#shelagh turner




Laura Main on 10 Year Anniversary

I’m really loathe to call adult women adorable but I’ll make an exception in this case!

Love so much about this video



Shut. The. Front. Door.

They’ve been hiding this pic from us for seven years???????


Fairly certain she doubled her body weight with that brooch.

for the Turnadette peeps who don’t want to miss this

Laura Main at the BFI/Radio Times Television Festival

-22 May 2022-

Lost Fanfiction

Okay so when I first started reading CTM fanfiction I remember reading a series of fics that all had fan art attached to them. All Turnadette and one was about how Shelagh mum dies of scarlet fever and I vaguely remember one being about Timothy being not well and something to do with paper plains. Please someone tell me who wrote them where they are and that I’ve not made them up !!

Thanks xx

No better end to my year than returning to Aberdeen on December 18th, seeing Laura perform since 2019! She was fantastic in Beauty and The Beast - spectacular rendition of ‘Defying Gravity’ ✨

Hope you all have a wonderful New Year! Can’t wait to see what’s in-store for 2022! Thanks for supporting my wee page!



She understood the assignment

(Hiya, been a hot minute but I’m back! Regular updates will resume! )


Shelagh is back!! I’ve missed your iconic hairdo!

Laura knows how rock a mask!

Spoilers for 5.5

  • As much as I love Patsy I was delighted to see Delia doing something aside from her and being something other than “Patsy’s secret girlfriend”. I’ve always wanted Delia to train as a midwife, and she might now! Just thought she was excellent in that scene. Although there was nowhere near enough Patsy and Delia (especially Patsy) this episode.
  • The whole scene with the woman delivering her own baby whilst Delia talked her through it was fantastic, I don’t know I just really thought it was really something special.
  • I also really liked it when Patsy walked through when Delia just got off the phone and gave her that look of just being proud of her. Also she did that look when they were all clapping Delia around the table and having top banter. For the hundredth time (or fourth probably) everyone is really funny this series.
  • When Nurse Crane was telling the woman about her mother I was almost crying, but then again I cried at Deathly Hallows Part.2 on Friday night even though I’ve seen it countless times so maybe it’s just me.
  • Tim is the best I love him, he researches psychology like I do which was awesome to see, it’s also really nice to see someone almost my age being right and having their parents agree with them if that makes sense. Lots of the Turner family tonight! 
  • I just really liked this episode everything was great including Tim and Nurse Crane my all time favorites. Looking forward to next week where I’m assuming we’ll see more Patsy, Delia and more of the younger midwifes in general.

Spoilers for 5.4

  • It was just a top quality bit of television wasn’t it? BBC and Heidi and everyone else that makes Call the Midwife just make everything so well and handle all the stories perfectly.
  • I like that there are more scenes with all the midwifes and Delia together, the one on the steps was really good before Trixie got all funny with Barbara. Again like I’ve said each time Delia’s really funny.
  • Patsy and Delia had a good wee bit there when Patsy got home from work, Delia looked so cute with her hair down and everything was lovely. It was clearly a perfect moment for a kiss mind you, but again classic Call the Midwife it’s pretty much lewd if a couple bloody brushes arms.
  • Everyone in our living room was going “Trixie no, stop it!” when we saw her with the baby cham, thank God Tom took it off her before she had any of it.
  • I’m really glad Trixie and Tom were talking and sorted things out between them. I’m not sure if everyone agrees with me but I think Tom and Barbara are great together.
  • Nurse Crane has suddenly become a fast favorite for me. She’s hilarious, mostly accidentally, and she gives quality advice, all of her scenes are the best.
  • You’d think there would be a limited amount of nursing related story-lines to keep everyone interested but apparently not. The Cunningham baby being left in the sluice with the windows wide open was grim. I’m usually not Sister Julienne’s number one fan but I actually really liked her this episode. I feel like she’s usually just there to calm everyone down and to be the voice of reason, also to represent the old way of thinking and to be proved wrong by one of the younger midwifes such as Trixie in 5.1. There’s nothing wrong with that, it was just nice to see her involved in a story-line completely.
  • I also really liked the Bible verse, I believe it’s Isaiah 43:1, that she said as the baby died. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t that the same one from 4.2 that Tom used at the baby April Bisset’s funeral, I can’t say I’m religious but I just love it.
  • One of my brothers and I thought the boy, Ian, was going to attempt suicide. Another thing I like about Call the Midwife is that they don’t just have characters kill themselves to get the point across that they’re in a horrible situation, they do it excellently without that. They did it in 4.3 with Tony Amos too.
  • Good to see the Turners having some good scenes, and two scenes with top banter from Tim. They haven’t really had anything since 5.1 so I’m very glad. Also I love Tim. Also Angela is cute.
  • I’ll finish with another top quote from Barbara, “Now, if you don’t mind, I really need to get on with these fuzzy felt apostles”. God I love her.

Spoilers for 5.1

  • Obviously the very sad and very well done thalidomide story.
  • We saw Patsy delivering a baby again which we didn’t see a lot of last series particularly towards the end.
  • Delia got a full bill of health and she’s living at Nonnatus! I’m delighted we get to see more of her and particularly more of her and Patsy although they’ll have to be more careful with everyone around, what are the chances of Trixie or maybe even someone else catching them or at least a very veryclose call. Exciting but also terrifying. Also, those two have really good chemistry. 
  • Obviously this program has always been about women but this took it to a new level. A lot about women being amazing and powerful and beautiful. Very feminist, I remember Patsy telling Rhoda that women should run the country and Trixie saying that owning a women’s body should be a joy, also Sister Julienne saying they treasure their young women or words to that effect. Particularly liked this aspect of the program and I’m getting the strong impression it’s going to continue. 
  • At the risk of sounding a wee bit like a hypocrite (because of the last point), all the midwifes looked incredible in their leotards and underwear. My gay is showing.
  • Predicted this ages ago: Barbara and Tom like each other big style but there is going to be drama regarding Trixie.
  • Nice bits between Sister Winifred and Sister Mary Cynthia, I think it’s good for Sister Winifred to have someone her own age in her own position.
  • Never been a huge turnadette fan, I know shoot me now, but they are great aren’t they? Especially Shelagh, nice to see her delivering a baby.
  • Everyone was super funny tonight, maybe because I haven’t seen a new episode in a while aside from Christmas but it was hilarious.
  • They’ve really made Call the Midwife even better this series. I’ll stop now.
Throughly enjoyed last week and here is what tonight has in store! Exciting stuff.Throughly enjoyed last week and here is what tonight has in store! Exciting stuff.Throughly enjoyed last week and here is what tonight has in store! Exciting stuff.Throughly enjoyed last week and here is what tonight has in store! Exciting stuff.Throughly enjoyed last week and here is what tonight has in store! Exciting stuff.

Throughly enjoyed last week and here is what tonight has in store! Exciting stuff.

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