#came here to forget


Words: 987

Warning: None

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

She sat in one of the chairs in front of the counter in Seth’s kitchen. Seth was at the sink washing vegetables with his back turned to her as she watched his superior backside move as he tossed greens in a strainer. She was happy that she currently didn’t have any sharp object in her hand before getting up out of her seat and walked over to stand next to Seth.

“So are you going to criticize the way I wash vegetables?” He playfully asked.

“More like tell you that it’s rude to have your back turned to someone.” She fired back.

There was a knock on the front door interrupting what she was going to say next, “I’ll get that.” He said putting the bowl in the sink, his heavy footsteps against the hardwood almost sounded like her heart rate rising.

Once Seth opened the door it was like there was a small crowd of people. There were several guys who all had brown to dark brown hair and one guy was blonde as well as a short woman with dark brown hair who was hanging off the arm of the oldest looking guy in the group.

All of the guys looked athletic, as athletic as Seth.

Once everyone was inside they were all giving her a thorough up and down look, but not in a judgmental way.

“Guys this is Y/N,” Seth said before moving to stand next to her.

The woman in the group was the first one to move over to talk to her, she dressed like any other woman who was in her late 20’s, flowing pastel pink skirt and a floral print top that wasn’t an outrageous pattern with nude open toe heels.

She had introduced herself, she was Nick’s wife Janelle. It was kind of strange because she had introduced herself as his wife like she didn’t have a job, she was just a Hockey wife, strange.

Then it went down the line of Seth’s Teammates, there was Zack who was Seth’s D-partner (not that she knew what that was.), Cam the only blonde in the group, Boone and Josh who were kind of attached at the hip and as the night went on she could tell were the closest to Seth, and then Nick who was their team’s captain.

As they sat down to eat, and Seth cooked as the night went on. She had started the evening sitting next to Seth and ended up sitting next to Boone by the time the night was coming to an end at the round dining room table.

“So, Y/N What do you do?” Here we go with the third degree.

“I’m a corporate lawyer at Baker & Hostetler, I’ve been there for about two years.” The mention of her job caused the room to go silent for a moment before Boone moved to put his arm around her chair looking into her eyes.

“So if I’m ever in any kind of trouble I can always count on Seth to give me your number to get me out of a jam.” He said with a flirtatious tone to his voice before feeling his fingers against her shoulder.

She could feel that people were looking at her, she wasn’t sure who so she just looked at Boone before getting up out of her chair and taking her wine glass with her.

“Look here pretty boy, I’m a lot of things but easy isn’t on that list.” She fired at Boone, she widened her own eyes getting up from her chair.

“I’ll be back.” She said with utter panic in her voice. She looked up to see Seth looking at her, his face looked tense as if he were uncomfortable. She turned away from the group making her way to the kitchen that looked out onto the living room. She heard footsteps behind her before reaching for an open bottle of wine.

“Tough crowd,” A voice said.Y/N turned around to see Seth standing there. She let out a deep breath before reaching for the open bottle of wine.

“I’m sorry, I should just go home.” She said setting it down ready to make her escape.

“You don’t need to leave, Boone’s just giving you a hard time. It’s kinda what he does,” Seth said with a shrug to his shoulders.

“And the fact that umm, Josh? Is it, keeps staring at me every time I turn to talk to you.” She said, looking into his amber eyes.

Seth turned out away from the kitchen slightly as she brought up Josh.

“Yeah, umm. Josh and I have been friends since I got here. He’s just looking out for me.” He said.

“Look, I’ll talk to them, tell them to lighten up. I mean the only people who knew you were going to be here were Nick and his wife.” Seth let slip out. That was all he could get out before her mind started going out of control.

“So you just invited me without telling any of your other teammates.” She didn’t make a move to leave but she did look at him. It was one thing for Boone to make her feel uncomfortable in a room of people that she didn’t really know but she could tell that she wasn’t reacting to all of this well.

Seth walked closer to her lightly pushing her up against the counter, pushing himself into her space not caring what it would lead to. He slotted his nose with hers before feeling her breath against his lips.

Part of her wanted to lean in and press her lips to his so much so that she could hear her heart beating in her ears. She just didn’t want to push him into anything, and Seth just stood there. He didn’t move in any closer. He just let his eyes close pressing his forehead against hers.

Part 7

A/N: Sorry for the super long wait, I haven’t had much inspiration for this story since I’ve been in school and the whole COVID things has kind of messed with my writing mojo. Please take this long chapter as an apology!


