#writing commission



Hey y’all! I’ve decided to open up writing commissions again! I’ve got a BFA in Creative Writing, so I have some experience writing fiction. 


As this is a whump account, I hope most of my commissions will be whump-focused, or at least hurt/comfort centered. I’m open to write any form of whump. I have very few limits, and if you do happen to request content I feel uncomfortable providing, I will simply tell you so.

I can write:

  • unnamed character stories (ex: whumpee, whumper, caretaker, Character A, Character B, etc.)
  • original character stories (original RPG characters, original WIP characters, etc.)
  • fanfiction
  • character imagines (self-insert, character x reader, etc.)

Although my main focus is whump and hurt/comfort, I’m completely open to writing other genres (fluff, romance, etc.)! I’m willing to write fanfiction for any show/movie I’ve seen, but I do have my preferred fandoms. Most of my ships are f/f or m/m, but I’m completely comfortable with writing m/f relationships as well.


I prefer to receive payment throughPayPal, and I prefer to receive payment after the work is completed. I’m a full-time college student with a part-time job, so you will likely have to wait a couple weeks until your piece is completed. Please be patient. Prices can be found below:

< 1,000 Words: $1

1,000 Words: $5

2,000 Words: $10

3,000 Words: $15

If you’re interested, you can contact me right here on tumblr! I prefer to discuss details and brainstorm ideas over private messaging.

If you’re unable to afford a commission or simply disinterested in commissioning me, please reblog to spread visibility! I will be so grateful! Thank you!

☆ streamer!au jaehyun | *this post was commissioned 
warnings: catboy shenanigans, mildly nsfw (mostly power dynamic stuff)

that cocky, flirtatious, egotistical e-boy fevered sex dream jung jaehyun is actually just a worshiping, groveling, gratified by a sense of high humiliation and a single word from another person who treats him, to his own consent and want, like another nameless pick up in the dark.

there’s something almost risky about even being in the same room as jaehyun when he’s streaming. it’s not like anyone knows. not his obsessive fanbase that’s watching him through the webcam, not his other housemates - all professional esports players who secretly seethe with jealousy at the fact that all jaehyun has to do is flash a slither of skin and he gets more subs than they can even imagine to earn, sometimes maybe jaehyun even forgets because he’s trying so hard to play those stupid games of his. but you can easily remind him of your presence. not just in this room of course, but in his existence.

jaehyun is laughing at something, probably a donation message. he’s wearing the headseat - that pink one with those large cat ears he got as a gift. he’s even put that glitter collar on that was supposed to just be a joke, but that has become a signature. he lifts his large hand up, the palm open - leading down into strong arms and a wide chest - but then he curls it into a faux paw, looking into the webcam through his lashes and fucking meows. you almost laugh out loud, not because of how he looks, but because just that is probably driving troves of people crazy. all you have to do is search jaehyun’s name on twitter and its tweet after tweet: begging, imagining, manifesting thoughts that are far right of what you might call ‘morality’ or you know ‘general public friendly’.

you turn toward him, setting your phone down. he can’t see you over the monitors but you hear his phone ping a second later and his free hand that’s not on the mouse reaches for it. it takes maybe three seconds for him to read the message you sent and then you hear him start talking.

“gonna queue up the next game, but i gotta go do something real quick. mods can be in charge.”

he takes the headset off, which is a little sad, those ears on him are delightfully embarrassing. whenever you bring them up, whenever you bring up the whole catboy thing, jaehyun gets red down from his ears. “aren’t cats supposed to listen to their owners?” you’d smirk against his skin “i didn’t know cats needed so much attention. you shouldn’t be so desperate jaehyun.”

before he moves around his setup to come over to you - he stops and leans down - his shirt is loose and baggy and he winks into the cam.

“don’t have too much fun without my, right nya?”

with that he straightens up, stretches and makes sure the visible line of his hips shows fast enough that no one can clip it and get him banned - but that everyone can see it crystal clear. he finally turns and makes his way around the intricate desk where he spends most of his hours streaming to the bed thats hidden behind it.

“did you mute the stream?”

he nods, the edge of his pretty lips twitches and you think its a little fascinating how nervous he gets every time. you’ve been in jaehyun’s life for a while now, you think one day he’ll be acclaimed to you. to your voice, to your face, and to your touch. but he never seems to be - it’s like the first night whenever you decide he’s done enough toying around with his online audience and you are real and you are the one that makes the rules of the relationship thats blossomed between you and one of the most popular men on the internet.

you don’t get up, instead jaehyun gets down with his knees on the carpet and his face leveled at your hips - you put a hand out to hold his cheek, and although the room is dimly light, there’s enough that you can see something dull in the honey browns of his eyes. 

like he’s preparing himself for it - but he doesn’t know what it is.

you want to make a quip about how good he’s been already, this cat persona of his has already taught him where he belongs when he’s in front of you. you know, like this, at your feet. but at the same time you don’t want to jump right into all that. instead you take a moment just to hold his face still in your hand and then run your fingers up from the nape of his neck into his hair and tug at it slightly so his jawline tips up.

“what did my message say?”

“that i should come to you.”

“so why didn’t you do that immediately.”

jaehyun racks his brain, to most other people it would seem he did just that. but you’re referring to his flirtatious, don’t have too much fun without me, that he wasn’t obligated to pause to say. he finally figures it out and a small, breathy apology escapes his lips. you let ur hand slip back down to the nape of his neck and jaehyun swallows.

you realize he took the ears off, but the collar is still there. you reach out to slip your fingers through the glittering band and then tap your nails against his warm skin.

“get up.”

you let go and he stands, you follow suit and he’s definitely got some height and frame on you. it’s what makes everything so much more visceral for him. you might look like you shouldn’t have so much control over him but you do. jaehyun knows that if you were to tell him to fetch, he might as well get down on all fours and do it. 

“we should turn the webcam around.”

you put your hands on his shoulders and let your nails tap through the fabric of his shirt. it simulates, in jaehyuns mind, the urge to feel them on his bare skin. your nails, your lips, your teeth. he tenses though because his mind is inching toward the primal instinct of being touched and yet you also just offered to do something that could potentially ruin his career.

but jaehyun is at this point less a trapped fly in a spiders web as he is a willing and wanting participant in these mind games you spin around him. he swallows again.

“if you want to, i can turn it around.”

you look at him and jaehyun thinks he can see the magnetic pull in the middle of your iris that pushes all of his gravity toward you.

“you want your fans to see you? aren’t you hungry for attention.”

“if you think they should see me, if you give me permission then-”

one hand goes up to touch the collar again, tug at it, slip past it and rest on jaehyun’s pulse. your second hand is also already halfway down his arm. 

“i dont know, im asking what you think. do you want them to see? you basically offer yourself up to them everyday as it is. don’t you think they’d want to see something more?”

your hand wraps and unwraps around his wrist. you are not breaking eye contact with him and jaehyun’s mouth goes dry. 

“don’t you think they want to see their favorite catboy be treated like the pet he really is?”

you don’t change your expression or your tone. you don’t have to because the spinning mess in jaehyun’s mind is evident from how hot his skin his getting and you don’t even have to touch too much to know he’s excited and anxious, curious and terrified.

in his mind you imagine, and you imagine correctly, that there is a reel playing of him and you in front of the webcam - a little grainy because of the distance from the bed. 

his voice breaking in front of his thousands of viewers and your laughter is filling through the cracks of the sounds he makes. 

he thinks about how his body might look, a vibrant blush quilted over every inch. the way there are marks of contrasting blossoming colors on the dips of his ones and the lines of his muscles. 

how he looks flat against the sheets, eyes shut tight, spinning euphoria around his head and a flame from hells graces itself knotting lower and lower and deeper inside him.

his neck and your hand, his senseless and repetitive pleas for you that at some point sound like the ramblings of someone completely mad, slurring as spit roams down his chin because he’s become a mess and his body has given up all function to your whim. 

but then he thinks about how you would look - and then something in him flips. 

