#carl akeley


The Brain Scoop:
Conserving Akeley’s Elephants

It’s been about 3.5 years (!) since we’ve talked about Carl Akeley’s fighting African elephants (throw back to that first video here– I was such a baby science communicator!!!). These elephants represent some of the best taxidermy ever created, but after being on display for the last century they’re beginning to show their age. 

So, the Field hired a team of conservators to assess the specimens, with the hope of repairing damage sometime this year, so they can continue to inspire and educate our visitors for another 100 years. 

#akeley    #carl akeley    #natural history    #museums    #the field museum    #education    #conservation    #preservation    #archive    #emily graslie    #elephants    #african elephants    #taxidermy    #delia akeley    #science    