Words: 504

Warning: None

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

Why had she agreed to this? Going to dinner with some guy she didn’t know and showing up early like the overachiever that others at her law firm called her.

When she ran into Seth at the market it was a bit of a shock, she thought she wouldn’t see him again. Columbus wasn’t small by any means but just being in downtown made it seem like it was a small world.

He invited her to dinner with his friends, he must really know how to turn on the charm for girls. Maybe life has some unknown plan for her, yeah her ass-hole of an ex can sure go shove it at this point.

There were more important things than this dinner, like the case files sitting on her kitchen counter. But she couldn’t avoid human interaction just to take more responsibility at work. Money sure wasn’t everything, but that didn’t mean it was worthless as well.

Yet here she was sitting outside of Seth’s apartment building 45 minutes early, he was going to think that she was crazy. 

She took in a breath before getting out of the car taking her bag and the bottle of wine, she bought with her. As she walked closer to the front door of the building it was like she couldn’t breathe.

She walked into the building up to the front desk, there was a man sitting there in a black suit with a white dress shirt underneath.

“Can I help you miss?” The guy asked.

“Yes, I’m a friend of Seth Jones’ I’m supposed to be visiting him.”

“Yes, Mr. Jones told me that he would be having a few guests over today. Can I get your name?”

“Y/N Y/L/N,” she replied.

“I’ll call Mr. Jones and then let you right up.” The guy said after checking a piece of paper.

She watched as the guy put the phone up to his ear talking into the receiver.

“First elevator on the right, floor 12.” He said.

“Thank you,” She said.

Walking to the elevator was a short journey, too short, but the ride up to Seth’s apartment seemed that it went on forever.

She got out of the elevator, god even a courtroom wasn’t this stressful, compared to this it was calming.

She got off the elevator to see him standing in the doorway of his apartment, he gave her a smile before saying, “So is there some reason that you’re here early?” causing her to lose her train of thought.

“I just wanted to make sure that you didn’t burn down your kitchen.” Again, with the banter, although this is way more fun than swapping jabs with another lawyer.

“Since when are you concerned about my safety.” He said as he stood in the doorway of his apartment.

“I’m more concerned about your kitchen cabinets, I’ve heard most athletes can’t cook well.”

“Well, let’s hope I can prove you wrong,” he said, extending his hand out silently telling her to come in.

Part 6

A/N: So a bit of a shorter chapter this time, I already have the next two finished up, I just need to get a beta reader to check them over. I appreciate you all being patient with me as I write this story. 


Words: 707

Warning: None

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Seth’s P.O.V.

Pre-season team dinner was something that wasn’t really a big thing for their team. A few guys and their SO’s would show up, but since most of the guys weren’t in town since training camp didn’t start for another two weeks. It looked like it would just be Fligs and his wife, Josh, Boone who he had become pretty good friends with since coming to Columbus, Z, and Cam.

Inviting Y/N was a spur of the moment decision, ever since their conversation at the bar he had wanted to see her again. He was so used to women throwing themselves at him, in-person and online. It was nice to finally meet a woman who wasn’t with him because of who he was in his career. It was one of the things that pulled her to him, pulled him in. From the way she spoke to how she was always ready to challenge him with words, it was almost as if everything about her was calling to him.

The sound of his phone ringing pulled him from his thoughts. He looked down at the screen to see the word Captain on the screen. He clicked the answer button before putting the phone up to his ear.

“Hey, Fligs, what’s up?” He said into the phone.

“Hey Seth,” Nick’s wife Janelle said. “I was just calling to make sure that Nick got the right time, 7;30 right?” She asked.

“Yeah, 7:30.”

“Wait, hold on, let me put you on speaker.” She said.

“Hey, Jonesy. Should we bring anything?” Fligs’ said.

“Not really, unless. I didn’t get any dessert stuff since the season is starting soon.”

“I’m sure we can find something that the trainers won’t kill you for eating,” Janelle said.

“Well I mean it’s not like we’re gonna get a cake and eat all of it. There is gonna be like 7 of us.” Nick said.

“There are gonna be 8 of us. I’m bringing a date.” He said.

“Jonsey, you’re bringing a date to your own dinner party. Since when does the host need to bring a date to a dinner party?” He heard Nick say over the phone half talking to him half talking to his wife.

“What’s wrong with that? Inviting a woman over to dinner,” He asked.

“You dating her?”

