#carrd templates

CARRD TEMPLATE #004   -   [  ALL AT ONCE.  ] this is a   FREE   carrd template for roleplaying purpoCARRD TEMPLATE #004   -   [  ALL AT ONCE.  ] this is a   FREE   carrd template for roleplaying purpo

CARRD TEMPLATE #004   -   [  ALL AT ONCE.  ]

this is a FREE  carrd template for roleplaying purposes, made with multimuses in mind. #004   ( live preview here )    is basic account friendly,    utilizing exactly  50 elements. this carrd contains a rules / etc. page   +   muse pages separated by media type. it  supports ( one image + basic info ) per muse. the default layout is 5 sections with 12 spots each ( max of 60 muses ). you are welcome to edit sections to suit your needs.

this is a VERYminimalistic carrd because of the restriction of 50 elements. each row of ( 4 ) images is condensed into a single image prior to putting it in the carrd  -   you can download the template below.   a row of ( 4 ) muses is condensed into ( 1 ) table,  the rules page is condensed into ( 2-3 ) elements  :   this makes it a bit more difficult to edit, admittedly, but it’s the tradeoff for keeping this basic friendly.

  • how to obtain :    you can get this carrd template (here). the minimum price is set to $0   -  FREE.   if you would like to support me,   that is also appreciated.
  • additional files     ( … )   four image template.
  • please refer tothis post for general information regarding my carrd templates. please do not remove credit.

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CARRD TEMPLATE #003   -   [  THE FREE ENCYCLOPEDIA.  ]this is a   FREE   carrd template for roleplayCARRD TEMPLATE #003   -   [  THE FREE ENCYCLOPEDIA.  ]this is a   FREE   carrd template for roleplay


this is a FREE   carrd template for roleplaying purposes. this carrd replicates an encyclopedia page layout for one character / muse. this is meant to be an extended biography / stats page, but you can do whatever you want with it.   carrd template #003 (live preview here )    isbasic user friendly and is available to all carrd users. because of the amount of customization needed, i have included a guide page carrd (here).

  • how to obtain :    you can get the template (here). the minimum price is set to $0   -  FREE.   if you would like to support me,   that is also appreciated.
  • please refer to the guide page for basic customization information. it’s not difficult, it’s just all up to you. it also includes image template psd files.
  • please refer to this post for general information regarding my carrd templates. please do not remove credit.

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CARRD TEMPLATE #002   -   [  LADY KILLER.  ]this is a   FREE   carrd template for roleplaying purposCARRD TEMPLATE #002   -   [  LADY KILLER.  ]this is a   FREE   carrd template for roleplaying purposCARRD TEMPLATE #002   -   [  LADY KILLER.  ]this is a   FREE   carrd template for roleplaying purposCARRD TEMPLATE #002   -   [  LADY KILLER.  ]this is a   FREE   carrd template for roleplaying purpos


this is a FREE   carrd template for roleplaying purposes. this comes with a rules page, a biography page, and a page for verses + mains / exclusives. this template was made with single muses in mind.   #002   ( live preview here )    is only available to those with at least a pro-lite account,    as it utilizes 50+ elements. there is a basic version without the last section available as well.

  • how to obtain :   you can get the pro-lite template (here)and the basic template(here. the minimum price is set to $0   -  FREE.   if you would like to support me,   that is also appreciated.
  • a bit difficult to customize due to a lack of element styles, but do whatever you want with it. graphics/psd/etc not included. image dimensions are given.  please do not remove credit.

Post link

tentatively offering carrd commissions!   ( beta-testing prices ) 

25 USD apiece.    will include a landing page,   a navigation page,  rules / stats-bio / verses / mains pages,   custom made graphics.   payments via paypal / ko-fi only.

leave a on this post,  or IM me if you’re interested!  

 & .Honorary Carrd templates for two of my friends – Frankie & Annie. These two have m

& .

Honorary Carrd templates for two of my friends – Frankie & Annie. 