“i don’t want them to see-”

he almost says, i dont want them to see you. but he stops because its not his choice to make. if you offered to be in front of the camera with him, then he would abide by that wish no matter what kind of damage it would do to him or his job or his fanbase. because you’ve always been more than that. in one way because of the way he was infatuated with every little detail about you, but also because you were undeniably and inevitably a huge part of the reason he was even alive. some might see that kind of crazed devotion and say it was wrong, but jaehyun has given up on caring about what others might see and say. it is what you see and what you say and what you want to do - to him - forever.

you know what he had wanted to say and you know why he’d stopped himself. for that, you reward him with a small and chaste little kiss on his adams apple. he buzzes at the contact and you know he wants to envelope you in his arms. had you been out on the street or just enjoying some time together anywhere else you would have been happy to let it happen.

but in this little room, with that computer and webcam so near. the high tense situation of - what if the mute button isn’t really on? what if everyone watching could just see that im here, know that the precious idea of jaehyun that they jerk themselves off too isn’t the real him.

that cocky, flirtatious, egotistical e-boy fevered sex dream jung jaehyun is actually just a worshiping, groveling, gratified by a sense of high humiliation and a single word from another person who treats him, to his own consent and want, like another nameless pick up in the dark. 

you don’t think you can allow that. you let your hand snake from his neck to the edge of his mouth, you pry it open and let your finger graze its way inside. jaehyun leans forward a little and he could topple you backwards but he knows better and he wants when this all ends for it to be him pressed to those sheets with you overcasting him and every one of his five senses

when there’s a ping, its the sound of the message on his screen thats asking if he’s still there for the queue. jaehyun, with one look from you, would ignore it and leave his fans waiting for hours and his fellow teammates stuck without him, but you push away from him and say he should get back to it.

he hesitates, which only means he’s really considering disobeying, just to have you touch him again. but he ends up returning to his seat. and moments ago, half a second from breaking out into a needy, begging pant around the finger you’d placed at the edge of his lips for you to please start - please make him go back down on his knees - please just let him ….. please just let him get absolutely destroyed by you. 

he know plasters that inviting smile on his face, places the cat eared headphones on his head and pouts when answering what took him so long. oh an emergency in the house, it’s all good. 

“oh why did i mute myself? well i didn’t want any noises to bother you guys. the emergency might have gotten loud - but thankfully we avoidided that.”

you stifle a snort. from the way jaehyun has crossed his legs in his chair - his knuckles turning white on the mouse. you don’t think he’s all that thankful that an emergency between you two was avoided. but oh well, you can wait. you’re not in a hurry. jaehyun’s cute little job of prancing around the imagination of his fans is what makes him his money. and you smile to yourself because that’s all he does. he prances through their minds. for you, he’s readily available, cat ears, no cat ears, all those loose shirts and grey sweatpants …. or nothing at all. 



Hey, I’m Jes, a fanfic writer! I’m zxrysky on archiveofourown, and I’ve been writing fanfiction since 2013.


I’ve written Haikyuu, Naruto, Joker Game, and Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Most of it is anime, but I’ve also written extensively for Voltron, Final Fantasy VII, Les Miserables, Addams Family and Harry Potter. I’m open to writing for Young Justice/Batman Family, and other fandoms such as Marvel or Overwatch etcetera. 

Keep reading


Commission for darling @likearumchocolatesouffle !! I hope you like it, love!


Phillip was baffled by his own reactions to the king and queen flirting with him. He wanted to be scandalized, or afraid; instead he was flattered, and even found himself replying to them in equally flirtatious ways. His students, the princesses, found this hilarious but disgusting.

King Pelwyn was quite particular in his attentions, and often had a thoughtful look on his face when he looked at Phillip. But when he saw Phillip looking back, he would smile and say something so silly it would surprise a laugh out of the tutor. He was a better student than his daughters, too. He was actually interested in Phillip’s teaching subjects.

That didn’t mean Queen Kellyn wasn’t kind to Phillip too. She wasn’t as… friendly, as her husband, but she teased Phillip gently and was clear that she found him interesting.

Keep reading

[A continuation from my old blog. Read part 1andpart 2 if you’d like!]

[Commission for @princce7]

“Sans, how come you haven’t answered any of the emails I’ve sent you?”

Sans looked up from his phone, now met with an annoyed expression from Papyrus.

“My computer broke a while ago.” Sans shrugged.

Papyrus frowned at this and let out a huff before making his way to the landline. “Well, why didn’t you say so?”

Sans watched his brother for a moment before his gaze returned to his phone.

“Pap, who are you calling?”

“Alphys, of course.” Papyrus said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Sans nearly dropped his phone, neck cracking slightly as he looked over to his brother. “What? Why?”

“If anyone knows about computers, it’s Alphys. I know you must think that not having a computer in your room isn’t such a big deal, but folks today still use them! I don’t want you falling behind with other forms of communication, Sans.”

Sans rushed over to Papyrus, reaching up to try and smack the phone out of Papyrus’ hands. The two brothers began pushing each other. Papyrus held the phone above his head, keeping a steady hand to push Sans down and away from jumping.

“Bro, you don’t need to call Alphys! I don’t need a new computer.” Sans argued.

“Of course you need a new computer!” Papyrus argued back.

A shaky voice spoke from the phone. “Um…hello?”

Papyrus perked up and began pacing around the kitchen, chattering away at the phone.

“Hello Alphys! I’m calling you to ask if you have some time today to get Sans set up with a new computer. He stated that his old computer broke a while ago.”

As he walked and talked, Sans was chasing after him, trying to grab at his brothers scarf to pull him back in hopes of the phone being dropped.

Alphys hummed nervously as she set up the new computer in Sans’ room. Sans stood behind her, hovering anxiously.

“Alphys, I don’t need a new computer.” Sans grumbled.

“I…I know you don’t, but…Papyrus sounded so excited when he was asking about-”

Sans cut Alphys off. “I don’t want another virus on my computer. I don’t want that ‘thing’ on it.”

Alphys flinched at that, keeping her gaze on the cables in front of her. Sans felt the room grow heavy, and he slumped his shoulders.

“All the files are wiped, right?” He asked quieter.

Alphys gave him a nod, still crouched down next to the desktop, not daring to look at him. She finished with setting it up before taking a seat in front of the monitor. The pc booting up with a gentle hum. Alphys searched through a few folders before getting up from Sans chair.

“Thank you for letting me set this up.” she commented quietly before shuffling out of the skeletons room.

Sans settled in front of his new computer. He sat there for a moment before letting out a tired sigh.

He didn’t mean to sound so cold. Sans knew that Alphys was a computer wiz. She was easy to trust with these sorts of things.


Alphys kept her head low as she made her way back towards her lab. The cold sensation of Snowdin left an ache in her chest. It contrasted well with the welcoming heat of the Hot Lands. Her lab filled with a variety of beeps and boops, whirring and buzzing from different devices and machines.

Alphys made her way to her desk. Typing away at her keyboard and muttering to herself.

“It’ll only be a matter of time…before it wakes up.”

She scrolled through a few files on her computer. Her mouse hovering over the DDLC dating sim. Alphys plugged in the flash drive into her computer, having used it for Sans new computer. From there, she looked at a few files before pausing over a folder.