“No, but I want to see where it goes.”

“You’re inviting her over to dinner with your teammates, not just a few friends, man.”

“It’s not like my mom’s gonna be there or anything.” He let slip out before thinking.

“If you’re thinking about her meeting your mom it must be serious.” At this point, Seth could tell that Nick was just giving him shit as his Captain. Giving him a hard time was in his nature, making sure the younger guys on the team were taken care of and didn’t get in trouble.

And then the thought set in about Y/N meeting his mom, it was way too soon, they had hung out once at a bar and just bumped into each other at the market and let’s not forget that he had just invited her to dinner with his teammates.

God, what was he doing? Where was this even going? He knew he liked her, she was a fucking smoke show as well, so beautiful and had this air around her. There was something hidden under the surface that just kept pulling him in, it was almost like the energy after a big win. 

It didn’t have anything to do with him not wanting Y/N to meet his mom, it was that growing up his mom was the one always encouraging him to pursue hockey, being there for games, and getting him pumped up before practice.  He even wrote her a note when he was eight or nine telling her that he was going to make it in the NHL one day. However, meeting the girlfriend or potential girlfriend was way too fast.

“Don’t worry Fligs, we’re not together yet.” He said into the phone.

“Alright man, well I’m gonna let you go. You better cook up one hell of a meal.”

“I got you covered Cap.” He said before pulling his phone away from his ear.

Part 5

A/N: YES!! I finally got this posted, I intended to have it up last Friday but I got carried away with a paper I was working on for class. Please leave all your thoughts in my ask box. I love hearing how much you all enjoy reading my work. I’ll hopefully have the next one up soon!


Words: 504

Warnings: None

Part 1  Part 2

It was a cold day in Columbus. Y/N was at North Market, the closest market to her apartment picking up some things for the next week. Milk, fresh fish, thyme and more rice since she had run out on Tuesday.

She walked up to the fresh seafood section looking for salmon, “Can I get about 8 tenners?” A familiar voice said as she watched a muscular back flex as they leaned against the counter.

She watched as the guy behind the counter took two big cuts of salmon before cutting them into four pieces each, weighing them and then wrapped them up.

“Thanks, man.” The familiar voice said before turning in her direction almost knocking right into her.

“Y/N,” He said, his eyes slightly wide before his smile set in. He didn’t say anything else just her name, she liked the way her name sounded coming from his lips.

“Seth, right?” She said, looking up at him questioningly.

“Yeah, Seth.” He says with a smile.

“So, you feeding an army with all that fish?” She motioned towards his cart with food in it.

“No, I have some friends coming over since the season just started.”His tone suggested that it was just a few people, some of his guy friends probably.

“Well, I hope you can sear fish really well.” Putting her hand on the display case.

“Why don’t you come over and make sure that I’m doing it right?” Wait, what? Like come over to his place and help him cook for his friends. Who is this guy? Come on Y/N think of a quick rebuttal.

 “How would you know I’m any good in the kitchen?” She quickly replies. He almost smirks at her, like he knows she’s flustered by his question.

“Just a guess.” He says, “I wouldn’t want to impose on guys’ night or anything.” She said, pulling away.

“You’re not imposing, trust me,” He said, she could tell that he was really trying to have her come over. But it wasn’t like he was being pushy about it.

“Okay, ” She said.

“Let me give you my number,” He said, pulling his phone from his back pocket. He clicked around on his phone before she heard her phone buzz in her purse.

He most likely just went into his contact and clicked on share contact so she could get his number. She accepted his contact before opening her texts to send him just a string of random emojis.

He let out a loud chuckle, “Okay, I see how it is.” He said.

“I should let you get back to shopping.” She said, trying to get around him.

“Don’t you want to help me pick out things to go with the fish?”

“I think you can handle it. But I’ll see you at your place at…?” She questioned, slightly squinting her eyes.

“7:30,” he said, “Don’t be late.”

She watched him walk away, seeing his tall athletic physic move away before he disappeared from her line of sight.

Part 4


Words: 337

Warnings: None

Part 1

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” She said she didn’t look at him. Her eyes, however, caught his in the mirror right in front of the bar. So much for not looking at him.

His suit jacket hugged his arms, unbuttoned suit jacket with a white crisp dress shirt underneath. The look of his hands gripping the glass made it seem as if the glass shrunk in his larger than average hands.

