#calum hood preference

 Description: Calum Hood, the schools golden boy. He’s the reason that the varsity team is undefeate


Calum Hood, the schools golden boy. He’s the reason that the varsity team is undefeated for four years. He’s got perfect grades, a scholarship to one of the best colleges in the country. But no one knows his secret, that his passion for music is bigger than his passion for soccer. And what happens when Ember Williams finds out that secret? Read to find out


The song that goes with this chapter is XO by Beyonce

The rest of the month goes by all too quickly. Calum and I advanced our relationship even further. I slept over at his house once, only because we had both fallen asleep while watching a movie. After a week of being grounded, and have the most embarrassing talk about safe sex with my parents, my parents regained their trust towards Calum. It took quite a while to convince my dad that we fell asleep, and didn’t wake up till morning, and Calum even called his mom for back up.

Now everything is back to normal. If there even is a normal.

We went on more dates, which were way fun. We went to a few movies, the arcade, lazer tagging, and just simple things like picnics at the park, or making weird looking cakes at home. No matter what we’d do, it was always fun, which is all that matters.

We advanced our relationship in other ways too. Let’s just say that I’m not the only one who gets hickeys anymore. We still haven’t done anything too serious, just some make out sessions that got a little carried away. Calum knows when to stop it from going too far, and it’s so sweet of him. He’s told me countless times that he doesn’t care how long he has to wait, he will. I am so lucky to have him, I still cannot believe that he’s mine.

“Ember?” Jess waves her hand in front of my face.

I snap out of my thoughts, “Huh?”

She rolls her eyes, “I asked you if you needed help picking out an outfit for today?”

My eyes widen, “Is that today?!” I start to panic, completely forgetting.

“Yes Ember, the date, andProm is tonight? How could you forget that?” She talks to me as if I’m three years old.

I place my face in my hands, “I don’t know. I thought it was next week,” I mumble into my hands.

I must have got all of my dates jumbled up. Even if that happened, I should have noticed all the posters on the school walls telling that it’s this week. They announced it every day this week during the morning announcements. I’m so screwed.

“What am I going to do?” I groan, placing my head on my desk. We’re currently in first hour, and luckily I have it with Jess. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t hear about Prom, and our date before lunch. Then I would have really been screwed.

“You’ll be fine, don’t stress it. Kim and I will come over and we’ll all get ready at your house. I’ll just tell the guys to pick us up there,” She pulls out her phone, probably texting Andrew and Kim the new plans.

I let out a long breath, letting go off all the stress that was building in my body, “Thank god,” I mutter,

“Hey, has Andrew given you any hints as to where they’re taking us on the date?”

She puts her phone away, and shakes her head, “No. He won’t tell me anything. I know as much as you do.”

I groan once again. The three boys had joined forces, and made an oath to not tell us where we’re going on our group date for prom. They all have told us the same thing, ‘Prepare to have the best night of your life’! Those were the only words that left their mouth when any of us brought up the group date.

Believe me when I say that it got extremelyirritating. We girls did everything we could think of to get them to break, from buying them food, to sexual measures. No matter how seductive we were–or (I) attempted to be–they wouldn’t budge. After a few weeks of harassing Calum to get more information, I just stopped.

“I cannot believe how strong willed they all are, especially Tyler. Just imagine what Kim has done to him,” A shudder of horror surges through my body, like a shiver.

“Believe me, you don’t wanna know,” she blanches.

Kim is ruthless, and determined to get what she wants. She wouldn’t go as far as hurting Tyler, but she would push his limits, and she knows how to do it without him getting angry at her. Let’s just say that she is very experienced in certain aspects, and she’ll use that experienced to get what she wants.

I nod towards Jess, agreeing with her that I don’t want to know. The rest of the hour drags on, as well as the rest of the day.

I look at the clock for what seems to be the hundredth time this hour, and it hasn’t even moved since I last check it. I will the time to move faster with all my mind, but it only seems to go slower. The second hand moving after what seems hours. When the minute hand moves, it feels as if it took days for it to advance just five minutes. Worst of all, I’m in my least favorite class that I have ever taken.

“Ember are you even listening to what I am teaching?” Ms. Hart’s irritated voice causes me to snap my head away from the clock.

I feel my cheeks heat up as I shake my head in reply. Ms. Hart sighs and purses her lips together.

“Well, thanks to Ms. Williams’s lack of interest in this highly important subject, you will all have three pages of homework to do over the weekend,” She glares at me.

The whole class groans, and half of them give me death glares. The bell finally rings, saving me from even further embarrassment. I scramble my things together, and make my way to the door. Many students send me dirty looks at I walk past them. All I want to do right now is curl up in a hole.

“Thanks a lot Ember,” A girl whose face I can’t put a name to mumbles angrily as I walk past her.

I lower my head as I walk out the door.

“Hey babe,” Calum’s cheerful voice sounds, and I jump a little.

“Hey,” I mumble, and start walking to my locker.

He quickly catches up to me, “What’s wrong?” His voice is filled with worry and concern.

“Ms. Hart hates me, and I’m the reason our whole class has three pages of homework to do over the weekend,” I grumble, placing my head on my locker once I arrive to it.

“Hey, come here,” He opens up his arms. I obey him and wrap my arms around his waist, laying my head on his chest. He smells like laundry detergent, and sweat. His natural scent is amazing, and I almost feel like falling asleep.

“I’m sure she would have given you guy’s homework anyway, and she just blamed you for it. I don’t know why she doesn’t like you, but that’s her loss,” His wise words flow smoothly, and he places a sweet kiss to my forehead once he’s done talking.

“I guess you’re right,” I murmur into his chest.

“Of course I’m right!” He scoffs in a playful way.

I roll my eyes and pull away from him, smacking his arm lightly.

“I’m kidding. Now come on, let’s go get some lunch before I starve to death!” He exclaims dramatically.

I roll my eyes again, but laugh at him. I quickly open my locker, and shove my things in there, not caring about order right now. The second I close my locker door, Calum is dragging me down the hallway to the cafeteria where our group of friends stands, waiting for us.

We all say our hellos, and get in the lunch line. Once we get to the food I pick out what looks good, a baked potato, a roll, and some condiments. I get to the register, and start to grab my lunch money from my pocket, but Calum reaches his arm out with enough money for both of our lunches.

“You really don’t have to, Cal,” I state, feeling guilty that he always pays for my lunch nowadays.

He shakes his head, “It’s no problem, don’t worry about it.”

He places a quick kiss to my cheek, and hurries to our usual lunch spot. I follow him, as does everyone else. We all get situated, everyone either sitting next to or across their significant other. Everything’s quiet for a little while, because everyone is enjoying their meal.

“So, why the sudden change of plans this morning?” Tyler questions, breaking the comfortable silence.

Jess takes it upon herself to answer, “Well, our ditzy little Ember here, didn’t realize that Prom was today, instead of next week. Clearly she does not know how to plan ahead, so Kim and I are going to help her with her outfit and makeup and everything. Plus we thought it would be easier if we all drove together, instead of us all driving separately.”

I turn bright red at how Jess told the events that happened. Andrew starts laughing at his creative girlfriend, and everyone else starts cracking up too. Even Calum is chuckling beside me, when I’m having a fit of embarrassment. I look at my hands, not knowing where else to look.

“Oh come on babe, it’s okay. We all forget thingS,” He reasons, placing his arm around my shoulders.

“Just maybe not Prom,” Tyler puts both of his hands up, with his palms facing upwards, and shrugs.

This causes everyone to crack up again, and this time I join them.

“I hate you all,” I mutter through fits of laughter.

The rest of the day goes by extremely slowly, and in a way, I’m grateful for it. As the hours kept passing, my nerves started to get worse and worse. As I walk to my locker, after the final bell of the day rings, my hands are sweaty, and shaking. It takes a few attempts to open my locker with my fingers shaking, but I finally get it open. I start to put my things in my locker, one by one, taking my sweet time.

I hear swift footsteps approaching me, “Babe, don’t take this the wrong way, but please hurry. Kim threatened that if I don’t have you to your house in less than five minutes, well…” Calum shows me the text from Kim

If Ember isn’t to her house in five minutes, you won’t even have the choice of getting lucky or not tonight.

I blush and groan, then hand him his phone, “Yeah, let’s go.”

I finish shoving my things into my locker, much quicker this time. The second I shut my locker, Calum is dragging me to his car.

“Do we need to pick up Lucy?” He asks as he pulls out of the school parking lot.

I shake my head, “No, she didn’t have ballet today, so she’s already at home.”

