin and on her shirt.

“I’ve never dreamt about Chris Evans.”

The furrow of André’s brow was instant, and he asked, confused, “You’ve been lying to me?”

“I never told you it was him, you decided that.”

“Why haven’t you told me then?”

Nova shrugged, pulling one knee up to her chest so she could hug it comfortingly, “Because it always seemed so stupid, and there was no way it was ever actually going to happen.”

André, across from her, trailed his eyes over her bare leg, remaining silent for a long moment.

“You always tell everyone else how important it is.”

“I’ve been dreaming about you for half my life and that never seemed real. Like I said, it’s stupid.”

André stared at Nova. Nova stared back. Both were frozen in shock, neither expecting that to be what fell from her mouth. She planned both feet firmly on the kitchen tiles, grabbing her mostly full mug as she stood hastily.

“I’m going to have a shower.”


“I won’t be long,” she said sweetly.

That was a lie. Nova went about her entire skincare routine, taking her time as she did it, as she thought over and over about how she would get out of her admission without going against the universally known truth that she took Midsommar dreams as gospel.

André was, perhaps unsurprisingly, sitting up against Nova’s headboard. He didn’t say a word as she dressed by shimmying underwear underneath her robe and then taking a sundress from her closet—it felt drastically different to be doing so with André in the room now that he knew how she felt.

“What if I told you I’ve been dreaming about you?” he said when she was standing at the end of the bed.

She scoffed, “You don’t even believe in it.”

“Not just last night, or on Midsommar, Nova,” he already sounded frustrated. “During the year, you’re just there whenever I go to sleep.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“This isn’t going anywhere if you repeat my questions.”

He was amused at least, by her petulance, and the fiendish smile on her face made Nova crack her own.

“Would you move to America with me?”

“Probably,” she answered without hesitation. “Is that really the only reason you never said anything?”

“We’re friends, Nova, and that’s fine for me. If there’s a chance for me here, though, I want to take it.”

“Yeah? You’ve got a lot of time to make up for.”

“I’ve got a lot of time to make up for?” he asked, incredulously, through laughter. “Not sure how this ended up being all my fault.”

“We’ve got time to make up,” she amended, then looked him right in the eye. “Are we going to start now?”

Please consider leaving feedback - reblog and write in the tags or send an ask, I’m not fussed. I just want to know what you’re thinking!

memories | nathan mackinnon


word count: 1.2k

tw: swearing

inspired by memories — conan gray

Time was a good thing for you. It had been a couple of months since you and Nate broke up, you didn’t sob uncontrollably, you didn’t watch his games and just start crying anymore. You could actually function as a human being without him now. Time had been a healthy thing for you.

You could look through your camera roll now, seeing all the memories with him. You even smiled when you looked at them—remembering all of the good times between you two. A picture of you two laughing with each other at your one-year anniversary dinner. Nate took you to one of your favorite restaurants that night and JT happened to be there too. He took a picture of you two and sent it to Nate to scare him. You two were in your own world of love and happiness, with no other thoughts but each other. A month ago, you couldn’t look at it—you couldn’t bear to see how he used to look at you, so lovingly. It hurt so much because it was a reminder of how he didn’t look at you like that anymore. Now, you look at it as a reminder that you had good times with him, but it needed to end.

A knock at your door made you exit your mind. It was pouring rain outside and you didn’t expect anybody. You peeked out of the window next to your door, but you don’t see anything. You open the door and suddenly time hadn’t been good to you. Nothing had healed and you felt like crying all over again when you saw those familiar blue eyes.

“Can we talk?” He whispers.

You were sure that he didn’t just say that, that you were dreaming about him being here. But you’re not dreaming, he’s standing there, soaking wet, looking sad and defeated because he crawled his way back to your house.

“Yeah,” You whisper so quietly that you’re not sure you even said anything. It’s when he starts to walk forward that you realize you did actually say yes to him. But what was new about that, you could never say no to him, especially when he was standing on your porch looking like a wet dog.

He walked into your house, something you never thought you would see again. Something you promised yourself that you would never see again. But here you were, letting him walk right in because you were so enamored by him.

