#maya bishop


My 2 cents:

So i didnt get to watch live this week only got to follow along with tweets and then see the tumblr ramblings. So i went into the episode already not happy about the marina/jack sperm donor possibility and what may gave happened. But then i watched the episode and i have a different opinion though i do want to say two things first. One i am not really a fan of using jack as the donor but if that happens I’ll hold final judgement until i see it play out (im hopeful if they do some of danielle’s conversations on the topic with her own life experience will come into play) and two i dont think they will, honestly believe its a misdirect.

Okay so my opinion on the episode. I had thought before the episode that they had decided to use a knowb donor and that was that. But i was happy to see they are still trying to decide whether to use a known donor or not which is very real. So them discussing in the abstract using even jack didn’t bother me because its very real. They are still considering all possibilities and may move on to discussing with a few of the guys even jack about it ( even if they only talk to jack i feel like travis would find out and offer to help as well which could open up the possibility of travis) (side note i just thought of, there will be testing for the donor to go through so what if jacks sterile).

But anyways i think we are a ways off from picking a donor and doing the procedure, so im cautiously optimistic and going to hold off judgment for now. So yea thats my two cents. Side note im going to make a post related to this without station 19 tags so if anyone is interested in understanding better my take on this click on the tag below “our conception story”

A few thoughts about marina based off last episode. First carina’s comment is valid. She isnt thinking about how maya took off work to be with her while she was greiving andrew or ignored a 5 or 4 alarm fire for her when Andrew was in the hospital. She is thinking of when Maya said she’d go with her to italy and didnt. She also doesn’t know that maya basically blew off her inspection to go help andrew and carina. She only sees now that the loss of maya’s captaincy is looming over their heads and has been for over a year and is maya’s focus especially on the job. I wish she’d made that statement in front of andy who could’ve reminded her of those instances.

Second thing i firmly believe once maya decided to have a baby with carina she bought all kinds of books on fertility, artificial insemination, and making a baby betwen two women. Girl doesnt do thing half way she studies and prepares and she has a pro con list somewhere of using known donors vs anonymous, her carrying vs carina, possible complication all of it. I just need carina to see it and be like oh okay you are all in on this. I truly believe her comment is just fear that maya made a rash decision and doesnt really want to have a baby with her. Just my thoughts, also if anyone wants to fic these things feel free.

Just read second chances on ao3 and i highly recommend for marina/maya bishop fans.

Has anyone written marina olympic fanfic, where both are competing in the games? Like maya for track and carina for some aquatic sport and meet, hookup and fall in love or for maya something like skiing or hockey or snowboarding and carina for figure skating.

I dunno the Olympics have started and im watching curling and there is a italian player name stefania and i couldnt not think of marina.

Trigger Warning




Okay so last week a friend of mine committed suicide and since then my brain keeps going back to something Danielle said in one of her lives awhile back; about not knowing what someone is going through and how you can’t always be sunshine and happy. I cant remember the exact wording and im not 100% if its even a live or was from an interview. But i really want to read/see the exact exchange. If anyone knows what im talking about please point me in the right direction. I think it’ll help me through.

I used the station 19 and maya bishop tags in hopes this reaches more people to help me.

Saw this and first thought was what if beckett wrote a letter on maya’s behalf to the chief’s bosses, talking about how competent she has shown herself to be while he has been ger captain. Maybe that caused one of the higher ups to look into the chief and finding some not okay things. And maybe itll help maya become captain at 19 again by the end of the season.

It is so frustrating to me the people hating on maya deciding she wants kids. Never in the entire run of the show do i remember her saying “i dont want kids.” Even in the episode she and carina get engaged she alludes to the nuclear family with her marrying a man and presumably what comes with that, (kids) as per her fathers wishes after reaching a certain rank in the fd.

Now i am not sure the age of most fans of station but im mid 30s and have friends from all walks of life in the straight and lgbtq+ community. I am a bisexual woman married to a bisexual woman and we have a nearly 3 year old daughter. Now i like carina always wanted to be a mom, my wife not so much but similarly to maya she hadnt gave it much thought outside of not wanting to carry a baby. She grew up in a very religious home and was adopted and very closeted. But once we got together and realized it was moving long term, i was very upfront with her and told her kids were not negotiable for me. I told her if that was something she did not want explicitly then we needed to end things before we got deeper into our relationship. She said we could have kids but she wasnt ready yet and we decided we’d discuss it when she turned 25. We did and decided it wasnt the right time and revisited it. Then after turning 30 she said she was ready and we pursued iui and when that failed us we found another way to conceive. This is one reason i am excited to see marina’s child journey. It is something we don’t see for wlw in media very often.