It made her wonder why he wasn’t saying anything back, a possible guy power move. Don’t say anything so she has to. It was like he knew he was a great player of this game. She wondered if he was any good at his on-ice sport as well, with how expensive his suit was, he must be pretty good.

“Just looking at me doesn’t mean that I’m going to answer your question you know.” She said.

He smirked at her, letting in the sight of his perfectly white teeth shine through.

“Sorry about that, I’m Seth.” He says extending his right hand, his designer watch gleaming against the low lighting.

She looked at him before shaking his hand. The feeling of his hand made her think, the pads of his fingertips were calloused but the feeling of his palm was soft, the feeling leaving her all too soon, almost.

“Y/N,” She said back.

They sat at the bar talking as they took in each other. She was professional, maybe a bit uptight of an exterior but he could see some light shining through and he wondered what that light meant.

He was carefree, but not in a careless way, he knew that he had a responsibility to the things he found important. She could see that not every part of him was as young as he seemed, there were parts of him that were almost too grown-up for someone who looked as young as he was.

They both pondered their thoughts about the other doing nothing to make sure that they saw each other again.

Part 3

A/N: Short chapter this time, I promise they will get longer the further into the story I get. 


Summary: Between the stress of work and life, it helps to have another person who can understand how crazy life can get. Will the meeting between these two individuals be enough for them to fall in love or will they fall in love just enough to help the other get through these rough times?

Words: 667

Warnings: mentions of alcohol

It was another late night after work. A half-full glass of white wine at the bar by your apartment. The same day as if your life was on an endless loop.

The loud screech of a bar stool being pushed out from under the bar shouldn’t have made you slightly jump in your seat.

“Can I get a beer?” A fruity voice said from beside you. You could actually hear his voice over the other sounds of the bar patrons talking in the bar, the normal chatter on a Saturday was like a light hum compared to this late Wednesday night.

Your eyes caught sight of a darkly lit blue suit the guy was wearing, that looked two-toned from the low lighting in the bar.

The bar-back placed a glass of light amber liquid onto the cork coaster that was on the bar.

“Thanks, man,” The fruity voice said as his tone turned grating.

It looks like you weren’t the only person in the world having a shitty day.

There was a light hum of music playing in the background of the bar, some unknown song to you with a slow beat that you couldn’t help but want to sway too. 

The sound of a phone going off pulled you out of that dream state, the guy next to you answering his phone.

“Hey man, no not tonight. Yeah, I’ll see you at the rink tomorrow.”

Rink? So he was one of those hockey guys that played in Columbus. He dressed more like a Wall-street executive than a hockey player.

It wouldn’t be right of you to say what you thought about his phone going off in the bar, it was a public place. Why would he care what you thought, he could think that you were half crazy for all you know. Even if he looked like he was just as lost in his own thoughts as you.

The loud blaring of Lady Marmalade, the unmistakable ringtone of her mother texting her. She closed her eyes at the sound of the song. Yeah, she had no right to say anything. 

She wasn’t going to look at her phone, she was going to wait for the ringing to stop before getting up out of her seat to call her mom instead of sitting on her phone.

She got out of her seat before collecting her bag and walking out of the room to see her moms text,

Hey sweetie, I know you’re working late today but I just wanted to check-in.

Her mom was so many things, outgoing, confident to no avail, and a bit much at times. Her mom had helped put her through college even when she thought it was time to give up dancing as a whole.

She pulled her phone up to her ear at the sound of the dial tone.

“Hey, mom.”

“Hi, Sweetie, how was work?”

“It was okay. Another day filled with paperwork.”

“Honestly Y/N, I don’t understand why you didn’t do something else when you went to college. Something creative, less stressful.” Her mom said, before looking through the glass window at the front of the bar to see the guy peering out of the window looking at her before looking down at his beer again.

“Look, Mom, I really don’t want to have this conversation with you again. I chose what I wanted to do when I was in college. That’s it. I’ll call you back later okay,” She pulled the phone away from her ear.

Walking back into the bar back to her seat next to the guy.

“So, which one of us should admit to having a more embarrassing ringtone.“ The guy says, his voice turning smooth pulling at all of the right syllables.

“That depends on what you think is embarrassing.” You said pushing the wine glass away from you.

"So was that also one of your co-workers bugging you about something at work?” He said with the beer glass in his hand.

Part 2

A/N: This is just the first chapter to a story I started a few months ago, it’s not finished but I really wanted to start posting what I already have done. Please leave me some feedback in my ask box anytime about the story. 