“Good,” he lets out a breath of relief, but is still driving faster than the speed limit.

Once we get to my house, he jumps out of the car, and runs around to open my door. The second we pull open the door, I see Kim running around the house to find stuff, and Jess is sitting on the couch on her phone.

“Oh great, and you still have two minutes to spare,” Kim grins at Calum, then walks up to him.

“I guess you have another thing spared too,” She whispers in his ear, winks at him, then walks away.

Calum’s face is bright red, and his mouth falls open. I roll my eyes, annoyed with Kim, and not liking her previous actions at all.

I pull Calum closer to me, grab his neck, and shove my lips onto his. He quickly reacts, and places his hands on my hips, pulling me closer against his body. I kiss him long, and I kiss him hard. Eventually I pull away, needing some air.

“You’re sexy when you’re jealous,” He whispers in my ear, panting.

I blush, and look away. Was I really jealous? Kim is known to be a tease to every guy, but she has Tyler now, so I don’t have anything to worry about. Just how she acted sent this feeling over me.

Calum’s lips play with my ear, tugging on it with his teeth. I quiet moan escaped my lips as I feel him attack my neck. I squirm against him, and feel something hard against my thigh.

“Calum…” I mumble.

“Hmm?” he hums against my neck.

I pull away from him, “You’ve got a little… problem…” I whisper.

He looks confused. I bite my lip, and point down at the bulge growing in his pants. His eyes widen with realization.

“Oh, shit, I should go,” his face turns bright red.

I nod and put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

He scrambles out the front door, but turns back to give me a quick kiss on the cheek.

“I’ll see you in an hour,” He mumbles, then runs to his car.

Suddenly laughter rings out from behind me. I turn around, and look at Jess, to see her clutching her stomach as she laughs. I shut the door and turn red.

“You’re sexy when you’re jealous,” she says in a deep voice, still laughing.

I groan, and place my head in my hands.

“Calum.. You’ve got a little… problem…” Kim stands in the kitchen laughing as well.

They both laugh for a while longer, but eventually stop laughing, and start breathing normal.

“Jesus Ember if you’re gonna give your boyfriend a boner you should at least do it somewhere private, not in the middle of the hallway!” Jess exclaims.

“Oh shut up!” I yell, stomping up to my room, extremely embarrassed. I slam the door shut, and collapse on my bed, annoyed with Kim, and just done with being humiliated.

A few minutes later, my door opens and the two of them walk in.

“Hey you know I was just joking, right?” Jess asks sincerely, sitting on the edge of my bed.

I sit up and sigh, “Yeah.”

“I was too. I know what I said to Calum could have been taken as, like flirty or whatever, but Em I would never do that to you. I know how much he means to you, and I would neverdo that to one of my best friends. I may be a bitch, but I’m not thatbitchy,” She smiles softly at me.

I nod, knowing that she’d never to something like that, “I know, I know.”

Jess claps her hands and smiles, “Great! Now that we have that settled, let’s get ready!”

I give her a sarcastic grin, “Yay!” Then fall back on my bed.

“Are we there yet?” Jess asks for the thousandth time in fifteen minutes.

“NO!” We all shout, she groans and leans back in her leather seat.

We’re all in Andrew’s fancy, and obviously expensive black range rover on our way to the still unknown location of our date.

Andrew turns up the radio, trying to rid the awkward silence of the drive. Jess sits in the front seat next to him. Calum and I are in the middle section of the large car. We’re holding hands and making quiet conversation. Kim and Tyler sit in the back, most likely making out.

I shove my hair out of my face for what seems like the hundredth time during the car ride. Kim insisted on doing my hair in a “cute” messy bun, which just seems like a bun that is all over the place.

I refused to let her put makeup on me, because I hate make up. She picked out my outfit, some skinny jeans, a cute blouse and a cardigan. Simple, but very cute. She made me wear one of her necklaces, and my nicest pair of sneakers, not my beat up old converse.

“Stop it,” Calum whispers.

I look up at him with confused eyes, “Stop what?”

He grins and takes my hand from my hair, “Stop messing with your hair.”

I blush and look down, “Sorry,” I mumble, “I’m just used to it being down.”

He kisses my cheek, “Well you look great no matter what.”

My cheeks heat up even more. I beam up at Calum. I lean up and placed lips lightly on his, then pull away quickly.

“We’re here!!” Jess squeals.

I snap my head to the window, and my mouth drops open. Bright lights, and people everywhere. A huge Ferris wheel with blinking lights stands above all of the booths.

“A carnival?” I say more to myself.

“Yeah. What do you think?” Calum asks loudly, to everyone. I turn around and see him biting on his bottom lip, looking nervous.

“This is awesome!” Jess squeals like a child as she gets out of the car, and runs to the ticket booth.

I laugh at her, and start to get out of the car as well. Calum climbs out behind me, then Kim and Tyler. We all walk to where Jess and Andrew stand buying tickets. By the time it’s mine and Calum’s turn, I reach for my cash in my pocket to pay for myself, but Calum beats me to it. I glare at him, but decide not to argue with him about it.

“Thanks,” I smile as he hands me my roll of tickets.

“Of course,” He places a swift kiss to my cheek.

We wait for everyone else to pay before entering the gate to the carnival. The smell of deep fried food and cotton candy invades my nose. Little kids are whining to their parents, begging to go on another ride, or play another game. Young couples like ourselves walk around holding hands. I even notice a few people from our school.

“Where to first?” Tyler asks everyone.

“Bumper cars!” Andrew shouts and starts running to the sign that says ‘Bumper cars’

I laugh, and Calum grabs my hand tugging me with him, following the group.

Calum’s POV

After ten rounds of bumper cars, the instructor kindly asked us to leave, so other people could play. The majority of people who wanted to play were kids, and there’s a group of teenagers hogging them. I’m surprised that the guy didn’t yell at us. Me and Tyler take bumper cars to the extreme level. I’m lucky to not have whiplash.

We went straight to the merry-go-round after the bumper cars. After three rides on a metal horse that I kept wiggling, Ember started to feel sick. She wanted to get off, so I went with her, to make sure that she doesn’t get sick.

After two more rides everyone else was feeling sick as well. We all sat down for a little while, until everyone felt better. That’s when we all decided to split up, and meet back up at the front gate when it was time leave.

Andrew and Jess went back towards the bumper cars, and Kim and Tyler went towards the rides that makes you go upside down.

“Where do you wanna go babe?” I asks, standing up, holding my hand out for Ember. She takes my hand and stands up.

“Um.. I don’t know… How about we check out some of the booths?” She says, looking up at me.

He nods and smile, “Sure let’s go.”

We walk over to the closest booth to us. Stuffed animals line the back wall, as well as the front of the booth. On a table sits three cans, two on bottom, and one sitting on top of the other two. Three baseballs sit in front of the cans. This should be easy, how hard can knocking over some cans be?

“One game please,” I says, handing the guy in charge one of my tickets.

The man gives me three baseballs, and steps aside. I throw the first one, and miss. My grip must not have been good. I throw the second one, and miss again. How embarrassing, especially in front of Ember! My shoulders slump, and I turn to look at her.

She stands there grinning up at me, “You’re just warming up, right?”

A blush creeps up my neck, “Yeah, I’m totally warming up.”

I roll my shoulders, and stretch my arm, just to make it look like I’m warming up. I take in a deep breath, then throw the last baseball. It hits the middle of the cans, knocking them all down.

“Yes!” I jump up, and throw my fists in the air in victory.

“Which one?” the guy asks.

I point to the enormous white teddy bear on the back wall. The man grabs it and hands it to me. I then hands it to Ember, with a huge grin on my face.

“How cliché,” She mumbles, and blushes.

“What can I say, I’m a cliché guy,” I shrug, and take Ember’s hand that isn’t occupied with a huge fluffy teddy bear.

Ember pulls my hand towards her, and I turn to her. She leans up and places a kiss on my cheek.

“Thank you,” She whispers into my ear, her hot breath sending chills down my spine.

“You are very welcome,” I whisper back, and lean down to place my lips on hers. I pull away after a few seconds, and grin at her.

We walk to the next booth, it being Ember’s turn to play. She tries to throw a ring onto a bottle and misses all three times. When she looks at her feet embarrassed I give her a peck on the cheek, and tell her that she’ll win next time. We continue like this for a while, taking turns playing. By the end of the line of booths, I have won four times, and Ember’s only won once. It’s adorable to see her face scrunch up in concentration when she is playing. The time she won, shooting water into a hole, she was so happy. Jumping up and down, squealing and clapping, I just wanted to kiss her so badly. So I did.