Please don’t ruin this for me. Please don’t make this harder than it already is. I’m trying to get over this, the rational part of yourself thought as you watched him walk in like he still was welcome here.

“What are you doing here, Nate?” You whispered, wrapping your arms around your body.

“What happened between us?” He slurred.

“Are you drunk, Nate?” You asked him in disbelief.

He ignored your question, “Answer my question,” He demanded.

You closed your eyes, you knew exactly how this night was going to go. Just like it did every time, history repeats itself over and over.

“What happened, Y/N?” He asked, but a little bit sharper in tone.

Your jaw clenched, history repeated itself over and over. “Why are you doing this?”

“I just want you to explain why you think I did something wrong?”

You sighed, why was he doing this, you repeated in your mind. “Move on, Nathan, there’s no point in going back into the past,” You spoke equally as sharp as him.

“Just explain to me why you blamed us breaking up on me? How was it my fault?” He victimized himself.

You rubbed your forehead with your hands, tears starting to prickle in your eyes. You wanted him to leave, you wanted to go back to the couch and go through the happier times of your relationship. You wanted Nathan to stay in your memories, to stay in the past.

“God just fucking tell me Y/N!” He yelled at you, making you flinch.

“This,” You finally snapped at him. “This is why we fucking broke up, Nathan. This is how our nights always ended, you fucking yelling at me. You traumatized me, Nathan, don’t even try to victimize yourself,” You yelled back at him. “I want to move on, I want you to stay in the past, but you keep coming back and hurting me.”

The hockey player sat in silence, he didn’t yell back at you, he didn’t say anything back to you.

“I wish you would stay in my memories. To stay in the past where we can both move on.” You calmed down after a couple of moments of silence. “We can’t keep doing this,” You sighed, finally letting your frustrated tears escape. You bury your head in your hands while you silently cry. “I can’t keep doing this.”

Nathan stumbles over to where you were sitting and wraps his arms around you. You turn around and bury your face into his chest. “I’m sorry, I don’t deserve you,” He thickly whispered, guiding you over to the couch and cuddling up against you.

“But here we are,” You bitterly chuckle. Here you were, the same end result every time. Him comforting you after he was the one who hurt you. After all, he was the only person who could comfort you, even if he was the one who hurt you.

You fall asleep with dried tears on your face, he falls asleep with the one person he loves more than anything, but can’t stop hurting. History repeats itself over and over. The same thing every single time—he yells and hurts you, you cry, he comforts you, you two break up, then two months later you welcome him back into your life and heart. It was hard to see an end when the beginning kept coming up.

No matter how hard you try not to make him mad, as hard as he tries to learn how to love you, the ending never changes. It will always end in heartbreak and destruction, but you keep letting him come back. And each time he came back, you would welcome him for as long as he wanted. Because you two could never let go of each other, no matter what you did to each other.

As long as he came back, you let him put his coat down and get comfortable. You let him infest himself back into your space, heart, and mind. The cologne that he bought when you were fighting makes its way back into your sheets. The memories burn your brain, making you regret every decision you make about him. But it was just another reminder of how you let him back each and every time.

You knew in the future you would be back on the floor, sobbing crying, because he took his frustrations out on you. You knew in the future that he would wrap his arms around you and apologize. You knew in the future you would be blankly staring at the wall, dried tears on your face and a hoarse voice.

And all you could say was, “I wish that you would stay in my memories.”

braden scheider instagram edit!!!

braden x actor!reader



bradenschneider_ well hello


alexlaff11 what??? huh??? what??? who??

kandre.milleryou have anything to tell us?

bradenschneider_ nope

zibanejade93 does little schneider have a gf?!

bradenschneider_ nope


chytil_12braden wow you keep a secret from us didn’t know you could do that

     — bradenschneider_

kdach77 wow go braden



yourusername whatta gentlemen ❤️‍



florencepugh go y/n!!!!


