#serious business

During the Interview, Madame did say that the Office position is full-time and Permanent. And that t

During the Interview, Madame did say that the Office position is full-time and Permanent. And that the Company does have a strict Dress Code. And that there would be considerable Training involved. All very standard in the business world.

I’m sure you’ll agree

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yupgettin’ serious nowShe’s putting up her Bun


gettin’ serious now

She’s putting up her Bun

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going to the shops and seeing everyone go about their lives when you know what’s in the latest ipcc report honestly feels like being sarah connor in terminator 2 a little bit

rant time

it’s bizarre to see the amounts of denial in peoples responses, even those that are accepting the collapse… many people are talking about it in that very detached, “nature is over there” kinda way, as if we’re seperate from the environment, as if it’s very tragic and heartbreaking that we’ll all go on living our modern lives with cities and cars and power grids and running water, but oh so sad how “the environment” will collapse…

like, no. I’m sorry if you don’t wanna think about it, but life as normal won’t go on. there’s no “let the poor and disabled die and learn to live with the virus climate collapse” response here. it’s like, civilisation level collapse. like bronze age collapse collapse. which is ironic, considering the causes of that were resource hoarding, escalating warfare, pandemic, and environmental disaster.

like we need to be rapidly decentralising and localising our food and clean water everywhere at town infrastructure level, disentangling reliance on global or even national supply chains for basic survival, but instead internet armchair activists are still like “stop the capitalists from killing off the lovely nature, that is over there, seperate from us” and governments are like “we are reducing single use plastics because we aspire to one day be on track to maybe make net zero by 2050”

it’s fucked, and I’m not coping, and it doesn’t help that the last time i talked to a psych about this stress they started running me through the checklist questions for paranoid psychotic delusions… during the time an unprecedented amount of our country was on fire in the largest single bushfire event in history and the SES was telling us all to stockpile water to prepare…

how long will the denial last? so many tipping points of no return have already passed, but i still see “doomerism is the new climate denial”, as if acting like there’s still time to prevent collapse isn’t the biggest denial against the science there is… but i suppose it makes sense. we’re in the deadliest year of the 2019 pandemic yet with corpses piling up and business is back to usual.

maybe the benchmark for accepting collapse will be when toilet paper distribution stops so they can’t even panic buy it?

this election campaign is soul crushing tbh

it feels like, we’re on the titanic. the ship is already taking on water, the engineers are desperately trying to tell everyone how big the gash is and how many compartments are already flooded, we can feel the listing of the ship and we need to be launching lifeboats immediately and filling them to capacity, but if you even mention the lifeboats people think you’re crazy paranoid, and everyone’s just chanting the mantra that if we vote for the right party they’ll “hopefully steer us away from iceberg filled waters”


Dear Submissives

Can you please for for the love of god stop paying attention to that bullshit on Tumblr that tells you that you’re supposed to be a worthless object? You do realize that everybody who is spouting off about that crap doesn’t put their face or their address online?


You’re not going to spend your life in a basement serving somebody. It’s a fucking fantasy. And it bullshit like this that destroys the positive and meaningful interactions with in BDSM.

No one is dominant or submissive 100% of the time. It’s not possible. We’re human beings. We need to rest. We need to rejuvenate. Yeah you can have a hot session that goes on for a full weekend. You can embrace every bit of who you are as a dominant or submissive. But there’s always a break.

And if you haven’t figured this out, real dominant men provide Aftercare and take of their boys. Full stop. It’s not even a question. If somebody is going to put you through an intense situation and can’t even fucking bother holding onto you and caressing you to let you calm down, they’re just a piece of shit. There is something psychologically wrong with them and you shouldn’t be around them in the first place.

Let’s address this Alpha bullshit. No one is better than somebody else. No person is ordained as this creature that is meant to be superior to others. If someone honestly believes that they are better than someone else on purely a basis of humanity, they are most likely a very sad individual. They never achieved anything meaningful. Maybe one day they started going to the gym and realized that someone was attracted to them and then they could exert their low self-esteem on another. I can’t fucking stand people like this. And they spout their bullshit all over the internet.

And here’s the simple truth to all of this, you may read this right now and think that I’m completely wrong. But as soon as the fantasy wears off, you will start to realize that a good man is far better than anything that this fantasy world could ever provide.