Once she recovered, the man in charge asked her what prize she wanted. She picked a black and white spotted puppy, and gave it to me. It was such an amazing sight to see. I could watch her all the time, not in a creepy way, just watch how she reacts to things, and how excited she gets. I love her so much.

As we approach the final booth of the line, it’s my turn. The game is throwing darts at balloons, easy enough. The woman hands me five darts, telling me that if I make three I get a prize. I throw the first dart, and it pops a balloon. I grin at my accomplishment, and throw the second one. I miss twice more. Ember squeezes my arm, and just the feeling of her touching me, gives me a surge of confidence that I’ll make them, and I do.

“Good job!” Ember beams up at me. I smile down at her, then look up at the prize choices.

I spot a bright pink kitten, wearing a tutu and a tiara. I point to it, knowing that Lucy would love it. The woman hands it to me, and Ember giggles next to me.

“It suits you so well.”

I shake my head at her, but laugh with her, “It’s for Lucy, dummy.”

She grins up at me, and we continue walking. I look up at the lights of the Ferris wheel, then look down at Ember. I point to it, and she nods. We walk to the line, carrying all of our prizes. Once we get to the front of the line, the man operating it tells us that we can set our things down, and pick them up at the end of the ride. I sigh in relief, not wanting to take everything on it with us. We set our things to the side, then quickly get in an empty seat. The instructor puts the bar down, so we don’t fall out, and the ride starts.

I wrap my arm around Ember, and she snuggles into my side. She lays her head on my chest, and sighs. I stare down at her, and can’t help but to grin. She is so beautiful, no matter what. I’ve never seen her with makeup on, and honestly she doesn’t need it. She is gorgeous inside and out. I am the luckiest man alive.

“It’s so gorgeous up here,” she says snapping me out of my thoughts.

I snap out of my thoughts, and look around, and gasp at the view. You can see the whole town, and even the town next to us. The view is spectacular.

“Yeah,” I whisper in agreement.

We go around the Ferris wheel twice more, before it’s our turn to get off. Once we have all of our things, I look at the time on my phone and see that it’s time to meet up with the others.

“Come on, It’s time to leave,” I grab Ember’s hand and start to walk to the front gate.

“But it’s so much fun!” she says like a little kid.

A grin creeps onto my lips, “I know, but prom will be even funner! I promise we’ll come back soon.”

“Really?” she looks up at me, her eyes filled with hope.


“Okay, but we have to bring Lucy, she’d love it so much here,” She beams.

I nod, amazed by how great of a sister Ember is. I’m sure that I was a menace to Mali when I was Lucy’s age. To be honest I don’t think I could be a good older brother if I had a sibling as old as Lucy. I wouldn’t have enough patience, and I wouldn’t be able to handle them bothering me so often. Ember truly is perfect in every way.

We make our way to the gate, and meet up with everyone else. Kim and Tyler look flustered, and I have no doubts that they had been making out the majority of the time we were here. Those poor children that had to witness them. Andrew and Kim are hyper, and I’m sure they had way too much cotton candy.

Everyone loads into Andrew’s range rover, and we drive to our houses. We drop Kim and Tyler off at Tyler’s house, so they can go eat. Andrew does the same for Ember and I, dropping us off at my house. We take everything into my room, then get in the car.

“Where to now?” Ember asks, tapping her fingers on her thighs.

“Wait to find out,” I smirk.

She groans, and slumps back in her seat. I drive the rest of the way there, and turn the car off once we’re parked.

“Rosie’s?” Embers asks.

I nod, and hop out of the car, to open her door. We walk to the front door in silence. I open it, and wait for a server to seat us.

“Why is it empty?” Ember looks up at me confused.

I grin at her, “I made special reservations,” I answer.

A server walks out of the back door, and tells us to follow him. He walks to the back room, where there’s a single table, with a fancy table cloth, and a candle in the middle of the table. I pull out Ember’s chair for her, then sit down myself. I order for both of us, knowing the best meal for the date. The server disappears, and I turn to Ember.

“I know it’s not the fanciest place but,” I start to speak but get interrupted.

“No, no Calum this is perfect. It’s so sweet that you did this,” she grabs my hand from across the table.

I grin at her, “Only the best for my girl.”

Ember’s POV

Dinner was great. Calum went all the way out, and hired a violinist to play while we ate dinner. He ordered these delicious ravioli’s for dinner. We shared some bread sticks as well, and they were the best I’ve ever had. They were great because they weren’t too messy, which was perfect. After dinner we had Rosie’s famous chocolate cake for dessert. I swear that Rosie is a goddess or something, because all of the food I’ve ever had at her diner, was the most delicious food I’ve ever had.

“Well, I guess I should get you back to your house so you can get ready,” Calum sighs, standing up.

I nod and copy his actions. We make our way out of the diner, after Calum pays, and we both thank Rosie for the delicious food. The drive to my house is quiet, because I have no idea what to say. My nervousness is beginning to make an appearance, and by the time we pull into my driveway, my palms are sweating.

“I’ll pick you up in an hour,” He grins, once we’re inside my house.

I nod, and give him a quick kiss, before he walks out the door, to his car, and pulls out of my driveway. I close the door, and walk into the living room, to see Mali, and my mom waiting for me. My eyebrows scrunch together, as I notice my dress and a whole bunch of make up.

“Your mom called in some help.” Mali grins, and jumps up to hug me.

I hug her back and thank her, “Where’s Lucy?”

“Downstairs watching a movie,” Mom answers.

I nod my head, “So where do we start?.”

“With you, hurrying and taking a quick shower. Make sure you wash your hair,” She pushes me upstairs towards my bedroom.

I do as I’m told and hurry and take my shower. Once I’ve rinsed everything out of my hair, I turn off the water and step out of the shower. I wrap a towel around my body and start to dry my hair with another towel. After I’ve dried my body, I put on my nicest pair of underwear. I then dry my hair all I can, I put on my robe and make my way downstairs.

“Kathy, how about you start drying her hair, and I’ll start on her makeup,” Mali says, sitting me down on a stool.

“How much makeup?” I ask wearily.

“Not too much, you’re gorgeous without it, so just a little eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara, nothing too extreme,” she smiles softly, and grabs a makeup palette.

The hair dryer turns on, and I feel the hot air on my hair. Mali tells me to close my eyes, so I do. She starts to brush something on my eyes. After a while, Mali is finished with my makeup, and my hair is dry.

Mom and Mali both switch places. Mali starts to curl my hair, and mom puts some earrings that match my dress in my ears. Once Mali is done, they send me upstairs to put on my dress. I grip the dress in my shaking hands. I set it on my bed, and shut my bedroom door slowly.

Taking my time, I untie my robe, and slide it off my shoulders. I lift the dress off of its hanger, and unzip the back of it. I slowly step into it, and reach back to zip it up, but fail at reaching that far.

Embarrassed, I open my bedroom door and walk downstairs. Mom and Mali both snap their heads towards me, and grin.

“Oh honey you look gorgeous!” My mom exclaims, placing her hands to her mouth.

“I need help zipping the back up,” I blush, and turn around to show them the zipper.

I feel Mali’s fingers swiftly pull up the zipper, with no struggle.

“Perfect,” she whispers.

I turn around, and look at them both. “You really think so?”

They nod, “Go look at yourself in the mirror honey,” Mom says, urging me towards the bathroom.

I do as she says, slowly though. I turn on the light, and gasp once I see myself in the mirror. I don’t even look like myself.

My hair is in loose, but gorgeous curls, and it frames my face perfectly. Mali did make makeup, simple like she said, but I still think I look weird with it on. She did some light eye shadow and some eyeliner to make my eyes pop. The dress that Mali found for me that day we went shopping, is a light pink/peach color. It has thick straps, which are see through, and bordered with the peach color. The border of the chest is a sparkly goldish color. The regular material of the dress flows down to my waist, where there is a band, then the dress continues down and ends just above my knees. It fits perfectly, showing off my curves that I’ve always hidden behind my baggy t shirts. The earrings are just small peach colored fake jewels, bordered by fake diamonds. Over all, I am shocked by how I look, and extremely pleased.

*quick A/N: HERE is a collage of her dress and hair style.I’ve never specified what hair or eye color she has, so just keep imagining what colors you have been, this is just for the style. 

“What do you think?” Mali asks, walking in behind me.

“I…” I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.

Mali grins, and wraps her arms around me to hug me. I wrap mine around her as well, and stand there for a while.

