#carmen tabris



Specialization: Blood Magic


Alignment:Chaotic Evil

Whenn’s sister, who got taken to the Circle at age 7. She was born with a male body and always knew it wasn’t right, but explaining that to the adults at the alienage as a child was beyond her abilities, so when she was taken to the Circle she introduced herself as a girl and started living as one. Passing before puberty wasn’t a problem, but, knowing what happens during it, she began studying healing magic and reading anything related to the body she could find. In the end, she found a way to manipulate her hormone production and used this magic to develop the way she desired.

As she grew older, she started being increasingly frustrated at how much the Circle limits mages, not only with their personal freedom, but with the kind of magic that’s taught. While she was often deemed too ambitious and too curious, the Grand Enchanter was very impressed by her skill and lets her rebellious outbursts slide more often than not.

When her best friend Jowan escapes using blood magic, she takes the opportunity and follows him out. In the chaos, the two get separated. She spends the next few months on the run from the Circle, successfully killing the patrol of templars sent after her and destroys her phylactery. Her and Jowan end up running into each other again near Redcliffe but are promptly attacked by darkspawn. While fighting them off, one manages to slice Carmen’s face badly enough that it would be lethal, had Jowan not used blood magic to heal the wound.

Carmen is amazed at the discovery that blood magic can be used in such ways and makes it her goal to learn as much as possible about it. Her and Jowan stick together through the Blight and continue living as apostates afterwards