Now all that said, like i mentioned i have friends through very different walks of life. One friend who is wlw and long time married apparently tried for kids in their youth but were unsuccessful and decided then that they were not meant to be moms, embraced that and are quite happy. Now if you’d have asked me, i would’ve guessed they never wanted kids but as i learned that was not the case.

Another wlw friend had a child with a man in her younger days but was forced to give her up for adoption and has always wanted to be a mom. Her life has not worked out for that and now she and her wife know they dont have the means to support a child and have made peace with that. They are the best non biological aunts to my daughter and to their other friends children. I know if the opportunity ever arose for them to take custody of a friends kid they would gladly do it and be so happy.

Now i also have a friend who is in a long term relationship but has said multiple times she isnt sure she wants kids (similar to maya). She is from a religious family so its expected for her to get married and have kids. But in true pk form she is subverting that by living with her long time boyfriend and not having a kid. However since she has not ever explicitly told me she does not want kids, i would not be surprised for her to one day say she is becoming a mother.

Now i have two other friends who both said they didnt want kids. One is wholeheartedly not going to have kids to the point of doing a legit ted talk about it. The other met and fell in love with an older man with three young kids and decided she was willing to take on the stepmother role even with drama from the kids and ex, but together she and her hubby decided they did not want to add a child of their own to the mix. She is therefore sticking to her not having kids but is helping raise her husbands.

My sister always said she didnt want kids and then got pregnant at 18, she had two accidents and then decided after reconnecting with her childhood sweetheart and marrying him to try for a third.

So for me i dont question women when they say they dont want kids because i know for some that can and will change and for others it wont. In light of my experiences and friends i dont think maya’s decision is out of left field or out of character. I think more people need to think long and hard before putting their own hopes for the character on her. Let the story play out, if you think maya is less badass by becoming a mother then thats on you. I for one think moms are badass.

domprovosts: MAYA BISHOP, CARINA DELUCA and PRUITT MILLER I Station 19 5.06 As a lesbian mother I&rsdomprovosts: MAYA BISHOP, CARINA DELUCA and PRUITT MILLER I Station 19 5.06 As a lesbian mother I&rs



As a lesbian mother I’m excited to see their path to becoming moms. Side note im pretty sure maya’s look is the same i make when watching our daughter interact with my wife

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Synopsis for episode 5 of station 19

I am worried that Vic will get hurt this episode

Okay but what relationship milestone? Like if its the 1 year anniversary of getting together officially then that means its also travis/Emmett’s 1 year anniversay and marina’s first wedding anniversary. that would explain carina being at the station. Hmm so many questions.


So, I’ve been thinking about Marina’s relationship as a whole and I realised that there are a couple of things I wish we got to see.

1. The beginning of their relationship. I mean we know that they hooked up and exchanged numbers after meeting at the bar. But it would have been nice to see Maya processing the fact that Carina was actually someone she wanted in her life. I wonder what exactly made Carina different, maybe she felt lonely cuz her team was mad at her or she probably felt a pull to Carina that she couldn’t explain. Probably a combination of both.

2. Although I’m over it, I really wish we saw them having a proper conversation about the cheating. Particularly what led up to it, Maya coming to terms with her dad’s treatment of her, what led to her cutting her hair etc.

3. Maya finally being able to take Carina to the airport! But seriously, it must have been really sad to get engaged then separated just a couple days later for six weeks. They would’ve definitely killed that scene. Also the reunion would’ve been nice to see.

4. There were a lot of things we didn’t see during the wedding but I would’ve really loved to see them put their rings on for the first time as they’ve become a huge symbol of their love.

5. Flashbacks of the first 10 months of their marriage. There’re so many things we don’t know. Did Maya’s mom stay with them? Was Andy there too? Did they even have a honeymoon? So many questions

6. Their anniversary

If anyone fics these please tag me. Im highly interested in reading these.

So i completely forgot that there were witnesses to this scene specifically travis and warren (who may confided in about kids questions). But now that im reminded can we please get a scene of them bringing it up to her now in s5.

And since we most likely wont can someone fic it, hell have them do it in front of carina.

My take: not sure why there is so much unhappiness and hate about Marina and Carina in the episode.

Yes Carina is an obgyn but is also a doctor who has basic medical condition from before she became specialized in obstetrics, so its feasible she would be able to treat more than mamas.

That being said maya said she volunteered to help. My guess she saw a need and though she was upset with her wife - she probably still wanted to be around her (24 hour shifts are no joke) but also wanted to be around to support her wife and the team for the push in.

The hat for carina being bitchy with sullivan surprises me because i remember over the summer i saw many people wanting carina to go off on him in defense of maya. Now yes there was a time jump but i think this was the only time she was around him closely because i believe the pandemic ended just before the first episode. So them just now being around him to express her displeasure with him, feeling like he has contributed to maya not wanting kids and maybe being a bit ruffled that he started explaining for her to the dad as if she wasnt the doctor, she wasnt in control and maybe feeling like he didnt respect her as a woman and doctor in that moment - makes her comment, and interactions with him completely understandable.