“Come on let’s go put on your shoes,” She whispers and pulls me into the living room.

She grabs the small heels that are the same color as the dress. She puts them on my feet and does up the strap. I stand up and wobble a little before walking around and getting used to the extra height.

Suddenly the doorbell rings, and I snap my head up to the clock, to see that an hour had passed already. I start to panic, worrying what Calum will think when he sees me.

“Hey, calm down. You look gorgeous, he won’t be able to take his eyes off of you,” Mali says, taking my hands, to stop them from shaking.

I blush, “Thanks Mali. For everything.”

She nods, “You’re welcome.”

Just then Lucy runs up the stairs, screaming that she’ll answer the door.

“Prince Charming!” Lucy’s voice squeals.

“Kitten!” Calum squeals back. I walk towards them, still shaking.

“You actually look like prince charming!” Lucy jumps up and down.

“I.. uh…” He notices me, and his eyes widen, and his jaw drops.

I blush madly, and bite on my lip. I look Calum up and down, and agree with Lucy that he does look like Prince Charming. He’s wearing nice black slacks, which shock me, because I totally expected him to wear his regular pair of black skinny jeans. He’s wearing a white dress shirt, and a peach colored tie, that I am positive Mali bought him. He has a black blazer on over his dress shirt, and he looks extremely handsome.

“You look great.” I whisper.

He grins, “You look beautiful,” He whispers, staring into my eyes.

“Thank you,” I blush and look down.

“Aww,” My mom ruins the moment.

I groan, and shake my head. My mom’s eyes widen and she puts a hand over her mouth, as if to say ‘oops’ and disappears into the kitchen. Calum laughs, and I join him. Mali grins at us, and Lucy looks at us all confused.

“Kathy bring out the corsages!” Mali exclaims, and my mom does just that.

She hands each of us a box. I open mine, and pin it onto Calum’s jacket.

“Ouch!” he jumps,

“Oh my god, I am so sorry!” I turn red from embarrassment.

He grins, “I’m kidding.”

I sigh, then glare at him. He smiles softly, and takes my hand, placing the corsage on my wrist. Each of the flowers are white roses, with peach colored jewels.

“Picture time!” My mom squeals as she holds up her camera.

Calum wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me into him. Just his regular touch drives me crazy, and makes my nerves rocket sky high. After we smile and pose for a few pictures, I tell my mom that we need to leave.

As we walk out to his car, my hands are shaking. Calum grabs my hand, then opens my car door. Once the car is one, and we’re both in, Calum starts driving to the high school, and the radio is playing softly in the background.

“So I talked to your mom, and don’t freak out, but I got us a hotel for tonight,” He says nervously, whilst nibbling on his bottom lip.

“O-okay,” I stutter, my mind wandering, and thinking of all the possibilities.

“I’m not going to force you to do anything. All I want to do is sleep in the same bed as you, with you in my arms,” He grabs my hand, and places his lips on my knuckles.

“Okay,” I say again, much happier, and relieved this time.

We pull up to the school, and Calum runs around to get my door. I take his hand, scared of everyone seeing me all dressed up like this. He turns to face me, and let’s go of my hand, placing both of his on my face, cupping it gently.

“Don’t worry, you look amazing. If anyone says anything, I’ll be right by your side. I’m here,” He whispers, and places his lips on mine.

This kiss is longer than any other we’ve had today, and it’s more passionate. After a few seconds he pulls away, and looks at me, for reassurance that I’ll be okay. I nod, and smile up at him. He grins, and removes his hands from my face and takes my hand again.

As we walk into the school, I’m not as nervous as I thought I would be. We give our ticket to the woman in charge, which is the secretary, and walk into the gym. It’s filled with teenagers in fancy dresses and suits, balloons, and music. There’s an area where a photographer will take your pictures, a refreshments table, and a DJ.

“C’mon let’s go take a picture,” Calum leads me to the photographer.

Once it’s our turn, Calum asks for three pictures. The first one is of us just smiling, the next of him kissing my cheek, the third of me on my tippy toes kissing his cheek, and the last is of us making silly faces. He buys two copies of the strip of pictures, and grins as he hands me one. As I look over it I can’t help but grin as well, loving the pictures, and the title ‘A night you will always remember.’ And indeed it would be.

We quickly find the other couples, Kim and Tyler, and Jess and Andrew. We get in the line to take group pictures. They turned out amazing. There was only one of us all smiling, and being serious, but they still turned out great.

After we took photos we all went out on the dance floor. A ton of fast pace songs played, and in between some slow songs.

The prom king and queen were announced, Shannon Wesley being the queen, and some football player the king. They made a perfectly popular royalty, and I couldn’t care less that they won.

As the final song of the song plays, Calum grabs my hand, and pulls me into the middle of the dance floor. He places his hands on my waist, and I wrap mine around his neck.

As we sway back and forth, I lay my head on Calum’s chest. Calum starts to quietly sing along to the song. I smile and close my eyes, listening closely to his beautiful voice.

He stops singing after a little while, and tugs on my dress. I lift my head from his chest, and look up at him.

Calum looks down at me seriously, “I love you so much.”

The softness in his whisper, and the look in his eyes, brings tears to my own eyes.

“I love you too, Calum. I always will,” I whisper the last part, nervous of how he’ll react.

“God, how did I get so lucky?” He mutters, then leans down and places his lips on mine.

I’m whisked away from reality within seconds, feeling like we’re the only two people in the whole world. His lips move softly against mine, sending sparks up and down my entire body. He pulls me in close to him, subtracting any possible space in between us.

Before the kiss can get any further, he pulls away. When I open my eyes, his are still closed, and he is breathing heavily. It seems as if he is stopping himself from doing anything.

Feeling confident, I place sweet, swift kisses up to his ear, “Let’s head to the hotel,” I think whisper in my most seductive voice.

His eyes snap open, then widen, “You sure?”

“Positive,” I whisper, and detach my hands from his neck. I grab his hands from my waist, and start to walk towards the gym doors, pulling Calum behind me. I catch the sight of Jess, and see her giving me a thumbs up. My cheeks redden, and I look away quickly. I search for Kim and Tyler, but don’t see any sight of them.

We exit the gym and hurry to Calum’s car, ignoring the looks that the administrators were giving us. Calum drives quickly to the hotel, the whole time his hand is in mine. We don’t say anything and I don’t think we need to.

Once we pull up to a fancy looking hotel, Calum runs around and opens my door. We get our key from the front desk, and head up to our room. The second the elevator doors close, Calum’s lips are on mine. It’s a pleasant surprise, but I push him away as I feel the elevator slowing. The door opens, and an elderly woman gets on.

I blush, even though she didn’t see anything. Calum’s hand is in mine, squeezing it, for the rest of the elevator ride. We get to our floor, and hurry to the hotel room. The second the door is shut, Calum’s and my lips are together once again.

He pushes me up against the wall, trapping me in between his muscles arms. I kick off my heels, murmuring that they were hurting my feet into Calum’s lips.

Calum shrugs off his blazer, saying that he was getting hot. I smile into his lips, amused by our lame excuses of getting rid of clothes.

I pull away from him, and push him playfully away from me.

“I want to see the room” I mumble, and walk away from him, swaying my hips slightly.

I hear him groan quietly, and hear the thump of two shoes hit the floor. I walk around, seeing the kitchen, bathroom, and last the bedroom. A huge king size bed sits in the middle of the room.

As I walk towards the bed, I feel Calum’s hands on my hips.

“You like it?” He whispers.

I nod my head and turn around, “It’s perfect,” What I said had more meaning to it than just the hotel room.

It’s the perfect place for me to lose my virginity at, and the perfect person to lose it to, is Calum.

He doesn’t seem to pick up on it though. I pull on his tie, bringing his head down to mine, so I can kiss him.

As the kiss gets more heated, I trail my hands down to the collar of his shirt, starting to undo the buttons. He grabs my hands and pulls away from my lips.

“Ember,” He looks at me in the eye, them wide.

“Are you okay with this?” I ask.

He laughs, “Me? I’m more than okay with this. I just don’t want you to think you have to do anything that you don’t want to do,” He goes back to being serious.

“If I don’t want to do something, I’ll tell you. I promise,” I whisper, and place a kiss to his cheek.

He nods, and finishes unbuttoning his shirt, then slides it off, as well as hit tie. I can’t help but gasp as I see his six pack of abs. Without realizing what I’m doing, I run my hands down his soft skin.

He lets out a small moan, then bites his lip to conceal it.

