#cancel canada day



The audio starts with singers and drums in the background. An audio clip starts of a Canadian member of parliament speaking on the issue of the Trans Mountain pipeline project. This audio is from 2018.

“-and his minister adds that Canada will not be able to accommodate all Indigenous concerns. What thats means is that they have decided to willfully violate their constitutional duties and obligations.”

The speaker, Romeo Saganash, a Cree Lawmaker, continues.

“Mr Speaker, sounds like a most important relationship, doesn’t it? Why doesn’t the prime minister just say the truth and tell Indigenous people’s that he doesn’t give a fuck about their rights?”

The video is of a person leaning down to the camera (in a small area of grass and trees) before turning their back to it and dancing at the end of the video with orange text stating in all caps




canada day is tomorrow so let’s all just take a step back and look at the concept of celebrating “canadian independance”

this country is still run by the descendants of british and french colonists. this is Indigenous land, and a bunch of white people declaring it “independant” didn’t change jack shit when it comes to the treatment of Indigenous people

from the genocide of Indigenous people, to Japanese internment camps, canada has a long history with little to celebrate

the nationalism involved in canada day celebrations is dangerous and harmful, and it’s simply morally wrong to celebrate white colonists disconnecting from other white colonists and calling it freedom

a little over a hundred and fifty years ago, only the white people in this country got to feel free, as Indigenous people continued to be wiped out, and continue to be killed to this day

don’t blindly celebrate canada day. this holiday was born out of oppression and genocide


Not celebrating today. Instead I’m thinking about my parents who are both Residential School Survivors. I’m thinking about my Aunts, Uncles and older cousins who went and who survived. I’m also thinking about those who never came home. So many never came home. Today I’m spending this time with family and just being with them.


to this user and everyone else who has lost their empathy and compassion for our people.

being “mentally ill” or a patriot, doesn’t excuse you from not caring.

our land, and our children, has been defiled and stolen. the country in which you stand so proudly behind has committed atrocities against us. are our lives not worth more than your picnics and parties? your fireworks and your pride?

sol mamakwa says it here.

and remember them (edit: update)

these were children.
