

Rating all the ultimate aliens on a score out of 9, 4 points given for fights being improved, 3 points given for how cool the ultimate alien is and 2 points given for how sad they become due to a weaponization of their form. Sounds good? Lets go boys 

Ultimate Cannonbolt

Fight improvement: 0.5/4


Melancholy: 0/2

Total score: 1.5/9

I feel like I’m being super lenient here, Ultimate cannon bolt like Ultimate Big chill is just an echo fighter but somehow Ultimate Cannonbolt is lazier. Literally just a reskin. The spikes on his shell functionally do nothing, no one gets stuck to them and then smashed every time they get rolled around cannonbolt and no debris gets caught to give him an extra punch while he’s rolling. The only thing I moderately like is the grey and white colours but even that is very boring as it looks less like a genetic change and more like a suit of armour Cannonbolt put on (would’ve been cool for that magic armour to make normal cannonbolt look like this). The best route they could’ve gone down is to again take notes from the reboot and have Cannonbolt have a huge spike down the middle of him like a buzzsaw. BOOOOOOOO Ultimate Cannonbolt BOOOOOO.

Ultimate Wildmutt

Fight improvement: 0/4


Melancholy: ½

Total score 1/9

How the fuck do you make an ultimate form that is less cool that the original form?? His design is so fucking lazy, red with a tail and white bits? THATS IT??? His new powers are one, tail and two, talking and the talking takes away the cool part of wildmutt, it was awesome to see Ben and others communicate and so cute when wildmutt would smile or be sad and the only reason ultimate wildmutt talks is to make a joke about wildmutt not being able to announce his name. Also why the fuck did the evolution give wildmutt the ability to talk? HOW DID LANGUAGE HELP WILDMUTT IN A WORST CASE SCENARIO FOR 1 MILLION YEARS?? The fights are the worst of all this, OG Wildmutt had this super great balance of strength and agility as well as quadrupedal beatdowns with quick uses of bipedal punches and shit, Ultimate Wildmutt attacks more like a lion which is infinitely more boring. The only reason he has a ½ for melancholy is that his intro episode was such a fucking downer that I permenetaly associate the two. If I was making Ultimate Wildmutt I would’ve given him three heads like Cerberus and maybe Benwolf like howls. This form was such a disappointment I didn’t think it was even possible to be worse than Ultimate Cannonbolt.

Ultimate WayBig

Fight improvement: 2/4


Melancholy: 0/2

Total score: 3/9

Jesus Christ another stinker, while being at least better that Cannonbolt and Wildmutt Ultimate Way big is a still a bore. Really all his changes amount to is bigger, bluer and more beams. The nicest thing I can say about ultimate way big is that him throwing energy discs looks pretty cool. If I was making ultimate way big I would’ve had this blades glow and shoot out long energy slashes and play more into his size, make the ground shake with every word he says, make earthquakes happen and MASSIVE craters form with every step he takes also make him chuck mountains and shit. I know ultimate way big was only used to show how dangerous the Dagon was but c’mon you could at least make a cool fight before he gets his ass beat.

Woof this was a dogshit batch, the problem I think is that Ultimates like Swampfire and Echo echo were so cool and different that it makes the lazy ones look worse by contrast. I bet if they had just gone the reskin route on all of them I wouldn’t have such a problem with these 3 dunces. Okay so I’m also gonna do the Omniverse’s aliens so watch out for that to take up an obnoxious amount of room on your dash soon.

Jesus CHRIST, the ben 10 ultimate alien designers were copping out YEARS before Game Freak decided all the pokemon they made that you like are lame. Ultimate Alien was really a show of highs and lows and I think that’s best illustrated in ultimate cannonbolt when compared to ultimate swampfire

Ultimate Swampfire

Let’s go over design choices, first we have normal swamp fire, so brightly coloured with his red and yellow petals and his green softer looking body gives of this super living organic feel. The combination of  reminding us of plants we’ve seen and the name “swamp fire” make this kind of “one with nature” vibe. His powers too add to him having a softer more gentle vibe with him being a life giver or murderous attack vines.  And then he goes ultimate

Ultimate Swampfire completely perverts the original swampfire, his living green flesh is now petrified wood, his arms are now basically battering rams, his defining orange and red petals are now encased in a flammable blue gooey flesh. The seeds he normally had on his arms are now organic molotov cocktails. He is completely weaponized and nearly unrecognizable.

Ultimate cannonbolt

Okay over here we got old hotness, rolly polly boy. His design isn’t too complicated but it does have enough defining features to change, like maybe making his softer insides have some offensive ability or maybe his claws can be longer and sharper or give him the magnet powers like Ben thought he might have and make him a giant katamari. Let’s see what we actually got

new and busted

So, basically black and white palette swapped with batman and robin nips.

My main problem with ultimate cannonbolt is that his design does so little, I guess it’s cool to weaponize his yellow shell but Ben already used cannonbolt as a weapon that, there’s no change of attack or real change to visuals  either. It’s really just lazy, every other ultimate alien (except one) did SOMETHING to really separate it from the original alien to make fight scenes different in someway except this boring shit. THE NIPPLE SPIKES DON’T EVEN MAKE SENSE HE WOULD JUST GET STUCK IN THE GROUND