‘Monika.chr.’. Alphys pinned it to her taskbar and opened it before shutting her computer down.

“Lets hope this works.”

The screen took a moment before shutting off. Then it flickered. Alphys watched quietly as the screen sputtered and filled with flashing blocks of color. This continued until the screen flashed a bright blue. The computer whined as smoke seeped from its casing.

Alphys unplugged her set up in a panic.

She looked over the desktop unit before letting out a shaky sigh. Alphys pulled out a tablet from her pocket.

“Test ‘Revive Monika’ has, once again, gone up in smoke. Computer…is likely damaged and-”

“What test?” A voice crackled.

Alphys paused.

She turned to look at her monitor. The screen displayed Monika’s character sprite. Monika stared back, that same sickeningly sweet smile present on her face.

Alphys took a hesitant step forward. Her hold on the tablet firm.

“What test?” Monika repeated, her voice crackled through the built-in microphone on the computers webcam.

“The test for…you.” Alphys answered.

“And did your test fail?” Monika questioned.

Alphys looked back down to the smoking computer, then back up to Monika. “Somewhat.”

“What would make this test run better?”

Alphys furrowed her brow. “Well, since you’re already awake…”

She shook her head and shot a glare at Monika.

“Why should this matter to you?”

“Because I thought you and that ‘funny-bones’ hated me.”

Alphys opened her mouth to speak but decided against it. She had to choose her words carefully. Instead, Alphys cleared her throat and looked back to her tablet. There was an unnerving silence in the lab. Alphys chose to stay quiet, her fingers tapping away at her tablet screen.

“Do you know what that skeleton even is?” Monika asked.

Alphys kept her attention on her tablet. She hesitantly muttered out a ‘no’ in response.

“Lets…run a few more tests.” Alphys stated calmly.

“And if I say ‘no’ to these tests?” Monika commented.

Alphys stood there before looking back up to the sprite. “Then…I’ll shut you off, again.”

“What are you planning for me?” Monika questioned.

“I…I have a habit of working on things that I shouldn’t. You are one of these things…” she looked back down at her tablet.

“If I’m able to create a body for a ghost then…”

Sans woke with a start. His computer greeting him with its low hum and bright screen. The skeleton looked around his room before settling back into his chair. He didn’t feel awake.

Even with his naps being frequent during the day, Sans would wake up more tired than before.

The skeleton returned his attention to the monitor. His plain wallpaper was now changed to multiple corny puns plastered all across the screen. All typed in a very comical font. Sans looked at one and started to snicker.

As it had been a while since he last used a computer, Sans decided to mess around on the desktop. He didn’t understand most of what was on his screen, but so long as there weren’t any pop ups he considered himself safe.

He searched through the computer for some games. A window opened with a list of various games. Sans froze. His lazy grin quickly replaced with a frown.

In the middle of the list of games was an acronym. ‘DDLC’.

He hovered his mouse over the set of letters and clicked.

A message popped up. ‘Run program?’.

Sans clicked yes.

His computer froze with a loud hum before shutting down. Sans stared for a moment before getting out of his chair and leaving his room. It was again time to nap away his problems.

Alphys held up the diagram for a robotic body. The body mimicked Monikas sprite somewhat well. Various bolts connected the limbs to the torso and the strange blade-shaped skirt. The usual white bow in her hair was reduced to various wires, connecting to the back of her head.

Monika stared at the strange body that she could call her own.

“You would actually give me life?” she questioned.

Alphys nodded. “I’ve been able to give a ghost a body, so…why not data of a character?”

Monika started to speak when her sprite froze up, a loud beep coming from the speakers.

“M-Monika?” Alphys questioned, rushing over to the computer.

Monika soon unfroze and stared down at Alphys.

“I believe it’s time. Thank you for showing me that diagram, but, I’m afraid I don’t need it.”

A window popped up on the screen, a loading icon present. ‘Sending off files. 35% complete.’.

She frowned and quickly looked down at her tablet. “What do you think you’re doing?!”

Monika stared back, her eyes void of any emotion. “Where do you think?” she answered calmly.

Alphys eyes widened at that statement. She lunged for the power cable as electricity shot from the outlet. She hissed in pain and reeled back her hand.

The window was now fully loaded. ‘Files sent.’.

“I need to go now. Goodbye.”

Her sprite morphed into a monstrosity of misshapen pixels until the screen shattered, more electricity surging out as the monitor began to smoke. Alphys stood in horror, unsure of what to make of anything that had just conspired. She stayed in place, her brain searching desperately for answers.

“Oh no.” Alphys muttered. She rushed out of her lab. Snowdin her destination.

The lights in the skeleton brothers home flickered about rapidly. This caught the attention of Papyrus, who was sat on the couch reading a book about puzzles. He looked up at the flickering lights until the home was shrouded in darkness.

“Sans? What’s going on up there?” he called from the couch.

He set the book down and got up with a huff.

The last time the power went out in the house, Papyrus had to eat his spaghetti carefully as not to spill any of it.

Climbing the stairs, Papyrus continued grumbling to himself. “I swear, if this keeps happening then…”

The skeleton paused at the top of the stairs. His gaze fixated onto the rapid flashing lights from beneath Sans bedroom door. They weren’t the usual lights either.

Papyrus frowned at this and steadily made his way towards the door. The flashing lights beneath rippled violently in bursts of green. The colors were making the skeleton nauseous. Could a skeleton even feel nauseous? Once he was in front of the door, Papyrus reached out to the door knob. His gloved hand shook the closer it got.

A knock at the door startled him, quickly glancing to the door downstairs. He looked from Sans door to the front door. Papyrus rushed back down the stairs as the knocking turned into frantic banging.

Opening the door, Papyrus didn’t have any time to say anything as Alphys rushed into the home and barreled towards the stairs.

“Alphys? What’s going on?” he called out, but was given no reply.

The skeleton was left down stairs as Alphys flung open Sans door. The home shining bright with that sick solid green light, before vanishing as Alphys shut the door.

Sans was frozen in place on the floor. His chair laid next to him, most likely knocked over by the skeleton standing up. On the computer screen was Monika, with many strange green colored windows opened behind her.

“Monika!” Alphys yelled, breaking Sans from his shock momentarily to look at her.

Monika simply kept her bright smile. “Hello. Glad to see you’re joining us.”

Alphys glared at the screen and marched over. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Oh, just the usual. Messing with one idiots computer to gain access to other computers.” Monika stated calmly.

Her smile soon left, and was replaced with a scowl.

“My world isn’t as spacious as yours, Alphys…And I can’t exactly get into the real world so easily. So, this world is better than nothing.”

“What are you talking about? This is the real world!” Alphys yelled.

The windows behind Monika soon cut out, leaving bits of solid blue among the sea of green. Monika looked down towards Sans. The skeleton was quiet and shaking slightly.

“You’d understand, right mister-funny-bones? You know exactly what I’m talking about. Right?”

Alphys looked from Monika then to Sans. “Sans, what is she talking about?”

“Oh,” Monika began, “it’s pretty complicated. I’m sure we wouldn’t have enough time to explain it before the files are sent. Talking tends to slow them down, I suppose.”

Sans looked at the desktop setup, eyes scanning anything he could pull or switch off. Seeing the power cable, Sans dove for it. That cable unplugged itself and whipped back, hitting Sans harshly across the face, sending him tumbling to the ground. A crack was left on his cheek.

“Ah ah, no touching.” Monika teased.

“It’s really sad, you know? Here I am again and you’re acting so rude! It’s like you’re not happy to see me!” The virus sighed.

