#daniel robitaille


day 31: Candyman

last day! loved doing this challenge


candyman: come with me-



me: oh my god i said ok


hey tumblr, look at the blorbos.

“Slashers: Harry Warden and Daniel Robitaille sketch” … A old sketch I did back at spring. (PLEASE DON’T REPOST OR TRACE IT, THANK YOU)

Was at Texas Horror con met the actors Malcom McDowell and Tony Todd, they are nice people and they really love my art I did for them on the movies they act on.

EDIT: BTW they autograph my drawings.



I couldn’t care less abt the discourse I’ve seen around who the hottest slasher is. it’s candyman. stop fighting.

Just watch Candyman farewell to the flesh, let me tell you the only thing I took away from that movie was candyman is a confirmed dilf


Why the FUCK don’t more of those monsterfuckers on Tumblr who obsess over slashers obsess over the Candyman… literally an unstoppable, terrifying, honey-voiced man who is six foot five and eloquent as fuck? Get some taste… the virgin Michael Myers vs. the chad Candyman…

Sobbing rn


Daniel Robitaille (Candyman!) Fluff Alphabet <3

I am deeply in love with him, and that is why I’m writing this.

A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)

Daniel finds everything about you attractive- as cliché as it may sound. But he is also observant, he pays so much detail to your entire entity. He loves the way you look- the way your face lights up when talking to him. Your voice and how you laugh. The way your silhouette moves. How kind and gentle you are.

You find everything about him attractive. Daniel’s voice and charm stand out to you. His poise, his height, the way his body moves. How beautiful his face is. His gentleness and protectiveness always makes your heart swell. The way his hands sometimes shake while he’s got his fingers interlocked with yours- he still gets a little nervous everytime. He’s always so grateful for your love for him.

B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)

Yes. Daniel really would love to have a family. Part of it stems from his unfortunate past- he never really got to have closure from dying and not being able to be with his past lover and raising their child together. It makes his heart ache and it’s so so understandable why it is a touchy subject for him.

But he truly wants a family with you because he loves you as well. He thinks you’ll be such a loving and amazing parent. He would go to great lengths for you and your child. It’s his dream.

C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)

Daniel loves any way to cuddle. But he has a few favourites for sure- one being when you two lay down together and you’re curled up in his arms- your head tucked into the crook of his neck. He loves to caress your face and body here. Secondly he loves when he is sitting on the couch and you sit on his lap, either facing him or away- he doesn’t mind. He loves the intimacy it creates and the opportunity to talk deeply and affectionately to each other.

D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)

Very romantic to say the least. While it’s true he is old fashioned, he’s also just very romantic and emotionally intimate in general. Dates with him are always peaceful. Daniel loves to formally as you on a date. It’s one of his ways of showing you he still likes to put effort into your relationship- that he’s always pursuing you- no matter how long you’ve been together.

E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))

You are Daniel’s world. The love he has for you must be one of the deepest, and most purest and soulful love ever to exist. You are Daniel’s entire life and really his will to not completely shut away from the world. You make him feel human again.

He only hopes you feel the same for him.

F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)

Daniel knew pretty early on that he loves you. It was definitely within the first month. Probably the first few weeks. He loves so powerfully and so wholeheartedly. It doesn’t take long, at all, for him to fall completely in love with you.

G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)

Daniel is very gentle in basically every single aspect. Through the way he talks to you, the way he displays his love for you. Quite literally in every way. He never raises his voice with you, not even if he is upset. He is not a very argumentative or much of an angry person. If he is upset, he always gently talks to you about what is bothering him. He is not so accusative.

H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)

He loves holding your hand when you have both arms wrapped around his, using both hands to intertwine your fingers with his. It makes him feel like you trust him and look to him for protective. It’s so sweet.

I = Impression (What was their first impression?)

Daniel was immediately fascinated by you. He was pretty much interested in you during your first interaction together. He thought you were brave, interesting, and not like many people he had met before. He knew he’d need to come back to you.