Further i think what carina was trying to accomplish with the sex qnalogy is to convey to maya her displeasure that they did not discuss kids instead feeling like maya just shut it down much like miller said.

The sullivan and carina italian exchange didnt bother me or come off as rude despite maya not understanding it. Like im sure by this point maya is learning basics but is not fluent enough to follow wants though she does understand tones. Sullivan approached carina and chose to speak in Italian when it wouldve been reasonable to thank her in english, instead approaching her like they were close. So im sure that further pissed her off. I mean lets consider who she speaks to in italian; her lovers, her brother and her friends and noone else we’ve seen.

I also don’t think the kid is what “turned maya around on kids”, as i was saying last week the way which her voice cracked when she said she cant have kids makes me believe she wants to but mulitple fears are impacting her desire for them. So instead i think her bbn interaction with the kid showed her that maybe she could do it and that she is not her dad and should not give up on what she wants.

Meanwhile carina’s behavior towarss the dad may have seemed harsh but i understand it. She was seeing it two ways and have an emotional response. She saw his behavior towards his son as abuse and im sire she thought of maya and her father as well as how her wifes past is coloring her decision even now. But carina also had genuine concern for her patient.

People also seem upset that carina was not working with addison, but why? We have a whole season for it and grey’s was about addisons return and dealing with the past which carina wasnt involved with. So my question is do we not want carina on station 19 ingeracting with her wife and the team??

you light up my world (and you burn it all down)

Chapter 3 is here!

Maya Bishop has three things on her to-do list:

1. Get picked up by the Athletes Unlimited lacrosse league;

2. Not get injured before then;

3. Graduate.

She isn’t supposed to get hurt in one of the season’s first games, and she isn’t supposed to fall for the athletic training assistant who helped her limp off the field. But with weeks of physical therapy on the horizon, Maya’s self-restraint will be pushed to its limits when met with wandering hands, late night training sessions, and lasagna dropped off at her apartment door.

Chapter 2 is here!


Maya Bishop has three things on her to-do list:
1. Get picked up by the Athletes Unlimited lacrosse league;
2. Not get injured before then;
3. Graduate.

She isn’t supposed to get hurt in one of the season’s first games, and she isn’t supposed to fall for the athletic training assistant who helped her limp off the field. But with weeks of physical therapy on the horizon, Maya’s self-restraint will be pushed to its limits when met with wandering hands, late night training sessions, and lasagna dropped off at her apartment door.

Maya Bishop has three things on her to-do list:
1. Get picked up by the Athletes Unlimited lacrosse league;
2. Not get injured before then;
3. Graduate.

She isn’t supposed to get hurt in one of the season’s first games, and she isn’t supposed to fall for the athletic training assistant who helped her limp off the field. But with weeks of physical therapy on the horizon, Maya’s self-restraint will be pushed to its limits when met with wandering hands, late night training sessions, and lasagna dropped off at her apartment door.

(x) chapter 1 on AO3 now!

gbtwn: The way they look at each other…they’re so in love…. gbtwn: The way they look at each other…they’re so in love…. gbtwn: The way they look at each other…they’re so in love…. gbtwn: The way they look at each other…they’re so in love…. gbtwn: The way they look at each other…they’re so in love…. 


The way they look at each other…they’re so in love…. 

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(We all knew I was going to go for that book shop AU, didn’t we?)


For you, there’ll be no more crying. For you, the sun will be shining. And I feel that when I’m with you it’s alright, I know it’s right. To you, I’ll give the world. To you, I’ll never be cold. And I wish you all the love in the world but most of all, I wish it from myself.

your gallery if Stefania Spampinato was your girlfriend:


Maya and Carina //The Little Things You Do Together.


Maya and Carina + showing affection through coffee (s05e11).


You cramming for a pop quiz? Uh, brushing up on protocols just in case. Just in case Chief Ross suddenly asks you about… “universal precautions which shall be observed to prevent contact with blood and other bodily fluids”?


Maya and Carina+ways to say “I love you” without actually saying “I love you.”


Maya & Carina (without context).

Theory I’m toying with for station 19 season 5: the number of times Dean has talked about struggling to know what to say, I think we’re going to get something going wrong at a Crisis One call, and he’s going to have to fix it. Like him, Vic and Emmett getting trapped, maybe they’re trapped and he’s outside? Just something and Dean is going to have to get them out/save them. Lots of pay off in that- his confidence in himself, his relationship with Vic, if 19 arrive then fire family pay off, Travis and Emmett pay off, if 23 are there, then Vic and Theo and indirectly, Travis and Theo maybe working together?

