#careless whumper


TW: pet whump, dehumanization, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, conditioning, rescue, careless whumper, environmental whump, locked in a hot car, hallucinations, delirium


Heat of Summer

It was such a perfect day, not too warm but no longer as chilly as it had been the past few weeks. Niner lay happily sprawled out on the lawn, soaking up the warm spring sun. The door leading to the backyard opened and the greatest master and owner in the whole world came out of the house. It made the pet grin and scramble up out of the soft grass and crawl over happily.

“Hi Master!” Niner said warmly, pure admiration soaking the two simple words.

“Hey K-9, wanna go to the store with me?” Hayes asked, only now glancing up from his phone.

An eager nod quickly followed from the boy, he loved going on trips no matter how long or short. Soon enough Hayes had gotten the harness on him and they were walking to the car. He tugged eagerly on the lead, nearly dragging his owner to the car.

“Alright, alright. Relax!” Hayes snapped and yanked sharply on the harness, knocking Niner off balance and scraping up his hands and knees.

“I'm…I’m sorry, Master.” Niner said miserably, his heart hurt.

“Whatever, get in the car.” A scowl on Hayes’ face as he opened the car door.

Niner climbed in, curling up on the floor of the backseat, taking up as little room as he could in an attempt to make Hayes happy with him again.

The ride was bumpy, making the pet happy he couldn’t see out the window, it would’ve made him sick and that would’ve made his owner even more upset with him.

The car came to a stop and Hayes got out, the automatic locks engaged. Niner began to paw at the door, sitting up on his knees and watching his beloved owner walk into the store without him. A sad whine escaped his throat, he wanted to go with him.

Minutes passed, it started to get warmer in the car which made the pet start to sweat. Time seemed to drag on and he wasn’t sure if he was imagining it or if the car seemed to warm up even more. He wanted to be good still, be perfect for the most perfect person in the world. Even though his brain was simple, he was beginning to struggle to think the most basic thoughts.

“Master?” He asked to the nothingness of the car interior.

“Yes I’m being good, just like you told me to be.” Niner said warmly, despite being alone.

He looked up at the window, sweat now pouring down his face and arms, it made him giggle. It was like a nice swim in the pool, the water cool against his skin and the warm sun overhead kept him comfortable and cozy.

The car door opened and cool air rushed in, hands grabbing his body and moving him. He laughed and couldn’t understand the silly words the blurry faces around him said.


“What the fuck in wrong with you?! You left your pet in the car on the hottest day of the year so far??!” The woman who’d dragged Niner from the car snapped at Hayes.

“I didn’t think it was that hot. It’s only spring,” Hayes said, clearly annoyed.

“Yeah and you could’ve killed him!” She yelled as Niner sang complete nonsense that no longer even sounded like words.

“Ugh relax, he’ll be fine.” The man snapped back.

The woman rolled her eyes and doused Niner’s body and face with cool water to bring his temperature down to something more reasonable. She really didn’t want to send the poor pet with this awful man.


TW: pet whump, dehumanization, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, conditioning, rescue, careless whumper, environmental whump, locked in a hot car, hallucinations, delirium


Heat of Summer

It was such a perfect day, not too warm but no longer as chilly as it had been the past few weeks. Niner lay happily sprawled out on the lawn, soaking up the warm spring sun. The door leading to the backyard opened and the greatest master and owner in the whole world came out of the house. It made the pet grin and scramble up out of the soft grass and crawl over happily.

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