#foster’s amazing work™️



TW: pet whump, dehumanization, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, conditioning, rescue, careless whumper, environmental whump, locked in a hot car, hallucinations, delirium


Heat of Summer

It was such a perfect day, not too warm but no longer as chilly as it had been the past few weeks. Niner lay happily sprawled out on the lawn, soaking up the warm spring sun. The door leading to the backyard opened and the greatest master and owner in the whole world came out of the house. It made the pet grin and scramble up out of the soft grass and crawl over happily.

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Happy mer may!

I know I already said this lol but i LOVE this drawing, A) because holy wow, how did you get it to looks so fluid???? This is indeed a gorgeous mer <33 and B) THE POTENTIAL.

Why are they being used as bait? Are they an unwilling participant in their community who drew the short straw and didn’t know what they were in for? Or maybe this is a punishment for a crime they didn’tcommit.

Or maybe it wasn’t even mer who put them there! Maybe it was pirate needing to get past some dangerous creature, like piranha mers—or sharks! Or maybe, they’re looking for something bigger. >:)
