#caretaker new master


Full House 19 - Night’s Shift

Anon asked:

Eri being caretaked?



CW: caretaker new master, pet whump, multiple whumpees, fear of punishment.


Night looked around the room. Everyone was sleeping in the pile, it was an uneasy sleep, but at least they were together and when someone whimpered scared the others were quick to calm them down.

It’s late. Night thought as he got up —Master Eri said they are allowed to walk, he isn’t being a bad pet, he is just obeying— and walked out of the room. The night would protect him; if anything he could say he was working, and if he was found somewhere he shouldn’t be he could say he heard a suspicious noise there.

The doctor —Sir. Beckett, if Night heard right— had left. Night heard the fight, although he didn’t quite understand, “Why did you call me here if you thought I would hurt them?” the doctor shouted. Maybe master wants you to hurt us. Night thought, it made sense, in truth it was obvious.

“I’m sorry, I just- please I need help!” Master had said, and if Night didn’t know better, he would say his voice was full of despair.

As if humans can even know how this feels! Night stopped in front of the room the youngest was, he had had it too hard already so why? Why is this master picking on him too? There are five other —stronger— pets! Why do they want to hurt the weakerone? The one that can’t survive this much longer!

I heard a suspicious noise, so I went to check in. I heard a suspicious noise, so I went to check in. Night thought his excuses beforehand and he touched the doorknob. Yes, he would still be punished for chasing a nonexistent threat, but he would be punished even more harshly if he were to say he just wanted to check in on the boy.

The door had barely opened when Night regretted his choices. The boy was lying on the bed, apparentlywithout new wounds, but there was a tub going into his nose from somewhere Night had no time to check; the boy wasn’t alone. Bad idea bad idea bad idea idea-

“Night?” Master Eri —who had woken up with the sound of the door being open– asked, rubbing his eyes and making Night wonder: If he just closes the door and hides, would master think he was dreaming when he saw Night? 

Master checked on the phone just long enough to look at the time, “Are you working, dear?” he said with a sleepy voice.

“Yes, Sir,” Night lied, almost putting himself on his knees, but master —says— he doesn’t like it when the pets kneel, maybe it’s because he knows that kneeling eases some anxiety, it gives some sense of safety, of being proper; Why would master want them less anxious?

“I… heard a suspicious noise, so I came to check in.”

“Seriously? I didn’t heard anything,” Master Eri said, making Night’s blood run cold; If this excuse don’t work I- “But, well, I was sleeping so I wasn’t really paying attention, thank you for coming to check, Night,” Master smiled, and even if Night didn’t find any of the little signs from when someone is lying, he was still suspicious.

“Is everyone okay?” Master Eri asked getting up, “Maybe I should take a look-”

“No need,” Night cut, swallowing hard at his own bad behavior, but if Master sees everyone on the pile he will be so mad right? Since the pets are comforting each other. Cruel. If Master hadn’t left them this anxious they wouldn’t need comfort to begin with! “They are only pets, sir, they don’t need your attention this late.”

Master frowned, which is odd, humans like when pets talk about how little they are worth. “Still, it’s better to-”

The boy whimpered quietly, making Master’s eyes turn at him. Night tried to ready himself to the sight; the boy would be punished for sure, even if he has no fault, even if it was just a little sounds, even if-

“I’m sorry,” Master said and, for a second, his smile fell and he looked so tired, it was only a second, Master’s usual expression was back, but Night had no doubt about what he saw, “I didn’t pay attention to any of you but him the past days, I- I’m sorry, I’ll do better in the future,” he sat back down, seemly not willing to explain his nonsensical words. “I trust you to keep everyone safe, Night, I know how trustworthy you are.”

The praise got him off guard, making his face go hot.

“I’ll be staying here tonight,” Master continued, looking at the —now silent— sleeping pet.

Night tried to understand the situation, but in the end he is just a stupid pet and whatever master was talking about made little to no sense. But he understood one thing. Master won’t leave the room.

The others would be safe but the smaller, weaker one would be here; on reach, too defenseless and easy to hurt. Night didn’t want to allow that, even if a pet doesn’t really have a choice about anything.

