#carmen sandeigo



so hypocritically speaking if i were to be in charge of another carmen revival this sketch page would hypothetically be official concept art

the random arrow on carm's head was supposed to say "she lost her hat again" BUT I FORGOT TO FUCKING WRITE IT ALT

(might digitalize this later)

Well…about freaking time I actually post a picture of these two. So yeah…ya’ll remember back on my OTPs pic when I said I shipped these two? Well, I did. And honestly, watching the new Carmen Sandeigo has me thinking of this couple. Both are thieves though Carmen does her thieving to keep artifacts safe. Bakura stole to survive. Now, if Bakura was redeemed and given a second chance at life, I can see him and Carmen hooking up. (it’s also why I had his eyes gray blue like his past self even though he still maintains his hair when he is in control of Ryou. lol) Their interactions would be hiliarous and adorable. :3 Like Carmen being calm and sassy would go well with Bakura’s sarcastic ego. XD She seems like the type to actually put up with him. I do have some things in mind, like Carmen could possibly have had a past self that Bakura fell in love with. But due to how he was influcenced by Zorc, it would seem it wouldn’t work out. Though she was willing to give him another chance, she died before that could happen and he was even more bent on getting revenge. I’m still working on it. But for now, in this, I can see Bakura joining Carmen on her missions. At first she would be against it, but after seeing his skills, she soon accepts it. So there ya have it. :3 I hope to draw more of these two.


More CS characters in animal version x)

Carmen SandiegofromCarmen Sandiego (2019)isAsexual!