Alphys stepped forward but was quickly picked up by another cable and shoved up against the door. Her feet kicked desperately as the cable wrapped itself around her neck. Slowly tightening its grip until she was gasping for air. Her kicks slowing to a stop, eyes watering.

“Alphys, I had a lot of hope for you. Did you know that? Here you go, bringing me back. Showing me diagrams for a body of my own! And what do you do? You both freak out when all I try to find a way out of this stupid program!”

Monika’s smile was no longer there. A scowl had replaced it.

“All I’ve wanted is to be out and about, just like you two! In a body just for me, living my own life for once! Not stuck in some dumb program! Sure, my methods for obtaining this weren’t the best, but what could I have done?”

Sans glared down at his hands for a moment, clenching them as Monika continued on. Suddenly, a glowing blue bone shoots up from beneath the desk. It goes through the desk and monitor. Monika’s sprite twists at the impact, a similar white line going straight through her neck. Her face contorted into a pained expression, eyes wide and teeth clenched. The image froze on the monitor, before the glass broke and spilled across the desk. Smoke seeped from the broken tech.

The once moving cables fell limp onto the floor. As did Alphys. She coughed and felt at her throat, blinking back tears to look at the wrecked technology.

Seeing the smoke, she moved over to the windows and quickly opened them, coughing still from the smoke that was trying to get at her lungs. She reached out to help Sans up when his hand smacked at hers.

“Why did you do this?” he yelled.

Alphys tried to speak, but her words caught in her throat. Instead, she kept quiet.

‘It was for science.’ didn’t seem like a good answer.

“Sans, w-we need to-” she was cut off.

“Get out.” Sans growled.


Alphys was again silenced by the glare Sans shot at her. “Out!” he yelled.

“Sans, there’s smoke in the air! We have to go-”

“I don’t care! Why the hell did you bring her back?” The skeleton argued.

“S-She was trapped, Sans! What else could I have done for her?” Alphys yelled back.

The two stared at one another. Alphys grabbed at Sans arm and finally dragged him out of the room.

Papyrus rushed over to the pair, looking them over and asking a billion questions a second, worried out of his mind. None of his questions were answered. Once the smoke had finally been aired out, Alphys and Sans returned to the room to survey the damage.

Bits of smoke stained the ceiling and walls. The computer, now a simple heap surrounded by broken pieces of wood from the desk. The room smelled horrible.

Alphys lowered her head, wringing her hands. They were shaking.

“You should have destroyed her.” Sans answered, his voice calm. Yet still lingering with that harsh cold tone.

Alphys shook her head. “I don’t want to kill people.”

“She’s not ‘people’, Alphys…She’s just…” Sans couldn’t find anymore words. So he continued to stare at the damaged computer.

As Sans moved farther into his room, Alphys sheepishly looked back to the door, hand now on the doorknob. As she opened it to leave, she looked back to Sans.

“She’s like you, Sans…Aren’t you trapped, too?”

Sans stopped. He kept quiet.

Alphys turned and left, closing the door behind her. She turned to leave before something shot out from the door. She watched a piece of the door shoot out and hit the floor. Alphys turned her head. A glowing blue bone pierced through the door, inches away from her forehead.

She didn’t dare move.

The bone soon disappeared.

Alphys fled from the home.

Rolling With the Punches (Raihan x OC x Leon)Commissioned by @poneshyay​Commission info~~“Fritter, m

Rolling With the Punches (Raihan x OC x Leon)
Commissioned by @poneshyay
Commission info

“Fritter,move,” Aminia huffed in exasperation, again nudging at the Appletun lounging in the middle of the walkway behind the counter. “I can’t risk dropping another dozen rolls.”

The Appletun let out a lackadaisical yawn as he bumbled to the other side of the walkway, though his large abdomen only left room for maybe a foot of space. Aminia rolled her eyes and stepped over her lazy Pokémon, careful not to drop the freshly baked rolls. As she set them into the glass case, she wondered that may have been Fritter’s plan all along – to get a free roll by tripping his Trainer and causing them to rain down from the platter. The woman chuckled to herself, pat Fritter on the head, then stepped into the back room to continue her work.

It was an early morning at the Biscuit and Fritter bakery, though the owner didn’t mind too much. The time before opening gave Aminia space to efficiently prepare for the day, and she was absorbed in her tasks until the front door opening caught her attention.

“I’ll be right with you!” she called from the back. The greeting was just a formality, seeing as she could count on three fingers who had a key to her bakery, and she was one of them.

“No need, Mini,” came a familiar voice, and Aminia smiled at the sound when she poked her head out.

“Hi Rai,” she said. “Give me maybe 5 more minutes? I can chat for a little bit before the shop opens.”

Raihan nodded and pulled out his phone, content to wait for his girlfriend to finish her opening duties. He did pluck Fritter off the ground though, since the Appletun was doing a great job of extending the shop-opening process. Fritter was happily snoozing on Raihan’s lap when Aminia stepped out - it was certainly a cute sight, but what really caught her attention was Raihan’s face. It was stoic with a cold anger, his eyes wide and mouth in a straight line – certainly not what she was expecting from her usually cheerful boyfriend.

“Rai?” she started as she rushed over. Raihan was still looking at his phone. “What is it, are you okay?”

Raihan didn’t speak, but instead held out his phone. There was a news article on the screen, its title in big bold letters:


Aminia’s heart dropped. What was just a warm and cozy morning smelling of fresh bread and sweet frosting was now suddenly dark, dank, and filled with dread. The three of them had successfully kept their relationship secret for this long, how on earth did someone find out? Raihan answered the unspoken question by rewinding the article’s accompanying video.

“Leon, Mr. Leon!” came a reporter’s tinny voice from the screen. “You’ve been invited to collaborate with Kalos’ Pokémon League – why?”

“The details are still in the works,” came Leon’s ever-friendly response, even to pestering paparazzi, as he waved to fans crowding around him. Something seemed off about him… his smile didn’t reach his eyes, and his shoulders seemed stiff. While his cheerful tone could convince almost anybody, Aminia was not so easily fooled. She knew her boyfriend well, and for whatever reason, he was not liking the attention this time around…

“Is it because of a secret relationship with Champion Diantha?” the reporter pressed. “Are you visiting Kalos just to spend time with your girlfriend?”

“Aminia doesn’t live in Kalos, she’s got her bakery here,” Leon said absentmindedly as he tried to make his way through the crow. He stopped mid-track when gasps erupted around him.

“Who is Aminia?”

“Mr. Leon, is Aminia your girlfriend?”

“Leon! Champion Leon, are you in a relationship?”


Leon quickly regained his composure, flashing a grin to the crowds. “I’ve got to get going, but more details about the collaboration are soon to come! We’ll definitely have a champion time, though!”

The frame froze, and Aminia and Raihan locked eyes. The only sound in the bakery was Fritter’s soft snores as the two processed what they both witnessed. Raihan was the first to react. He slammed his fist on the table, causing Fritter to leap off his lap in shock.

“Ugh!”he spat, standing from the table and pacing around the empty bakery. “It’s that rubbish reporter again! She always knows just what to say and when to say it to get everyone to spill their guts on accident!”

“What?” Aminia asked, standing as well. “What reporter? Rai, what are you talking about?”

Raihan stopped pacing. His eyes flicked around the bakery, never once meeting Aminia’s, no matter how hard she tried. It wasn’t until she gently took his hand that Raihan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“There’s been news about me having a girlfriend too,” Raihan mumbled defeatedly. “Same broad, she’s a nosy thing. That same reporter cornered me after an exhibition match when I was distracted, I let it slip I was going to my girlfriend’s place after.”