“Then I’ll stay too,” the words left Night’s mouth before he could think about it, he glanced at his owner, but Master didn’t seem angry at that so, against all reason, Night decided to keep talking. “Since I heard the suspicious sound…” he lied, “so it’s safer for you, Sir.”

Master thought about it for a few seconds before nodding tiredly, “I can use some company, thank you.”

Some company… so he really wants something to hurt.

Night walked in after closing the door behind him, he knelt as he was trained, not as gracious as Purple, certainly not so cute as Pink or desparate as Day and Beige, but still submisse, still waiting for a pain he knowshedoesn’t deserve, but that he has no way of stopping.

“You are really kind, Night,” Master said absent-mindedly while patting the pet, who was then too scared to enjoy, in truth this only made his stomach turn, “Try sitting okay?” Master ordered, and Night obeyed, feeling the anxiety increase at the improper and not trained position. Master leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes, “Thank you for coming here, really, I’ll make up for leaving you all alone. I’m just–” he yawned, “–a bit tired now.”

Night noticed that Master had drifted back to sleep, he can do that, he isn’t the vulnerable one, he won’t be hurt no matter what he does. The boy whimpered in his sleep again, he seemed in pain, he wasin pain.

Because we are pets. Night thought, because we must suffer even in our dreams.


Taglist:@cupcakes-and-pain,@whump-blog,@wolfeyedwitch,@octopus-reactivated,@sufferfictionalcharacters, @rat-father, @badluck990, @onlybadendings, @inpainandsuffering, @mazeish, @neuro-whump, @freefallingup13, @sideblogformindtrash, @extemporary-username, @jadeocean46910, @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight, @melancholy-in-the-morning, @mylifeisonthebookshelf, @neverthelass, @pumpkin-spice-whump, @whumpfessional, @sinning-shipping-trash, @batfacedliar-yetagain, @scp-1296, @dont-touch-my-soup, @endlesscyclezz, @nicolepascaline, @rose-pinkie, @latenightcupsofcoffee, @dyingisbadforyourhealth

I know I haven’t written in a while so here’s a long piece with long paragraphs

Written from Mint’s perspective, and its kind of about them being in love with Melon but they’re bad with feelings and Don’t Know


– tw;; pet whump, captivity whump, multiple whumpees, caretaker new master, mild angst (?), references to training, long paragraphs –

I think there was something you saw, walking down that street. You were staring endlessly, breathlessly, until you inhaled sharply. Stabbing through my thoughts like a dull knife and pulling down to make me see the tears wetting your shirt. I reached out to dry it off, to make the stain disappear before Master came back. You turned to me but never met my eye and I apologized. You weren’t quiet. You were crying, right on my shoulder where the tears moved to fall on my sweatshirt. The one you gave me that night, when I was covered in water. And blood. The blood still stained because you couldn’t wash it out. Master said it was fine. He’d buy a new one. But I denied. I denied because I was scared that the new one would get stained the same way. He nodded with a fake smile. I wish his smile was more like yours. Warm and familiar. Yours is sweet and real. Calm and soothing. Adjective and adjective. Theres too many ways to describe how I feel about you. There’s been many ways others have described how they feel about me. None of those could apply to you. For you, the opposite is real. I wish today was the opposite, so that you’d be smiling again. Smiling and telling me how you thought the bug you saw on a leaf in the garden had cute horns. They weren’t horns, Master corrected you. I don’t care what they are, or what they’re called. But in the moment I wish I did.

If I told you all I knew about the bugs in the garden, would you look in my eyes and smile again? Or compliment me on my knowledge of animals? Perhaps that would distract you from the pain you are in. I distract myself with thoughts. Endless thoughts that endlessly run through my mind. They pause when you look at me, and huff with a smile. I don’t know why you huff. Are you the one running through my mind? It feels like you’ve been occupying a space in my head all along. A space I thought would remain empty. I shouldn’t think. My thoughts are always wrong. That’s what the trainers said. And repeated. They always repeated it. They repeated it until I repeated it. I have too many thoughts. I think too much. That’s what they always say. No. No not the trainers. The people. The people you stare at so intently when they walk by on the street. The ones that made you cry when you looked at their faces but I didn’t know why. Why would you cry looking at someone without a face? Maybe you don’t like faceless people. If you don’t like faceless people then why don’t you look at me? I have eyes you can stare at, a nose you can touch yours with and lips that allow us to talk.