“Don’t do that,” I whisper, “I want to hear you.”

He moans again at just that, a lot louder this time. The sight of him shirtless, moaning in front of me, drives me insane. It doesn’t help that his lips are attacking my neck, leaving small bruises. I don’t think I can wait any longer.

“Calum,” I moan as he kisses my neck, “I’m ready.”

He pulls away from me completely. We’re not touching at all as he looks at me, the most serious he’s ever looked at me.

“Ember, are you sure?”

I nod my head vigorously, “Yes, I am sure. You’re the person I want to lose it to, and I know I’ve kept you waiting, but now I’m ready.”

He smiles softly, then leans in and places his lips gently on mine once again. No words are needed to tell one another what the other is feeling. Lust, passion, want, and mostly love. I love Calum so much.

His hands trail to my back, and he gathers my hair in his hand, pushing it to over one shoulder. He turns me around, and starts to undo the zipper in an agonizingly slow pace. Once it’s down all the way, I take a deep breath, before letting the dress slip down my arms, and pool around my ankles. I kick it away, and turn around to face Calum, in just my underwear.

A barely audible gasp leaves his lips, and self-conscious comes washing over me. I cross my arms in front of my stomach, and avoid Calum’s eyes.

“Ember, you’re so beautiful,” He whispers, and pulls my arms away from my stomach. He lifts my chin up towards him, and looks me straight in the eye.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of. I love every inch of you.”

I smile at him, letting all of the insecurities slip away. Calum places his lips on mine once again. I trail my hands down to his pants and undo the belt, and zipper, then pull them down completely. I feel something hard on my thigh for the second time today, and giggle a little.

“This is your fault,” He growls, playfully.

He then walks us both backwards, so my knees hit the bed and I fall backwards on it. I sit up, and scoot towards the pillows, before resting my head on them.

“You’re sure?” Calum asks once again.

I nod, and smile, pulling him in for another kiss. His hands trail behind me, and he unclasps my bra. I arch my back to let him take it off. We’re still kissing as he explores my body, making many moans slip out from my lips.

I pull away slightly, and get under the covers, before ridding the last piece of clothing from my body. Calum does the same, puts on protection, then hovers over me.

“You’re sure that you’re sure?” He asks one last time, staring me straight in the eyes.

“Yes Calum, I’m sure,” I say, feeling nervous, but completely safe.

“I love you so much,” He says, kissing me passionately.

“I love you too.”

I wake up to the sound of snoring. I open my eyes, to see Calum with his eyes shut and his mouth partly open. Soft snores escape his lips, and I can’t help but smile. He looks so content right now, and adorable. I look down to see that he’s shirtless. My eyes widen and I look at myself to see that I’m in his dressy shirt from last night. The events of last night play through my head, and I can’t help but smile at how perfect everything one.

I reach up and play with his hair, running my fingers through it. A sleepy groan leaves his lips, and his eyes flutter open. His brown orbs immediately find mine, and he smiles lazily.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” I mumble embarrassed.

“It’s okay, I’m glad you did,” His raspy morning voice driving me insane.

I smile at him, and continue to play with his hair. His eyes close, and he hums as I run my fingers through his thick locks. His strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into him. I rest my head on his chest, still able to see his beautiful eyes.

I sigh as I get comfortable, “I could get used to this.”

He grins at me, “So could I.”

A feeling of utter happiness shudders throughout my body. No matter what happens in the future, I know things will work out. I know that I’ll spend plenty of mornings like this, waking up in the arms of the person I love most.

The End

Post link
 Description: Calum Hood, the schools golden boy. He’s the reason that the varsity team is undefeate


Calum Hood, the schools golden boy. He’s the reason that the varsity team is undefeated for four years. He’s got perfect grades, a scholarship to one of the best colleges in the country. But no one knows his secret, that his passion for music is bigger than his passion for soccer. And what happens when Ember Williams finds out that secret? Read to find out! 


Calum’s POV

After ice skating for an hour longer, we decided to leave. Ember fell a total of five times. She gave up, and asked to leave, so I agreed.

We went to get some hot chocolate, and walked around for a little while. I was in pure bliss, walking around alone with Ember, no distractions, no school, no family, just us. I couldn’t help but grin at her every time she smiled or blushed.

After walking around, it got cold, and late, so we decided to go home. As I drove her home, I was kinda depressed that our date has to be over. I wanted more time alone with her.

“We need to to this a lot. I love having you to myself,” I admitted.

Although it was dark I know that her cheeks turned red. She nodded and mumbled an agreement.

Once we got to her house, I walked her to her front door as usual. We sat there in each other’s arms for a few minutes, then she went inside after a long goodnight kiss.

As I drove home, all I could think of is how amazing my life is, all because of one girl.

Ember’s POV

“So, how was your first date?” Jess asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

I roll my eyes, and blush, “It was amazing. We went to this cute little diner, then ice skating. After that we got hot chocolate and walked around for a little while”

Kim grins when she hears “ice skating.” Her and Jess both squeal. Because I had a date with Calum yesterday, we moved our traditional Friday night sleepover, to Saturday. Right now we’re sitting in my room, watching a movie that no one is paying attention to, and talking about whatever we want. It just turns out that right now we’re talking about my love life.

“Aw how cute!” Kim exclaims, shoving a handful of skittles into her mouth.

“And romantic!” Jess adds.

I blush even harder, and nod, “It was… What about you and Tyler? Have you gone on any dates?” I ask, trying to get the attention away from me.

She smiles and bites her lip, “We’ve gone to the movies, but he’s not really one to go on dates…”

I don’t understand what she meant, but Jess gasps. I furrow my eyebrows at her, and her eyes widen.

“You know, they don’t go on any dates,” she says, and I still don’t get it.

“So?” I ask, and grab a handful of popcorn.

“So what else are they gonna doif they don’t go on dates?” Her eyebrows lift, and she expects me to get it.

“I don’t know, hang out, watch movies, be together,” I list, my mouth full of popcorn.

“Well they are together, literally.” She mumbles.

Kim slaps Jess’s arm, causing the M&M’s in her hand to fly everywhere. I sigh, not bother to tell her to clean it up, because I know she won’t.

“Ow!” Jess whines, and glares at Kim.

“Well you…” they start to argue, and I sit there, still confused.

There’s plenty of things you could do as a couple, and not go on dates. You could watch a movie or TV show at home, you could make food together, you could basically do anything. I don’t get what she means at all.

“Guys, guys!” I stop them from arguing, “I still don’t know what you mean.”

“They have sex for god’s sakes!” Jess exclaims, and Kim slaps a hand to her forehead.

“Oh…” my face distorts to disgust.

“Now don’t tell me that you and Calum don’t do it, you two practically eat each others faces off every time you see each other!” Kim glares, annoyed by the look on my face.

I blush, and shake my head. I start to play with the popcorn kernels, forming them into random shapes.

“Wait, you two haven’t done it?” Jess asks, her eyes wide.

“No!” I exclaim, feeling extremely uncomfortable with the situation.

“Wow,” Kim says, then goes quiet

“Yeah, wow,” Jess repeats.

I look down at the odd shape of the popcorn kernels in my hands, utterly embarrassed. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with us not having sex yet. I’m not ready for it, and Calum respects it. Plus we just became a couple last week, and I don’t want to rush things.

“Hey, don’t worry, that’s awesome if you’re waiting,” Jess pushes my shoulder playfully.

I look up at her, to see if she’s serious. She gives me a sweet smile, and I know that what she said is genuine. I nod at her, and look away, still slightly embarrassed.

“So how’s Andrew, Jess?” Kim speaks up, thankfully changing the topic of the conversation once more.

I notice Jess’s cheeks turn red, and she starts to play with her hair. They’d been texting each other ever since the night at the pizza joint after the soccer game that Calum asked me to prom in the middle of. I didn’t know that it was anything serious, but her actions are clear, she likes him.

“He’s good,” she vaguely replies, and takes a drink out of her water bottle.

“How good ishe?” Kim sniggers, and Jess spits out her water, everywhere.

“Kim!” I yell, and jump up to get a towel. All she does is burst into laughter, while Jess is choking, and I’m trying to clean my room. After a few minutes everything is dry, and Jess has stopped choking. Kim still sits there, laughing hysterically, clutching her stomach.

“Oh my god…. I’m sorry…. that was just…. hilarious,” she says in between laughs. Her laughter dies down and she wipes the tears from her eyes.

“That was nothilarious,” Jess says through gritted teeth.

“Okay, I’m sorry. I really do want to hear about him though,” she says genuinely.

