#call script


In the wake of the horrifying shooting in Las Vegas, some Republicans in Congress have expressed openness to banning bump stocks, used by the shooter to convert semiautomatic weapons to automatic. Since automatic weapons are already banned in the United States, this is an obvious, bipartisan reform that could help make shootings less deadly. 

The bill already has 38 cosponsors in the Senate, but we need more if we want to build enough momentum to get it to the floor. Call both your Senators and ask them to cosponsor the bump stock ban!

Here’s your script: 
“Hi, my name is [your name] and I’m a constituent from [your town]. I’m calling to ask if Senator so-and-so has taken a position on Senator Feinstein’s bill banning bump stocks like the ones used in the Las Vegas shooting?”

If undecided: “I really hope that Senator so-and-so will cosponsor this bill. There’s no reason anyone needs to be able to fire hundreds of rounds a minute, especially since automatic weapons are already illegal. Thank you.”

If opposed: “That’s terrible. There’s no reason anyone needs to be able to fire hundreds of rounds a minute, especially since automatic weapons are aleady illegal. I hope that Senator so-and-so will reconsider and cosponsor this bill to make future shootings less deadly.”

If supporting: “That’s great! I hope that Senator so-and-so will also consider cosponsoring the bill if they haven’t already. Thank you.”

Republicans in the House of Representatives have a horrible new idea that’s largely flown under the radar: A new piece of legislation that changes how businesses are required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Currently, businesses have to make their buildings accessible - if they don’t, they’re breaking the law. H.R. 620 shifts the burden to people with disabilities who are denied access. If a person in a wheelchair found a business that denied them access, they’d have to carefully document it, submit a complaint, and then wait SIX MONTHS to see if the building made “substantial progress” towards accommodation before seeking a court order to make the business comply with the ADA. That’s an enormous task to force onto disabled people just trying to live their lives, and it means that fewer businesses will accommodate people with disabilities.

H.R. 620 passed the House Judiciary Committee next week. Now, it’s heading to the floor. Call your Representative and urge them to oppose it!

Here’s your script: “Hi, my name is [your name] and I’m a constituent from [your town]. I’m calling to ask Representative So-and-so to oppose H.R. 620, the ADA reform bill. This bill puts a huge burden on people with disabilities, forcing them to wait months or years just to visit local businesses. People with disabilities deserve equal access without being tied up in red tape. Please vote against H.R. 620. Thank you.”  