I want you to stare at me. I need you to look in my eyes with that deep gaze you always seem to have. You’re always looking. You’re attentive and alert. Your mind isn’t occupied by unnecessary thoughts like mine. You didn’t need to be told to stop thinking because your mind doesn’t hold your thoughts but your eyes do. They don’t look at your eyes the way you look at theirs. And mine. You look at mine so differently. I don’t want them to look deep into your eyes and occupy place in your mind. I want to take a spot in your mind the same way you took one in mine. Or perhaps I’m incapable of that. You’re capable of so many more things. You know what to do and when to do them. You follow the commands of the faceless people so much better then I do. If I claim a spot in your mind, can I learn to be so great? Perhaps you’ll look deep in my eyes and teach me.

I want you to open your eyes and allow me to dry the tears running down your cheeks. They fall past your lips like they aren’t there. I see its there. You use it to talk to me, and tell me how I feel. You know how to do that. You’re good at telling me what is important to think because I think too much and those thoughts trample over what is important for me to know. You tell me I need to know my emotions. You said you would help me know. I want to know your emotions. I want to know how you feel, how you think and how you’re so good. When I cry you hug me and tell me its alright. I do the same for you. I hold you closer and closer. Your hair is getting in my eyes and mouth but I do not know if I should care. I decide not to care. You hug me back, the weight of your arms keeping me connected to the ground and reminding me to care about the cold tiles beneath us and the footsteps that echo off it. But I chose not to care about our Master crouching down beside you, slowly petting your head. I want to be the one doing that but I didn’t think of doing that because nobody told me I needed to.

I think you’re important enough to care for me to about. You’re important enough for me to care about. You’re important. You’re important to me. Am I important to you? Do you think about me? Am I important enough to think about? Am I important enough for you to care about? Or are those thoughts about me a discard-able thing like I am. Will you discard me from your mind? Will you push me away and look me in my eyes while telling me that I’m no longer fun? People have told me that many times. It’s okay. You can be honest. You can tell me how you feel. I need to know how you feel. I need to know that you’re alright. Or that you’re not, so I know to make you feel alright. Your words make me feel okay. I hope mine do the same for you.


Unintentional 18

Previous — Masterlist — Next

As always, beta-read by @alittlewhump <3

CW: BBU, institutionalized slavery, dehumanization, surgical/medical whump implied, and subsequent “side effects” and trauma. Explicit language. Some of this narrative involves an ongoing suicide attempt. General suicidal ideation, hopelessness, trauma. Implied noncon, restraints, beating/electrocution mentions, murder mention,dissociative/delusional state,drugging mention, victim self-blaming. Asks and messages are always welcome, please stay safe.

He had expected to feel lighter. Beat by beat untethered, unburdened. Nothing left for anyone. Not even him. He had thought it would all simply fade away.

Instead, it was heavy. 

With everything he let out, more crowded in. Everything he’d lived through, had ever survived, the weight of his whole life. Each ounce replaced in triplicate. Holding him down from the inside out. All of it there, everyone there. Pressing in on him. Until it was unbearable. 

Harrison, laughing at him for thinking he had any choice in the matter. 

Archer, furious and screaming at him for fucking up so thoroughly. 

And Leo. 

Leo wouldn’t go away. He’d known him the shortest time of all but he took up the most space. He grappled and twisted around and around, stuck in the repetitive current of the thoughts. Their weight gathered an undeniable momentum, his control itself was too heavy to wield. He was swept off his feet, drowning, wondering over and over how Leo would react to this finality. Trying to force Leo’s expression into one that he could accept. 

But it never reached his eyes.

Keep reading

He is such an absolute mess and I just want to dive into all the tangled threads of his story and straighten them out until everything makes sense. I wanna know how he got to WRU in the first place, how he went from being a pet in training to just a medical experiment. I wanna know about all these people he’s mentioning. I wanna know why he’s 359 here but 810 later.


I wanna knooooooooow