       — yourusernameshsh

bradenschneider_ ‘whatta’

      — yourusername it’s almost like i was born in ny, unlike you mr. canada

      — user whatttt is thissss

chrishemsworth he better treat you right!!




nhlnews The famous actor, Y/N Y/L/N, was seen at Madison Square Garden during a New York Rangers game, here she is when Braden Schneider laid a hit on somebody. Y/N & Braden dating ??

rangers.fan.1 no way

mrs.schneider45 no please no she doesn’t deserve him

igorisbetterthanyou puck bunny



yourusername my one and only


rangers.fan.1 no. way.

rangersfan2 NO WAY SCHNEIDS PULLED Y/N Y/L/N ?!?

bradenschneider_ ❤️‍



zibanejade93 wow that’s something i never thought i would see

alexlaff11 i thought we were best friend braden

bradenschneider_ sorry

yourusername if it makes you feel better he talks about you a lot

alexlaff11 oh my god y/n y/l/n just replied to my comment

florencepugh he’s cute

bradenschneider_ thank you

what did you just do to me? | luke hughes


i saw this tiktok and i needed to do it with luke :))) lolz this is bad but idc

word count:1.4k

‘Hurry up’ You texted Luke as you, Thomas, and Brendan were sitting in the car waiting for him. Everybody was hanging out, so you guys all volunteered to get food. You were shifting through your purse when you came across your Too Faced Lip Injection Extreme. You watched Luke walk out of the house with a smirk.

While you were putting on the lip gloss, Luke got into the car. “Sorry, I was getting everybody’s orders,” He mumbled, putting his phone into his pocket.

“’S cool,” You murmured, concentrating on putting a thick layer of the gloss, so it transfers easily to his lips.

He glared at you, you just sent him a text saying hurry up and now 'it’s cool.’

You noticed his glare and pouted. You reached over the center console to give him a kiss.

He pulled back from you, “You’ve got lipstick on, I don’t want that,” He gestured t your lips.

You shook your head, “It’s not lipstick, it’s chapstick.”

He cringed, he didn’t want that on his lips either. But you were giving him a sad face, so he had to.

He spared a glance at Bren and Thom in the back, he leaned in when he saw they were in their own worlds.

You pressed your lips against his, making sure to move your lips a little bit so the gloss could really get on his lips. He pulled back with a weird look on his face, he could feel you moving your lips weirdly.

“Babe, your lips are so dry, you need this,” You make up the quick excuse and gesture to him for another kiss.

He rubs his lips together, trying to see if you were right. Agreeing with you, he leans back in for another kiss, letting you transfer the 'chapstick’ to his lips.

Brendan glances up from his phone when he noticed you two being unusually quiet. He groans and covers his and Thomas’ eyes from the sight of you two kissing, “Really guys? We just want food.”

You two pulled apart, “Sorry, Luke needed chapstick,” You tell them shrugging, trying to keep your cool and not laugh.

Brendan shook his head, disappointedly. “Can’t even put on his own chapstick,” He sighed.

“She offered,” Luke mumbled, defending himself.

He scrunched his face up in a weird way, he started to rub his lips together. He saw you trying not to laugh from the corner of his eyes, he looked at you with an accusatory gaze.

“What did you do?” He questioned you. He shouldn’t be surprised, you always loved playing with people.

“What do you mean?” You ask innocently.

“What did you do to me?” He asked, pulling down the car mirror as his lips felt weird. He looked closer at his lips and they looked pink and glossy. “You said this was chapstick! This is lipstick, Y/N!”

“It’s chapstick, you’re just being dramatic,” You wave him off.

“Y/N, what did you do? My lips are tingling,” He whined. “It’s all over my lips,” He cringed looking in the mirror, the skin surrounding his lips was growing pink and tingly too.

“Do your lips usually tingle with chapstick?” You ask him, gaslighting the shit out of him.

“No, they don’t. What did you do to me?”

Your body silently shakes with laughter as he freaks out about his lips. “I didn’t do anything,” You practically wheeze.

He looks at you with a petrified expression that makes you laugh harder. “My lips are tingling,” He emphasizes every word. “What are you putting on? The tickalator 3000?!” He says making you burst out laughing, not being able to control it anymore.

Thomas and Brendan watch this whole interaction from the back of the car, their eyes silently moving between you two. You laughing to the point of tears and Luke freaking out about to cry.