So please wake the fuck up. Believe in yourself. Know that you don’t deserve to be treated like crap. Submission is a gift. The dominant has to be worthy of it. You make that determination – not them.

Stand up for yourself. I believe in you. Look past the bullshit.


A good dominant man that’s tired of seeing people abused.

*serious face*

I know we all have a lot of fun around here, but its imortant from time to time to check in with the EB crew and make sure everyone is singing from the same hymnsheet - we’re all having fun here with the fantasy but it’s important to remember that it is fantasy and when the fun stops, stop.

Love and respect to all our embarrassed boys!

That face you make when you realize you bit off more than you can chew o.O

That face you make when you realize you bit off more than you can chew o.O

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Ginger ice cream, please(Alfred Eisenstaedt. 1941)

Ginger ice cream, please

(Alfred Eisenstaedt. 1941)

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Oktoberfest(Stan Wayman. 1961)


(Stan Wayman. 1961)

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“A TERF is a white supremacist whose gateway to white supremacy is anti-trans bigotry, instead of anti-Semitism or anti-Blackness or anti-migration or misogyny. As with any gateway, many people engaging in this ideology may not be aware of their proximity to white supremacy. This is the standard radicalization pathway that we have seen over and over and over with, for example, anti-Islamic sentiment. Personally, [I] find it is most comparable to how anti-Semitism gateways are used. Often, we see white supremacists exploiting legitimate grievances with the financial systems by turning into an anti-Semitic issue. White supremacists take legitimately frustrated and class-oppressed people’s anger at banks, and carefully plant the seeds of anti-Semitism. They’ll point out the irrefutable fact that there exist Jewish people in executive positions in banking and vilely twist this. TERFs take a legitimate grievance: patriarchal oppression of women and homophobia and turn it into a movement based on systematic exclusion of a specific class of people. This is the redpill. [We] need to stop the good-faith engagements with their ideology and start treating it like the gateway to white supremacy that it is.”

Emily Gorcenski,
Source: https://twitter.com/EmilyGorcenski/status/1088180524504571908

I don’t think a lot of people understand that transphobia is, in fact, inherently racist.

it never would have occurred to me that transphobia has roots in racism or that TERFs are a gateway into white supremacy.

information like this is vital.

It’s inherently racist because it assumes all cultures follow the western concept of the absolute gender binary rooted in what genitals you have.

It’s also racist because it defines womanhood using conventionally attractive white women as the baseline.

Women who have facial hair, have thick or “excessive” body hair, have broad shoulders, have “masculine” facial features like angular jaws, have deep voices, are taller than “average”, have receding hairlines, are muscular, etc are immediately assumed to be men because they don’t fit white European ideals of womanhood. And these standards do affect white women of course, whether they’re cis or trans, but they mostly target Black and brown women.

There’s a reason why Black women, particularly athletes, are the ones who get targeted with so many accusations of being men. Why they’re expected to undergo hormone testing. Why they’re accused of having “excessive” testosterone. Why they’re expected to undergo physical examinations to “prove” that they’re “real” women.

Radical feminism, trans inclusive or not, is based around biological essentialist white supremacy whether radfems want to admit it or not.




One of the lawyers currently prosecuting Alex Jones got interviewed on knowledge fight. He talked about how he had to watch 150+ hours of Infowars content as background for the case.

He talked about how he had to take regular breaks because he could feel himself passively absorbing information against his will.

I can’t really articulate how validating that was to hear. Sometimes I worry that I’m being overdramatic when I say shit like “hey if you’re not careful, even casually browsing some types of conspiracy media can fuck with your brain” but here was an actual lawyer talking about how it affected him.

It’s not necessarily the content itself, but more how it’s presented. (in my opinion) I think Infowars could be considered an actual cognitohazard.


A note to younger users or anyone who might need it:

-Advance Paycheck Loans are a SCAM

-Rent-a-Center and rent-to-own stores are a SCAM

-The lottery is a SCAM

All of these business target low-income neighborhoods and prey on those who need money the most. They are traps. None of them will benefit you.

there was a really good book I read in high school called Merchants of Misery: How Corporate America Profits From Poverty that goes very in depth about just how exploitative and pervasive things like payday loans, rent-to-own, and high-interest credit are
