#capitalism is evil





As a matter of fact, if your employer fires you for anything relating to forming a union, that’s retalition, and it’s illegal under federal law. If this happens to you, vontact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

EEOC’s Website

EEOC Frequently Asked Questions

Employee Rights and Responsibilities

Employer Rights and Responsibilities

How to get in touch with your local EEOC office

So I just took a call. It was a mother calling about her daughter, she needed to have teeth extracted, and they had already scheduled an appointment elsewhere, and she was supposed to be going in for surgery tomorrow, but they just called the mom and told her they’re no longer taking her daughter’s insurance. Apparently they found out a week ago. Why they didn’t tell her a week ago, both me and the mom don’t understand. Thank fucking god I was able to find a different facility that did take her insurance, and I was able schedule an appointment for her to be seen tomorrow, but FUCK.

Her daughter is in pain. The mom was literally crying on the phone with me, just completely furious, and I don’t blame her at all. This is fucking despicable, that the fucking dental facilities care more about getting paid than actually taking care of people. This isn’t the first call I’ve had like this. It happens too often. This shouldn’t happen at all.

Honestly this job makes me want to eat the rich even more because getting even just a basic dental exam and cleaning shouldn’t be this fucking hard, whether you’re on medicaid or not.