“What the hell did you put on my lips!” Luke exclaimed, staring at the mirror again watching his lips. He quickly wiped it off when his lips started to turn red. “What is this?”

“I just had lipgloss on!” You tell him.

His head snapped towards you, “Lipgloss!? I thought you said it was chapstick! I don’t want lipgloss!”

Again you start cracking up when he starts feverishly wiping his lips with his hoodie sleeve. “You’re lips aren’t going to fall off, Luke! Calm down!”

“I don’t know that, I don’t know what you did to me! My lips could fall off!”

You reach into the side holder where you put the lipgloss and hold it out for him. He snatches it out of your hand and looks at it. He squints his eyes to read the label, but his face drops when he reads all of it.

“Lip Injection!” He exclaims. “Extreme!” He slowly looks up at you with a horrified facial expression. He looks at you, praying that you didn’t just put lip injections on his lips, praying that you’re just joking and that it was chapstick.

“What did you do to me?” He whispered, holding up his hand to touch his red lips. You don’t even look at him because you’re laughing so much.

“Oh god,” He touches his lips and realizes they are much bigger than they usually feel. He quickly opens the door of the car and practically flies out of the car. “I am not getting big lips,” He yells as he’s running.

You, Brendan, and Thomas all burst out into deeper laughter as you guys watch Luke sprint into the house.

Luke busts open the door and sprints into the kitchen. He grabs the sponge sitting next to the sink and violently starts scrubbing his lips.

Everybody in the house walks to the kitchen at the sudden noise. They all stop at the sight of Luke practically scrubbing his entire face off.

“Luke? What are you doing?” Nick questions him.

Luke looks at them, but doesn’t stop scrubbing, “Y/N…bad lipgloss…” Was all they could make out. They all stare at him blankly, all in absolute confusion because they didn’t know what the fuck was going on.

Five minutes later, Nick comes out of the house and gets into the car. You all look at him confused, he wasn’t supposed to come with you guys.

He sighs as he sees your questionable gaze, “Luke refused to come back out,” He said.

You snort but settle back into your seat as Nick starts pulling out of the driveway.

“Hey Nick,” Brendan pipes up. “Can you hand me something?”

Nick nods, looking at Brendan through the rearview mirror. “What?” He asks Brendan.

Brendan awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, “You’re probably sitting on it.”

Nick’s eyebrows furrowed, but he picks his body up to reach under him. He pulls out the small plastic tube of lipgloss. “Is this what you wanted?” He asked Brendan.

Brendan nods excitedly and grabs the lipgloss out of Nick’s hand.

He opens the gloss and reluctantly starts putting it on his lips. You and Thomas looking at him, questionably and in anticipation, for his reaction. He applies the gloss and simply sits there while waiting for anything to happen. Thomas curiously takes the gloss out of Bren’s hand and looks at it. He looks at Bren, who was not having a reaction so far, and opens the tube up and puts some on.

“Hm, smells weird,” Thomas mumbles.

“Well, yeah it’s chemicals,” You say.

Brendan scoffs, “That’s a nice thing to say after we both put it on.”

In surrender, you hold your hands up, “You saw what it did to Luke.”

“No, we didn’t. He was flailing around everywhere so we couldn’t see anything.”

“Oh, it’s starting to tingle,” Brendan gasps.

“Yeah, feels weird,” Thomas rubs his lips together.

“Oh god, it’s really tingling,” Brendan starts to fan his lips. You snicker at their facial expressions. You put this on all the time, so you were used to it, but watching them was funny.

“It feels I’m having surgery on my lips…but from the inside,” Thom says.

“Makes 100% sense, Thom,” You sarcastically say.

Whenever you guys pulled into the McDonald’s parking lot Nick snatched the lipgloss out of Thomas’ hand. “You guys made me curious,” He said before applying the product too.

Later, all of you walked back into the house with big, red lips. Luke, on the couch, shakes his head. His lips still red, not from the lipgloss, but from his excessive scrubbing after.

“I don’t care what you guys think, I look good,” Brendan puckers out his lips and poses with a hand on his hip and a peace sign.

Chapter 3 : It’s Very Complicated



(Pooh might be my favorite character I’ve ever written)