Jess sighs, but starts to speak anyway, “He’s really sweet. Like the sweetest guy I’ve dated.”

“Wait you guys are dating?” I interrupt her.

Her cheeks turn bright red, “Yeah.”

“For how long?!” Kim practically shouts.

“Since Thursday, when he asked me to prom”, She smiles a she speaks

“Oh my god!” Kim and I squeal at the same time.

“Wait that means we’ve all been asked to senior prom,” Kim realizes. Earlier she announced that

Tyler asked her prom, and of course she said yes.

“I never thought this would happen,” I mutter, amazed.

“I know,” Jess agrees.

We all sit in silence for a few moments. I never thought I’d even get asked to my own senior prom. Now I’ve been asked to Calum’s while I’m a junior. It’s just so surreal to me. I know Kim would get asked, she’s, pretty well known to the guys at our school. As for Jess, I had no doubt that she wouldn’t get asked, she’s so pretty and nice to anyone. I just never thought I’d get asked.

“We have to go shopping for dresses together!” Jess exclaims, interrupting my thoughts.

Kim agrees, and I do too. Suddenly I get an idea.

“We should do it soon. Calum’s sister is in town, and I think I might ask her to come with. Because she knows Calum the best,” I explain.

“Yeah that’s a great idea! The more the merrier,” Jess winks

I smile at her, “So when should we go?”

“How about Tuesday? The boys all have soccer practice late that night,” Kim says.

“They’re all on the team, I totally forgot that. Wow. But yeah, Tuesday sounds good,” Jess says.

I nod agreeing with her on both subjects. That it’s weird that we’re all dating seniors on the varsity soccer team, and that Tuesday would work. I pull out my phone to text Mali.

A few minutes later she replies saying she’d come with, “Tuesday it is.”

“What about this one?” Jess holds up a strapless blue dress that is way too puffy, and short for my liking.

I shake my head for what seems to be the millionth time today.

“Ugh come on just choose a damn dress, this is taking way too long,” Kim groans, tired of dress shopping.

We’ve been shopping for nearly five hours, and haven’t stopped since. It only took just over an hour to find Kim’s dress, a sexy dark red V-neck dress with long sleeves. She matched it with black pumps and some jewelry that looked good with it. She looks amazing in the dress, and she knows it. It took a little longer to find Jess the perfect dress, but eventually we did find it. Hers is a bright pink gown that reminded me of a wedding cake. It’s strapless, and has a sweetheart neckline, with silver studs bordering the top of the dress. It’s straight, but extremely puffy, with many layers of material to make the dress even bigger. She got sparkly silver pumps, and matching jewelry as well. As for me, I have found nothing that 1.) Looks good on me at all and 2.) I like the slightest bit.

“I’m sorry, I just can’t find anything,” I exclaim, just as frustrated as Kim.

She gives me a look, and I groan, “You no what, I’m never going to find anything that I look good in. I’ll just tell Calum that I’m not going, and to take someone else. It’s fine,” I ramble, and start to walk away.

“Hey, hey, hey, don’t think like that. We will find you a dress that looks amazing on you, and you will go with Calum. There’s no way he’d take anyone but you. Don’t worry, we’ll find something, I promise,” Mali says sincerely after grabbing my arm, stopping me from leaving.

I sigh, but nod my head, hoping that she’s true. She gives me a wide grin.

“Good, now go try these on,” She shoves another pile of dresses, and pushes me towards the dressing rooms.

I try each of them on, and hate all of them. Most of them wouldn’t even zip up because they were too small, and they were the largest sizes! After I change back into my plain t shirt and jeans, I just stare at myself in the mirror. I pick out every flaw I have, my thick thighs, big stomach, not even relatively pretty face. All I can think is, How does Calum even like me?

I begin to break down, tears of frustration, and self hatred well up in my eyes. I try to blink them away, but they stream down my face. I try to get myself to stop crying, but nothing works. Now that I’ve started, it only gets worse.

“Ember, do you like any?” I hear Mali’s voice from behind the door.

“No,” I sniffle.

“Are you okay?” She sounds genuinely concerned.

A sob leaves my mouth, “No.”

“Let me in Ember, please.”

I unlock the latch on the door, and sit down on the bench. I look up to see Mali’s face full of concern. Immediately I’m embarrassed that she’s seeing me like this.

“What’s wrong?” She crouches down to be at eye level with me.

“None of them even fit,” I mutter, and more tears stream down my face.

“Oh honey that’s okay we’ll find one that does,” She reaches out and wipes a stray tear away.

I shake my head, “No we won’t, you don’t understand. This doesn’t ever happen to you, because there’s always have something your size,” I gesture to her flat stomach and small waist.

She frowns at me, but pulls me into a hug, not saying anything. We stay like this for a few minutes until my tears die down, and my breathing is steady. Eventually she pulls away from me, but stays crouched down in front of me.

“I need you to remember this. Calum loves you, for who you are. He doesn’t care that you’re bigger, in fact, he loves you even more for it. Everyone loves you for who you are, so it shouldn’t matter how much you weigh. You need to start loving yourself for who you are, because your opinion is really the only one that counts. You are a talented, kind hearted girl, who is gorgeous not just on the outside, but on the inside as well, you gotta start believing that.”

The way she speaks, and the look in her eyes, make me believe every word of what she says. She smiles at me, causing me to smile back at her.

“Now come on, we’ve got a dress to find, that will make my little brothers jaw fall to the ground, and I think I saw the perfect one,” She grins and slings an arm around my shoulder, walking me back to the dresses.

It feels like I have an older sister, and I couldn’t be more happy about it.

Chapter 13! Woohoooo

More bonding with Mali, and Ember gets deep.

Honestly, this is an experience that has happened to me. (not exactly in the same context, but you know what I mean) I’ve broken down in a dressing room, and can I just say, it freaking sucks.

Guys, you’re all beautiful inside and out, please know that.

I love you all.

<3 <3 <3

Just FYI, the next chapter is most likely the last chapter of this story. I’ve written basically everything I had planned at the beginning of the story, plus more, and I’m pretty happy.

Give it some notes if you enjoyed this chapter!

Hugs & Kisses


Post link
 Description: Calum Hood, the schools golden boy. He’s the reason that the varsity team is undefeate


Calum Hood, the schools golden boy. He’s the reason that the varsity team is undefeated for four years. He’s got perfect grades, a scholarship to one of the best colleges in the country. But no one knows his secret, that his passion for music is bigger than his passion for soccer. And what happens when Ember Williams finds out that secret? Read to find out! 

Chapter 11


Embers POV

“Mali?!” Calum’s voice is just above a whisper, clearly showing that he’s shocked.

He runs to her, tackling her into a hug. A squeal escapes her lips as he carelessly lifts her off the ground. They stay in each others embrace for what seems like minutes.

When they finally break apart, she looks at me, and nudges Calum.

“Oh yeah, sorry. Mali, this is my girlfriend Ember, Ember this is my older sister Mali.“

Mali grins and steps away from Calum, pulling me into a hug.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you! My mum has told me so much about you!”

I hug her back after a moment of shock. Once we pull apart, I smile up at her.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” I reply, wondering what exactly Mrs. Hood has told her. I stand there awkwardly, looking between the two, extremely alike looking siblings. I can just tell that they haven’t seen each other in a long time.

We move into the kitchen, where Joy is making what looks to be cookies. We say our hellos, then Calum speaks up.

“Why are you home? I thought you weren’t coming until your semester was over?” Calum asks, a huge grin on his face.

Mali smirks, and looks between us, noticing us holding hands, “Well mum told me that our little Cal’s in love, so I had to come see for myself.”

She pinches his cheeks, treating him like a baby, even though he’s almost a foot taller than her. He smacks her hands away from him, turns red, and scowls at her. My own cheeks heat up, and I look at my feet.

“You two are so cute! Oh I’m getting a call, be right back,” She squeals and walks out of the room.

I look up at Calum, and see that even though his sister embarrassed him (well, us) he is still so happy that she’s here. He looks down at me and smiles.

“Should we go start our movie?” He whispers.

I shake my head, “No! Your sister just got here you have to spend some time with her! I’ll call Jess to come pick me up.” I take out my phone.

“Oh no,” He grabs my phone, and shove it into his back pocket, “You’re staying here. She’s on the phone, probably with her boyfriend, so it will take a while. We’ll still watch the movie.”

I look up at him unsure.

“Mum we’re gonna watch a movie downstairs. Will you tell Mali to join us when she’s off the phone?” He squeezes my hand. Joy smiles and nods, agreeing to tell Mali.