J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)

A little bit. He has been used to living a life where he has been deprived of love and lost it, that he can’t handle the thought of somebody else having you. He gets heartbroken, but he doesn’t take it out on you. He just gets sad as opposed to being angry, and will be quiet for a little. He’s afraid of losing you, or you leaving him for somebody he thinks is normal.

K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)

Daniel definitely initiated the first kiss. He thinks it’s gentlemanly of him to make the move. His first kisses are very gentle and short, he doesn’t want to do too much too shortly. He doesn’t want to scare you off or make you uncomfortable. His kisses are sweet and convey so much love to you from him. You can just feel his affection.

L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)

Daniel definitely. One reason being because he most likely fell in love with you first and wanted to let you know early on. He will initiate most things for you, especially if you prefer him taking the lead. He’s an assertive man.

M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)

It might just be the first time he met you. This is because as soon as he met you, any despair and loneliness just left. He’s pretty intuitive, he just had that feeling you were special and would be a soulmate. It’s hard for him to choose, that or the first time you went on a date. It’s sentimental to him.

N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)

Daniel would spoil you with anything he could give you. He loves to give you flowers, or anything he thinks you might like. Whatever he can provide.

O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)

The colour lilac purple- the gentleness of this colour reminds him of you. That, and how it reminds him of lavenders- a flower that helps reduce anxieties. He feels so calm around you.

P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)

Being the deep romantic that Daniel is, anything along the lines of “ my dear, my love, my world, my life ” but also anything really cute and endearing like “ sweetheart, angel, ” etc. He likes to use any expression that encapsulates 1) that he loves you, and 2) that you are his.

Your favourites to use for Daniel are “Danny, baby, angel, my love, my world "etc. You also like to show your love and adoration for him with these names. He likes knowing you love him, and that he is yours. He has a particular soft spot for Danny. But also My angel- for the things he’s done he’s so thankful that you still see him as this beautiful, blameless, but somehow still human. That you still love him despite knowing the things he did. It’s somehow hard to explain.

Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)

Probably a vase. He likes how simple they are and he can nurture flowers in them.

R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)

He loves to cuddle, read with you, help you with any self care- like washing yourself, face masks. Anything to help care for yourself he enjoys very much. He would feel immensely loved if you included him in your self care routine. He loves the feeling of being cared for and having you touch him so gently- because you want to help him look after himself too =).

S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)

If you’re sad, he will try to talk to you about it. Daniel is very good at communicating and will comfort you with words. If you feel stressed out as well he will help out at your home to help lift any burdens for you.

If he’s sad he gets quiet, he will talk to you about it if he’s there with you. But if he’s by himself he just gets lost in his mind really. Endlessly overthinking and stressing. He will then try to go rest or read or do something he enjoys if he can’t spend time with you.

T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)

Honestly everything. He could talk for hours about any subject. Well, he loves talking about you probably the most. But again, anything is good. For him he finally feels like he isn’t alone after all this time- so he’s satisfied with basically any topic.

U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)

Soft music, reading, being with you really.

V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)

You, even if it sounds cliche. He likes to show you his art to you though! He wants you to be proud of him. He’s proud of his dedication and love for you too.

W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)

This is a little bit of a difficult one. I think he definitely wants to get married- but it may be a soft spot for him. So he would probably wait a year into your relationship to mention it. He wouldn’t want to wait years to talk about it, it’s just not him. He dreams of marrying you and having a family together.

He would propose to you in your home. You get the feeling he might when he talks longer about how much you mean to him, and how much he loves you a little longer than he usually does. He would then ask you to marry him- a little weariness in his voice as he is nervous you might say no.

Him being like a ghost he wouldn’t be able to like legally marry you. But, he would love to have a little ceremony for the two of you, just the two of you witnessing your own marriage.

X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)

Bet on losing dogs- Mitski.

Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)

He literally dreams of marrying you and proposing to you. He wishes for it all of the time. Though, if it’s early into your relationship, he will keep these feelings to himself for a while. He doesn’t want to startle you. As some times goes on and you’re more comfortable, he will talk to you about it.

He’d probably be very sad if you did not want to marry him, or get married in general. He would never push anything onto you, and would still be happy if you still wanted to be with him nevertheless.

Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)

Most likely a rabbit or a cat.
