
Anonymous, Carole et Fontaine de Narcisse, (Circle dance and the fountain of Narcissus), from the Ro

Anonymous, Caroleet Fontaine de Narcisse, (Circle dance and the fountain of Narcissus), from the Roman de la Rose by Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun: the allegories of courtliness dance around love.

c.1470s, originally made in Rouen, France, now in the Bibliothèque nationale de France (Manuscrits, français 19137, f. 68), Paris

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Carole from Carole and Tuesday!

Carole from Carole and Tuesday!

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Beth Greene, We Hardly Knew Ye @walkingdead_amc #TWD #TheWalkingDead #WalkingDead

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It’s been a very long two months since the mid-season finale, and even longer since I have written about TWD (that is for another post).

If you’re like me, you’ll be watching the Beth Episode tonight before the mid-season premiere.

I am always saying that, for me, The Walking Dead being one of the only shows that seems to be able to get away with killing off major characters, and since I am not a…

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