#call the midwife



Turnadette- Kitchen of destiny and Misty road.

I mean- in three episodes, this is how far they have come


The colors are so bright! Remember that first time we see the “washing line street?” The clothes were gray and dull–still coming out of the post-war years.

The only thing that hasn’t changed is the habit (much to Sister Hilda’s dismay).



Laura Main on 10 Year Anniversary

I’m really loathe to call adult women adorable but I’ll make an exception in this case!

Love so much about this video


Social Distancing The Turnadette way season 10 *1/3*

I guess I’m the one that has to go ahead and say it. These two invented social distancing.





Hmmm.  Have I mentioned I really like the old floppy hair?

miss-ute:I’ll have you know I’m quite the needlewoman when it comes to medical garments… Why God invmiss-ute:I’ll have you know I’m quite the needlewoman when it comes to medical garments… Why God invmiss-ute:I’ll have you know I’m quite the needlewoman when it comes to medical garments… Why God invmiss-ute:I’ll have you know I’m quite the needlewoman when it comes to medical garments… Why God invmiss-ute:I’ll have you know I’m quite the needlewoman when it comes to medical garments… Why God inv


I’ll have you know I’m quite the needlewoman when it comes to medical garments…

Why God invented gifs.

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April in her trailer, another work day for series 11

I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.

I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.

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Turnadette in s10e07

PW: thebutton

Quite a bit to keep us going until Christmas in this last ep.

Thanks for always posting these, @miss-ute!!

Dude. Your “youngest brother” side is showing.

“A gift of a storyline”

—Laura Main

mg-bsl381: Shelagh Turner sewing buttons on white coats.  Reminiscing about the past and looking towmg-bsl381: Shelagh Turner sewing buttons on white coats.  Reminiscing about the past and looking towmg-bsl381: Shelagh Turner sewing buttons on white coats.  Reminiscing about the past and looking towmg-bsl381: Shelagh Turner sewing buttons on white coats.  Reminiscing about the past and looking towmg-bsl381: Shelagh Turner sewing buttons on white coats.  Reminiscing about the past and looking towmg-bsl381: Shelagh Turner sewing buttons on white coats.  Reminiscing about the past and looking towmg-bsl381: Shelagh Turner sewing buttons on white coats.  Reminiscing about the past and looking towmg-bsl381: Shelagh Turner sewing buttons on white coats.  Reminiscing about the past and looking towmg-bsl381: Shelagh Turner sewing buttons on white coats.  Reminiscing about the past and looking towmg-bsl381: Shelagh Turner sewing buttons on white coats.  Reminiscing about the past and looking tow


Shelagh Turner sewing buttons on white coats.  Reminiscing about the past and looking towards the future (10.7 with reference to 2.1)

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No wonder Tim had a tough time sharing the bottle of Blue Nun.

(Dating myself here, but I think my parents may have had this wine back in my childhood. I prefer to bury that memory, too.)



Tim’s expression

Shelagh’s giggle

Patrick’s leer

Yep. Perfect.

One of my earliest and favorite fics. I wrote this back in 2014!!

The missing letters Patrick wrote to Sister Bernadette.

The promo for tomorrow about Shelagh feeling some empty nest syndrome reminded me of the epilogue.

soph1988: ctmwidower: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”Fred Rogersoph1988: ctmwidower: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”Fred Rogersoph1988: ctmwidower: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”Fred Rogersoph1988: ctmwidower: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”Fred Rogersoph1988: ctmwidower: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”Fred Rogersoph1988: ctmwidower: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”Fred Rogersoph1988: ctmwidower: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”Fred Rogersoph1988: ctmwidower: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”Fred Rogersoph1988: ctmwidower: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”Fred Roger



“Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

Fred Rogers often told this story about when he was a boy and would see scary things on the news: “My mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers — so many caring people in this world.”

CtM S11E08

@my-little-yellowbird this reminds me of a conversation we had once x

Thanks, Soph!! I remember that!

I feel certain that Fred Rogers would have loved Call the Midwife.

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First time we saw her as Mrs. Turner and she’s dressed to impress hubby! I want to know what happened to THIS outfit?

There has been *much*discussion about this over the years!

I mean, that is a pretty tight skirt for a former nun.


Well, I’ve seen the series finale. Not without reading spoilers first – anyone who watched it blind has my true respect!!! Here are a few of my thoughts, on the finale and the series in general:

Keep reading

I did go in blind. Not a single spoiler, not one speculation. *And* I had plans that kept me from watching until after the episode premiered to watch!!!

In previous seasons—say for example s3 (the first one I saw as it premiered)—I would have chewed off my foot to escape anything that kept me from watching as soon as I could. This season I didn’t even think of changing my plans. Though I was not expecting much (foreboding ravens and no kisses aside), I was very pleased.

Yes, it’s gone a bit soapy, and there’s been a lot of repetition (remember how the little twin was buried in another’s coffin back in s4e2?), but I love how Call the Midwife keeps trying to be a force for good in the world.

hannahgrose:TURNADETTE THROUGH THE SEASONS | season two oh my. hannahgrose:TURNADETTE THROUGH THE SEASONS | season two oh my. hannahgrose:TURNADETTE THROUGH THE SEASONS | season two oh my. hannahgrose:TURNADETTE THROUGH THE SEASONS | season two oh my. hannahgrose:TURNADETTE THROUGH THE SEASONS | season two oh my. hannahgrose:TURNADETTE THROUGH THE SEASONS | season two oh my. hannahgrose:TURNADETTE THROUGH THE SEASONS | season two oh my. hannahgrose:TURNADETTE THROUGH THE SEASONS | season two oh my. 



oh my. 

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