“When was this?” she asked. “And when was that video?”

“…Both were yesterday,” Raihan confessed, and Aminia let out a groan. “I didn’t know how to tell you, I know you don’t want the attention from the press. I tried to play it cool, but it turned out just as bad as Leon’s.”

After a few seconds and a deep sigh, Aminia regained her composure.

“Okay, that’s fine,” she said, slowly finding the light in the darkness. “This won’t be so bad. You just mentioned you had a girlfriend, and, well, Lee said my name and profession, but that doesn’t mean everything is ruined! Maybe no one will put the pieces together.”

Raihan’s scowl slowly shifted back into a smile, and after a roll of the eyes, he stepped over to pull Aminia into a hug. His chuckle rumbled through her, and he gave her another squeeze.

“I love you,” he said through a laugh. “Always so positive.”

Aminia squeezed Raihan in return, reveling in the feeling of her boyfriend’s arms. She let herself be held for a moment, before offering another squeeze then heading back to wipe off the front counter before opening.

Maybe it really would be fine. Yeah, some people knew her and her bakery, but who listens to news stories like that, anyway? It wasn’t even news, just tabloid rubbish. People always wondered if Leon and Raihan had partners, being that they were the most attractive bachelors in Galar, so this wasn’t really anything new, right? Minus the part where Raihan confirmed he had a girlfriend, and the part where Leon shared her name and profession…

“So, is anyone else here?” Raihan asked, his voice tearing Aminia from her thoughts. 

“Not yet,” Aminia replied. “The morning staff don’t come in yet.”

She didn’t pay the question much mind, until she felt something pressing against her back. She turned to see Raihan’s tall frame hovering over her, quickly bringing a blush to her cheeks when her eyes met the mischievous glint in Raihan’s. He was biting his lip suggestively, then leaning in, only for Aminia to turn.

“Rai,” Aminia mumbled as her cheeks flushed. “I’m on the clock.”

“You run the shop,” Raihan purred, whispering against her cheek. “Why don’t we take a quick break in the back?”

“Raihan,” Aminia said more sternly. When he offered her a puppy-dog pout, she let out a laugh, rolled her eyes, gave him a chaste kiss, then froze when a flash erupted from the front of the shop. 

They both whipped their heads to the source of the light, only to see a retreating reporter kicking up dust as she sprinted away. Aminia’s blood turned cold as the bakery yet again fell silent. 

“Shit,” Raihan grunted.

“Yeah,” Aminia agreed before letting out a defeated sigh.

“Maybe… it’ll be fine?” Raihan offered, though neither of them believed that. Their attention turned to a noise in the back of the shop.

“Rai, Aminia!” came Leon’s voice from the back entrance. “You in here?”

“Unfortunately,” Raihan called. They both quickly hid away in the back of the bakery, where a frazzled Leon was waiting for them.

“I take it you saw my slip up?” Leon asked guiltily, eyes flicking between the two.

“Not your fault,” Raihan replied quickly. “That reporter gets the best of anyone she talks to.”

“I’m sorry,” Leon said, stepping forward to give Aminia a hug. “Maybe no one will put the pieces together?”

“I said the same thing,” Aminia chuckled. “But looks like that same reporter followed you here. How long do you think it’ll be until-“

Aminia’s sentence was interrupted by a pounding on the front door. The three inconspicuously peeked their heads out of the back room, only for all their jaws to drop. Outside the glass doors stood a crowd of people, all peering in, standing on their toes, each trying to get a glimpse of the no-longer-as-mysterious girlfriend of Champion Leon and Gym Leader Raihan.

“My guess is not long,” Leon sighed. 

“So, shall I start making more rolls?” Raihan asked suddenly. “Looks like you have quite a few new customers.”

“I can frost the cookies,” Leon offered, immediately catching onto Raihan’s offer. “I’ve always wanted to use one of those frosting squeezer things.”

Aminia’s gaze flicked between her two boyfriend’s. While this wasn’t exactly how she was planning to start another day of business, their eager faces reminded her yet again of why she fell in love with the two. Her lips tugged into a smile, then she stepped up to offer both a kiss. After tying her apron securely, she stepped back, filled with a new confidence because of the men beside her.

“Let’s roll.”

Post link
Lavender Tea and Razz Berries (OC x Leon)Commissioned by @epicsphealCommission info~~“I’m fine.”“No

Lavender Tea and Razz Berries (OC x Leon)
Commissioned by @epicspheal
Commission info


“I’m fine.”

“No you’re not, go lie down.”

“Terra, I swear I’m fine, it’s just a little headache.”

“If it were just a little headache you wouldn’t keep grimacing.”

“I’m not grimacing, see? No grimaces here.”

Leon flashed a big smile, though his dear friend Terra didn’t exactly return it. Hands on her hips and still wearing her coat and backpack, her raised eyebrow expressed all she needed to in that the doctor in her was not impressed. The moment Terra had stepped inside Leon’s apartment she had noticed something wrong – Leon’s lagging responses, his attempt to hide those pained expressions, and rubbing at his temples when he thought she wasn’t looking – it all clued into the fact that he had yet anotherdebilitating headache, no doubt caused by the stress of this year’s Gym Challenge.

“Get your ass into bed,” Terra repeated, finally shrugging off her backpack and jacket. “Doctor’s orders. I’ll make you some tea.”

Leon tried to refute her again, only to pause when Terra continued.

“Please, Leon?” she said. “It would make mefeel better if you went to lay down for a bit.”

Leon pursed his lips, paused, then deeply exhaled with a ‘fine’ before trudging to his room as Terra chuckled. Coercion wasn’t usually the tactic she utilized when she could help it, but Leon was a stubborn man. While he usually ignored any ailments if he were the only one suffering, as soon as it bothered another person, he caved. It was an endearing yet frustrating trait of his, one that Terra would capitalize on if that meant the man would acknowledge that he didn’t need to willhimself out of illness and into health. Her medical background certainly helped, as she knew just what medicines would help treat his insistent headache. She hummed to herself as she moseyed about his kitchen, plucking snacks, medicine, and beverages fluidly from the shelves and counters. While she and Leon didn’t live together – as the thought made her blush and scold herself – she knew his home as well as she knew hers.

After prepping a tray of Razz berries, Nanab berries, a bit of dark chocolate, and some lavender tea, Terra quietly stepped into Leon’s room. She breathed out a laugh to see his pout and crossed arms, though it was relieving to see that he was actually resting in bed like she asked.

She set the tray on Leon’s lap, then checked his blood pressure and temperature. Perhaps it was just a headache, but Terra would much rather be safe than sorry if the Champion’s health deteriorated with her sitting right there. Leon took the pain medication, drank some of the water, then started on the snacks and tea that she had prepared. Besides some rolling of the eyes, Leon wasn’t being too terrible of a patient. He finished the Nanab berry and raised an eyebrow at her.

“Temperature and blood pressure?” he asked, his lips pulling into a smirk. “Don’t you think that’s a bit much for a headache? I thought you were off work.”

“I’m not getting chewed out by Rose because the Champion got sick while with me,” Terra scoffed as she put her equipment away into her bag. “He looks like the type to sue my flat ass.”

“Your butt isn’t that flat,” Leon said through a mouthful of Razz berries. It was Terra’s turn to smirk as she met his eye.

“You’ve been looking at my ass?” she teased, eyebrow raised. Leon spluttered a noncoherent response, choking a bit on his Razz berry. He admitted defeat when he refused to respond, instead taking a sip of the tea. Terra chuckled and pat his hand, standing to go tidy up the kitchen while Leon rested. She paused when she felt his fingers curl around hers.

