#carina deluca



“SFD Chief Maya DeLuca-Bishop and Dr. Carina DeLuca-Bishop” vibe

Cr IG : cr_circe


I love them so much

Credits: (c)


We’re finally getting the story of how they got together!! 

 "I knew it right away, when I saw her, I’m gonna sleep with this woman.“

I know they are acting but look at this! There is nothing fake about this moment. I don’t know what Danielle and Stefania were channeling…but this moment they both dedicated themselves to Maya and Carina. Once again they are so beautiful to watch together.


That was kinda anticlimactic. Um… it seems like it’s just gonna be a lot of sitting around from here on out so you should probably just go home.


Carina and Vic inStarted from the Bottom (part I)

What’s wrong? No, I’ve been having some palpitations the last few days. It’s probably just too much caffeine.

Plot twist: it wasn’t too much caffeine….