He smiles at her then drags me downstairs. I roll my eyes at him, but don’t fight, because I know he’ll win with his adorable puppy dog eyes.

“What movie should we watch?” He asks, kneeling down in front of his shelf of movies.

“I don’t care, just nothing scary,” I shrug, and go to sit on the couch.

“Aww come on babe, you’re really not scared of horror films are you?” He turns around lifting his eyebrow up.

“Maybe…” I mumble, playing with my fingers.

He stands up, and sits next to me, “I’m right here, and I’ll protect you from everything. If you get way scared we can turn it off, okay?”

I sigh, but nod. He grins and gives me a quick kiss, then jumps up and puts whatever movie he picked in. He turned off the lights, pressed play and sat back down next to me.

The creepy music starts to play and I scoot closer to Calum. He laughs a little, and wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him.

The movie goes on for a while. The music starts to get intense and I know something scary is about to pop out. Right as it gets to its scariest point, the door to downstairs slams open, and I scream bloody murder.

Calum screams as well, and we both jump. Mali stomps down the stairs laughing, clutching her stomach.

“Oh my god… That was… Priceless!” She says in between fits of laughter.

Calum groans, and I shove my face into his chest, to hide myself from embarrassment.

“Seriously?! I think you scarred Ember for life,” He exclaims to his sister.

“No, I’m fine,” I speak up, my face still in his chest.

“Yeah, she’s fine, she’s a big girl Cal,” Mali laughs and I hear her plop down onto a couch. The movie’s still aging in the background, intense music and people screaming.

I peek my head up, and look at Calum. He’s already staring at me with a guilty expression.

“I’m sorry,” He frowns.

My cheeks heat up and I’m glad the lights are off, “It’s okay.”

His frown turns into a smile, and he leans down and places his lips softly on mine. I kiss him back, placing my fingers on his neck. I pull him in as close to me as I can, loving the feeling of us being so close together. Right as the kids starts to heat up, Calum pulls away, kissing my nose.

“Mali’s right there.” He whispers.

I nod, and turn my attention back to the movie, cuddling into his side more. He wraps his arm around me again, and despite the terrifying movie playing, I’m extremely happy right now.

After the movie finally ended, we all just sat talking for a while. I learned that Mali was studying to be an actress at a great school a couple towns over. She told me that she has a boyfriend of three years now, and they live together.

Her boyfriends name is Sean, and he’s going to law school. Their professions are very different, but they love the same things, music, movies, partying, and having a good time. I could just tell by the way she talked about him, that she loves him so dearly.

“He would have come, but he couldn’t get away from school. He wants to meet you so bad!” Mali grins at me.

I nod, and blush, amazed that people would actually want to meet me.

"Dinner’s ready!” Joy’s voice calls from upstairs.

I look at the clock on the wall, shocked to see that it’s already almost seven.

“I should get home, I don’t want to intrude on family time,” I scramble up,starting to grab my things, and Mali stops me.

“No no no, you are staying for dinner. I want to get to know you better,” She says, grabbing my arm.

I look between her and Calum for a moment. Calum is nodding his head, telling me to stay. Mali’s sounds so sincere, so I know that she’s serious, and not just being nice because I’m Calum’s girlfriend.

“Okay,” I agree, and Mali grins, then heads upstairs, leaving Calum and I alone.

“I knew you couldn’t resist this,” He smirks, walking towards me.

I shake my head, rolling my eyes at him, “I said yes to dinner, not to, you.” I blush realizing what it just sounded like I was saying.

I start to sputter, “I d-didn’t mean, you, you, l-like that, I meant you.” I start to back away from him as he continues to walk towards me. My back hits a wall, and he continues walking towards me.

He presses his body against mine, and starts to kiss me. I kiss him back, and it quickly becomes heated. Soon he’s trailing kisses down my neck, and to my shoulder. I wince when he presses his lips to my collar bone.

He pulls away giving me a strange look. He quickly pulls down the sleeve of my shirt, along with my bra and tank top straps. His eyes widen when he see’s the hickeys he left on me last week.

“They’re still there?!” he whispers, examining the purple bruises.

I nod my head, blushing once again. He leans over and places a gentle kiss to each bruise.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers into my skin.

“It’s okay,” I hum, distracted by the feeling of his soft lips against my skin.

He trails his soft kisses up to my jaw, and quickly finds my sweet spot. I let my head fall back, a small moan leaving my lips. I can feel Calum grin against my skin, then continue to kiss right under my jaw.

“Are you two coming?” Mali’s voice calls from upstairs. I’m scared that she’s going to open the door and see us, so I push Calum away from me. I start to fix myself up, pulling my shoulder and straps back on.

“Yeah, coming,” Calum calls.

Once I’m looking normal, I head to the stairs, but get stopped by Calum’s strong arms wrapping around my waist.

“To be continued,” he whispers lowly into my ear, and takes my earlobe between his teeth.

A small gasp leaves my lips. He lets go of me, and walks up the stairs as if nothing had happened.

Dinner was great, as usual. We all talked and enjoyed ourselves. Just by having dinner with them, and seeing how they react, I can tell that the Hood family is a very close one, and they all love each other so much. Maybe it’s because how small of a family they are, or just how their parents have raised them to be. It’s amazing to me, how close they all are, and how they can tell each other anything and not regret doing it.

Lucy is so young, that I can’t really have any girly talks with her, my mom would tell the next person she saw what I told her, and my dad isn’t home enough. With Jess and Kim, I feel like we’re sisters, so I can tell them anything, which in a way makes up for not being extremely close to anyone in my family. I’m glad that Calum has Mali, because he has someone older to look up to for help.

After dinner we help clean up, and Joy brings out cookies, for dessert. They’re delicious, some of the best I’ve ever had. After that, it’s near my curfew, so I tell Calum that I should get home. I tell everyone goodbye, thanking Joy for the delicious food, and telling Mali that it was nice to meet her.

As we drive to my house, Calum grabs my hand, getting my attention.

“What did you think of Mali?” he glances at me quickly, before turning his attention back to the road.

A smile graces my lips, “She’s so nice, and sweet. I really liked her.”

“More than me?” he asks playfully

“Definitely,” I reply in a joking manner.

Calum pulls over, and turns the car off. I start to worry, thinking that he took what I just said seriously.

“Calum, it was a jo-” I’m cut off by his lips pressing against mine.

I relax, and kiss him back.

After a steamy make out session, where I might have attempted to give him a hickey, and succeeded,he turns the car back on and finishes driving to my house. He walks me to my front door, gives me a kiss, and leaves. I fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow, exhausted from the events of the day.

Friday comes around all too quickly.

Here I sit on the floor in my room, in front of my closet. I’m surrounded by all of my clothes, not knowing what to wear to our date. He told me to dress warm, and that was the only thing he told me about our date, and that he would pick me up at five, after soccer practice.

I glance at my alarm clock, it reads 4:48.

I groan, for what seems to be the millionth time today. I spot Calum’s hoodie, folded and sitting on my piano waiting to be returned to Calum.

I stand up, and walk to my piano. I run my fingers along the soft material of the jacket. I lift it to my nose, it still smells like Calum. My eyes close as I continue to bask to in his scent.

“Ember, Calum’s here!” My mom calls from downstairs.

I start to panic, and throw on his hoodie over the shirt I wore to school. I grab my phone and purse, then scramble down the stairs. As I walk to him, A lopsided grin forms on Calum’s face when he see’s what I’m wearing.

He’s wearing a dark blue jacket over his t shirt, and black skinny jeans. His hair is wet, showing that he just showered. I can’t help but notice how attractive he looks.

“Ready?” It takes a moment for me to register his question.

“Oh, uh yeah,” I answer and my cheeks heat up.

“I’ll have her back by nine,” He smiles to my mom, and we walk out to his car. Before he opens the door for me, he grabs my chin and kisses me sweetly.

“You look amazing in my clothes,” He whispers lowly into my ear.

I blush, and look down at my feet. He kisses my cheek quickly, then opens my door for me. Once we’re both in the car, he starts it and we drive.

“So, where are we going?” I ask, dying to know what his plans were for the date.

“We’re going to this little diner that I love…..” He trails off, not saying the next part intentionally.

“Then?” I ask, hoping he’ll tell me.

He pretends to zip his lips shut. I groan, and sink back into my seat. He grins and take my hand, pressing it to his lips.

I turn on the radio, and we jam out until we get to the diner. The sign says Rosie’s Diner and it looks like a quaint, well kept place.