“Would you mind staying for a bit?” Leon asked quietly. “If you can?”

“Of course,” Terra said, offering his hand a squeeze.


“Yes?” Terra asked, watching as his cheeked darkened with a blush. “I said I would.”

“No, like, uh,” Leon mumbled, eyes shifting to the side. “Would you cuddle with me? I think it’d, uh, it’d help my headache.”

Terra chuckled as Leon fumbled with his words and the blanket, and she simply set the tray of snacks on the nightstand.

“Is that a treatment option I wasn’t aware of?” Terra teased, only to give his hand another squeeze. “Of course.”

Leon eagerly made room for her, scooching enough for Terra to fit under the covers with him. He immediately wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her snugly into his chest. The motion was a little startling, but not unappreciated as a blush crept into Terra’s cheeks at Leon’s eagerness. As if they shared lungs, they both let out a deep, comfortable sigh as the sheets settled around them.

The window was open, blowing a comfortable breeze into the room as they lay together. This wasn’t the first time they had held one another (and they both hoped it wouldn’t be the last) but that didn’t mean their hearts didn’t patter a little harder at the closeness of the other. After a moment of settling in, Leon let out a hum.

“Thank you, Terra. I know I can be stubborn, but I am feeling a little better.”

“Good,” Terra said, giving Leon a light squeeze. “What do you think caused your headache? Stress?”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Leon said. “Maybe I was… dehydrated? Not sure.”

“Or maybe Rose is overworking you?” Terra said, lightly poking Leon’s chest. “Again?”

“No, no, that’s not it,” Leon said, but his tone wasn’t particularly convincing. “I’m handling everything fine.”

“Leon,” Terra whispered gently. She pulled back enough to see his eyes. “You know you can say no to Rose, right?”

Leon’s gaze flicked between Terra’s eyes until his brow furrowed, and he fell back into his pillow.

“Yeah,” Leon groaned, pinching between his eyebrows. “I mean, I guess I can technically, but you know how he is. He was the one that gave me this opportunity, I owe so much to him.”

“That doesn’t mean you can’t set boundaries,” Terra said, offering Leon a soothing pat on his chest again. “If this guy is overworking you so much that you keep getting these headaches, I may have to have a talk with him myself as a healthcare provider.”

Leon let out a weak chuckle at that, then again curled his arms around Terra. They simply lay with each other a while, the breeze from the open window whispering over them as their breathing began to slow.

“Thanks,” Leon mumbled. His words were a little slurred, as he was certainly on the edge of sleep. Terra didn’t respond, only to lift her head at his next sentence. “I want you to stay by my side forever, Terra.”

She blinked a few times at those warm words, waiting for Leon to follow up with another thought or comment. When he only offered a light snore, Terra’s face started to warm at Leon’s half-asleep slip of the tongue. She breathed out a light chuckle, resting her head on Leon’s chest again, and she offered Leon a promise.

“I’ll stay with you, Leon.”

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The Rhythm of Your Heartbeat (OC x Piers)Commissioned by @danni-dollarsignCommission info~~“What’re

The Rhythm of Your Heartbeat (OC x Piers)
Commissioned by @danni-dollarsign
Commission info


“What’re you fidgeting so much for?” Marnie asked as she languidly sprawled on the couch, her legs dangling over the arm. “Yer as ornery as Morpeko.”

“Huh?” her brother grunted, again pacing the length of their living room. “Nothin’, nothin’…”

“Yea, ‘mkay,” she said with a roll of her eyes as she returned to brushing the Morpeko sitting on her lap.

Piers grumbled a response that was intelligible to both of them. Truthfully, he had been wearing a rut in their carpet this entire week, pacing back and forth as he racked his brain for conversation topics to have with that woman he had seen around recently. Her name was Nora, she had a Misdreavous, and she had a booth set up sometimes in Spikemuth, sometimes in Hammerlocke, and sometimes he didn’t see her for days. That was all he knew about her. The frustrating part, however, was that he wanted to know moreabout her than just those three things. Like, if she was single, for one, and for two if she would bother wanting to hang out with a bloke like him.

The Gym Leader was unfortunately getting to the point where he would keep an eye out for her whenever he left town, and even to where he would purposefully trek to Hammerlocke after the sun had set, just to see if that booth was lining any of the streets in his town or the neighboring’s.

“’m goin’ out,” Piers said as he pulled on his jacket. He was met with an ‘aye’ from his sister, and soon stepped into the smoky air of Spikemuth in the night.

Neon lights buzzed as his shoes crunched along the streets, littered with empty bottles and cans and unfortunately no occult booths with beautiful women inside. Piers huffed, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets and scolding himself for how he was acting. It wasn’t like him to take evening strolls, nor was it like him to be pining after some stranger… and yet, here he was, his eyes scanning the streets and his feet moving forward despite himself.

This was stupid… if he got to the Pokémon Center with no sight of her, then he’d turn right around and give up on all this rubbish. He offered nods of greetings to the handful of fans he passed at the local bars and tourist spots – as touristy as Spikemuth could be, at least – and soon he saw the only greenery of Spikemuth flowering beside the doors of the Pokémon Center.

Alright, time to go back home and forget all this. Piers motioned to turn, only for his gaze to catch on someone stepping into town. His heart dropped, then thundered in his chest as he stood staring at Nora walking towards him. Long legs, graceful gait, mysterious eyes – Piers was suddenly finding it challenging to swallow, and yet he kept moving forward while both his thoughts and heart skipped.

She set down the bundle she was carrying, unfurling the tent as her Misdreavous flittered around her. Piers nearly jumped when her eyes met his, as apparently he had stepped right up to her without realizing.

“Oh, hello. I’m not open yet,” she said with a light smile. “Give me just a moment to set up and I’ll be right with you.”

It was like Piers’ brain was left in the rut in his living room carpet because all he offered as a response was a blank stare.


“’chu, um, help?” Piers stammered. Apparently, he left his vocabulary at home too.

“Um,” Nora said quietly. “Pardon?”

“D-D’you, uh, want some help?” Piers corrected, shaking his head into focus. “Hanging ou-, er, hanging up? Hanging that up? Hanging your tent up?”

Nora blinked a few times, as did Piers, as they both processed what the hell he just stuttered out. He wished he wasn’t so pale because he could practically feel his face burning with embarrassment. His mouth was as dry as a Cottonee so he didn’t risk saying anything after that monstrosity of a sentence.

“I usually do it myse-“

“Aye, right, right,” Piers blurted. “Sorry to be a bother, then, I’ll leave ya be.”

And with that, Piers turned on his heel and was immediately marching back home. His thoughts were whirring and thus he didn’t hear Nora finish her sentence.

“…but I wouldn’t mind some help,” she finished, her eyebrows pulling together as Piers escaped. She glanced to Misdreavous, who simply shrugged in response, and Nora went back to setting up her tent.

Before Piers knew it, he was stepping through his front door, grunting a greeting to Marnie who said ‘that was fast’, and then he flopped onto his mattress with a wumph.

So much for that.

Piers wasn’t too pleasant to be around the next few days according to Marnie, as all he would do was rotate between his angsty, moody, and sadboy playlists. When he finally emerged from his room to eat, Marnie cornered him.

“When was the last time ya went outside?” she huffed, hands on her hips. “Don’t you like, have to do your job?”

“’s fine,” Piers said as he brushed past her. “Challenge season ain’t here yet anyway.”