These two have meant a lot to me since I have met them & they have been going through eviction, unemployment, & more in the last month & I want to help them as much as they have helped me. 

I am going to be putting ALL proceeds I receive from these carrd templates to them as they get through this really difficult time. 

Proof of proceeds going straight to the individuals can&willbe provided upon asking. 

TWO carrd templates that can be previewed at the following FRANKIE  &  ANNIE
FRANKIEis made with single muses in mind. ANNIEis made with multis in mind. 
This template is $5 USD. On dA, it will run for $6.25 USD / 500 pts to achieve the $5 earnings. These earnings will go straightto Frankie & Annie. 
You can donate the $5 directly to Ko-Fi, my paypal, ORFrankie’s paypal. IF YOU ARE WANTING THE TEMPLATES, PLEASE PROVIDE PROOF OF $5 DONATION
CREDIT IS MANDATORY. I ask that you credit me through my tumblr or through deviantart.Please do not use this to profit off of. Please do not use to sell graphics, especially without my permission. Please do not distribute without my permission. 


Feeling generous?

  • Buy me a coffee HERE.
  • My Paypal.
  • Support Frankie & Annie directly through PayPal: @ narfkie

Post link

GOOD  MORNING  EVERYONE!   i’m going to be opening up 3 slots for commissions today to try to earn some extra money for the week, however i will be closing down commissions within the next few days to allow me to catch up on real life for a bit.  my turnaround time looks to be about two days or less depending on how big your commission is, as i have some free time right now. if you have any questions, feel free to dm! 

LIFE   UPDATE.   i am currently working two jobs now, which means my commission turnaround time is a lot slower than usual.  however, i am still open for commissions and have 3 slots available!  my wait time is about a week right now, however i will be keeping everyone updated as quickly as i can.  thank you all for your patience!


I’M  HERE  FOR  THE  NEXT  FEW  DAYS  .      i’m hoping to focus on some carrd templates and full blog revamps, so i currently have 3 SLOTS OPEN right now.  i have to earn some money to purchase some work clothes so any tips, donations, and purchases of carrd templates would help me!   important links are below, and dm’s are open for inquiries. 


AS  AN  UPDATE  FROM  MY  PREVIOUS  POST   …    i’ve been absolutely flooded with commissions that have helped me so tremendously.  i’m working through everyone’s commission forms at the current moment, and i have  TWO SLOTS LEFT  and about a week wait time.  in the meantime, i’ll provide my usual links below and my premade carrd templates are still up for sale!


hi everyone!  i’m going to be around all day for commissions to try to raise money for my medical expenses, so please consider sending in a commission form,reblogging my emergency commission post,buying premade carrd templates, or sending in any tips. anything helps getting me one step closer to my goal.   thank you! 

LIFE  UPDATE.   currently, i’m trying to raise money to be able to afford food and my therapy session this week, and my neurologist appointment on the 20th.  i have a little bit of time for my neurologist appointment, but food and therapy is coming up this week and anything helps. my goal is to earn around 100 USD by the end of the week, so please consider commissioning or tipping me if you’re able to. if not, even a reblog helps.  important links are below for anyone interested in commissioning or tipping. thank you! <3 


I’M  HERE  FOR  SOME  COMMISSIONS!    i have two slots open at the current moment, and no waitlist!   all my premade carrd templates are still for sale for 5 USD as well, just dm to purchase!    -   all commission money will be going toward my daily living and medical expenses.


good morning everyone!  i’ve got a doctor’s appointment today, but otherwise i’ll be here most of the day.  currently i have THREE SLOTS AVAILABLE  for commissions,  and all my premade carrd templates are available for 5 USD!  thank you to everyone commissioning me right now <3  every bit of your commissions will be going toward my medical expenses and daily living. 

if you’re new to my page, some important links are below!

commissions are temporarily open as i’m struggling to figure out how to pay for my blood tests tomorrow. if anyone needs anything, please dm or send in a commission form! my blood test copay should only be around $20 so if anyone needs a little commission please let me know <3 and as usual, my carrd templates are still on sale for $5. 