Once we walk in the doors, I’m hit by a gust of warm air, and the smell of chocolate cake. A few workers stand behind the counter. The bell rings once the door closes, and an older woman looks up from washing some dishes.

“Calum!” She exclaims, a wide forming on her face.

He grins, “Rosie!”

“Oh it’s so good to see you again! It’s been quite some time,” She remarks, walking us to a booth.

“I know it has, and I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy with school and soccer,” He gives her a guilty look.

“And who is this?” She looks to me, then Calum.

“This is Ember, my girlfriend. Ember, this is Rosie, the owner of the diner,” He grins, squeezing my hand that he’s holding.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you Ember. A waitress will be right out,” She smiles at me and disappears into the kitchen.

“So… Do you bring all your girlfriends here?” I say, looking around the diner.

“Nope, you’re only person I’ve ever brought here. None of them were special enough.”

I look at him, to see if he’s serious. A genuine smile widens across his face. My cheeks heat up, knowing that he meant it. I smile back at him. A waitress comes and asks for our order.

“We’ll both have a number three, no onions extra cheese,” He recites, already knowing what he wants. I just go with it, not having any idea of what they serve here.

“And what to drink?” She asks after writing it down on her notepad.

“I’ll have a Mountain Dew. You?” He looks at me lifting an eyebrow.

“I’ll have a Pepsi,” I decide.

The waitress writes at down, “Coming right up.” She smiles and walks away.

“So, how long have you been coming here?” I ask after a few moments of silence.

“Ever since I was little. Rosie is a friend of mum’s,” He explains.

I nod, “Oh, she seems nice.”

“She is. She always gives me a free slice of her homemade chocolate cake. I think I could split a piece with you,” He shrugs, but grins.

“Sounds delicious.”

We continue taking for a few minutes, then our food arrives. I’m not sure what it is, but it’s amazing. It’s some kind of burger that’s really cheesy and has this amazing sauce on it. The fries that came with it are the best fries I’ve ever had too.

“Oh my god, that was so good,” I moan, sitting back feeling full, and satisfied.

“I know right?” He says with a mouthful of his last fries.

Rosie walks over to our table, and places a slice of delicious looking chocolate cake on the table.

“Enjoy,” She smiles, and walks away after we thank her.

Calum picks up the only fork she brought with us, and cuts a piece carefully. He lifts up the fork full of cake, and places it in front of my lips.

“Open up,” he whispers.

I nibble on my bottom lip, then open my mouth, my eyes locked on Calum’s. The cake enters my mouth, and my taste buds go crazy. My eyes close, and a moan escapes my lips. After a few seconds of enjoying the amazing taste, my eyes flutter open, and I see Calum staring at me. His gaze is intense, and I have to tear my eyes away from him.

“You have,” my eyes meet his, and his eyes are trained on my lips, “some cake.”

I run my tongue over my bottom lip, trying to snatch up any pieces of cake on my lips. I look at Calum, as if asking if it was still there.

“I got it,” he leans over the table, and places his lips on mine. His tongue runs over my lips, and pulls away. He grins at me, and takes a bite of the cake, throwing his head back in content.

After we finish the cake, which was as good as Calum said it was, we left the diner. Calum paid for it, like the true gentleman he is. We get in the car, and drive into town. It takes a few minutes, but finally we pull into the ice rink.

“Ice skating?” I turn to Calum, shocked.

He nods his head, biting his bottom lip, “Tyler said that Kim told him that you’ve always wanted to learn how to ice skate, and I thought it would be a good first date.” His face is full of uncertainty, and worry.

I grin at him, “It’s perfect,” I lean over and press a quick kiss to his lips.

A wave of relief washes over him, and he hops out of the car, running around to open my door. We walk to the front door, hand in hand. Once he pays, we get our shoes. I have no idea how to tie them, the weird laces and holes confuse me.

A few minutes go by of me trying to tie them, and failing. I give up, and look over at Calum.

“Need help?” he asks, finishing his last lace.

“Please,” I pout at him, glaring at the laces.

He grins, and kneels in front of me, and effortlessly ties the complicated shoelaces. Once they’re tied, he helps me to my feet. The new feeling of having thin blades at the bottom of my shoes, disorientates me. I try to take a step forward, and almost fall over. Calum’s arms wrap around me, holding me up.

“You okay?” he whispers, his tight grip still holding me up.

“Yeah, it’s just weird,” I mumble, and grip onto the side of the wall, attempting to walk forward again.

I’m successful this time, taking slow steps. Calum is patiently waiting right beside me. Once I get to the door of the rink, I look to Calum for help. He grins and steps over the barrier, onto the ice. His confident stance amazes me, he looks so comfortable on the ice.

I step onto the ice, still gripping the side of the wall. Once both of my feet are in the rink, I discover a whole new disorientation, and almost lose my balance again. Calum quickly skates to my side, helping me stay up straight.

After a few minutes go by I’m starting to get used to the odd feeling of standing on ice. I move my feet, and start to go forward, without falling on my face, surprisingly.

“Babe, let go of the wall, come out in the middle with me,” Calum says, grabbing my hand.

“I’m not sure Calum,” I give him a nervous look.

“I’ll be right here the whole time, I won’t let you fall,” His eyes meet mine.

I nod, trusting him completely, “Okay.”

I let go of the wall, grabbing Calum’s other hand. He grins, and starts to skate backwards pulling me towards him.

At first it goes smoothly, but when I try to move my feet with him, I lose my balance, and fall backwards onto my back. Because our hands are joined together, Calum falls with me, falling on top of me. I groan at my back hitting the cold ice.

“Oh god, I’m sorry!” He groans, rolling off of me, and leans over me.

“It’s okay,” I mumble, and sit up.

He quickly gets to his feet, and holds out a hand to me. I grab it, and try to get to my fee, but fail, because of the slippery ground. I fall over once again, pulling Calum down with me. This time, I start laughing. Calum joins me, laughing as well. He lies down next to me, grabbing my hand. We ignore the looks other skaters are giving us.

“If I lay here,

If I just lay here,

would you lie with me

and just forget the world.”

He starts to sing, and I laugh, singing with him.

“Oh god I love you,” I laugh, turning, and kissing him softly on the lips, a warm feeling spreading throughout my body, despite the cold ice we’re lying on.

“I love you too,” he mumbles against my lips.

Chapter 12 yayy

bonding with Mali, and their cute first date, awwww

Give it some notes if you liked it!

Love you lots


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Ahh! Hello my beautiful babies! I am so very sorry for the longest hiatus ever but I am alive and well!! My first semester classes literally drained the life out of me and I couldn’t do anything but stress! But now that that’s over with I should be posting more! Maybe not as much as before but definitely not as little as these past couple of months, haha. I would also like to mention that you guys can ask me anything you want, whether it’s for advice or you want to get to know me, I am all ears! I love you guys so much!!

Not really bad news but I probably won’t be on here a lot for the simple fact that I have to focus on school and work. I’ll be able to post on the weekends mostly though. So you can still send in requests if you guys would like! I just won’t be posting as often as I should be (hence why I’ve been on and off for the past few weeks (and I apologize for that too ).)
But I was just giving a heads up ❤️❤️ I love you guys so much!!!! Stay safe!!

AU: (not a sext but very cute idea!❤️) You’re a photographer and you send your work for MichaeAU: (not a sext but very cute idea!❤️) You’re a photographer and you send your work for MichaeAU: (not a sext but very cute idea!❤️) You’re a photographer and you send your work for Michae

AU: (not a sext but very cute idea!❤️) You’re a photographer and you send your work for Michael to see and he praises you

(Disclaimer: I used the photos I’ve taken (not because I think they’re the best eVE R (bc honesty they’re not, they’re just taken by my snapchat) but because I felt like I’d be copyrighted or something if I used someone else’s work) so please if you use, give credit. Thank you so much❤️)

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For some reason my pictures aren’t saving when I screenshot. I’ve restarted my phone and everything so I’m not sure when I’ll be able to post again. :( (hopefully soon!!)
But in the mean time you can still send in requests and I’ll do them as soon as I can. Stay safe
Also, thank you so much for 1,000+ followers! You guys are amazing and have great ideas ❤️
Love you all!

This isn’t blog related but I’m so fucking sad and angry and scared I can’t even f

This isn’t blog related but I’m so fucking sad and angry and scared I can’t even function. There was absolutely no reason for this. My heart and love in every inch of my body goes out to the people that were/are affected in the disgusting act of violence.

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