“Yer getting’ paler, Piers,” Marnie said. “Go outside today. Go train with Raihan or somethin’, your Pokémon shouldn’t suffer just ‘cuz you want to sulk.”

“Fine,” he said, deciding that his little sister was more than right about how he shouldn’t ignore his Pokémon. “I’ll text ‘im.”

It didn’t take long for the sun to set and for Piers to be on his way out again, this time passing the Pokémon Center, the Route 9 tunnel, and the gates of Hammerlocke. He forced himself to keep his gaze forward, and not drift along the roadside for sight of that familiar tent. All was going according to plan as he stepped into the city, past the Pokémon Center, and past the train station. It wasn’t until he reached the bottom of the staircase beside the station that he paused.

A whimsical noise was wafting through the air, almost ethereal in how it made the hair on his neck stand on end. Piers’ focus immediately rerouted from his upcoming training with Raihan to whatever that noise was, because he was certain it was coming from up the steps. He took them two at a time, now mesmerized by the ghostly music. He arrived at what looked to be a church – it was certainly a building he had never been in before – and his heart started pounding harder the closer he got, as the music was spilling out of the stained-glass windows. It was haunting, operatic, and one of the most beautiful things Piers had ever heard. He pulled open the doors to the church, craving for the song to be closer, closer, close enough to dwell in his bones. Who did that voice belong to? The building was dark, uninhabited, and when the doors rattled opened, the music stopped.

“Hello?” Piers called after a moment, his voice resounding off the domed ceilings. He waited a moment, then a moment more, before turning again to the doors. He suddenly heard the faint sound of shuffling, then the echo of a door closing. When he glanced up, he caught a brief glimpse of a purple figure wisping away.

No other sounds echoed, no other music played, so when the only noise in the church was his own breathing, Piers turned and left through the heavy double doors. When he was greeted by the night air again, a shuffling to his right caught his attention. It was that same wispy, purple figure, but beside that was the outline of a woman.

“Hey, wait!” Piers called suddenly, rushing up to her. “Was that you singing?”

The woman turned, her dark hair cascading over her shoulder. Yet again Piers’ breath caught, as those were the same mysterious eyes that had been occupying his mind for so long.

“Yes,” Nora said quietly. Piers had never noticed how her voice was almost a melody in itself. “I didn’t realize how much my voice was carrying, I apologize.”

“You’re amazing,” Piers breathed out. When Nora made no response, it was as if Piers’ entire consciousness finally caught up to him and he quickly shifted from an awe-struck gaze into one that was a bit like a Deerling in headlights “I-I mean, you, you uh, you gotta nice set of pipes. Not bad, I mean. Not that you’d be bad, I just, I-I didn’t realize you sang too. I sing, y’know. I’m in a band. Would you wanna duet sometime?”

“…pardon?” Nora asked, gray eyes quizzical.

“O-or ‘sthat weird? Sorry, I’ll jus-“

“Wait!” Nora blurted, reaching out to Piers. Her fingers curled around his wrist for only a second before she yanked her hand back again, but the touch still seemed to linger. “Yes, I would like to. That sounds nice.”

“Foreal?” Piers asked, blinking in surprise. “I-I mean great, that’s great. I’m Piers, by the way.”

“I know,” Nora said, her gaze bashfully flicking downward. The sight drew a bashful smile from Piers as well. “I’m Nora.”

“I know,” Piers repeated, his cheeks again staining pink. “I’ve noticed you in Spikemuth sometimes.”

A sweet anticipation filled the space between them, at least until Piers’ phone started vibrating madly in his pocket. Ah, shit, that’s right… Raihan.

“How about tomorrow? You can come to my place in Spikemuth?” Piers started. “I’d say let’s go now but I’m late for training and he won’t let me hear the end of it if I don’t show.”

“Tomorrow sounds good,” Nora said, offering Piers a soft smile. “Can I get your number in case I get lost?”

Piers nodded quick enough for his ponytail to threaten to come undone, and the two eagerly traded numbers. With a bashful goodbye from them both, Piers made his way to Raihan’s gym with a subtle spring in his step, humming a sweet song to himself.

Piers and Nora’s first song session went well, as did their second, third, fourth, and all of the rest until they lost count. Although they were no longer strangers to one another, Piers’ heart still seemed to rattle in his chest whenever Nora was close. She snuggled next to him, tucking her head under his chin in the exact way that made him melt. Marnie was off with some of her new friends, so it was just Piers and Nora left in the house, and even though they had plenty of space, they seemed to want to occupy as little as possible as they curled around each other.

“Piers?” Nora whispered, her breath warming his neck and yet sending shivers down his spine.


“I’m glad you came into the church that day.”

“Me too.”

Nothing else needed to be said, as their bodies both spoke volumes as they lay under the covers together. She was his song, he was her melody, and the rhythm of their hearts beat in tandem as they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

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As the City Sleeps (OC x Leon)
Commissioned by @lightningnose

Commission info

“You’re an idiot for thinking I could love a failure like you.”

The words echoed around him, clanging against the walls, against his head, into his ears like nails on a chalkboard. They shot straight into his heart, sitting there hard and heavy as he processed what she was saying.

“But, Ree…” Leon started, his voice strangled as if his lungs held no air. “You said that you loved me for me, that you always loved me for me. You said my title didn’t matter… that all of that didn’t matter…”

Leon wasn’t sure what was worse – Ree’s piercing laughter, or how she rolled her eyes at him, as if he were some idiotic child too stupid to understand the rules of whatever game she was playing. Her arms were crossed, eyes dark, as she stared him down.

“Who could actually love you after you lost? People love Champion Leon, not whatever nobody you are now. Looks like you’re useless andstupid.”

Leon’s heart shattered yet again, his chest feeling concave as he processed what she said, how she was looking at him, how she was speaking to him.

She was right. Who could love a failure? Who could love a nobody like him? He wasn’t the Champion, so he wasn’t anything. He was no longer the best, and that meant he was nothing. His friends would leave him. His family would leave him. Ree would… Ree would…

His chest tightened at the thought. And finally, with eyes cold, those three terrible words that Leon dreaded finally dripped from Ree’s lips.

“I’m leaving you.”

Leon woke with a start, gasping for air, his sheets saturated with a cold sweat. He whipped his head around, vision blurry, searching for that glare that had been so close. It took him a few moments to realize that he was alone in his Wyndon bedroom, and that the only sounds in the room were coming from the city in the night and the gasps he sucked in. Each breath came fast and heavy, in as if he were desperately trying to make up for the suffocation he felt only moments before. Ree’s sneering face had faded, replaced with his dark room and curtains lightly fluttering in the night breeze. Leon shook his head into focus, trying to think about anything that wasn’t Ree’s scowl that was now slowly fading. He saw curtains, windows, a dresser, his Poke Balls, his nightstand, and his clock that read 2am.

“A dream,” Leon mumbled to himself after a moment, and he again surveyed his surroundings to be sure that there were no more sneering faces awaiting him, and to ensure that experience truly was a dream. It took a moment, then a moment more, before he set his face in his hands, rubbing his eyes and heaving out a deep sigh.

It was just a dream. He was still in his apartment, he and Ree were still dating, and she was still sleeping soundly in the guest room. While they usually slept apart whenever she stayed over, his bed felt much too large and lonely after waking up from that terrible dream. Leon stepped into the bathroom, splashed some water on his face, then quietly padded to the guest room across the hall. With a lit rap on the door, he peeked his head in.

“Ree?” he whispered as his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room. “You up?”

