

This year’s colors off of the Denali Highway in Interior Alaska.

I live and work in National Parks Find me on Instagram: @laurenhursttt to come along for the adventures!


Doom regarding Reed, interview excerpts from Doctor Doom writer Christopher Cantwell

I do believe Reed can psychologically torture Victor in ways that he might not even realize.Reed is Doom’s Achilles heel. Always will be. Reed will always be in his head. And Reed is smart enough to know that, so the question becomes obvious: why isn’t Reed doing more to correct that dynamic? Perhaps he knows he’s a fixture in Victor’s head and is glad to stay there and stir things up.
Doom brings Reed up whenever he can no matter what the topic of conversation is. ’Hey, I’m gonna go to Starbucks, Victor, want anything—’ ‘I would like Reed Richards’ stretchy head on a platter.’ Reed is like, ‘I’m doing these experiments and saving the world.’
I feel like Reed thinks about Victor maybe once a week. I feel like Victor wakes up and Reed’s face is the first thing he sees in his mind. At Victor’s funeral, Reed would probably be stoic and say something like ‘His was a tremendous mind’ and that would be that. At Reed’s funeral, Victor would be sobbing and wrapping himself around the casket. He would be crying louder than Sue for god’s sake.

Source:GamesRadar.com Why Doctor Doom is one of Marvel’s most interesting and enduring characters by George Marston
