#cant right now





going to the shops and seeing everyone go about their lives when you know what’s in the latest ipcc report honestly feels like being sarah connor in terminator 2 a little bit

rant time

it’s bizarre to see the amounts of denial in peoples responses, even those that are accepting the collapse… many people are talking about it in that very detached, “nature is over there” kinda way, as if we’re seperate from the environment, as if it’s very tragic and heartbreaking that we’ll all go on living our modern lives with cities and cars and power grids and running water, but oh so sad how “the environment” will collapse…

like, no. I’m sorry if you don’t wanna think about it, but life as normal won’t go on. there’s no “let the poor and disabled die and learn to live with the virus climate collapse” response here. it’s like, civilisation level collapse. like bronze age collapse collapse. which is ironic, considering the causes of that were resource hoarding, escalating warfare, pandemic, and environmental disaster.

like we need to be rapidly decentralising and localising our food and clean water everywhere at town infrastructure level, disentangling reliance on global or even national supply chains for basic survival, but instead internet armchair activists are still like “stop the capitalists from killing off the lovely nature, that is over there, seperate from us” and governments are like “we are reducing single use plastics because we aspire to one day be on track to maybe make net zero by 2050”

it’s fucked, and I’m not coping, and it doesn’t help that the last time i talked to a psych about this stress they started running me through the checklist questions for paranoid psychotic delusions… during the time an unprecedented amount of our country was on fire in the largest single bushfire event in history and the SES was telling us all to stockpile water to prepare…

how long will the denial last? so many tipping points of no return have already passed, but i still see “doomerism is the new climate denial”, as if acting like there’s still time to prevent collapse isn’t the biggest denial against the science there is… but i suppose it makes sense. we’re in the deadliest year of the 2019 pandemic yet with corpses piling up and business is back to usual.

maybe the benchmark for accepting collapse will be when toilet paper distribution stops so they can’t even panic buy it?

this election campaign is soul crushing tbh

it feels like, we’re on the titanic. the ship is already taking on water, the engineers are desperately trying to tell everyone how big the gash is and how many compartments are already flooded, we can feel the listing of the ship and we need to be launching lifeboats immediately and filling them to capacity, but if you even mention the lifeboats people think you’re crazy paranoid, and everyone’s just chanting the mantra that if we vote for the right party they’ll “hopefully steer us away from iceberg filled waters”