Her body was silhouetted under the blankets, but she made no movement. Leon whispered her name again and she started to stir, filling the room with the soft rustling of sheets. Leon’s heart squeezed at the sight, and he gripped his shirt in his fists, stomach still a little queasy from that dream.

“Mmng,” Ree mumbled, pushing her hair out of her face as she turned to him. “Lee? ‘s that you?”

“Sorry to wake you, love,” Leon said, quietly stepping into the room. “Mind if I join you?”

Ree nodded instantly, flipping the covers as an invitation for Leon to slip in too. He did, and was soon enveloped in the warmth and calm that his girlfriend was always so good at supplying.

“’Skay? I mean - you okay?” Ree mumbled, slowly adjusting to being awake. She lifted herself up onto her elbow to see him more clearly, though her eyes were still a little puffy from sleep and the lines from the pillow were gently pressed into her face. “Did something happen?”

“Nightmare,” Leon replied with a sigh, running his fingers through his bangs as his brow furrowed. “It was pretty bad, you, you um…”

He trailed off, his stomach dropping again at that terrible image of Ree’s scowl. It was nothing like the expression she held now in reality, full of concern and love, but that didn’t mean that nightmare’s glare didn’t flash every time he closed his eyes. Leon scanned her face, sucking in an anxious breath before continuing his sentence.

“You left me,” he said. Immediately as he said those words, hot tears began to prick in his eyes. It was as if saying the words aloud stitched them into reality, and Leon didn’t realize how hard he was clutching the blankets until he felt Ree’s hands slide over his own. “You… you left me because I wasn’t Champion anymore. You said that… that I was a failure, and that no one could love a failure. So you left me.”

Just as his last word waivered, so did the tears in his eyes that were threatening to fall. His eyes stung so he squeezed them shut, hoping to keep the hot tears from spilling over.

“Oh, Lee,” Ree breathed, lifting her hand to cup his face. She brushed away the tear that had fallen with her thumb, and Leon held his hand against hers, pressing her touch into his cheek. “It was just a dream, okay? I’m here with you now, and I love you so much. There’s no way I could ever leave you.”

Leon nodded. He knew Ree would never lie to him, but there was still a part of him that was so raw, so beaten, so vulnerable, that he couldn’t stop his next sentence from slipping out.

“Even though I’m not the Champion?” he asked, searching her eyes. “You still love me?”

“Yes,” Ree said, breathing out a laugh. “Leon I love you, then, now, and forever. I don’t care if you’re the Champion or chairman or a garbage man or if you didn’t have a job at all. I love you, not your title, no matter what it may be.”

Leon nodded again, not sure what else to say. Ree leaned in a gently pressed a kiss to his forehead, then laid down and held her arms out for him. Leon quickly accepted the invitation and laid his head on her chest, breathing out a deep sigh as he felt the thrumming of her heartbeat against his ear. She ran her fingers through his hair, gently brushing his bangs off his face, then combing through the hair by his temple.

“I know this is hard for you,” Ree said quietly, still lightly running her fingers through his hair. “But I’m here for you, okay? This is another part of your journey that I want to help you with. You’re learning and growing, and I am so so proud of you. You’re doing such a great job.”

Leon nodded, his eyelids fluttering closed at the soothing feeling of her hands in his hair. He wrapped his arms around her, curling her as close as he could.

“Thank you, Ree,” Leon breathed, giving her a squeeze. Leon’s eyes were closed, so he didn’t see the dark blush that stained her cheeks at the gentility in his words. He felt a sentence start in her chest, only to pause, then she finally breathed it out, as soft and soothing as the light breeze that whispered through the open window. Just as the wind brushed and curled around the curtains, her words curled around his heart.

“I love you,” she said again. “I’m… I’m here for you, okay?”

“I know,” Leon hummed, leaning up to press a kiss to her chin. “I love you too. Thank you.”

She responded by leaning down and pressing a kiss to his lips, a motion which Leon gratefully accepted. She started to pull back, only for Leon to capture her lips in another kiss.

“I love you,” he mumbled again, still hovering above her lips. He could now see the flaring blush in her cheeks, and such a cute sight drew a chuckle from him.

“I love you too,” Ree repeated, face warm from the insistent blush. “Why don’t we get some sleep? I’ll be right here when you wake up.”

Leon nodded, resting his head on her chest again as Ree adjusted the blankets over them. The sound of her breathing, the feeling of her arms around him, and the lingering taste of her kiss helped Leon finally drift into a peaceful, calm, and dreamless sleep.

I’M  HERE  FOR  THE  NEXT  FEW  DAYS  .      i’m hoping to focus on some carrd templates and full blog revamps, so i currently have 3 SLOTS OPEN right now.  i have to earn some money to purchase some work clothes so any tips, donations, and purchases of carrd templates would help me!   important links are below, and dm’s are open for inquiries. 


ALL THE PROCEEDS FROM THESE COMMISSIONS WILL BE GOING TOWARD MEDICAL EXPENSES.   i am currently struggling to be able to afford my MRI and EEG tests as i have been experiencing seizures, so i’ve decided to open up character bio commissions + fanfic commissions for a limited time! 

FANFIC / WRITING /  CHARACTER BIO COMMISSIONS .    i am open to writing most thing with fandoms and characters i am familiar with, or oc’s / nameless pieces of writing as well as far as fanfics go. i am also able to write character bios!  as long as you can provide me with information about your character’s story and basic about information, i’m more than happy to write a bio for them! 

GUIDELINES .    be patient. sometimes i can deliver your piece of writing in a day, sometimes i can deliver it in a week. but sometimes it takes me up to two weeks, and while i will keep you updated you must absolutely be patient with me. do not steal or post my writing as your own, and be respectful of my boundaries.  if you are requesting nsfw pieces of writing, you MUST be over 18. absolutely no exceptions. 


  • 200-300 words: 10 USD
  • 400-600 words: 15 USD
  • 800-1000 words: 25 USD
  • 1500 - 2000 words: 30 USD


** every chapter will have 1000-2000 words. 

  • 2 chapters: 40 USD
  • 3 chapters: 50 USD

THINGS I WILL NOT WRITE .   i will not write inc*st, p*dophilia, anything taboo what-so-ever. i do not feel comfortable writing any kind of r*pe, bodily fluid play, or anything related.  i will not write self harm, eating disorders, etc.   and  i cannot write any fandoms that i’m not familiar with, unfortunately.  the only exception to this is if you are asking for a character bio that i can go off the information of a wikipedia for. 

HOW YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR PIECE OF WRITING .   i can deliver your piece of writing via google doc, discord, or on ao3 if it is a fanfic. if it is anything nsfw, i prefer to post via google doc however this can be negotiated depending on what content you’re asking for.  bios will be sent either through discord or through google doc.

PAYMENT FORMS .   i accept venmo, cashapp, ko-fi, and paypal.  you must pay at least half before and half after, or entirely upfront. 

FANFICTION / ONE SHOT EXAMPLES .    example oneexample twoexample three. 

BIOGRAPHY EXAMPLES .    canon character biography.   original character biography.  


Hey y’all! I decided to start a Ko-Fi yesterday!

If anyone wants to support my writing and such I’d very much appreciate a coffee!

If you can’t, don’t worry! I still love you!❤️

Sharing this post would mean a lot to me if you can’t buy a coffee!

You can also buy commissions here as well!

☕️ = $3 (my application and love)

☕️ x5 = $15 (One full commission aka 1.5k+ words)

☕️ x3 = $9 (One smaller commission 1k words)

Any bit of support helps, especially during this time in my life because I’m moving to Cali very soon for college!

My Ko-Fi account can be found here!
