#gun violence

Nancy Pelosi’s statement on Las Vegas.

Nancy Pelosi’s statement on Las Vegas.

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Racist Scumbag Puppet President Trump needed to be coached on how to empathize with mass shooting su

Racist Scumbag Puppet President Trump needed to be coached on how to empathize with mass shooting survivors and victims families. Only a narcissist need this kind of help.

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Parkland Shooting

Trump, The GOP, and the NRA ARE COMPLICIT with these mass shootings. They want a suicide pact with the 2nd amendment. 18 school shootings in 2018 AND ITS FEBRUARY!!….

Palestinians in Al Yamoun village (near Jenin) fight back against invading IOF forces by throwing stones from the roof of their homes onto the passing armoured vehicles. This comes after they shot two Palestinian men in the village and left them to die before allowing ambulances to reach them (last I saw, one of them was being rescusitated yesterday. Whether he survived or not I’m unsure.“ This is how one RESPONDS to war and invasion.

TW FOR DEATH. Two young men killed by IOF soldiers during their raid of Al Yamoun near Jenin. They drag them to the street and leave their bodies bleeding out before letting an ambulance come get them. THIS IS AN ACT OF WAR.

IOF soldiers shooting rubber bullets at the Palestinians besieged in the Aqsa mosque. I think this was yesterday. Just to be clear the Palestinians are locked in behind cage doors. They can’t be hit by these. The only purpose of this is psychological warfare because they hear the gun pop off and the bullet hit the walls and cage doors. This is what U.S. funding goes to.


Republicans see white domestic terrorists as their base advancing their white nationalist agenda.


I don’t want to hear excuses or explanations to “soften the blow”.

This was a hate crime. This man meticulously premeditated his attack, wrote a full out manifesto, drove hours to a neighborhood that’s predominantly black with the sole intention of killing folks. And live-streamed the whole thing as well.

Don’t call him a shooter. Call him what he is: a terrorist.

“Speaking is difficult but I need to say something. Gun violence is a big problem. Too many pe

“Speaking is difficult but I need to say something.

Gun violence is a big problem.

Too many people are dying.

Too many children.

We must do something.

It will be hard.

But the time is now.

You must act.

Be bold. Be courageous.

Americans are counting on you.”

—Gabby Giffords at a Senate hearing on gun violence today

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Does your representative support President Obama’s plan to reduce gun violence? Call and ask r

Does your representative support President Obama’s plan to reduce gun violence? Call and ask right now. 

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So … I don’t really know how to start this post. I haven’t been online in quite a while and I’ve been meaning to post an explanation for weeks now (it’s basically stress) but this is not what this post is about. I completely understand that most people are focused on the US election right now and don’t have the energy for anything else but I really need to express my feelings. I am Austrian and yesterday, on November 2nd 2020, there has been a terror attack in Vienna, my country’s capital. At around 8 pm a man opened fire on pedestrians and was able to kill 4 people and injured about 22 others before he was shot by police. He has been identified as a member of ISIS.

The whole country is still in shock. I was at home when it happened and got almost no sleep that night. I was hearing police sirens and helicopters flying over my house almost constantly. I’m completely exhausted. And I’m scared. I’m scared that islamophobia will be on the rise again. That’s why I want to share these things:

1)     I was deeply moved by an interview I saw on the news today with an Austrian who was at the scene when it happened. He and his friend risked their lives to help one of the injured people. And both of them are Muslim. I almost cried when I saw a video someone made on their phone of them helping a victim while you could hear shots being fired.

2)     I was shocked to learn that on the same day, November 2nd, a terror attack took place in Afghanistan at a university in Kabul that cost the lives of 19 people. Unlike the attack in Vienna it got basically no press coverage at all (obviously in Austria the Vienna attack takes center stage but I also checked international news media). So if anyone from Afghanistan is reading this, please know that my heart goes out to you as well!

I know my post won’t change anything but I felt like I needed to do something in these dark times. Stay save everyone!
