#candyman x reader



candyman: come with me-



me: oh my god i said ok

#candyman    #slasher    #candyman x reader    #shitpost    

I swear showing someone a movie you really like is the most embarrassing thing ever, how dare I enjoy this I should be ashamed


I couldn’t care less abt the discourse I’ve seen around who the hottest slasher is. it’s candyman. stop fighting.


God I wish that were me

Screaming and crying I can’t do this anymore

Just watch Candyman farewell to the flesh, let me tell you the only thing I took away from that movie was candyman is a confirmed dilf


Why the FUCK don’t more of those monsterfuckers on Tumblr who obsess over slashers obsess over the Candyman… literally an unstoppable, terrifying, honey-voiced man who is six foot five and eloquent as fuck? Get some taste… the virgin Michael Myers vs. the chad Candyman…

Sobbing rn

It’s ok I needed a new one!! I printed this from cvs and it was only $10!! Just for when you can’t find exactly what you want!!!

Man door hand hook car door

You guys see the new candyman trailer???

I’m fucking hyped!! Tony Todd is back and I’m so excited!!!
